Beta vulgaris Health Dictionary

Beta Vulgaris: From 1 Different Sources

Linn. subsp. cicla (L.) Moq.

Synonym: B. vulgaris auct. non L.

Family: Chenopodiacae.

Habitat: Native to Mediterranean region; cultivated in North India, Maharashtra and South India.

English: Beet Root, Garden Beet, Chard.

Ayurvedic: Palanki.

Folk: Chukandar.

Action: Leaf—used in burns and bruises, also for diseases of spleen and liver. Tuber and seed— expectorant. Leaf and seed— diuretic. Leaf, tuber and seed— anti-inflammatory. Seed oil— analgesic.

Beet roots are eaten raw as salad or cooked. The leaves are nutritionally superior to roots and are a good source of vitamins and minerals.

The plant contains alkaloids ofwhich betaine is a mild diuretic and emme- nagogue.

In research, using rats, chard increased regeneration of beta cells in pancreas. Maximum reduction of blood glucose was after 42 days of administration. (J Ethnopharmacol, 2000, 73: 251-259.)

Beets are used orally as a supportive therapy in the treatment of liver diseases and fatty liver (possibly due to betaine). Ingestion of large quantities might worsen kidney disease. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Beta Blockers

Drugs used to slow the response to epinephrine (released by the adrenal medulla), usually to attempt controlling high blood pressure... beta blockers

Lupus Vulgaris

Tubercula skin disease, with small apple-jelly yellow nodules progressing to ulceration. Distribution: face, neck and mucous surfaces of mouth and nose. Non-itching. Skin thickens and discolours. Nose may be eroded and deformed.

Treatment. Because of plastic surgery deformities are now seldom seen, yet herbalism may still have a case in the absence of conventional drugs.

Teas. Elecampane. Gotu Kola.

Red Clover compound.

Arthur Barker. Liquid Extract Echinacea 1oz; Liquid Extract Queen’s Delight half an ounce; Tincture Goldenseal 30 drops. Syr Senna 2oz. Distilled, or pure spring water to 8oz. Dose: 1 dessertspoon after meals.

Topical. Marshmallow and Slippery Elm poultices or ointment. Oil of Mullein. Aloe Vera. Castor oil packs. ... lupus vulgaris

Artemisia Vulgaris

Linn. var. nilagirica Clarke.

Synonym: A. nilagirica (Clarke) Pamp.

Family: Compositae; Asteraceae.

Habitat: The hilly regions of India, also in Mount Abu in Rajasthan, in western Ghats, and from Konkan southward to Kerala.

English: Indian Wormwood, Fleabane, Dungwort, Mugwort, Wild Wormwood.

Ayurvedic: Damanaka, Pushpachaa- mara, Gandhotkata. (Related sp.: A. siversiana Ehrh. ex Willd.)

Unani: Afsanteen-e-Hindi. (National Formularly of Unani Medicine clubbed it with Baranjaasif.)

Siddha/Tamil: Maasipattiri.

Folk: Daunaa, Damanaa.

Action: Leaf—emmenagogue, menstrual regulator, nervine, stomachic (in anorexia and dyspepsia), an- thelmintic, choleretic, diaphoretic.

An infusion of flower tops is administered in nervous and spasmodic affections. The herb is also used as an antilithic. Oil from leaves— antibacterial, antifungal in 1:1000 dilution.

Key application: As emmenagogue. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)

The plant yields about 0.34% of an essential oil. Plants at lower altitude had more percentage of cineol, thu- jone, thujyl and citral, whereas from higher altitude terpenes are in higher percentage. The highest amount of cineol was reported to be 30%.

The plant is also used as an inferior substitute for cinchona in fevers.... artemisia vulgaris

Barbarea Vulgaris

R. Br.

Family: Brassicaceae, Cruciferae.

Habitat: Subalpine and temperate Himalayas, at altitudes of 1,8003,750 m.

English: Bitter Cress, Hedge Mustard, Yellow Rocket, Winter Cress.

Folk: Cress.

Action: Diuretic, anthelmintic, stomachic, antiscorbutic, (leaves are rich in vitamin C 130 mg/100 g). Pulverised herb is used as an agent for stimulating spermatogenesis.

The roots contain sinigrin; seeds contain a glucoside, glucobarbarin, and myrosin.

The protein and phosphorus contents of the plant decrease with the maturity, whereas the calcium contents increase (tender stems are eaten as a salad). The leaves and buds are a rich source of provitamin A (beta- carotene).... barbarea vulgaris

Berberis Vulgaris


Family: Berberidaceae.

Habitat: Distributed in Northwestern Himalayas.

English: Common Barberry, True Barberry.

Ayurvedic: Daruharidraa (var.).

Folk: Chatrod, Kashmal.

Action: Root and bark—used for ailments of gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, kidney and urinary tract, respiratory tract, also as a febrifuge and blood purifier.

Key application: Listed by German Commission E among unapproved herbs.

An extract with 80% berberine and additional alkaloids stimulated the bile secretion of rats by 72%. (PDR.) As cholagogue. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)

The main alkaloid is berberine (well tolerated up to 0.5 g). Berries are safe.

Bererine in small doses stimulates the respiratory system; poisonings have been observed from overdoses. Poisonings from the total herb have not been reported. (German Commission E.)

Berberine is bactericidal, amoebici- dal and trypanocidal. Berberine is an- tidiarrhoeal, asitentersinto the cytosol or binds to the cell membrane and inhibits the catalytic unit of andenylate cyclase. It is active in vitro and in animals against cholera.

Berberine stimulates bile secretion and shows sedative, hypotensive, anti- convulsant and uterine stimulant activity in animals. Alkaloid bermarine is also strongly antibacterial. It has been shown to increase white blood cell and platelet counts in animals with iatro- genic leukocytopaenia.

Berberine, berbamine and jatror- rhizine are hypotensive and sedative.

Many of the alkaloids are antineo- plastic.

The alkaloid berbamine (50 mg three times daily for 1-4 weeks) helped reverse leukopaenia induced by benzene, cancer chemotherapy or radiotherapy in a clinical study. (Francis Brinker.)

Berberine, when combined with pyrimethamine, was more effective than combinations with other antibiotics in treating chloroquine-resistant malaria. (Sharon M. Herr.)... berberis vulgaris

Beta (i) Error

See “Type II error”.... beta (i) error

Beta Adrenoceptor

See ADRENERGIC RECEPTORS.... beta adrenoceptor

Beta Lactams

Antibiotics with a beta-lactam ring in their molecular structure, including the penicillins and the cephalosporins. Act on penicillin binding proteins in the mucopeptides of the bacterial cell wall. Can be destroyed bybacterial beta-lactamases.... beta lactams

Beta Agonist

see sympathomimetic.... beta agonist

Beta Cells

see islets of Langerhans.... beta cells

Beta-lactam Antibiotic

one of a group of drugs that includes the *penicillins and the *cephalosporins. All have a four-membered beta-lactam ring as part of their molecular structure. Beta-lactam antibiotics function by interfering with the growth of the cell walls of multiplying bacteria. Bacteria become resistant to these antibiotics by producing beta-lactamases, enzymes (such as *penicillinase) that disrupt the beta-lactam ring. To counteract this, beta-lactamase inhibitors (e.g. *clavulanic acid) may be added to beta-lactam antibiotics. For example, co-amoxiclav is a mixture of *amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.... beta-lactam antibiotic

Beta-adrenoceptor-blocking Drugs

Also called beta blockers, these drugs interrupt the transmission of neuronal messages via the body’s adrenergic receptor sites. In the HEART these are called beta1 (cardioselective) receptors. Another type – beta2 (non-cardioselective) receptors – is sited in the airways, blood vessels, and organs such as the eye, liver and pancreas. Cardioselective beta blockers act primarily on beta1 receptors, whereas non-cardioselective drugs act on both varieties, beta1 and beta2. (The neurotransmissions interrupted at the beta-receptor sites through the body by the beta blockers are initiated in the ADRENAL GLANDS: this is why these drugs are sometimes described as beta-adrenergic-blocking agents.)

They work by blocking the stimulation of beta adrenergic receptors by the neurotransmitters adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are produced at the nerve endings of that part of the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM – the autonomous (involuntary) network

– which facilitates the body’s reaction to anxiety, stress and exercise – the ‘fear and ?ight’ response.

Beta1 blockers reduce the frequency and force of the heartbeat; beta2 blockers prevent vasodilation (increase in the diameter of blood vessels), thus in?uencing the patient’s blood pressure. Beta1 blockers also affect blood pressure, but the mechanism of their action is unclear. They can reduce to normal an abnormally fast heart rate so the power of the heart can be concomitantly controlled: this reduces the oxygen requirements of the heart with an advantageous knock-on e?ect on the respiratory system. These are valuable therapeutic effects in patients with ANGINA or who have had a myocardial infarction (heart attack – see HEART, DISEASES OF), or who suffer from HYPERTENSION. Beta2 blockers reduce tremors in muscles elsewhere in the body which are a feature of anxiety or the result of thyrotoxicosis (an overactive thyroid gland – see under THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF). Noncardioselective blockers also reduce the abnormal pressure caused by the increase in the ?uid in the eyeball that characterises GLAUCOMA.

Many beta-blocking drugs are now available; minor therapeutic di?erences between them may in?uence the choice of a drug for a particular patient. Among the common drugs are:

Primarily cardioselective Non-cardioselective
Acebutolol Labetalol
Atenolol Nadolol
Betaxolol Oxprenolol
Celiprolol Propanolol
Metoprolol Timolol

These powerful drugs have various side-effects and should be prescribed and monitored with care. In particular, people who suffer from asthma, bronchitis or other respiratory problems may develop breathing diffculties. Long-term treatment with beta blockers should not be suddenly stopped, as this may precipitate a severe recurrence of the patient’s symptoms – including, possibly, a sharp rise in blood pressure. Gradual withdrawal of medication should mitigate untoward effects.... beta-adrenoceptor-blocking drugs

Brunella Vulgaris


Synonym: Prunella vulgaris Linn.

Family: Labiatae; Lamiaceae.

Habitat: The Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhutan at altitudes of 1,400-4,000 m, in Khasi Hills and hills of South India.

English: Self-heal.

Unani: Substitute for Ustukhudduus. (Lavandula stoechas Linn.)

Folk: Dhaaru.

Action: Wound healing, expectorant, antiseptic, astringent, haemostatic, antispasmodic. Leaf- used in piles; and as a cooling herb for fevers.

The herb contains vitamins A, B, C and K; flavonoids; rutin. Flower spikes are liver-restorative, hypotensive, an- tioxidant.

Lupeol, stigmasterol and beta-sitos- terol are obtained from the unsapo- nifiable fraction from the leaves, the saponifiable fraction gave lauric,... brunella vulgaris

Citrullus Vulgaris


Synonym: C. lanatus (Thunb.) Matsumura & Nakai.

Family: Cucurbitaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated throughout India on sandy river beds, up to an altitude of 1,500 m.

English: Watermelon.

Ayurvedic: Kalinga.

Unani: Tarbuz.

Siddha: Poiychaviral, Tharbuza- palam (Tamil.

Action: Pulp—cooling and refreshing, a rich source of pectin, carotenoids, surcose (as major sugar). Fruit juice is prescribed in strangury and urinary complaints, also in hepatic congestion and intestinal catarrh. Seeds—cooling, purgative, diuretic, demulcent (used in urinary infections). Leaves— febrifuge. The pericarp is given in diarrhoea.

Watermelon juice contains citrullin (0.17%) and arginine, which are thought to increase urea production in the liver, thus increasing the flow of urine.

The seeds possess a high lipase activity comparable to that of wheat germ, in addition to high lipoxygenase, urease and trypsin-inhibitor activities. Aqueous extract of the seeds also exhibit amylase inhibitor activity. The seed oil is used as a substitute for almond oil.

The roots of mature plant contain a triterpene, bryonolic acid. Bryono- lic acid possesses a stronger antiallergic activity with lesser side effects than that of glycyrrhetinic acid, the aglycone of glycyrrhizin, used clinically in Japan for the treatment of allergy and hepatitis.... citrullus vulgaris

Opuntia Vulgaris


Family: Cactaceae.

Habitat: Throughout the greater part of India.

English: Prickly Pear.

Ayurvedic: Naagaphani (var.).

Action: In homoeopathy, a tincture made from the flowers and wood, is given for diarrhoea and splenomegaly.

The fresh stalks yielded calcium magnesium pectate which exhibited antihaemorrhagic action. A flavono- side has been obtained from dried flowers. It resembles rutoside in its action of inhibiting capillary fragility. The flavonoside on hydrolysis produces trihydroxy-methoxy-flavonol and glucose. The plant is reported to contain an alkaloid. It also yields a mucilage which gives arabinose and galactose. to convalescents suffering from chronic diarrhoea and bilious fevers. Allays irritation of gastrointestinal tracts.

Orchis species (Salep) contain mucilage (up to 50%)-glucans, gluco- mannans (partially acetylized), starch (25%), proteins (5-15%).

The leaves of Orchis latifolia contain a glucoside, loroglossin. Most of the Salep used in Unani medicine is imported from Iran and Afghanistan.

Allium macleanii Baker (Afghanistan) is known as Baadashaahi (royal) Saalab, and is used as a substitute for Munjaataka.

Dosage: Tuber—3-5 g powder. (CCRAS.)... opuntia vulgaris

Phaseolus Vulgaris


Synonym: P. nanus Linn.

Family: Fabaceae.

English: Kidney Bean, French Bean, Haricot Bean.

Unani: Raajmah (seed), Lobia, Frashbean.

Action: Bean—diuretic, hypotensive, resolvent, regulates blood sugar. Used for water retention; albuminuria, especially of pregnancy; premenstrual tension.

Key application: Seed-free pods—in supportive treatment for inability to urinate. (German Commission E.)

The seeds of French Bean contain triterpenoid glucosides and soyasaponin V.

Raajmah consumption by diabetic patients is reported to produce highly significant reduction in their blood glucose level and glycaemic index, as compared to wheat and rice consumption.

Raw bean contains lectins which are destroyed when cooked. Its hypogly- caemic activity is most likely due to its chromium, trigonelline and fiber content. (Sharon M. Herr.)... phaseolus vulgaris

Primula Vulgaris


Primula denticulata Sm.

Family: Primulaceae.

Habitat: Temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhutan and in Khasi and Jaintia hills at 1,500 m.

Folk: Keechey (Tibet).

Action: Root—powder used for killing leeches. Flowers—eaten in salad.

The whole plant contains several tri- terpenoid saponins.

Primula veris Linn., synonym P officinalis Hill and P. elatior Hill are grown in Indian gardens.

Key application: Primula veris, P. elatior Hill—the flower and the root in catarrhs of the respiratory tract. (German Commission E, ESCOP.) Contraindicated in gastritis and gastric ulcer. (ESCOP.)

Synonym: P. acaulis Hill.

Family: Primulaceae.

Habitat: Sub-Himalayan region.

English: Primrose (Evening Primrose is equated with Oenothera biennis), Cowslip.

Unani: Nakhud. (Also equated with Cicer arietinum by National Formulary of Unani Medicine.)

Action: Plant—anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, vermifuge, emetic. Used only externally.

The plant gave phenolic glycosides, flavonoids, saponins.... primula vulgaris

Syringa Vulgaris


Family: Oleaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated in gardens in the hills.

English: Common Lilac.

Action: Bark, leaves and capsules— used as antipyretic, especially in chronic malaria, and as vermifuge. Leaf extract—antipyretic.

The leaves, flowers and bark contain the glucoside, syringin and syringopi- crin. Syringin is also present in the roots and fruits; mannitol has been reported in leaves, bark and fruits. The leaves contain 131.6 mg/100 g ofvitamin C. Ursolic acid has also been reported in the plant.... syringa vulgaris

Acne, Vulgaris

Inflammatory sebaceous skin disease with pustules, papules and cysts found frequently in adolescents at commencement of puberty when the sebaceous (grease) glands become more active. Blackheads are formed by blockage of follicles with sebum. A black pigment, melanin, concentrates on the top of the hair follicle forming a plug.

Lesions may appear on face, neck and chest. Worse in winter, better in summer. Acne vulgaris has blackheads (comedones) that distinguish it from acne rosacea. Studies show low zinc levels. The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia records Poke root singularly effective. Medicines containing iodine and bromine (Kelp) should be avoided. Dr Edward Frankel, Los Angeles, warns against use of Vaseline which, through build-up of bacteria, may cause pustular reaction.

Alternatives. Teas. Agrimony, Alfalfa, Burdock leaves, Chamomile, Dandelion, Figwort, Gotu Kola, Heartsease, Hibiscus, Marigold petals, Mate tea, Nettles, Redbush (rooibos), Rose Hip, Violet, Wood Betony.

Tablets/capsules. Blue Flag, Dandelion, Echinacea, Queen’s Delight, Seaweed and Sarsaparilla, Poke root, Devil’s Claw, Goldenseal.

Formula. Echinacea 2; Blue Flag 1; Poke root half. Dose – Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 30-60 drops. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. Thrice daily before meals. Evening Primrose oil. Success reported.

Maria Treben. Nettle tea.

French traditional. Horse radish vinegar.

Greek traditional. Marigold petal poultice.

Topical. cleanse lesions with distilled extract of Witch Hazel or fresh lemon juice. Follow with Marshmallow and Slippery Elm ointment, dilute Tea Tree oil, Evening Primrose oil, Jojoba or Aloe Vera gel. Thyme Lotion (Blackmore’s).

Aromatherapy. Sandalwood oil. Or Lavender and Tea Tree oils.

Diet. Lacto-vegetarian. Low fat, low carbohydrate. Avoid chocolate, cow’s milk, sugars and drinks that induce facial flushing. Raw fruit and vegetables.

Supplements. Vitamins A, B-complex, B6, C, E. Chromium, Selenium, Zinc. ... acne, vulgaris


Precursor of Vitamin A. Increases resistance against infection. Antioxidant. Together with Vitamins C and E form a vital line of defence in protection of strands of DNA, the genetic code, from cancerous mutation. Immune booster. Increases lymphocytes and T cells, part of the defence system.

Deficiency. Sun sensitivity; exposure inducing itching, burning and swelling of the skin. Kidney, bladder, and gut infections. Severe earache in young children. Strokes, heart attacks.

It is claimed that those who eat a diet rich in beta-carotene are less likely to develop certain types of cancer.

Smokers usually have low levels of beta-carotene in the blood. Statistics suggest that people who eat a lot of beta-carotene foods are less likely to develop lung, mouth or stomach cancer. In existing cases a slow-down of the disease is possible.

Daily dose. Up to 300mg. Excess may manifest as yellow discoloration of the skin, giving appearance of sun-tan.

Sources. Mature ripe carrots of good colour. A Finland study suggests that four small carrots contain sufficient beta-carotene to satisfy the recommended daily amount of Vitamin A. Orange and dark green fruits and vegetables. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, pumpkin, apricots, peaches, oranges, tomatoes. Harvard Medical School study. Among 333 subjects with a history of heart disease, those who received beta-carotene supplements of 50 milligrams every other day suffered half as many heart attacks as those taking placebos. (Dr Charles Hennekens, Harvard Medical School) ... beta-carotene

Beta-blocker Drugs

A group of drugs, also known as beta-adrenergic blocking agents, prescribed principally to treat heart and circulatory disorders such as angina and hypertension. Beta-blockers block the effects of the sympathetic nervous system, which releases adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) at nerve endings that are known as beta receptors.

There are 2 types of beta receptor: beta 1 and beta 2. Beta 1 receptors are present in the heart and blood vessels, and beta 2 in the lungs. Some betablockers (such as acebutolol, atenolol, and metoprolol) are termed cardioselective and, because they act mostly on beta 1 receptors, are used mainly to treat heart disease such as angina, hypertension, and cardiac arrhythmia. The drugs are sometimes given after a myocardial infarction (heart attack) to reduce the likelihood of further damage to the heart muscle.

Other types of beta-blocker, such as oxprenolol, propranolol, and timolol, may be given to prevent migraine attacks by acting on blood vessels in the head; reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety; or control the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. Beta-blocker drugs such as timolol are sometimes given in the

form of eye drops to treat glaucoma and work by lowering the fluid pressure in the eyeball.

Beta-blockers may reduce an individual’s capacity for strenuous exercise. The drugs may worsen the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, or other forms of lung disease. They may also reduce the flow of blood to the limbs, causing cold hands and feet. In addition, sleep disturbance and depression can be side effects of beta-blockers.... beta-blocker drugs

Beta Blocker

(beta-adrenergic receptor blocker) a drug that prevents stimulation of the beta *adrenoceptors at the nerve endings of the sympathetic nervous system. Blockade of ?1 receptors causes a decrease in heart rate and force; blockade of ?2 receptors causes constriction of the airways and the arteries. Beta blockers include *acebutolol, *atenolol, *bisoprolol, *oxprenolol, *propranolol, and *sotalol; they are used to control abnormal heart rhythms, to treat angina, and to reduce high blood pressure (although they are no longer regarded by some experts as the first choice of drug for treating hypertension in the absence of heart disease, being less effective than newer antihypertensive drugs). Beta blockers that block both ?1 and ?2 receptor sites cause constriction of air passages in the lungs, and these drugs should not be used in patients with asthma and bronchospasm. Other beta blockers are relatively selective for the heart (cardioselective) and are less likely to constrict the airways. Some beta blockers (e.g. *carteolol, *levobunolol, and *timolol) reduce the production of aqueous humour and therefore the pressure inside the eye; they are taken as eye drops in the treatment of *glaucoma.... beta blocker

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