Beth Health Dictionary

Beth: From 1 Different Sources

(English) Form of Elizabeth, meaning “my God is bountiful” Bethe
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


(Hebrew) From the house of confidence

Bethebara, Bethabarra, Bethebarra, Bethbara, Bethbarra... bethabara


(Hebrew) From the house of figs Bethan, Bethani, Bethanie, Bethanee, Bethaney, Bethane, Bethann, Bethanne, Bethanea, Bethaneah... bethany


(Hebrew) A maidservant of God Bethia, Betheah, Bethiya, Bethya, Betia, Betje, Bethiyah, Bethyah... bethea


(Hebrew) Of the house of God Bethell, Bethele, Bethelle, Bethelia, Betheliya, Betheli, Bethelie, Bethely, Bethelee, Bethiar, Betheley, Betheleigh, Bethelea, Betheleah... bethel


(Hebrew) From the house of mercy

Bethseda, Bethsaida... bethesda

Beth Root

Wake Robin. Lamb’s Quarter. Birth Root. Trillium erectum L. Part used: rhizome. Action. Genito-urinary anti-haemorrhagic; alterative; soothing tonic astringent. “Natural sex-hormone precursor” (D. Hoffman)

Uses: Used in American Indian medicine for excessive bleeding from the womb, and for easy childbirth. Bleeding from lungs, kidneys, bladder and uterine fibroids. Flooding of the menopause. Candida, leucorrhoea (decoction used as a vaginal douche).

To strengthen female constitution.

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Decoction. Half-2 grams to each cupful water simmered gently 10 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup. Liquid extract. 10-30 drops in water.

Tincture. BHP (1983) 1:5 in 40 per cent alcohol.

Dose: 1-4ml in water.

Powdered root. Half-2 grams in capsules.

Poultice: for bleeding ulcers: equal parts Beth root and Slippery Elm bark powder. Snuff: for nosebleed.

Douche (per vagina). 1oz to 2 pints water (decoction). Allow to cool; inject warm. ... beth root

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