Breech presentation Health Dictionary

Breech Presentation: From 2 Different Sources

By the 32nd week of pregnancy most babies are in a head-down position in the womb. Up to 4 per cent of them, however, have their buttocks (breech) presenting at the neck of the womb. If the baby is still a breech presentation at the 34th to 35th week the obstetrician may, by external manipulation, try to turn it to the head-down position. If this is not successful, the fetus is left in the breech position. Breech deliveries are more di?cult for mother and baby because the buttocks are less e?cient than the head at dilating the cervix and vagina. An EPISIOTOMY is usually necessary to assist delivery, and obstetric FORCEPS may also have to be applied to the baby’s head. If the infant and/or the mother become unduly distressed, the obstetrician may decide to deliver the baby by CAESAREAN SECTION; some obstetricians prefer to deliver most breech-presentation babies using this method. (See PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.)
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
the position of a baby in the uterus such that it will be delivered buttocks first (instead of the normal head-first delivery). This type of delivery increases the risk of damage to the baby. See also Burns-Marshall manoeuvre; cephalic version; Løvset’s manoeuvre; Mauriceau–Smellie–Viet manoeuvre.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Breech Delivery

See BREECH PRESENTATION.... breech delivery


The appearance in labour of some particular part of the child’s body at the mouth of the uterus (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR). This is a head presentation in 96 per cent of cases, but in a certain number the breech (or buttocks) may present, or the face, or foot, or even a part of the trunk in cases of cross-birth.

The term is also used for the symptoms or signs with which a patient ?rst brings to a doctor.... presentation

Cord Presentation

the position of the umbilical cord when it lies below the presenting part of the fetus in an intact bag of membranes. See also cord prolapse.... cord presentation

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