Charlotte Health Dictionary

Charlotte: From 1 Different Sources

(French) Form of Charles, mean° ing “a small, strong woman” Charlize, Charlot, Charlotta
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


(English) Feminine form of Charles; a small, strong woman Charlee, Charlene, Charli, Charlie, Charly, Charlyn, Charlynn, Charlaine, Charlayne, Charleen, Charleena, Charleigh, Charlena, Charlette, Charline, Charlisa, Charlita, Charlize, Charlot, Charlotta, Charlotte, Carlita, Carlota, Carlotta, Chatlie, Cattie, Charlea... charla


(French) Form of Charlotte, meaning “a small, strong woman” Lotti, Lotty, Lotte, Lottey, Lottee, Lotta, Loti, Lotie, Lotye, Letya, Letje, Lottea, Lotea... lottie

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