Constitutional Health Dictionary

Constitutional: From 1 Different Sources

Deriving from basic hereditary strengths and weaknesses, and including early environmental factors.
Health Source: Herbal Medical
Author: Health Dictionary


An archaic term meaning constitutional or inherited state giving an individual a predisposition towards a disease, a group of diseases or a structural or metabolic abnormality. An example is HAEMOPHILIA, a bleeding disorder.... diathesis

Duodenal Ulcer

This disorder is related to gastric ulcer (see STOMACH, DISEASES OF), both being a form of chronic peptic ulcer. Although becoming less frequent in western communities, peptic ulcers still affect around 10 per cent of the UK population at some time. Duodenal ulcers are 10–15 times more common than gastric ulcers, and occur in people aged from 20 years onwards. The male to female ratio for duodenal ulcer varies between 4:1 and 2:1 in di?erent communities. Social class and blood groups are also in?uential, with duodenal ulcer being more common among the upper social classes, and those of blood group O.

Causes It is likely that there is some abrasion, or break, in the lining membrane (or mucosa) of the stomach and/or duodenum, and that it is gradually eroded and deepened by the acidic gastric juice. The bacterium helicobacter pylori is present in the antrum of the stomach of people with peptic ulcers; 15 per cent of people infected with the bacterium develop an ulcer, and the ulcers heal if H. pylori is eradicated. Thus, this organism has an important role in creating ulcers. Mental stress may possibly be a provocative factor. Smoking seems to accentuate, if not cause, duodenal ulcer, and the drinking of alcohol is probably harmful. The apparent association with a given blood group, and the fact that relatives of a patient with a peptic ulcer are unduly likely to develop such an ulcer, suggest that there is some constitutional factor.

Symptoms and signs Peptic ulcers may present in di?erent ways, but chronic, episodic pain lasting several months or years is most common. Occasionally, however, there may be an acute episode of bleeding or perforation, or obstruction of the gastric outlet, with little previous history. Most commonly there is pain of varying intensity in the middle or upper right part of the abdomen. It tends to occur 2–3 hours after a meal, most commonly at night, and is relieved by some food such as a glass of milk; untreated it may last up to an hour. Vomiting is unusual, but there is often tenderness and sti?ness (‘guarding’) of the abdominal muscles. Con?rmation of the diagnosis is made by radiological examination (‘barium meal’), the ulcer appearing as a niche on the ?lm, or by looking at the ulcer directly with an endoscope (see FIBREOPTIC ENDOSCOPY). Chief complications are perforation of the ulcer, leading to the vomiting of blood, or HAEMATEMESIS; or less severe bleeding from the ulcer, the blood passing down the gut, resulting in dark, tarry stools (see MELAENA).

Treatment of a perforation involves initial management of any complications, such as shock, haemorrhage, perforation, or gastric outlet obstruction, usually involving surgery and blood replacement. Medical treatment of a chronic ulcer should include regular meals, and the avoidance of fatty foods, strong tea or co?ee and alcohol. Patients should also stop smoking and try to reduce the stress in their lives. ANTACIDS may provide symptomatic relief. However, the mainstay of treatment involves four- to six-week courses with drugs such as CIMETIDINE and RANITIDINE. These are H2 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS which heal peptic ulcers by reducing gastric-acid output. Of those relapsing after stopping this treatment, 60–95 per cent have infection with H. pylori. A combination of BISMUTH chelate, amoxycillin (see PENICILLIN; ANTIBIOTICS) and METRONIDAZOLE – ‘triple regime’ – should eliminate the infection: most physicians advise the triple regime as ?rst-choice treatment because it is more likely to eradicate Helicobacter and this, in turn, enhances healing of the ulcer or prevents recurrence. Surgery may be necessary if medical measures fail, but its use is much rarer than before e?ective medical treatments were developed.... duodenal ulcer


Dwar?sm, or short stature, refers to underdevelopment of the body. The condition, which has various causes, is not common. All children who by the age of ?ve years are at least what is technically known as ‘three standard deviations below the mean’ – well below average size for children of that age – should be referred for specialist advice. Among the causes are:

•genetic: familial; abnormalities of chromosomes, for example, TURNER’S SYNDROME; abnormal skeletal development; and failure of primary growth.

intrauterine growth retardation: maternal disorders; placental abnormalities; multiple fetuses.

constitutional delay in normal growth.

systemic conditions: nutritional de?ciencies; gastrointestinal absorption disorders; certain chronic diseases; psychosocial deprivation; endocrine malfunctions, including HYPOTHYROIDISM, CUSHING’S SYNDROME, RICKETS, dysfunction of the PITUITARY GLAND which produces growth hormone, the endocrine growth controller. Treatment of short stature is, where possible,

to remedy the cause: for example, children with hypothyroidism can be given THYROXINE. Children who are not growing properly should be referred for expert advice to determine the diagnosis and obtain appropriate curative or supportive treatments.... dwarfism


Overly anabolic; used here to describe the constitutional, not pathologic state... hypercortical


Elevated thyroid levels, either functional and constitutional in nature or the more profound state of thyrotoxicosis and overt disease... hyperthyroid


A periodic change occurring in (female) human beings and the higher apes, consisting chie?y in a ?ow of blood from the cavity of the womb (UTERUS) and associated with various slight constitutional disturbances. It begins between the ages of 12 and 15, as a rule – although its onset may be delayed until as late as 20, or it may begin as early as ten or 11. Along with its ?rst appearance, the body develops the secondary sex characteristics: for example, enlargement of the BREASTS, and characteristic hair distribution. The duration of each menstrual period varies in di?erent persons from 2– 8 days. It recurs in the great majority of cases with regularity, most commonly at intervals of 28 or 30 days, less often with intervals of 21 or 27 days, and ceasing only during pregnancy and lactation, until the age of 45 or 50 arrives, when it stops altogether – as a rule ceasing early if it has begun early, and vice versa. The ?nal stoppage is known as the MENOPAUSE or the CLIMACTERIC.

Menstruation depends upon a functioning ovary (see OVARIES) and this upon a healthy PITUITARY GLAND. The regular rhythm may depend upon a centre in the HYPOTHALAMUS, which is in close connection with the pituitary. After menstruation, the denuded uterine ENDOMETRIUM is regenerated under the in?uence of the follicular hormone, oestradiol. The epithelium of the endometrium proliferates, and about a fortnight after the beginning of menstruation great development of the endometrial glands takes place under the in?uence of progesterone, the hormone secreted by the CORPUS LUTEUM. These changes are made for the reception of the fertilised OVUM. In the absence of fertilisation the uterine endometrium breaks down in the subsequent menstrual discharge.

Disorders of menstruation In most healthy women, menstruation proceeds regularly for 30 years or more, with the exceptions connected with childbirth. In many women, however, menstruation may be absent, excessive or painful. The term amenorrhoea is applied to the condition of absent menstruation; the terms menorrhagia and metrorrhagia describe excessive menstrual loss – the former if the excess occurs at the regular periods, and the latter if it is irregular. Dysmenorrhoea is the name given to painful menstruation. AMENORRHOEA If menstruation has never occurred, the amenorrhoea is termed primary; if it ceases after having once become established it is known as secondary amenorrhoea. The only value of these terms is that some patients with either chromosomal abnormalities (see CHROMOSOMES) or malformations of the genital tract fall into the primary category. Otherwise, the age of onset of symptoms is more important.

The causes of amenorrhoea are numerous and treatment requires dealing with the primary cause. The commonest cause is pregnancy; psychological stress or eating disorders can cause amenorrhoea, as can poor nutrition or loss of weight by dieting, and any serious underlying disease such as TUBERCULOSIS or MALARIA. The excess secretion of PROLACTIN, whether this is the result of a micro-adenoma of the pituitary gland or whether it is drug induced, will cause amenorrhoea and possibly GALACTORRHOEA as well. Malfunction of the pituitary gland will result in a failure to produce the gonadotrophic hormones (see GONADOTROPHINS) with consequent amenorrhoea. Excessive production of cortisol, as in CUSHING’S SYNDROME, or of androgens (see ANDROGEN) – as in the adreno-genital syndrome or the polycystic ovary syndrome – will result in amenorrhoea. Amenorrhoea occasionally follows use of the oral contraceptive pill and may be associated with both hypothyroidism (see under THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF) and OBESITY.

Patients should be reassured that amenorrhoea can often be successfully treated and does not necessarily affect their ability to have normal sexual relations and to conceive. When weight loss is the cause of amenorrhoea, restoration of body weight alone can result in spontaneous menstruation (see also EATING DISORDERS – Anorexia nervosa). Patients with raised concentration of serum gonadotrophin hormones have primary ovarian failure, and this is not amenable to treatment. Cyclical oestrogen/progestogen therapy will usually establish withdrawal bleeding. If the amenorrhoea is due to mild pituitary failure, menstruation may return after treatment with clomiphene, a nonsteroidal agent which competes for oestrogen receptors in the hypothalamus. The patients who are most likely to respond to clomiphene are those who have some evidence of endogenous oestrogen and gonadotrophin production. IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION This is a change from the normal monthly cycle of menstruation, the duration of bleeding or the amount of blood lost (see menorrhagia, below). Such changes may be the result of an upset in the balance of oestrogen and progesterone hormones which between them control the cycle. Cycles may be irregular after the MENARCHE and before the menopause. Unsuspected pregnancy may manifest itself as an ‘irregularity’, as can an early miscarriage (see ABORTION). Disorders of the uterus, ovaries or organs in the pelvic cavity can also cause irregular menstruation. Women with the condition should seek medical advice. MENORRHAGIA Abnormal bleeding from the uterus during menstruation. A woman loses on average about 60 ml of blood during her period; in menorrhagia this can rise to 100 ml. Some women have this problem occasionally, some quite frequently and others never. One cause is an imbalance of progesterone and oestrogen hormones which between them control menstruation: the result is an abnormal increase in the lining (endometrium) of the uterus, which increases the amount of ‘bleeding’ tissue. Other causes include ?broids, polyps, pelvic infection or an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD – see under CONTRACEPTION). Sometimes no physical reason for menorrhagia can be identi?ed.

Treatment of the disorder will depend on how severe the loss of blood is (some women will become anaemic – see ANAEMIA – and require iron-replacement therapy); the woman’s age; the cause of heavy bleeding; and whether or not she wants children. An increase in menstrual bleeding may occur in the months before the menopause, in which case time may produce a cure. Medical or surgical treatments are available. Non-steroidal anti-in?ammatory drugs may help, as may tranexamic acid, which prevents the breakdown of blood clots in the circulation (FIBRINOLYSIS): this drug can be helpful if an IUD is causing bleeding. Hormones such as dydrogesterone (by mouth) may cure the condition, as may an IUD that releases small quantities of a PROGESTOGEN into the lining of the womb.

Traditionally, surgical intervention was either dilatation and curettage of the womb lining (D & C) or removal of the whole uterus (HYSTERECTOMY). Most surgery is now done using minimally invasive techniques. These do not require the abdomen to be cut open, as an ENDOSCOPE is passed via the vagina into the uterus. Using DIATHERMY or a laser, the surgeon then removes the whole lining of the womb. DYSMENORRHOEA This varies from discomfort to serious pain, and sometimes includes vomiting and general malaise. Anaemia is sometimes a cause of painful menstruation as well as of stoppage of this function.

In?ammation of the uterus, ovaries or FALLOPIAN TUBES is a common cause of dysmenorrhoea which comes on for the ?rst time late in life, especially when the trouble follows the birth of a child. In this case the pain exists more or less at all times, but is aggravated at the periods. Treatment with analgesics and remedying the underlying cause is called for.

Many cases of dysmenorrhoea appear with the beginning of menstrual life, and accompany every period. It has been estimated that 5–10 per cent of girls in their late teens or early 20s are severely incapacitated by dysmenorrhoea for several hours each month. Various causes have been suggested for the pain, one being an excessive production of PROSTAGLANDINS. There may be a psychological factor in some sufferers and, whether this is the result of inadequate sex instruction, fear, family, school or work problems, it is important to o?er advice and support, which in itself may resolve the dysmenorrhoea. Symptomatic relief is of value.... menstruation


A pathologic thyroid hyperfunction. It is sometimes referred to as exophthalmic goiter. An overt disease, sometimes life-threatening, it is very different from the moderately elevated basal metabolism some constitutional types manifest under stress.... thyrotoxicosis

Cancer - Breast

Commonest form of cancer in women. Overall mortality remains about 50 per cent at five years. Appears to run in families. Strikes hard unmarried women. Married women who have no children. Those who do not nurse their babies, or who are infertile and have no child before thirty. Eight out of ten chest lumps are benign.

Symptoms. A small lump comes to light while washing, a discharge from the nipple, change in nipple size and colour, irregular contour of the breast surface. Though tissue change is likely to be a cyst, speedy diagnosis and treatment are necessary. Some hospital physicians and surgeons are known to view favourably supportive herbal aids, and do not always think in terms of radical mastectomy. Dr Finlay Ellingwood, Chicago physician (1916) cured a case by injection of one dram Echinacea root extract twice a week into the surrounding tissues.

The condition is believed to be due to a number of causes including suppression of ovulation and oestrogen secretion in pregnant and lactating women. A high fat diet is suspected of interference with the production of oestrogen. Some women are constitutionally disposed to the condition which may be triggered by trauma or emotional shock. Increase in incidence in older women has been linked with excessive sugar consumption. “Consumption overwhelms the pancreas which has to ‘push it out’ to all parts of the body (when broken down by the digestive process) whether they need it or not. The vital organs are rationed according to their requirements of nutrients from the diet. What is left over has to ‘go into store elsewhere’. And the breast is forced to take its share and store it. If it gets too much, for too long, it may rebel!” (Stephen Seely, Department of Bacteriology and Virology, Manchester)

“Women who nurse their babies less than one month are at an increased risk for breast cancer. The longer a woman breast-feeds – no matter what her age – the more the risk decreases. (Marion Tompson, co-founder, The La Leche League, in the American Journal of Epidemiology)

Lactation reduces the risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer. (Newcomb P.A. et al New England Journal of Medicine, 330 1994)

There is currently no treatment to cure metastatic breast cancer. In spite of chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy survival rate has not diminished. Herbs not only have a palliative effect but, through their action on hormone function offer a positive contribution towards overcoming the condition. Their activity has been widely recorded in medical literature. Unlike cytotoxic drugs, few have been known to cause alopecia, nausea, vomiting or inflammation of the stomach.

Treatment by a general medical practitioner or oncologist.

Special investigations. Low radiation X-ray mammography to confirm diagnosis. Test for detection of oestrogen receptor protein.

Treatment. Surgery may be necessary. Some patients may opt out from strong personal conviction, choosing a rigid self-disciplined approach – the Gentle Way. Every effort is made to build up the body’s natural defences (immune system).

An older generation of herbalists believed tissue change could follow a bruise on the breast, which should not be neglected but immediately painted with Tincture Arnica or Tincture Bellis perennis.

Vincristine, an alkaloid from Vinca rosea (Catharanthus roseus) is used by the medical profession as an anti-neoplastic and anti-mitotic agent to inhibit cell division.

Of possible therapeutic value. Blue Flag root, Burdock root, Chaparral, Clivers, Comfrey root, Echinacea, Figwort, Gotu Kola, Marshmallow root, Mistletoe, Myrrh, Prickly Ash bark, Red Clover, Thuja, Wild Violet, Yellow Dock.

Tea. Equal parts: Red Clover, Clivers, Gotu Kola, Wild Violet. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes. 3 or more cups daily.

Decoctions. Echinacea, Blue Flag root, Queen’s Delight, Yellow Dock.

Tablets/capsules. Blue Flag root, Echinacea, Poke root, Mistletoe.

Formula. Echinacea 2; Gotu Kola 1; Poke root 1; Mistletoe 1; Vinca rosea 1. Mix. Dose: Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Thrice daily and at bedtime. According to progress of the disease, increase dosage as tolerated.

Maria Treben’s tea. Parts: Marigold (3), Yarrow 1; Nettles 1. Mix. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water. 1 cup as many times daily as tolerated.

William Boericke, M.D. recommends Houseleek. E.H. Ruddock M.D. favours Figwort.

Topical. Treatments believed to be of therapeutic value or for use as a soothing application.

(1) Cold poultice: Comfrey root.

(2) Poultice of fresh Marshmallow root pulped in juicer.

(3) Injection of Extract Greater Celandine (Chelidonium), locally, gained a reputation in the Eclectic school.

(4) The action of Blood root (Sanguinaria) is well known as a paint or injection.

(5) Ragwort poultice: 2oz Ragwort boiled in half a pint potato water for 15 minutes. See: POULTICE.

(6) Popular Russian traditional remedy: Badiaga (Spongilla fluviatilis), fresh water sponge gathered in the autumn; dried plant rubbed to a powder. Poultice.

(7) Maria Treben’s Poultice: Carefully washed fresh Plantain leaves, pulped, and applied direct to the lesion.

(8) If lymph glands are affected, apply Plantain poultice to glands.

(9) Dr Brandini’s treatment. Dr Brandini, Florence, used 4 grains Citric Acid (prepared from lemons) in 1oz (30ml) water for ulcerated cancer of the breast considered incurable. “The woman’s torments were so distressing that neither she nor other patients could get any rest. Applying lint soaked in the solution, relief was instantaneous. Repeated, it was successful.”

(10) Circuta leaves. Simmered till soft and mixed with Slippery Elm bark powder as a poultice morning and night.

(11) Decoction. Simmer gently Yellow Dock roots, fine cut or powdered, 1oz to 1 pint, 20 minutes. Saturate lint or suitable material and apply.

(12) Yellow Dock ointment. Half ounce Lobelia seed, half ounce Yellow Dock root powder. Baste into an ointment base. See: OINTMENT BASE.

(13) Infusion, for use as a wash. Equal parts: Horsetail, Red Clover, Raspberry leaves. 1oz to 1 pint boiling water infuse 15 minutes.

(14) Dr Christopher’s Ointment. Half an ounce White Oak, half an ounce Garden Sage, half an ounce Tormentil, half an ounce Horsetail, half an ounce Lemon Balm. Method: Boil gently half an hour in quart water, strain. Reduce to half a pint by simmering. Add half a pound honey. Bring to boil. Skim off scum. Allow cool. Apply: twice daily on sores.

(15) Dr Finlay Ellingwood. Poke root juice. “Fresh juice from the stems, leaves and roots applied directly to diseased tissue. Exercises a selective action; induces liquefaction and promotes removal, sometimes healing the open wound and encouraging scar formation. Masses of such tissue have been known to be destroyed in a few weeks with only a scar, with no other application but the fresh juice. Produces pain at first, but is otherwise harmless.”

(16) Lesion painted with Mandrake resin. (American Podophyllum)

(17) Dust affected parts with Comfrey powder. Mucilage from Comfrey powder or crushed root with the aid of a little milk. See: COMFREY.

(18) Dr Samuel Thomson’s Cancer Plaster. “Take heads of Red Clover and fill a kettle. Boil in water for one hour. Remove and fill kettle with fresh flower heads. Boil as before in the same liquor. Strain and press heads to express all the liquor. Simmer over a low fire till of the consistency of tar. It must not burn. Spread over a piece of suitable material.”

(19) Wipe affected area with cut Houseleek. (Dr Wm Boericke)

(20) Chinese Herbalism. Take 1-2 Liang pulverised liao-ko-wang (Wickstroemia indica), mix with cold boiled water or rice wine for local compress. Also good for mastitis.

(21) Italian women once used an old traditional remedy – Fenugreek tea.

(22) A clinical trial of Vitamin D provided encouraging results. Patients with locally advanced breast cancer were given a highly active Vitamin D analogue cream to rub on their tumours. “It was effective in one third of the tumours,” said Professor Charles Coombes, clinical oncologist, Charing Cross Hospital, London.

Diet. “A diet rich in cereal products (high in dietary fibre) and green leafy vegetables (antioxidants) would appear to offer women some protection against breast cancer due to the relation between fibre and oestrogen metabolism. Meat-free diet. In a study of 75 adolescent girls, vegetarians were found to have higher levels of a hormone that women suffering from breast cancer often lack. (Cancer Research) Supplements. Daily. Chromium. Selenium (600mcg). Zinc chelate (100mg morning and evening). Beta carotene. “Low levels of Selenium and Vitamins A and E are shown in breast cancer cases.” (British Journal of Cancer 49: 321-324, 1984).

Vitamins A and D inhibit virus penetration in healthy cell walls. Multivitamin combinations should not include Vitamin B12, production of which in the body is much increased in cancerous conditions. Vitamins B-complex and C especially required.

Note: A link between sugar consumption and breast cancer has been reported by some authorities who suggest that countries at the top of the mortality table are the highest also in sugar consumption; the operative factor believed to be insulin.

Screening. Breast screening should be annual from the age of forty.

General. Mothers are encouraged to breast-feed children for the protection it offers against mammary malignancy. (Am.J. Obstet. Gyn. 15/9/1984. 150.)

Avoidance of stress situations by singing, playing an instrument. Adopt relaxation techniques, spiritual healing and purposeful meditation to arouse the immune system; intensive visualisation. Avoid the carcinogens: smoking, alcohol.

Information. Breast Cancer Care. Free Help Line. UK Telephone: 0500 245345. ... cancer - breast


Inflammation of the skin and underlying tissues by inflammation and spreading infection. Usually staphylococcal or streptococcal.

Symptoms: Hot, painful swollen skin sensitive to touch, with constitutional unrest.

Indicated: alteratives, lymphatics. Echinacea to increase resistance. See: ABSCESS. ERYSIPELAS. Butcher’s Broom combination. Butcher’s Broom 100mg; Hawthorn berry 100mg; Garlic 100mg; Apple pectin 50mg; Cayenne (capsicum) 50mg; Ginger root 50mg; One capsule or tablet thrice daily.

Garlic. Good results reported. ... cellulitis


A generally unexpected, so unpredictable, abnormal reaction to a drug caused by a constitutional defect in the patient. In some cases the underlying disorder is already known or discovered after the ?rst event, so that the drug in question can be avoided thereafter. The abnormal sensitivity of patients with PORPHYRIAS to BARBITURATES is an example. Hereditary biochemical defects of red blood cells are responsible for many drug-induced haemolytic anaemias (see under ANAEMIA) and for FAVISM. Porphyria variegata, the South African variety of porphyria, is an example of an inborn error of metabolism which was without serious symptoms until the advent of barbiturate drugs, prescription of which is now strongly discouraged. If anyone with this metabolic disorder takes barbiturates, the consequences may be fatal.... idiosyncrasy


In?ammation affecting a nerve or nerves which may be localised to one part of the body – as, for instance, in SCIATICA – or which may be general, being then known as multiple neuritis, or POLYNEURITIS. Owing to the fact that the most peripheral parts of the nerves are usually affected in the latter condition (i.e. the ?ne subdivisions in the substance of the muscles), it is also known as peripheral neuritis.

Causes In cases of localised neuritis, the ?brous sheath of the nerve is usually at fault, the actual nerve-?bres being only secondarily affected. This condition may be due to in?ammation spreading into the nerve from surrounding tissues; to cold; or to long-continued irritation by pressure on the nerve. The symptoms produced vary according to the function of the nerve, in the case of sensory nerves being usually neuralgic pain (see NEURALGIA), and in the case of motor nerves some degree of paralysis in the muscles to which the nerves pass.

In polyneuritis, usually due to some general or constitutional cause, the nerve-?bres themselves in the small nerves degenerate and break down. The condition is protracted because, for recovery to occur, the growth of new nerve-?bres from the healthy part of the nerve has to take place. The cause of polyneuritis may be infection by a virus – for example, HERPES ZOSTER – or a bacterium, as in LEPROSY. Neuritis may also be the result of agents such as alcohol, lead or products from industrial or agricultural activities. ORGANOPHOSPHORUS insecticides are believed by some to be a factor in neuritis and other neurological conditions.... neuritis

Paullinia Asiatica


Synonym: Limonia oligandra Dalz. Toddalia aculeata Pers.

Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Found in Konkan and Maharashtra.

English: Lopez Root tree, Wild Orange tree, Forest Pepper.

Ayurvedic: Kaanchana, Dahana.

Siddha/Tamil: Kattu Milagu, Milagaranai.

Folk: Jangali Kaalimirchi, Limri (Maharashtra).

Action: Root bark—bitter, febrifuge, diaphoretic, antiperiodic. Infusion used in constitutional debility and convalescence after febrile and other exhausting diseases.

The root gave coumarins, including toddanol, todhanone, toddasin, pimpinellin, toddalolactone; alkaloids, including toddaline, toddalnine.... paullinia asiatica


Premenstrual Syndrome. This is STARTED by some predictable neurohormonal imbalances. On the other hand, the individual woman’s symptoms are very idiosyncratic, since the neurohormonal interplay CAN effect virtually any tissue. What it DOES effect is a matter of constitution, lifestyle, and the other collateral stresses of that PARTICULAR woman. The most common imbalance occurs when progesterone, the temporary hormone made by the post-ovulatory ovaries, is unable to sustain adequate levels for the “normal” 11-12 days. This is all an ornate adagio dance: when estrogen is the dominant hormone (from just after menses to ovulation), some of the cells effected by it are enabled to become progesterone sensitive. When progesterone is present and dominant (from ovulation to shortly before menses), some of the cells effected by it are then enabled to become estrogen-sensitive when IT comes around. There are always moderate sources of estrogen during the progesterone weeks, but healthy progesterone levels suppress their effect. If progesterone drops too early, these sources start to “show” before menses. Some functions are ALWAYS estrogen-sensitive...others need the normal length of progesterone stimulation to THEN become sensitive. A premenstrual estrogen rise will always cause an unbalanced constellation of effects. Progesterone helps prevent water retention, inflammation, blood sugar yo-yos and excess prolactin, while stimulating growth hormone and thyroid levels to maintain a generally anabolic-dominant metabolism. Withdraw it too early and you MAY get inflammatory and edemic and need an IV maple syrup drip, while prolactin rises and dopamine/adrenergic energy dominates. You might get migraines, increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure, feel variously aggressive, nervous, weepy/anxietous, or like an inflated pig bladder. It seems that, whatever your personal metabolic weakness, PMS will find it. PMS is an almost purely constitutional reaction, and holds an exciting potential wherein a woman can have a clear window for viewing her working strengths and weaknesses.... pms


n. a form of *allergy in which there is a hereditary or constitutional tendency to develop hypersensitivity reactions (e.g. hay fever, allergic asthma, atopic *eczema) in response to allergens (atopens). Individuals with this predisposition – and the conditions provoked in them by contact with allergens – are described as atopic.... atopy


n. a tender inflamed area of the skin containing pus. The infection is usually caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus entering through a hair follicle or a break in the skin, and local injury or lowered constitutional resistance may encourage the development of boils. Boils usually heal when the pus is released or with antibiotic treatment, though occasionally they may cause more widespread infection. Medical name: furuncle.... boil


n. an individual’s general physical appearance, especially when this is associated with a constitutional tendency to a particular disease.... habitus

Steroids, Plant

The previous subject is obviously an endless one, but as this is the glossary of an herbal nature, let me assure you, virtually no plants have a direct steroid hormone-mimicking effect. There are a few notable exceptions with limited application, like Cimicifuga and Licorice. Plant steroids are usually called phytosterols, and, when they have any hormonal effect at all, it is usually to interfere with human hormone functions. Beta sitosterol, found in lots of food, interferes with the ability to absorb cholesterol from the diet. Corn oil and legumes are two well-endowed sources that can help lower cholesterol absorption. This is of only limited value, however, since cholesterol is readily manufactured in the body, and elevated cholesterol in the blood is often the result of internal hormone and neurologic stimulus, not the diet. Cannabis can act to interfere with androgenic hormones, and Taraxacum phytosterols can both block the synthesis of some new cholesterol by the liver and increase the excretion of cholesterol as bile acids; but other than that, plants offer little direct hormonal implication. The first method discovered for synthesizing pharmaceutical hormones used a saponin, diosgenin, and a five-step chemical degradation, to get to progesterone, and another, using stigmasterol and bacterial culturing, to get to cortisol. These were chemical procedures that have nothing to do with human synthesis of such hormones, and the plants used for the starting materials-Mexican Wild Yam, Agave, and Soy were nothing more than commercially feasible sources of compounds widely distributed in the plant kingdom. A clever biochemist could obtain testosterone from potato sterols, but no one would be likely to make the leap of faith that eating potatoes makes you manly (or less womanly), and there is no reason to presume that Wild Yam (Dioscorea) has any progesterone effects in humans. First, the method of synthesis from diosgenin to progesterone has nothing to do with human synthesis of the corpus luteum hormone; second, oral progesterone has virtually no effect since it is rapidly digested; and third, orally active synthetic progesterones such as norethindrone are test-tube born, and never saw a Wild Yam. The only “precursor” the ovaries, testes and adrenal cortices EVER need (and the ONLY one that they can use if synthesizing from scratch) is something almost NONE of us ever run out of...Low Density Cholesterol. Unless you are grimly fasting, anorectic, alcoholic, seriously ill or training for a triathlon, you only need blood to make steroid hormones from. If hormones are off, it isn’t from any lack of building materials...and any product claiming to supply “precursors” better contain lard or butter (they don’t)...or they are profoundly mistaken, or worse. The recent gaggle of “Wild Yam” creams actually do contain some Wild Yam. (Dioscorea villosa, NOT even the old plant source of diosgenin, D. mexicana...if you are going to make these mistakes, at least get the PLANT right) This is a useful and once widely used antispasmodic herb...I have had great success using it for my three separate bouts with kidney stones...until I learned to drink more water and alkalizing teas and NEVER stay in a hot tub for three hours. What these various Wild Yam creams DO contain, is Natural Progesterone. Although this is inactive orally (oral progesterone is really a synthetic relative of testosterone), it IS active when injected...or, to a lesser degree, when applied topically. This is pharmaceutical progesterone, synthesized from stigmasterol, an inexpensive (soy-bean oil) starting substance, and, although it is identical to ovarian progesterone, it is a completely manufactured pharmaceutical. Taking advantage of an FDA loophole (to them this is only a cosmetic use...they have the misguided belief that it is not bioactive topically), coupled with some rather convincing (if irregular) studies showing the anti-osteoporotic value of topical progesterone for SOME women, a dozen or so manufacturers are marketing synthetic Natural Progesterone for topical use, yet inferring that Wild Yam is what’s doing good. I am not taking issue with the use of topical progesterone. It takes advantage of the natural slow release into the bloodstream of ANY steroid hormones that have been absorbed into subcutaneous adipose tissue. It enters the blood from general circulation the same way normal extra-ovarian estradiol is released, and this is philosophically (and physiologically) preferable to oral steroids, cagily constructed to blast on through the liver before it can break them down. This causes the liver to react FIRST to the hormones, instead of, if the source is general circulation, LAST. My objection is both moral and herbal: the user may believe hormonal effects are “natural”, the Wild Yam somehow supplying “precursors” her body can use if needed, rejected if not. This implies self-empowerment, the honoring of a woman’s metabolic choice...something often lacking in medicine. This is a cheat. The creams supply a steady source of pharmaceutical hormone (no precursor here) , but they are being SOLD as if the benefits alone come from the Wild Yam extract, seemingly formulated with the intent of having Wild Yam the most abundant substance so it can be listed first in the list of constituents. I have even seen the pharmaceutical Natural Progesterone labeled as “Wild Yam Progesterone” or “Wild Yam Estrogen precursor” or, with utter fraud, “Wild Yam Hormone”. To my knowledge, the use of Mexican Yam for its saponins ceased to be important by the early 1960’s, with other processes for synthesizing steroids proving to be cheaper and more reliable. I have been unable to find ANY manufacturer of progesterone that has used the old Marker Degradation Method and/or diosgenin (from whatever Dioscorea) within the last twenty years. Just think of it as a low-tech, non invasive and non-prescription source of progesterone, applied topically and having a slow release of moderate amounts of the hormone. Read some of the reputable monographs on its use, make your choice based solely on the presence of the synthetic hormone, and use it or don’t. It has helped some women indefinitely, for others it helped various symptoms for a month or two and then stopped working, for still other women I have spoken with it caused unpleasant symptoms until they ceased its use. Since marketing a product means selling as much as possible and (understandably) presenting only the product’s positive aspects, it would be better to try and find the parameters of “use” or “don’t use” from articles, monographs, and best of all, other women who have used it. Then ask them again in a month or two and see if their personal evaluation has changed. If you have some bad uterine cramps, however, feel free to try some Wild Yam often helps. Unless there is organic disease, hormones are off is because the whole body is making the wrong choices in the hormones it does or doesn’t make. It’s a constitutional or metabolic or dietary or life-stress problem, not something akin to a lack of essential amino acids or essential fatty acids that will clear up if only you supply some mythic plant-derived “precursor”. End of tirade.... steroids, plant

Toddalia Asiatica

(Linn.) Lam.

Synonym: T. aculeata Pers.

Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Tropical Himalayas, from Kumaon eastwards to Assam, Khasi hills and throughout the Western Peninsula.

English: Wild Orange tree, Forest Pepper.

Ayurvedic: Kanchana.

Siddha/Tamil: Kattu Milagu, Milagaranai.

Folk: Jangali Kaali-mirch, Kanja.

Action: Whole plant—febrifuge, diuretic, Leaves—antispasmodic. Rootbark—antipyretic, diaphoretic, antiperiodic.

Used as a tonic during convalescence and constitutional debility. (The rootbark was used medicinally in the past in Europe under the name Lopez Root or Cortex Radicis as an antimalarial drug.)

Unripe fruits and roots are included in liniments used for rheumatism.

The rootbark contains alkaloids, including toddaline, toddalinine, skim- mianine. The root gave coumarins, including toddanol, toddanone, todda- sin, pimpinellin, iso-pimpinellin and toddalolactone.

Alkaloid toddaline is irritant to the mucous membrane, bronchi, intestines and the bladder.

Ethanolic extract of var. obtusifolia Gemble, found in the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, exhibited spasmolytic activity.

Among the coumarins, chlorocou- marin is the most important active principle and can be used an alternative for papaverine obtained from poppy.... toddalia asiatica


This is the time of life when profound physical and emotional changes take place in young people, marking the beginning of puberty and proceeding throughout teenage years towards maturity. It is a time when sound nutrition should bypass many of the distressing crises which arise from heredity tendencies or an unhealthy life-style. Problems of puberty:–

Treatment. Girls. Delayed menarche (Raspberry leaf tea), and other menstrual disorders; hormone deficiency (laboratory tests confirm). Puberty goitre (Kelp), skin disorders: see “Acne”. Listlessness, (Gentian). Loss of appetite (Chamomile). Over-activity, tearfulness, (Pulsatilla).

Boys. Constitutional weaknesses from childhood, (Sarsaparilla); puberty goitre (Kelp); Offensive foot sweat, see: DIURETICS. Aggression, over-activity, (Alfalfa). Under-developed testes (Liquorice, Sarsaparilla).

Nervousness and restlessness of many of the younger generation may arise from a number of causes, including a diet of too much sugar, coffee, caffeine stimulants (coffee, cola, strong tea) and foods deficient in nutrients and minerals. The condition can be related to the number of chemicals used in food and commercial products, pesticides and drugs.

Diet: Plenty fresh raw fruits and vegetables. Raw food days. High protein, low salt, low fat. Alfalfa tea (rich in builder minerals).

Reject: coffee, cola drinks, strong tea, alcohol, tobacco. ... adolescence


Suppression of normal menstrual flow during the time of life when it should occur. The most common cause is pregnancy but it can arise from hormonal imbalance, trauma, anaemia, fibroids, polyps, constitutional disorder or emotional problems. Though not prejudicial to health it marks a departure from normal.

Symptoms. Scanty irregular or absent periods.

Alternatives. Agnus Castus, Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Chaparral, Feverfew, Helonias, Life root, Lovage, Marigold, Motherwort, Mugwort, Parsley root, Pennyroyal, Rosemary, Rue, Tansy, Thuja, Southernwood, Wormwood, Yarrow, Hedge Hyssop (Gratiola officinalis).

Tea: Combine: Agnus Castus, Motherwort, Yarrow. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily.

Formula. Combine: Helonias 2; Agnus Castus 2; Blue Cohosh 1. Doses. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules, or one-third teaspoon). Liquid Extracts: 30-60 drops. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons.

In water or honey, thrice daily.

Agnus Castus. Success reported.

Due to thyroid imbalance: Kelp, Bladderwrack, Irish Moss.

Vitamins: A. B-complex. E.

Minerals: Calcium. Zinc.

Note: Patients with amenorrhoea are at risk of osteoporosis. (Middlesex Hospital, London) ... amenorrhoea

Amoebic Liver Abscess

Usually contracted in a tropical country during foreign travel. Likely to be associated with amoebic dysentery by the organism Entamoeba histolytica from contaminated drinking water or decaying foods (uncooked vegetables), foods exposed to flies. Onset of the disease may not be apparent until years after original infection. It presents with tenderness over the liver. On palpation, liver area is tender and the diaphragm elevated.

Symptoms. Fever, sweating, constitutional upset.

Differential diagnosis: diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, salmonella, carcinoma, bacillary dysentery.

Alte rnative s:– Blue Flag, Boneset, Burdock, Chaparral, Echinacea, Elecampane, Elder flowers, Eucalyptus, Fringe Tree, Milk Thistle, Marshmallow, Queen’s Delight, Thyme (garden), Wild Indigo, Wild Yam, Yarrow, Yellow Dock.

Tea. Combine: equal parts, Yarrow, Burdock leaves, Marshmallow leaves. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water: infuse 10-15 minutes; 1 cup freely.

Decoction. Echinacea 2; Fringe Tree bark 1; Yellow Dock root 1. 2 teaspoons to 2 cups water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half a cup freely.

Formula: Combine: Echinacea 2; Fringe Tree bark 1; Boneset 1; Goldenseal quarter. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 2-4ml. Tinctures: 4-8ml. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules, or one-third teaspoon). In water, honey, or cup of Fenugreek tea.

Cold puree. Pass Garlic corm through food blender. Eat with a spoon as much as tolerated. Blend with adjutants: carrots, raisins, apple. ... amoebic liver abscess

Small For Gestational Age

(SGA) describing a fetus or baby that has failed to reach the size or birth weight expected for its gestational age. This may be because the fetus or baby is constitutionally small or it may be due to *intrauterine growth restriction in the fetus. In the latter case, the perinatal outcome is less favourable.... small for gestational age


Severe constitutional weakness produced by wasting disease, such as cancer. Deficient nutrition.

Symptoms: loss of appetite, yellow sallow complexion, chronic constipation, low spirits. Even where the liver is not under suspicion, a liver stimulant assists metabolism (Dandelion, Chiretta, Fringe Tree). To stimulate powers of resistance and combat infection – Echinacea.

Alternatives. Teas. Agrimony, Black Horehound, Hops, Nettles, Gota Kola, Ginseng, Fenugreek seeds, Holy Thistle, Betony, Oats, Life root.

Formula (for weight loss). Equal parts: herbs: Agrimony, Nettles, Plantain. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup freely.

Gentian. 1 teaspoon to 2 cups cold water steeped overnight. Half-1 cup thrice daily, before meals.

Aloe Vera. 1 teaspoon juice from leaf or gel, thrice daily.

Saw Palmetto. Marked effect on glandular tissue. Increases flesh rapidly and builds up strength. Tablets/capsules. Saw Palmetto, Iceland Moss. Kola nuts. Damiana. Echinacea. Garlic, Ginseng, Kelp, Sarsaparilla.

Powders. (1) Equal parts: Saw Palmetto, Damiana, Kola. OR:– (2) equal parts: Oats (Avena sat) 2; Gentian 1; Dandelion 1. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) thrice daily.

Tinctures. Formula. Equal parts: Ginseng, Chiretta, Kola. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons in water thrice daily before meals.

Practitioner. (1) Tincture Peruvian bark BPC (1949). 15-30 drops in water thrice daily. (2) Dec Jam Sarsae Co Conc BPC. 1 teaspoon in water before meals thrice daily.

To promote cell regeneration. Nasturtium flowers, Horse-radish, Watercress, Garden Cress. (A. Vogel) Diet. High protein.

Supplementation: Superoxide dismutase. All the vitamins – multivitamin tablet or capsule. Zinc. ... cachexia

Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis

Thrombosis arising in the cavernous sinus of the sphenoid bone in the head.

Cause: Septicaemia or infected embolism conveyed from elsewhere – veins of the face, sinuses, head. May be a complication of meningitis.

Symptoms: headache, nausea, swelling of eyelids and forehead, pupils distended, veins of temples prominent, fever with severe constitutional disturbance.

Prognosis: usually fatal in the absence of orthodox antibiotics, but anti-staphylococcal herbs are helpful. Tinctures. Formula. Echinacea 3; Goldenseal 2; Myrrh (Tincture) 1. 1 teaspoon in water every 2 hours (acute). Thrice daily (chronic).

Treatment by or in liaison with general medical practitioner. ... cavernous sinus thrombosis


“Death is often, at the start, in a particular organ, i.e. local. If the part can be saved in time life may be preserved. At the approach of death the value of a particular organ strikes one forcibly. There may be no need for constitutional medication. The one suffering part may be the whole case. In many chronic cases certain organs claim and must have special attention.” (Dr J. Compton Burnet)

Most important of such organs are the heart, which can be sustained by a few grains of Cayenne; the brain (Ginkgo, Skullcap, Kola); stomach (Peppermint); liver (Dandelion); spleen (New Jersey tea). See: LIFE DROPS.

When all desire for food has ceased, sips of honey-water or Balm tea sweetened with honey offer a comforting and sustaining support. ... death


Inflammation of the endometrium (lining of the womb).

Causes: curettage, abortion, sepsis, bacterial or viral infection (tuberculosis, etc), STD diseases (gonorrhoea, etc). Commonly follows miscarriage or abortion.

Symptoms: low backache, unpleasant purulent vaginal discharge, fever, painful periods.

Treatment. Bedrest. Herbal antibiotics, anti-infectives. To reduce pus formation and strengthen body resistance – Echinacea. To check bleeding between periods – Raspberry, Beth root. To repair mucous membrane – Goldenseal. Constitutional remedy: Thuja, see entry. With hormonal disturbance – Agnus Castus.

Tea. Formula: equal parts, Raspberry leaves, Yarrow, Agnus Castus.

Beth root. See entry.

Helonias. Long history of use by north American Indians. See entry.

A. Barker, FNIMH. Prescription. Tincture Goldenseal 30 drops, Liquid Extract Clivers 60 drops, Liquid Extract Cornsilk 1 fl oz, Liquid Extract Damiana 60 drops. Liquid Extract Marshmallow 1 fl oz. Water to 8oz. Dose: 2 teaspoons every 4 hours.

Topical. Douches: Thuja, Echinacea, Goldenseal, or Myrrh. Raspberry leaf tea. ... endometritis

Feet – Hot, Sweaty, Smelly

Excessive foot-sweat directs our attention to constitutional weakness, kidney malfunction or to general toxic condition. For fungoid infections: see under FUNGUS. Kidney remedies (diuretics) often reduce foot sweat (Juniper, Buchu, Golden Rod, Horsetail, Parsley root or leaves, Plantain, Thuja). Teas, decoctions, etc.

Constitutional treatment (oral): Liquid Extract Thuja: 5-10 drops morning and evening.

Topical. Foot baths: with teas from Chamomile, Sage, Rosemary, Juniper, or Southernwood. Half an ounce dried or fresh herb in 2 pints boiling water; infuse until warm. Weleda Foot Balm.

Diet. Dandelion coffee. Raw food days. Avoid eggs. Increase protein.

Vitamins. B-complex. B6. B12. E.

Minerals. Dolomite. Zinc.

General. Ban rubber shoes (plimsolls) which prevent adequate ventilation.

See: SWEATING, ABNORMAL. ... feet – hot, sweaty, smelly


Sycosis. Barber’s itch. Inflammation of the hair follicles commencing as scattered pimples progressing to pustules on the scalp or beard.

Cause: mostly staphylococcal or streptococcal.

Key agent: Thuja.

Alternatives. Blue Flag root, Burdock root, Clivers, Garlic, Poke root, Red Clover flower, Yellow Dock root, Echinacea root. Devil’s Claw, Guaiacum resin, Sarsaparilla.

Decoction. Burdock and Sarsaparilla; equal parts. Mix. 1oz to 1 pint water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily.

Powders. Combine equal parts, Echinacea and Garlic. 500mg or one-third teaspoon in water or honey, thrice daily.

Practitioner. Tinctures: Guaiacum BPC (1949) 0.5ml; Rheum Palmatum BPC (1934) 5ml; Thuja 0.5ml; Trifolium pratense BHP (1983) 5ml; Arctium lappa BHP (1983) 5ml; Rumex Crispus BHP (1983) 5ml. Aqua et 100ml. Sig: 5ml (3i) tds Aq. cal. pc.

Topical. 10 drops Tea Tree oil in eggcup Almond, Safflower or Sunflower oil. Evening Primrose oil. Aloe Vera gel.


Vitamins. A. B-complex, B2, B6, D, F, Biotin, Niacin, Zinc.

Note: There is a form which is part of the constitutional disease resulting from gonorrhoea which presents with dry soft spongy cauliflower warts. See: GONORRHOEA. ... folliculitis


Insufficient pressure to propel contents of the circulatory vessels throughout the body. Persistent low blood pressure is usually the result of blood loss following accident, infection, anaemic disorders or shock from heart attack. Blood pressure is naturally low during sleep.

Causes: failure of the adrenal glands, tuberculosis, neurasthenia, psychological shock, constitutional debility. Blood pressure is consistently below 110mmHg. Myocardial infarction. Fainting attack. Symptoms. Dizziness, headache, fatigue, fainting, ringing in the ears, feels low, panicky, unable to concentrate, neurotic impulses, anxiety.

Alternatives. Underlying cause must be treated. Rest, tonics, good food, sunshine. When due to shock, hospital treatment may be necessary. Tonics and adrenal stimulants assist in raising pressure. Rosemary of special value. Hypotensives and antidepressant should not be given.

In general use. Broom BHP (1983), Cactus (Dr A. Vogel), Camphor (circulatory stimulant), Cayenne (Dr S. Thomson), Echinacea, Ephedra, Garlic, Gentian, Ginseng BHP (1983), Goldenseal, Peppermint, Hawthorn (D. Hoffmann), Hyssop (Dr A. Vogel), Kola, Nettles, Prickly Ash bark, Lily of the Valley, Rosemary, Betony. Bladderwrack, Bogbean (A. Thompson), Wormwood, Hyssop. Fenugreek tea of special value.

Tonic Tea. Mix equal parts: Betony, Rosemary, Alfalfa, Peppermint. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Rosemary leaves. 1 teaspoon to cup boiling water, infuse 15 minutes. Drink cold: half-1 cup morning and evening.

Tablets/capsules. Ginseng, Prickly Ash, Garlic, Hawthorn, Damiana, Kola, Ginkgo.

Powders. Formula. Rosemary 2; Kola 1; Ginger quarter. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Liquid Extract. Kola nuts BPC (1934). Dose: 10-20 drops thrice daily.

Tincture. Kola nuts BPC (1934). Dose: 15-60 drops thrice daily.

Practitioner. Tincture Ephedra 1:4 in 45 per cent alcohol BHP (1983). Dose: 6-8ml morning and evening.

Alternative Formula. Tinctures. Cactus 2; Rosemary 1; Ephedra 2; Ginger quarter. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons, thrice daily.

Dr A. Vogel. Formula. Hawthorn 6; Valerian 1; Cactus 1; E. Holly (Ilex Aqui) 1; Hyssop 1. Aromatherapy. Essential oils of Olive, Lemon, Milk-Thistle, Rosemary, for external application. Oil of Camphor (circulatory stimulant) as an inhalant.

Diet. Potassium-rich foods, citrus fruits, bananas, potatoes, nuts, oatmeal porridge. Cayenne at table as a condiment. Brewer’s yeast to produce albumin which forms 60 per cent of protein in plasma of the blood. Avoid eggs.

Supplements. Kelp, Garlic, Multivitamin, Zinc.

Note: People with low blood pressure tend to live longer than others.

See: BLOOD PRESSURE. ... hypotension

Hodgkin’s Disease

(Lymphadenoma. Lymphogranulomatosis). Chronic enlargement of the lymph nodes often together with that of the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Affects more males than females, 30- 40 years. High white blood cell count. Cancer of the lymph vessels. Follows a typical clinical course with anaemia until necrosis supervenes. The disease is suspected by a combination of enlargement of lymph nodes (especially the neck), severe itching and unexplained fever. Symptoms vary according to part of the body affected.

Symptoms. Hard rubbery glands are general, chiefly detected under the arm and groin. Enlarged nodes may compress nearby structures to produce nerve pains. Weight loss. Accumulation of fluid in lungs and abdomen. Obstruction of bile duct leads to jaundice. Patient may be prone to shingles. High fever heralds approaching fatality. Blood count, bone marrow aspiration and node biopsy confirm. Tubercula glands may simulate Hodgkin’s disease.

Some success reported by the use of the Periwinkle plant. (vinca rosea – Vinchristine) Wm Boericke, M.D. refers to Figwort as a powerful agent in Hodgkin’s disease.

Alternatives. Although there is no known cure, emphasis on the cortex of the adrenal gland may reduce skin irritation and pain in the later stages (Gotu Kola, Liquorice, Sarsaparilla). To arrest wasting and constitutional weakness: Echinacea. Anti-pruritics, alteratives and lymphatics are indicated.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts, Nettles, Gotu Kola, Red Clover. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup 3 or more times daily.

Decoction. Formula. Equal parts – Yellow Dock, Queen’s Delight, Echinacea. 1 teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half-1 cup 3 or more times daily.

Tablets/capsules. Poke root. Blue Flag root. Echinacea. Mistletoe.

Powders. Formula. Echinacea 2; Poke root 1; Bladderwrack 1. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon) 3 or more times daily.

Tinctures. Mixture. Parts: Echinacea 2; Goldenseal quarter; Thuja quarter; Poke root half; Periwinkle 1. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons, 3 or more times daily. Where active inflammation is present – add Wild Yam 1. External. Castor oil packs to abdomen.

Treatment by a general medical practitioner or hospital specialist.

HOLISTIC MEDICINE. A school of thought which regards disease as a manifestation of an inner disturbance of the vital force, and not merely abnormality of certain groups of nerves, muscles, veins, or even the mind itself. Article 43 of Dr Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon of the Healing Art describes it:

“No organ, no tissue, no cell, no molecule is independent of the activities of the others but the life of each one of these elements is merged into the life of the whole. The unit of human life cannot be the organ, the tissue, the cell, the molecule, the atom, but the whole organism, the whole man.”

Holistic medicine relates disease to a patient’s personality, posture, diet, emotional life, and lifestyle. Treatment will be related to body, mind and spirit. It encourages a positive psychological response to the disease from which a patient suffers. For instance, its gentle approach to cancer embraces stress control, meditation, forms of visualisation and other life-enhancing skills.

Diet may be vegetarian, even vegan.... hodgkin’s disease

Laryngitis, Chronic

 The main symptom is hoarseness or loss of voice from malfunction of the vocal cords by disease, stroke, stress, or nerve disorder. Pain on speaking. “Raw throat.”

Constitutional disturbance: fever, malaise.

Many causes, including: drugs, drinking spirits. Gross mis-use of voice (singing or talking) may produce nodules (warts) on the cords. The smoker has inflammatory changes. Nerve paralysis in the elderly. Carcinoma of the larynx. Voice changes during menstruation are associated with hormonal changes (Agnus Castus). Professional singers, members of choirs benefit from Irish Moss, Iceland Moss, Slippery Elm or Poke root.

Alternatives. Cayenne, Caraway seed, Balm of Gilead, Lungwort, Queen’s Delight, Thyme, Wild Indigo, Marsh Cudweed, Mullein, Marshmallow.

For most infections: Equal parts, Tinctures Goldenseal and Myrrh: 3-5 drops in water 3-4 times daily; use also as a spray or gargle.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Mullein, Marshmallow root, Liquorice. 2 teaspoons to each cup water brought to boil; vessel removed on boiling. Drink freely.

Practitioner. Combine equal parts: Senega, Ipecacuanha and Squills (all BP). 5-10 drops thrice daily in water. Also gargle.

Poke root. Reliable standby. Decoction, tablets/capsules. Tincture: dose, 5-10 drops thrice daily in water or honey.

Topical. Aromatherapy. Steam inhalations. Oils: Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Niaouli, Geranium, Lavender, Sandalwood. Any one.

Diet. Slippery Elm gruel. Salt-free. Avoid fried foods.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin A (7500iu). Vitamin C (1 gram thrice daily).

To prevent voice damage. The voice should not be strained by talking too much, shouting or singing – especially with a cold. Try not to cough or keep clearing the throat but instead, swallow firmly. Do not whisper – it will strain the voice.

A common cause of laryngitis is growth of a nodule, cyst or polyp on the vocal cords. They are visible on use of an endoscope. There are two vocal cords which, in speech, come together and vibrate like a reed in a musical instrument. In formation of a nodule they cannot meet, air escapes and the voice becomes hoarse. Relaxation technique.

Where the condition lasts for more than 4 weeks an ENT specialist should be consulted. ... laryngitis, chronic


Cold sores, sensitive, cracked, blistered. Not to be confused with herpes simplex.

Causes: lowered resistance, menstrual disorders, constitutional weakness, shock, Vitamin C deficiency, food allergies.

Alternatives. Teas: Singly, or in equal parts combination: Red Clover. Gotu Kola, Plantain.

Decoctions: Echinacea, Burdock root, Yellow Dock root, Poke root.

Tablets/capsules. Echinacea. Poke root. Slippery Elm.

Tinctures. Formula. Equal parts: Echinacea, Red Clover, Gotu Kola. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons thrice daily in water or honey.

Topical. Aloe Vera gel or fresh pulp. Houseleek juice. Chickweed ointment. Jojoba oil. Comfrey (moist). Witch Hazel (dry).

Aromatherapy. 3-5 drops of any one of the following oils in a heavy carrier oil (Avocado) to ensure penetration: Chamomile, Jasmine, Orange Blossom, Patchouli, Sandalwood.


Supplements. Vitamin A, B-complex, C (3-6g daily). Vitamin E (400iu morning and evening). Calcium, Biochemic silicea, Zinc. ... lips


Nail loss. Paronychia. Clubbing. Brittle nails. Deformity (koilonychia). Spoon-shaped, as from iron-deficiency anaemia. A wide range of diseases affect the nails which, themselves, provide useful clues to underlying constitutional disturbance. Brittle and malformed nails are usually due to mineral deficiency. Ridging and grooving show altered nutrition and damage to the nail bed. Psoriasis nails are pitted.

Infections include candidiasis (monilia), ringworm, staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria. Biting of fingernails reveals anxiety. Colour change and atrophy of nails may be caused by antibiotics, antimalarials, betablockers, gold and arsenic medicines, steroids, “The Pill”; requiring Eliminatives, liver, kidney and possibly Lymphatic agents.

For in-growing toenail – see entry.

Alternatives. General, internal. For antifungals, see: WHITLOW. Mineral-rich herbs for nutrition.

Teas: Alfalfa, Carragheen, Horsetail, Gotu Kola, Red Clover, Oats (for silicon salts), Plantain, Silverweed, Clivers, Dandelion.

Decoctions: Yellow Dock, Burdock, Sarsaparilla, Queen’s Delight.

Tablets or capsules: Alfalfa. Kelp. Bamboo gum.

Formula. Horsetail 2; Gotu Kola 1; Thuja quarter. Dose: Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Thrice daily.

Cider Vinegar, See entry. Efficacy recorded.

Topical. Alternatives:– Apply to the nail:

(1) Liquid Extract or Tincture Thuja. (Ellingwood)

(2) Blood root. (J.T Kent MD)

(3) Evening Primrose oil.

(4) Contents of a Vitamin E capsule.

(5) Tincture Myrrh.

Diet. Nails are almost wholly protein. High protein. Onions, Garlic, Soya products, Carrot juice, Cod Liver oil, Kelp.

Vitamins. A. B-complex. B6. B12. Folic acid.

Minerals. Calcium. Dolomite. Copper. Iron. Silica. Stannum, Zinc. ... nails


n. a common itchy skin disease characterized by reddening (*erythema) and vesicle formation, which may lead to weeping and crusting. It is endogenous, or constitutional, i.e. outside agents do not play a primary role (compare dermatitis), but in some contexts the terms ‘dermatitis’ and ‘eczema’ are used interchangeably. There are five main types: (1) atopic eczema, which affects up to 20% of the population and is associated with asthma and hay fever; (2) seborrhoeic eczema (or seborrhoeic dermatitis), which involves the scalp, eyelids, nose, and lips, is associated with the presence of Malassezia yeasts and may also be seen in HIV infection; (3) discoid (or nummular) eczema, which is characterized by coin-shaped lesions and occurs in adults, especially on the limbs; (4) *pompholyx, affecting the palms and soles; (5) gravitational (or stasis) eczema, associated with poor venous circulation and incorrectly known as varicose eczema.

Treatment of eczema is with regular emollients and topical corticosteroids. Other treatments include topical *calcineurin inhibitors, phototherapy, and systemic immunosuppressants. There is emerging evidence that effective treatment of eczema helps to reduce the risk of subsequently developing asthma and hay fever. —eczematous adj.... eczema

Health Inequalities

differences in health-related *variables (e.g. life expectancy, all-age all-cause mortality, breast cancer incidence) between population groups (often defined by socio-economic group, sex, age, ethnic group, place of birth, place of residence, and income). Health inequalities between groups arise as a result of differences in constitutional factors (e.g. age, sex, ethnic group), educational attainment, health-related behaviour (e.g. smoking, diet) and access to services. Typically, socio-economic deprivation is associated with poorer health outcomes. Recent government policy has sought to reduce gaps in health outcomes between population groups, particularly those related to socio-economic group and income.... health inequalities


n. cancer of the lymph nodes, including *Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. There is a broad spectrum of malignancy, with prognosis ranging from a few months to many years. The patient usually shows evidence of multiple enlarged lymph nodes and may have constitutional symptoms such as weight loss, fever, and sweating (the so-called ‘B symptoms’). Disease may be widespread, but in some cases is confined to a single area, which may be extranodal (such as the tonsil). Treatment is with drugs such as chlorambucil or combinations of cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisolone, sometimes with the addition of doxorubicin and/or bleomycin; response to these drugs is often dramatic. New *targeted agents are used depending on the expression of cell surface molecules, particularly *rituximab against CD20 in diffuse B-cell lymphoma. Localized disease may be treated with radiotherapy followed by drugs. Patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma who do not respond to chemotherapy may be considered for a bone-marrow transplant.... lymphoma

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