Croup Health Dictionary

Croup: From 5 Different Sources

Laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis. Acute bacterial or viral inflammation of the respiratory tract. Spread by airborne infection.

Symptoms: difficult breathing. Breathing-in is noisy, spasmodic and prolonged. Effusion of a plastic-like material which coagulates to form a false membrane. Fretfulness. Symptoms of a ‘cold’ disappear but towards evening skin becomes hot, pulse rises, and a sense of anxiety takes over.

Laryngeal muscles are held in spasm, calling for antispasmodics. If the course of the disease has not been arrested on the third or fourth day a crisis is at hand and modern hospital treatment necessary. The condition is always worse at night. Treatment varies with each individual case. Stimulating diaphoretics induce gentle sweating, de-toxicate, and relieve tension on respiration.

Lobelia is unsurpassed as a croupal remedy and may be given alone either by infusion (tea) liquid extract or acid tincture. Given as a powder it works too slowly in a condition where speed saves lives.

While copious drinks of Catnep (Catmint) tea help, stronger medicines are indicated. Where resistance runs low, add Echinacea. Should any of these induce vomiting, it would be regarded as a favourable sign after which a measure of relief is felt.

Alternatives. Liquid extracts. Formula. Pleurisy root 2; Lobelia 1; Ginger half. Dose: one 5ml teaspoon in hot water every 2 hours. Infants: 10-30 drops.

Tinctures. Formula: Pleurisy root 2; Blue Cohosh 1; Lobelia 1. One to two 5ml teaspoons in hot water every 2 hours. Infants 10-20 drops.

Practitioner. Formula: 2 drops Tincture Belladonna BP 1980, 4 drops Tincture Ipecuanha BP 1973. Water to 2oz. One 5ml teaspoon in water every 15 minutes for 2 or 3 doses to enable child to sleep until morning; then once every hour or two for 3 days. Not to press medicines on children feeling comfortable. Inhalant. Friar’s Balsam. Steam kettle on hand. Or:–

Aromatherapy. Inhale. Drops. Thyme 1; Eucalyptus 2; Hyssop 1. In bowl of boiling water at the bedside at night or when necessary.

Drowsiness requires diffusive stimulants: Tinctures: Echinacea 2; Ginger quarter; Pleurisy root 1. One to two 5ml teaspoons in hot water every 2 hours; infants 5-20 drops according to age.

Collapse. When confronted with an ashen face, depression and collapse, powerful stimulants are necessary: tinctures – Formula. Prickly Ash bark 3; Blue Cohosh 2; Ginger 1. One 5ml teaspoon in hot water every 10 minutes; (infants 5-20 drops).

Topical. Relaxing oil. Ingredients: 3oz olive oil; half an ounce Liquid Extract or tincture Lobelia; Tincture Capsicum (Cayenne) 20 drops. Shake vigorously. Rub freely on throat, winding round a strip of suitable material wrung out in hot water. Cover with protective bandage or plastic film. Renew hot flannel every 10-15 minutes until paroxysms subside.

Poultice. Dissolve coffeespoon Cayenne powder or chillies in cup cider vinegar. Simmer gently 10 minutes. Strain. Saturate a piece of suitable material and wind round throat to relieve congested blood vessels.

Diet: No dairy foods which increase phlegm. No solid meals. Herb teas, vegetable and fruit juices only.

Steam kettle on hand, or Friar’s Balsam inhalation. See: FRIAR’S BALSAM. Regulate bowels. The condition is worsened in a dry hot atmosphere; reduce central heating to ensure adequate ventilation. Many a serious stridor and cough have been relieved by running some hot water into a bath or basin and sitting the child in a homemade Turkish bath.

Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
A common condition in infants and young children in which narrowing and inflammation of the airways causes hoarseness, stridor (a grunting noise during breathing), and a barking cough.

Croup may be caused by a viral or bacterial infection that affects the larynx, epiglottis (see epiglottitis), or trachea. Other causes include diphtheria, allergy, spasm caused by deficient calcium in the blood, and inhalation of a foreign body. Most cases are due to a viral infection and are mild.

Humidifying the air can help to make breathing easier. Nebulized corticosteroid drugs (see nebulizer) and oxygen may be prescribed. Infections are treated with antibiotic drugs.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
Any condition caused by respiratory obstruction
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
Also known as laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis, croup is a household term for a group of diseases characterised by swelling and partial blockage of the entrance to the LARYNX, occurring in children and characterised by crowing inspiration. There are various causes but by far the commonest is acute laryngo-tracheobronchitis (see under LARYNX, DISORDERS OF). Croup tends to occur in epidemics, particularly in autumn and early spring, and is almost exclusively viral in origin – commonly due to parain?uenza or other respiratory viruses. It is nearly always mild and sufferers recover spontaneously; however, it can be dangerous, particularly in young children and infants, in whom the relatively small laryngeal airway may easily be blocked, leading to su?ocation.

Symptoms Attacks generally come on at night, following a cold caught during the previous couple of days. The breathing is hoarse and croaking (croup), with a barking cough and harsh respiratory noise. The natural tendency for the laryngeal airway to collapse is increased by the child’s desperate attempts to overcome the obstruction. Parental anxiety, added to that of the child, only exacerbates the situation. After struggling for up to several hours, the child ?nally falls asleep. The condition may recur.

Treatment Most children with croup should be looked after at home if the environment is suitable. Severe episodes may require hospital observation, with treatment by oxygen if needed and usually with a single dose of inhaled steroid or oral PREDNISONE. For the very few children whose illness progresses to respiratory obstruction, intubation and ventilation may be needed for a few days. There is little evidence that putting the child in a mist tent or giving antibiotics is of any value. Of greater importance is the reassurance of the child, and careful observation for signs of deterioration, together with the exclusion of other causes such as foreign-body inhalation and bacterial tracheitis.

Health Source: Medicinal Plants Glossary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. acute inflammation and obstruction of the respiratory tract, involving the larynx and the main air passages (trachea and bronchi), in young children (usually aged between six months and three years). The usual cause is a virus infection but bacterial secondary infection can occur. The symptoms are those of *laryngitis, accompanied by signs of obstruction – harsh difficult breathing (see stridor), a characteristic barking cough, a rising pulse rate, restlessness, and *cyanosis. Treatment is by reassurance and humidification of the inspired air. In severe cases the obstruction may require treatment by steroid nebulizers, *intubation, or *tracheostomy. See also epiglottitis.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Blood Root

Sanguinaria canadensis. N.O. Papaveraceae.

Habitat: Widely distributed throughout North America.

Features ? Root reddish-brown, wrinkled lengthwise, about half-inch thick. Fracture short. Section whitish, with many small, red resin cells which sometimes suffuse the whole. Heavy odour, bitter and harsh to the taste.

Part used ? Root.

Action: Stimulant, tonic, expectorant.

Pulmonary complaints and bronchitis. Should be administered in whooping-cough and croup until emesis occurs. The powdered root is used as a snuff in nasal catarrh, and externally in ringworm and other skin eruptions. The American Thomsonians use it in the treatment of adenoids. Dose, 10 to 20 grains of the powdered root.... blood root


A natural re?ex reaction to irritation of the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. Air is drawn into the air passages with the GLOTTIS wide open. The inhaled air is blown out against the closed glottis, which, as the pressure builds up, suddenly opens, expelling the air – at an estimated speed of 960 kilometres (600 miles) an hour. This explosive exhalation expels harmful substances from the respiratory tract. Causes of coughing include infection – for example, BRONCHITIS or PNEUMONIA; in?ammation of the respiratory tract associated with ASTHMA; and exposure to irritant agents such as chemical fumes or smoke (see also CROUP).

The explosive nature of coughing results in a spray of droplets into the surrounding air and, if these are infective, hastens the spread of colds (see COLD, COMMON) and INFLUENZA. Coughing is, however, a useful reaction, helping the body to rid itself of excess phlegm (mucus) and other irritants. The physical e?ort of persistent coughing, however, can itself increase irritation of the air passages and cause distress to the patient. Severe and protracted coughing may, rarely, fracture a rib or cause PNEUMOTHORAX. Coughs can be classi?ed as productive – when phlegm is present – and dry, when little or no mucus is produced.

Most coughs are the result of common-cold infections but a persistent cough with yellow or green sputum is indicative of infection, usually bronchitis, and sufferers should seek medical advice as medication and postural drainage (see PHYSIOTHERAPY) may be needed. PLEURISY, pneumonia and lung CANCER are all likely to cause persistent coughing, sometimes associated with chest pain, so it is clearly important for people with a persistent cough, usually accompanied by malaise or PYREXIA, to seek medical advice.

Treatment Treatment of coughs requires treatment of the underlying cause. In the case of colds, symptomatic treatment with simple remedies such as inhalation of steam is usually as e?ective as any medicines, though ANALGESICS or ANTIPYRETICS may be helpful if pain or a raised temperature are among the symptoms. Many over-the-counter preparations are available and can help people cope with the symptoms. Preparations may contain an analgesic, antipyretic, decongestant or antihistamine in varying combinations. Cough medicines are generally regarded by doctors as ine?ective unless used in doses so large they are likely to cause sedation as they act on the part of the brain that controls the cough re?ex.

Cough suppressants may contain CODEINE, DEXTROMETHORPHAN, PHOLCODINE and sedating ANTIHISTAMINE DRUGS. Expectorant preparations usually contain subemetic doses of substances such as ammonium chloride, IPECACUANHA, and SQUILL (none of which have proven worth), while demulcent preparations contain soothing, harmless agents such as syrup or glycerol.

A list of systemic cough and decongestant preparations on sale to the public, together with their key ingredients, appears in the British National Formulary.... cough


Also known as croup – see under LARYNX, DISORDERS OF.... laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis

Larynx, Disorders Of

Obstruction of the larynx is potentially dangerous in adults but can sometimes be life-threatening in infants and children. Stridor – noisy, di?cult breathing – is a symptom of obstruction. There are several causes, including congenital abnormalities of the larynx. Others are in?ammatory conditions such as acute laryngitis (see below), acute EPIGLOTTITIS and laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis (croup – see below); neurological abnormalities; trauma; and inhalation of foreign bodies.

Laryngitis In?ammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal chords may be acute or chronic. The cause is usually an infection, most commonly viral, although it may be the result of secondary bacterial infection, voice abuse or irritation by gases or chemicals. ACUTE LARYNGITIS may accompany any form of upper-respiratory-tract infection. The main symptom is hoarseness and often pain in the throat. The voice becomes husky or it may be lost. Cough, breathing diffculties and sometimes stridor may occur. Acute airway obstruction is unusual following laryngitis but may occasionally occur in infants (see laryngotracheo-bronchitis, below).

Treatment Vapour inhalations may be soothing and reduce swelling. Usually all that is needed is rest and analgesics such as paracetamol. Rarely, airway intervention – either ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION or TRACHEOSTOMY – may be necessary if severe airway obstruction develops (see APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID). A?ected patients should rest their voice and avoid smoking.

Chronic laryngitis can result from repeated attacks of acute laryngitis; excessive use of the voice – loud and prolonged, singing or shouting; tumours, which may be benign or malignant; or secondary to diseases such as TUBERCULOSIS and SYPHILIS.

Benign tumours or small nodules, such as singer’s nodules, may be surgically removed by direct laryngoscopy under general anaesthetic; while cancer of the larynx may be treated either by RADIOTHERAPY or by SURGERY, depending on the extent of the disease. Hoarseness may be the only symptom of vocal-chord disturbance or of laryngeal cancer: any case which has lasted for six weeks should be referred for a specialist opinion.

Laryngectomy clubs are being established

A laryngoscopic view of the interior of the larynx.

throughout the country to support patients following laryngectomy. Speech therapists provide speech rehabilitation.... larynx, disorders of


Inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi, caused by a viral or a bacterial infection.

The disorder is usually mild, but can be life-threatening.

It is a common cause of croup in young children.... laryngotracheobronchitis


Asphyxia means literally absence of pulse, but is the name given to the whole series of symptoms which follow stoppage of breathing and of the heart’s action. Drowning is one cause, but obstruction of the AIR PASSAGES may occur as the result of a foreign body or in some diseases, such as CROUP, DIPHTHERIA, swelling of the throat due to wounds or in?ammation, ASTHMA (to a partial extent), tumours in the chest (causing slow asphyxia), and the external conditions of su?ocation and strangling. Placing the head in a plastic bag results in asphyxia, and poisonous gases also cause asphyxia: for example, CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) gas, which may be given o? by a stove or charcoal brazier in a badly ventilated room, can kill people during sleep. Several gases, such as sulphurous acid (from burning sulphur), ammonia, and chlorine (from bleaching-powder), cause involuntary closure of the entrance to the larynx, and thus prevent breathing. Other gases, such as nitrous oxide (or laughing-gas), chloroform, and ether, in poisonous quantity, stop the breathing by paralysing the respiration centre in the brain.

Symptoms In most cases, death from asphyxia is due to insu?ciency of oxygen supplied to the blood. The ?rst signs are rapid pulse and gasping for breath. Next comes a rise in the blood pressure, causing throbbing in the head, with lividity or blueness of the skin, due to failure of aeration of the blood, followed by still greater struggles for breath and by general CONVULSIONS. The heart becomes overdistended and gradually weaker, a paralytic stage sets in, and all struggling and breathing slowly cease. When asphyxia is due to charcoal fumes, coal-gas, and other narcotic in?uences, there is no convulsive stage, and death ensues gently and may occur in the course of sleep.

Treatment So long as the heart continues to beat, recovery may be looked for with prompt treatment. The one essential of treatment is to get the impure blood aerated by arti?cial respiration. Besides this, the feeble circulation can be helped by various methods. (See APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID – Choking; Cardiac/respiratory arrest.)... asphyxia


Breathlessness, or dyspnoea, may be due to any condition which renders the blood de?cient in oxygen, and which therefore produces excessive involuntary e?orts to gain more air. Exercise is a natural cause, and acute anxiety may provoke breathlessness in otherwise healthy people. Deprivation of oxygen – for example, in a building ?re – will also cause the victim to raise his or her breathing rate. Disorders of the lung may diminish the area available for breathing – for example, ASTHMA, PNEUMONIA, TUBERCULOSIS, EMPHYSEMA, BRONCHITIS, collections of ?uid in the pleural cavities, and pressure caused by a TUMOUR or ANEURYSM.

Pleurisy causes short, rapid breathing to avoid the pain of deep inspiration.

Narrowing of the air passages may produce sudden and alarming attacks of di?cult breathing, especially among children – for example, in CROUP, asthma and DIPHTHERIA.

Most cardiac disorders (see HEART, DISEASES OF) cause breathlessness, especially when the person undergoes any special exertion.

Anaemia is a frequent cause.

Obesity is often associated with shortness of breath. Mountain climbing may cause breathlessness

because, as altitude increases, the amount of oxygen in the air falls (see ALTITUDE SICKNESS). (See also LUNGS and RESPIRATION.)... breathlessness


See BRAIN; CROUP; DIPHTHERIA; labour (under PREGNANCY AND LABOUR).... membranes

Parainfluenza Viruses

These are included in the paramyxoviruses (see MYXOVIRUSES) and divided into four types, all of which cause infection of the respiratory system (see RESPIRATION). Infection with type 3 begins in May, reaches a maximum in July or August and returns to base-line level in October. Types 1 and 2 are predominantly winter viruses. Children are commonly affected and the manifestations include CROUP, fever, and a rash.... parainfluenza viruses

Polygala Chinensis

Auct. Non Linn.

Synonym: P. arvensis Willd.

Family: Polygalaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India and the Andamans.

English: Senega.

Folk: Meradu, Maraad, Negali (Maharashtra). Maraad (Nepal).

Action: Root—antiasthmatic; used as a substitute for Senega obtained from the American plant Polygala senega. (In Chinese medicine Senega refers to P. tenuifolia Willd.)

Key application: Senega Root— in productive cough, catarrh of the respiratory tract and chronic bronchitis. (German Commission E, ESCOP, WHO.)

Senega yielded lactonic lignans, their glycosides and flavonol glycosides. The root gave arctiin, afzelin, myricitrin and rutin. A triterpenic saponin was also obtained from the plant. The root contains salicylic acid, methyl salicylate and senegin (a sapo- nin mixture).

Senega is used for chronic bronchitis, catarrh, asthma and croup, as an infusion.

Related species are: P. chinesis Linn., synonym P. glomerata Lour; P. tele- phioides Willd., synonym P. brachys- tachya DC. non-Bl., found throughout the plains of India. Both the plants are used as expectorant, antiasthmatic and anticatarrhal.

Toxic constituents of Polygala senega root are: triterpene saponins—6- 16% senegasaponins A-D with agly- cone presenegenin or senegin. Sapo- nins irritate GI tract mucosa and cause reflex secretion of mucous in the bronchioles.

A French patent is used against graft rejection, eczema and multiple sclerosis as an anti-inflammatory drug.... polygala chinensis


In?ammation of the TRACHEA. It may occur along with BRONCHITIS, or independently, due to similar causes. Usually a viral condition, treatment may be unnecessary (see CROUP). A rare condition, bacterial tracheitis, is more dangerous as the patient produces large amount of thick, sticky SPUTUM which may block the airway causing respiratory failure and collapse. Treatment is by insertion of an endotracheal tube under general anaesthesia (see ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION), removing the secretions and using high-dose antibiotics.... tracheitis


An abbreviation for upper respiratory tract infection – that is colds (see COMMON COLD), otitis media (see EAR, DISEASES OF – Diseases of the middle ear), TONSILLITIS, PHARYNGITIS and laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis (see CROUP; LARYNX, DISORDERS OF).... urti

Respiratory Tract Infection

Infection of the breathing passages, which extend from the nose to the alveoli. This type of infection is divided into upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Upper respiratory tract infections affect the nose, throat, sinuses, and larynx. They include the common cold, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, and croup. Lower respiratory tract infections, which affect the trachea, bronchi, and lungs, include acute bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis, and pneumonia.... respiratory tract infection


The process in which air passes into and out of the lungs so that the blood can absorb oxygen and give o? carbon dioxide and water. This occurs 18 times a minute in a healthy adult at rest and is called the respiratory rate. An individual breathes more than 25,000 times a day and during this time inhales around 16 kg of air.

Mechanism of respiration For the structure of the respiratory apparatus, see AIR PASSAGES; CHEST; LUNGS. The air passes rhythmically into and out of the air passages, and mixes with the air already in the lungs, these two movements being known as inspiration and expiration. INSPIRATION is due to a muscular e?ort which enlarges the chest, so that the lungs have to expand in order to ?ll up the vacuum that would otherwise be left, the air entering these organs by the air passages. The increase of the chest in size from above downwards is mainly due to the diaphragm, the muscular ?bres of which contract and reduce its domed shape and cause it to descend, pushing down the abdominal organs beneath it. EXPIRATION is an elastic recoil, the diaphragm rising and the ribs sinking into the position that they naturally occupy, when muscular contraction is ?nished. Occasionally, forced expiration may occur, involving powerful muscles of the abdomen and thorax; this is typically seen in forcible coughing.

Nervous control Respiration is usually either an automatic or a REFLEX ACTION, each expiration sending up sensory impulses to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, from which impulses are sent down various other nerves to the muscles that produce inspiration. Several centres govern the rate and force of the breathing, although all are presided over by a chief respiratory centre in the medulla oblongata (see under BRAIN – Divisions). This in turn is controlled by the higher centres in the cerebral hemispheres, so that breathing can be voluntarily stopped or quickened.

Quantity of air The lungs do not completely empty themselves at each expiration and re?ll at each inspiration. With each breath, less than one-tenth of the total air in the lungs passes out and is replaced by the same quantity of fresh air, which mixes with the stale air in the lungs. This renewal, which in quiet breathing amounts to about 500 millilitres, is known as the tidal air. By a special inspiratory e?ort, an individual can draw in about 3,000 millilitres, this amount being known as complemental air. By a special expiratory e?ort, too, after an ordinary breath one can expel much more than the tidal air from the lungs – this extra amount being known as the supplemental or reserve air, and amounting to about 1,300 millilitres. If an individual takes as deep an inspiration as possible and then makes a forced expiration, the amount expired is known as the vital capacity, and amounts to around 4,000 millilitres in a healthy adult male of average size. Figures for women are about 25 per cent lower. The vital capacity varies with size, sex, age and ethnic origin.

Over and above the vital capacity, the lungs contain air which cannot be expelled; this is known as residual air, and amounts to another 1,500 millilitres.

Tests of respiratory e?ciency are used to assess lung function in health and disease. Pulmonary-function tests, as they are known, include spirometry (see SPIROMETER), PEAK FLOW METER (which measures the rate at which a person can expel air from the lungs, thus testing vital capacity and the extent of BRONCHOSPASM), and measurements of the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. (See also LUNG VOLUMES.)

Abnormal forms of respiration Apart from mere changes in rate and force, respiration is modi?ed in several ways, either involuntarily or voluntarily. SNORING, or stertorous breathing, is due to a ?accid state of the soft palate causing it to vibrate as the air passes into the throat, or simply to sleeping with the mouth open, which has a similar e?ect. COUGH is a series of violent expirations, at each of which the larynx is suddenly opened after the pressure of air in the lungs has risen considerably; its object is to expel some irritating substance from the air passages. SNEEZING is a single sudden expiration, which di?ers from coughing in that the sudden rush of air is directed by the soft palate up into the nose in order to expel some source of irritation from this narrow passage. CHEYNE-STOKES BREATHING is a type of breathing found in persons suffering from stroke, heart disease, and some other conditions, in which death is impending; it consists in an alternate dying away and gradual strengthening of the inspirations. Other disorders of breathing are found in CROUP and in ASTHMA.... respiration

Ruta Graveolens


Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Native to Mediterranean region; cultivated all over India.

English: Garden Rue.

Unani: Sudaab, Suddaab.

Siddha/Tamil: Aruvada.

Action: Herb—stimulating, antispasmodic, stomachic; irritant, abortifacient. Used as an emme- nagogue, in hysterical conditions, cough and croupy affections, colic and flatulence. Leaf—used in atonic amenorrhoea, menorrhoea and colic. Externally, used for sciatica, headache, muscular chest pain, bronchitis and arthritic conditions. (Fresh juice of leaves, internally, can lead to painful irritations of the stomach and intestines). Oil— antispasmodic, antiepileptic, em- menagogue, rubefacient. (Toxic in large doses.)

Ruta graveolens has been included among unapproved herbs by German Commission E.

The herb contains a volatile oil, with 2-undecanone (30.73) 2-nona- none (18.06), 2-nonyl acetate (11.03), psoralen (1.28) and bergapten and xan- thotoxin (7.24%); rutin (about 2%). The flavonoids include quercetin; cou- marins include bergapten, daphnore- tin, isoimperatorin, naphthoherniarin, psoralen, pangelin, rutamarin, rutarin, scopoletin and umbelliferone. Tissue culture of the plant gave furacridone alkaloids. Tissue culture of the root gave gravacridondiol and its glucoside.

The spasmolytic activity of the herb is attributed to the presence of bergapten, xanthotoxin and the essential oil. Anti-inflammatory and antitumour activity is due to rutin. The furo- coumarins are responsible for the herb's phototoxicity.

The herb is hepatotoxic, and is con- traindicated in kidney diseases and bleeding disorders. (Sharon M. Herr.) Maximum safe level is 0.001% for Rue and 0.0002% for the oil. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)... ruta graveolens


An abnormal breathing sound caused by narrowing or obstruction of the larynx or trachea.

Stridor is most common in young children.

It usually occurs in croup.

Other causes include epiglottitis, an inhaled foreign body, hypocalcaemia, and some larynx disorders.... stridor

Chestnut, Sweet

 Spanish chestnut. Castanea sativa, Mill. Leaves. French: Cha?taignier. German: Kastanienbaum. Italian: Castagno. Indian: Ni-keri. Russian: Keschtan. Dutch: Kastangeboorn.

Constituents include tannins. Leaves and fruits.

Action: drying astringent, antirheumatic, antitussive.

Uses: Dry violent spasmodic coughs (whooping cough, croup). Copious catarrh. Diarrhoea (infants). Piles. Muscular rheumatism. Polymyalgia. Sore throat (gargle).

Formula. Chestnut 1; Celery 1; Black Cohosh quarter; and Meadowsweet 1; for polymyalgia and muscular rheumatism.

Formula. Sweet Chestnut 2; Wild Cherry bark 1; for whooping cough.

Preparations: Tea: 2 teaspoons shredded leaves to each cup water, bring to boil and simmer 5 minutes. Half-1 cup freely.

Liquid Extract BHP (1983) 1:1 in 25 per cent alcohol. Dose 1-4ml, thrice daily.

Home tincture: 1oz shredded leaves to 20oz Vodka (40-45 per cent alcohol). Macerate 8 days. 2-4 teaspoons in water, thrice daily. ... chestnut, sweet

Cudweed, Marsh

 Gnaphalium uliginosum L. German: Ruhrkraut. French: Immortelle. Italian: Canapicchie. Part used: herb.

Action: Astringent, antitussive, antiseptic, anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory.

Uses: Quinsy, sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis (tea used as a gargle every 2 hours). Inflammation of the parotid gland (mumps). Bleeding from respiratory mucous surfaces. Whooping cough, croup. Lice infestation (wash hair with tea). High blood pressure. (Russia)

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Tea. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes, half cup freely, acute cases; thrice daily, chronic. Addition of 2 drops Tincture Myrrh enhances action.

Powder: dose, 2-4g.

Liquid Extract: half-1 teaspoon in water.

Tincture BHP (1983) 1 part to 5 parts 45 per cent alcohol. Dose: 1-4ml (15-60 drops). ... cudweed, marsh


An acute infectious disease caused by Gram positive Corynebacterium diphtheria by droplet infection. Incubation: 2-4 days. Isolation.

Symptoms: low grade fever, malaise, sore throat, massive swelling of cervical lymph glands, thick white exudate from tonsils, false membrane forms from soft palate to larynx with brassy cough and difficult breathing leading to cyanosis and coma. Toxaemia, prostration, thin rapid pulse. Throat swabs taken for laboratory examination. See: NOTIFIABLE DISEASES.

Treatment. Bedrest. Encourage sweating.

Recommendations are for those parts of the world where medical help is not readily available and may save lives. Alternatives:–

1. Combine: Tincture Echinacea 3; Tincture Goldenseal 2; Tincture Myrrh 1. Dose: 30-60 drops in water, two-hourly.

2. Combine equal parts: Tincture Lobelia; Tincture Echinacea. Dose: 30-60 drops in water, two-hourly.

3. Combine Tincture Poke root 2; Tincture Echinacea 3. Dose: 30-60 drops in water, two hourly.

4. G.L.B. Rounseville, MD, Ill., USA. I have treated diphtheria since 1883. I have treated diphtheria until I am sure the number of cases treated run into four digits. I have never given a hypodermic of antitoxin on my own initiative, nor have I ever lost a case early enough to inhibit conditions. I have depended upon Echinacea not only prophylactic but also as an antiseptic . . . In the line of medication the remedies are: Aconite, Belladonna, Poke root and Cactus grand, according to indications. But remember, if you are to have success, Echinacea must be given internally, externally and eternally! Do not fear any case of diphtheria with properly selected remedies as the symptoms occur. Echinacea will also be your stimulant, diaphoretic, diuretic, sialogogue, cathartic and antipyretic. (Ellingwood’s Physiomedicalist, Vol 13, No 6, June, 1919, 202)

5. Alexander M. Stern MD, Palatka, Florida, USA. Combine: tinctures Echinacea 1oz, Belladonna 10 drops, Aconite 10 drops. Water to 4oz. 1 teaspoon 2-hourly.

6. F.H. Williams, MD, Bristol, Conn., USA. I took a case which had been given up to die with tracheal diphtheritic croup. I gave him old-fashioned Lobelia (2) seed and Capsicum (1) internally and externally and secured expulsion of a perfect cast of the trachea without a tracheotomy.

7. Gargle, and frequent drink. To loosen false membrane. Raw lemon juice 1, water 2. Pineapple juice. Teas: Red Sage, fresh Poke root. Cold packs – saturated with Echinacea (Tincture, Liquid Extract or decoction) to throat.

Note: Capsicum and Lobelia open up the surface blood flow of the body thus releasing congestion on the inner mucous membranes.

Diet. Complete lemon-juice and herb tea fast with no solid foods as long as crisis lasts.

To be treated by a general medical practitioner or hospital specialist. ... diphtheria


n. closure of the vocal folds by sudden contraction of the laryngeal muscles, followed by a noisy indrawing of breath. It occurs in young children and was in the past associated with low-calcium rickets. Now it occurs when the larynx has been irritated following administration of anaesthetic, when a foreign body has lodged in the larynx, or in *croup.... laryngismus


n. inflammation of the larynx and vocal folds, due to infection by bacteria or viruses or irritation by gases, chemicals, etc. The folds lose their vibrance (owing to swelling) and the voice becomes husky or is lost completely; breathing is harsh and difficult (see stridor); and the cough is painful and honking. Obstruction of the airways may occasionally be serious, especially in children (see croup). The patient should rest his voice and remain in a warm moisture-laden atmosphere; steam inhalations for 15–20 minutes every 2–3 hours are traditionally beneficial.... laryngitis


Black Elder. Sambucus nigra L. Flowers, bark, berries. German: Holunder. French: Sureau. Spanish: Sauco. Italian: Sambreo.

Constituents: flavonoids, oil, tannins.

Berries contain Vitamin C and iron. Elderblossom works well with Peppermint or Yarrow, as a tea. Action: anti-inflammatory, laxative (especially berries and bark), anticatarrhal, relaxing diaphoretic, hydragogue (inner bark), cathartic (inner bark). Elderblossom is an emollient skin care product. Emetic (inner bark). Diuretic (urinary antiseptic). An ancient household remedy for promoting flow of urine (cold infusion). Expectorant (hot infusion).

Uses: the common cold, influenza, winter’s chills, early stages of fevers with dry skin and raised body temperature. Nasal catarrh, sinusitis. Tonsillitis, inflammation of mouth, throat and trachea (mouth wash and gargle). Night sweats (cold infusion). Chilblains (local).

“The inner bark of Elder has been used with success in epilepsy by taking suckers or branches 1-2 years old. The grey outer bark is scraped off and 2oz of it steeped in 5oz boiling water for 48 hours. Strain. Give a wineglassful every 15 minutes when a fit is threatening. Have the patient fast. Resume every 6 to 8 days.” (Dr F. Brown (1875))

Croup (combined with Coltsfoot – equal parts). Eyestrain, conjunctivitis, twitching: cotton wool pads soaked in cold Elder tea applied to the closed lids, patient lying down.

Preparations: Tea (flowers) 2 teaspoons (2-4g) in each cup boiling water; infuse 5 minutes. Half-1 cup two-hourly for acute conditions. Cold tea is laxative and sedative. Hot tea excites and stimulates. Cold tea soothes and heals chapped hands and useful for sunbathing.

Distilled Elderflower water: for inflamed eyes.

Liquid Extract. 1 teaspoon in water, thrice daily.

Home tincture (traditional). Chippings of inner green bark macerated in white wine for 8 days, strain; for dropsy and constipation.

Ointment. 3 parts fresh Elder leaves. Heat with 6 parts Vaseline until leaves are crisp; strain and store. (David Hoffmann)

Elderberry wine: traditional.

Powder: dose, 3-5g.

Veterinary. “If sheep or farm animals with foot-rot have access to the bark and young leaves, they soon cure themselves.” (Dr John Clarke, Dictionary of Materia Medica) ... elder


Scabwort. Inula helenium L. Root and rhizome. German: Alant. French: Inule. Italian: Enula elemie. Arabian: Ussul-ur-rasun. Indian: Phatmer. Iranian: Pil-gush. Keynote: lung disorders. Grows freely in Russia where it is cultivated and the fresh root preserved in strong vodka for chest and stomach complaints.

Constituents: sesquiterpene lactones, inulin, resin.

Action: antispasmodic, alterative, stimulating expectorant, diaphoretic, antiseptic, stomachic, anticatarrhal.

“Performs a double action (1) as a bacteriostatic in chronic bronchitis and (2) its biochemical action in alleviating rheumatism.” (Hamdard Foundation, Pakistan).

Helenin inhibits growth of tubercle bacillus. (Ellingwood, 12.4. Apr 18. 126)

Uses: Has a long record for old coughs, especially of tuberculosis. Haemoptysis, whooping cough, croup. Advanced chest diseases to facilitate removal of mucous. Silicosis, pneumoconiosis, emphysema. Chronic catarrh. Night sweats. Leucorrhoea. To strengthen a feeble digestion. Stitches in the side (spleen). Hyperventilation.

Combines well with Yarrow and Marshmallow. Popular combination. Decoction: mix equal parts; Yarrow, Marshmallow root and Elecampane root. 1oz (30g) in 1 pint (500ml) water simmered 20 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup, 2-3 times daily. In the absence of any one ingredient, substitute Wild Cherry bark.

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Powder: quarter to half a teaspoon.

Decoction, root. Quarter to half a teaspoon to each cup of water; simmer gently 10 minutes in a covered vessel. Dose: 1 cup.

Liquid extract BHC Vol 1. (1:1, in 25 per cent ethanol). Dose: 1-2ml. Not used in pregnancy and lactation.

Note: Difficult to maintain chemical stability of the root which may explain why best results have followed pulping or decoction of the fresh root. Dosage of pulp: 2-4 teaspoons. ... elecampane


Herbs containing essential oils are sometimes used as inhalations. 1oz (30g) herb is infused in 2 pints (one and a quarter litres) boiling water for 15 minutes, strained, and the steam inhaled with the aid of a towel above the head. Soothing to irritable and sensitive mucous surfaces. Anti- microbial effects on colds, whooping cough, croup, laryngitis, coryza, asthma and early stages of fevers. To relieve spasm of bronchioles: Lobelia, Stramonium, Eucalyptus, Aloe Vera.

Important inhalants: Eucalyptus, Thyme, Hyssop, Rosemary, Lavender, Chamomile, Mint, Tea Tree. Aromatherapy offers oils of the above herbs: 6-12 drops floated on the surface of 2 pints boiling water after being allowed to stand 3 minutes. See: FRIAR’S BALSAM. TEA TREE.

Alternative method. In place of a basin use an aluminium hot water bottle into which boiling water is poured. Add few drops Friar’s Balsam, Olbas, or essential oil. Insert a large funnel into which the mouth and nose are placed to breathe the vapour. Stop up any free space in the neck of the bottle with a tissue. Camphorated oil. 4 teaspoons to litre boiling water. Inhale steam with aid of a towel over head.

Inhalant Salve for nasal congestion and frontal sinusitis. Oil Pine 1ml; Oil Eucalyptus 2ml; Oil Peppermint 2ml; Vaseline to 30 grams. Melt the Vaseline. Add oils. Stir until cold. For direct use or inhaled from boiling water. (F. Fletcher Hyde, FNIMH)

Note: Inhalation: also through a tissue, steam or air-diffuser. Odours act upon the sense of smell and influence mucous secretion of the respiratory organs. ... inhalations

Laryngitis, Acute

 Inflammation of the vocal cords. May be associated with the common cold, influenza, and other viral or bacterial infections.

Causes: smoking, mis-use of the voice in talking or singing (Ginseng).

Symptoms: voice husky or absent (aphonia). Talking causes pain. Self-limiting.

Treatment. Stop talking for 2 days. Care is necessary: neglect or ineffective treatment may rouse infection and invade the windpipe and bronchi resulting in croup.

Differential: croup is alerted by high fever and characteristic cough, requiring hospital treatment. Alternatives. Teas: Red Sage. Garden Sage. Thyme, wild or garden.

Effective combination: equal parts, Sage and Raspberry leaves. Used also as a gargle.

Tablets/capsules. Poke root. Lobelia. Iceland Moss.

Cinnamon. Tincture, essence or oil of: 3-5 drops in teaspoon honey.

Horseradish. 1oz freshly scraped root to steep in cold water for two hours. Add 2 teaspoons runny honey. Dose: 2-3 teaspoons every two hours.

Topical. Equal parts water/cider vinegar cold pack round throat. Renew when dry.

Traditional: “Rub soles of the feet with Garlic and lard well-beaten together, overnight. Hoarseness gone in the morning.” (John Wesley) Friar’s balsam.

Aromatherapy. Steam inhalations. Oils: Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Niaouli, Geranium, Lavender, Sandalwood.

Diet. Three-day fruit fast.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin A (7500iu). Vitamin C (1 gram thrice daily). Beta carotene 200,000iu. Zinc 25mg. ... laryngitis, acute


Indian tobacco. Puke weed. Lobelia inflata L. German: Indianischer tabak. French: Tabac indien. Italian: Lobelia. Part used: dried herb collected when part of capsule is inflated.

Constituents: lobeline, resin, wax, gum, lignin, fixed oil.

Action: antasthmatic, antispasmodic, mild sedative and gentle relaxant. Expectorant, diaphoretic, anti- cough. Broncho-dilator containing the alkaloid lobeline. Claimed to destroy pneumococcus. Amphoteric. Emetic. Smoking deterrent (tablets). Respiratory stimulant.

Uses: Broad spectrum therapy: chest, throat, sinuses, middle ear, urinary tract, chronic bronchitis. An effective means of controlling difficult breathing without risk of serious side-effects: croup, whooping cough, pleurisy, etc. For deteriorating asthma where there has been a declining response to routine broncho-dilator treatment. Well tolerated by those allergic to penicillin and for side-effects arising from that therapy. Tetanus (Dr H. Hart, Chi Med Journal). Irritability and hypersensitivity. Nicotine addiction. External. Use of tincture or liquid extract for gouty joints, big toe, etc.

Ear troubles in children: Inject 2 drops Oil Lobelia.

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Dried herb, 50 to 200mg in infusion (BHC Vol 1).

Liquid Extract: 0.2 to 0.6ml (3 to 10 drops).

Tincture Lobelia acid: 1 part to 10 parts cider vinegar; macerate 8 days; decant. Dose: 5 to 10ml (1-2 teaspoons).

Simple Tincture Lobelia BPC (1949), 1:8 in 60 per cent alcohol. Dose, 0.6 to 2ml.

Tablets/capsules. Lobelia compound. Powdered Lobelia BP 60mg; Powdered Gum Ammoniacum BPC 30mg; Powdered extract Squill 2:1, 30mg. Respiratory stimulant for blocked sinuses, catarrh and coughs. Contra-indicated: feeble pulse or nerve response, pregnancy, shock, paralysis. Large doses induce vomiting. ... lobelia


A rough, husky, or croaking voice. Short-lived hoarseness is often due to overuse of the voice, which strains the muscles in the larynx. It is also commonly caused by inflammation of the vocal cords in acute laryngitis. Persistent hoarseness may be due to chronic irritation of the larynx, which can be caused by smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, chronic bronchitis, or constant dripping of mucus from the nasal passages. Polyps on the vocal cords may also cause hoarseness. In people with hypothyroidism, hoarseness can result from formation of tissue on the vocal cords. In young children, hoarseness may be a symptom of croup. Occasionally persistent hoarseness in adults has a more serious cause, such as cancer of the larynx (see larynx, cancer of), thyroid cancer, or lung cancer.

Resting the voice helps in strain- or laryngitis- related cases. If hoarseness persists for more than 2 weeks, a doctor should be consulted. A laryngoscopy may be performed to exclude a serious underlying cause.... hoarseness

Lung, Disorders Of

The most common lung disorders are infections. These diseases include pneumonia, tracheitis, and croup. Bronchitis and bronchiolitis, which are inflammatory disorders affecting the airways within the lungs, can be complications of colds or influenza. The disorder bronchiectasis may occur as a complication of severe bacterial pneumonia o.

cystic fibrosis. The lungs can also be affected by allergic disorders. The most important of these is asthma. Another such disorder is allergic alveolitis, which is usually a reaction to dust of plant or animal origin. Irritation of the airways, usually by tobacco-smoking, can cause diseases characterized by damage to lung tissue and narrowing of the airways (see pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive). The lungs can also be affected by cancerous tumours; lung cancer is one of the most common cancers. Noncancerous lung tumours are uncommon.

Injury to a lung, usually resulting from penetration of the chest wall, can cause the lung to collapse (see pneumothorax; haemothorax). Damage to the interior of the lungs can be caused by inhalation of toxic substances (see asbestosis; silicosis). Blood supply to the lungs may be reduced by pulmonary embolism.

Lung disorders can be investigated in various ways, such as chest X-ray, bronchoscopy, and pulmonary function tests.... lung, disorders of

Balsam, Tolu

Myroxylon balsamum var. balsamum

FAMILY: Fabaceae (Leguminosae)

SYNONYMS: Toluifera balsamum, Balsamum tolutanum, B. americanum, Myrospermum toluiferum, Thomas balsam, resin Tolu, opobalsam.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A tall, graceful tropical tree, similar in appearance to the Peru balsam tree. The balsam is a pathological product, obtained by making V-shaped incisions into the bark and sap wood, often after the trunk has been beaten and scorched. It is a ‘true’ balsam.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to South America, mainly Venezuela, Colombia and Cuba; also cultivated in the West Indies.

OTHER SPECIES: There are many types of South American balsam-yielding trees, such as the Peru balsam – see entry.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: The balsam works primarily on the respiratory mucous membranes, and is good for chronic catarrh and non-inflammatory chest complaints, laryngitis and croup. It is still used as a flavour and mild expectorant in cough syrups and lozenges. As an ingredient in compound benzoin tincture and similar formulations, it is helpful in the treatment of cracked nipples, lips, cuts, bedsores, etc.

ACTIONS: Antitussive, antiseptic, balsamic, expectorant, stimulant.

EXTRACTION: The crude balsam is collected from the trees. It appears first in liquid form, then hardens and solidifies into an orange-brown brittle mass. An ‘essential oil’ is obtained from the crude by 1. steam distillation, or 2. dry distillation. (A resinoid and absolute are also produced for use primarily as fixatives.)

CHARACTERISTICS: 1. A pale yellow-brown liquid with a sweet-floral scent and peppery undertone. 2. An amber-coloured liquid with a rich balsamic-floral scent, which slowly solidfies on cooling into a crystalline mass. Tolu balsam blends well with mimosa, ylang ylang, sandalwood, labdanum, neroli, patchouli, cedarwood and oriental, spicy and floral bases.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: The balsam contains approx. 80 per cent resin, 20 per cent oil, with cinnamic and benzoic acids, small amounts of terpenes, and traces of eugenol and vanillin.

SAFETY DATA: Available information indicates it to be non-toxic, non-irritant, possible sensitization, see Peru Balsam.


SKIN CARE: Dry, chapped and cracked skin, eczema, rashes, scabies, sores, wounds.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, croup, laryngitis. ‘It may be used as an inhalant by putting about a teaspoon into a steam bath.’6

OTHER USES: As a fixative and fragrance component in colognes, cosmetics and perfumes (especially the dry distilled type). Some use in pharmaceutical preparations, e.g. cough syrups. Low levels used in many major food products, especially baked goods.... balsam, tolu

Eucalyptus, Blue Gum

Eucalyptus globulus var. globulus

FAMILY: Myrtaceae

SYNONYMS: Gum tree, southern blue gum, Tasmanian blue gum, fever tree, stringy bark.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A beautiful, tall, evergreen tree, up to 90 metres high. The young trees have bluish-green oval leaves while the mature trees develop long, narrow, yellowish leaves, creamy-white flowers and a smooth, pale grey bark often covered in a white powder.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to Tasmania and Australia. Mainly cultivated in Spain and Portugal, also Brazil, California, Russia and China. Very little of this oil now comes from its native countries.

OTHER SPECIES: There are over 700 different species of eucalyptus, of which at least 500 produce a type of essential oil. Many have been extracted simply for experimental purposes, and research is still being carried out with regard to the different constituents of each oil. In general, they can be divided into three categories. 1. The medicinal oils containing large amounts of cineol (or eucalyptol), such as the blue gum, but increasingly the blue malee (E. polybractea), the narrow-leaved peppermint (E. radiata var. australiana) and the gully gum (E. smithii). 2. The industrial oils containing mainly piperitone and phellandrene, such as the peppermint eucalyptus (E. piperita), grey peppermint (E. radiata var. phellandra) and increasingly the broad-leaved peppermint (E. dives var. Type). 3. The perfumery oils containing mainly citronellal, such as the lemon-scented eucalyptus (E. citriodora). See also Botanical Classification section.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: A traditional household remedy in Australia, the leaves and oil are especially used for respiratory ailments such as bronchitis and croup, and the dried leaves are smoked like tobacco for asthma. It is also used for feverish conditions (malaria, typhoid, cholera, etc.) and skin problems like burns, ulcers and wounds. Aqueous extracts are used for aching joints, bacterial dysentery, ringworms, tuberculosis, etc. and employed for similar reasons in western and eastern medicine. The wood is also used for timber production in Spain.

ACTIONS: Analgesic, antineuralgic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, balsamic, cicatrisant, decongestant, deodorant, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, hypoglycaemic, parasiticide, prophylactic, rubefacient, stimulant, vermifuge, vulnerary.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the fresh or partially dried leaves and young twigs.

CHARACTERISTICS: A colourless mobile liquid (yellows on ageing), with a somewhat harsh camphoraceous odour and woody-sweet undertone. It blends well with thyme, rosemary, lavender, marjoram, pine, cedarwood and lemon. (The narrow-leaved eucalyptus (E. radiata var. australiana) is often used in preference to the blue gum in aromatherapy work, being rich in cineol but with a sweeter and less harsh odour.)

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Cineol (70–85 per cent), pinene, limonene, cymene, phellandrene, terpinene, aromadendrene, among others.

SAFETY DATA: Externally non-toxic, non-irritant (in dilution), non-sensitizing. ‘When taken internally eucalyptus oil is toxic and as little as 3.5ml has been reported as fatal’..


Skin Care: Burns, blisters, cuts, herpes, insect bites, insect repellent, lice, skin infections, wounds.

Circulation Muscles And Joints: Muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains, etc.

Respiratory System: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sinusitis, throat infections.

Genito-Urinary System: Cystitis, leucorrhoea.

Immune System: Chickenpox, colds, epidemics, ’flu, measles.

Nervous System: Debility, headaches, neuralgia.

OTHER USES: The oil and cineol are largely employed in the preparation of liniments, inhalants, cough syrups, ointments, toothpaste and as pharmaceutical flavourings also used in veterinary practise and dentistry. Used as a fragrance component in soaps, detergents and toiletries – little used in perfumes. Used for the isolation of cineol and employed as a flavour ingredient in most major food categories.... eucalyptus, blue gum

Respiratory System

Asthma (M,V,I):

Asafetida, Canadian balsam, Peru balsam, benzoin, cajeput, clove bud, costus, cypress, elecampane, eucalyptus (blue gum, lemon & peppermint), frankincense, galbanum, immortelle, hops, hyssop, lavender (spike & true), lavandin, lemon, lime, sweet marjoram, melissa, mint (peppermint & spearmint), myrrh, myrtle, niaouli, pine (longleaf & Scotch), rose (cabbage & damask), rosemary, sage (clary & Spanish), hemlock spruce, tea tree, thyme.

Bronchitis (M,V,I):

Angelica, star anise, aniseed, asafetida, Canadian balsam, copaiba balsam, Peru balsam, Tolu balsam, French basil, benzoin, borneol, cajeput, camphor (white), caraway, cascarilla bark, cedarwood (Atlas, Texas & Virginian), clove bud, costus, cubebs, cypress, elecampane, elemi, eucalyptus (blue gum & peppermint), silver fir, frankincense, galbanum, immortelle, hyssop, labdanum, lavandin, lavender (spike & true), lemon, sweet marjoram, mastic, mint (peppermint & spearmint), melissa, myrrh, myrtle, niaouli, orange (bitter & sweet), pine (longleaf & Scotch), rosemary, sandalwood, hemlock spruce, Levant styrax, tea tree, thyme, turpentine, violet.

Catarrh (M,V,I):

Canadian balsam, Tolu balsam, cajeput, cedarwood (Atlas, Texas & Virginian), cubebs, elecampane, elemi, eucalyptus (blue gum & peppermint), frankincense, galbanum, ginger, hyssop, jasmine, lavandin, lavender (spike & true), lemon, lime, mastic, mint (peppermint & spearmint), myrrh, myrtle, niaouli, black pepper, pine (longleaf & Scotch), sandalwood, Levant styrax, tea tree, thyme, turpentine, violet.

Chill (M,B):

Copaiba balsam, benzoin, cabreuva, calamintha, camphor (white), cinnamon leaf, ginger, grapefruit, orange (bitter & sweet), black pepper.

Chronic coughs (M,V,I):

Canadian balsam, costus, cubebs, cypress, elecampane, elemi, frankincense, galbanum, immortelle hops, hyssop, jasmine, melissa, mint (peppermint & spearmint), myrrh, myrtle, sandalwood, Levant styrax.

Coughs (M,V,I):

Angelica, star anise, aniseed, copaiba balsam, Peru balsam, Tolu balsam, French basil, benzoin, borneol, cabreuva, cajeput, mmphor (white), caraway, cascarilla bark, Atlas cedarwood, eucalyptus (blue gum & peppermint), silver fir, ginger, hyssop, labdanum, sweet marjoram, myrrh, niaouli, black pepper, pine (longleaf & Scotch), rose (cabbage & damask), rosemary, sage (clary & Spanish), hemlock spruce, tea tree.

Croup (M,I):

Tolu balsam.

Earache (C):

French basil, chamomile (German & Roman), lavender (spike & true).

Halitosis/offensive breath (S):

Bergamot, cardamon, sweet fennel, lavandin, lavender (spike & true), mint (peppermint & spearmint), myrrh.

Laryngitis/hoarseness (1):

Tolu balsam, benzoin, caraway, cubebs, lemon eucalyptus, frankincense, jasmine, lavandin, lavender (spike & true), myrrh, sage (clary & Spanish), sandalwood, thyme.

Sinusitis (1):

French basil, cajeput, cubebs, eucalyptus blue gum, silver fir, ginger, labdanum, peppermint, niaouli, pine (longleaf & Scotch), tea tree.

Sore throat & throat infections (V,I):

Canadian balsam, bergamot, cajeput, eucalyptus (blue gum, lemon & peppermint), geranium, ginger, hyssop, lavandin, lavender (spike & true), myrrh, myrtle, niaouli, pine (longleaf & Scotch), sage (clary & Spanish), sandalwood, tea tree, thyme, violet.

Tonsillitis (1):

Bergamot, geranium, hyssop, laurel, myrtle, sage (clary & Spanish), thyme.

Whooping cough (M,I):

Asafetida, immortelle, hyssop, true lavender, mastic, niaouli, rosemary, sage (clary & Spanish), tea tree, turpentine.

Digestive System

Colic (M):

Star anise, aniseed, calamintha, caraway, cardamon, carrot seed, chamomile (German & Roman), clove bud, coriander, cumin, dill, sweet fennel, ginger, hyssop, lavandin, lavender (spike & true), sweet marjoram, melissa, mint (peppermint & spearmint), neroli, parsley, black pepper, rosemary, clary sage.

Constipation & sluggish digestion (M,B):

Cinnamon leaf, cubebs, sweet fennel, lovage, sweet marjoram, nutmeg, orange (bitter & sweet), palmarosa, black pepper, tarragon, turmeric, yarrow.

Cramp/gastric spasm (M,C):

Allspice, star anise, aniseed, caraway, cardamon, cinnamon leaf, coriander, costus, cumin, galbanum, ginger, lavandin, lavender (spike & true), lovage, mint (peppermint & spearmint), neroli, orange (bitter & sweet), black pepper, clary sage, tarragon, lemon verbena, yarrow.

Griping pains (M):

Cardamon, dill, sweet fennel, parsley.

Heartburn (M):

Cardamon, black pepper. Indigestion/flatulence (M):

Allspice, angelica, star anise, aniseed, French basil, calamintha, caraway, cardamon, carrot seed, cascarilla bark, celery seed, chamomile (German & Roman), cinnamon leaf, clove bud, coriander, costus, cubebs, cumin, dill, sweet fennel, galbanum, ginger, hops, hyssop, laurel, lavandin, lavender (spike & true), lemongrass, linden, litsea cubeba, lovage, mandarin, sweet marjoram, melissa, mint (peppermint & spearmint), myrrh, neroli, nutmeg, orange (bitter & sweet), parsley, black pepper, petitgrain, rosemary, clary sage, tarragon, thyme, valerian, lemon verbena, yarrow.

Liver congestion (M):

Carrot seed, celery seed, immortelle, linden, rose (cabbage & damask), rosemary, Spanish sage, turmeric, lemon verbena.

Loss of appetite (M):

Bergamot, caraway, cardamon, ginger, laurel, myrrh, black pepper.

Nausea/vomiting (M,V):

Allspice, French basil, cardamon, cascarilla bark, chamomile (German & Roman), clove bud, coriander, sweet fennel, ginger, lavandin, lavender (spike & true), melissa, mint (peppermint & spearmint), nutmeg, black pepper, rose (cabbage & damask), rosewood, sandalwood.... respiratory system

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