Datisca cannabina Health Dictionary

Datisca Cannabina: From 1 Different Sources


Family: Datiscaceae.

Habitat: Temperate and subtropical Himalaya from Kashmir to Nepal at 300-1,800 m.

English: False Hemp.

Folk: Akal-ber. Bhang-jala (Punjab).

Action: Diuretic, purgative, expectorant. Used in fevers, and gastric and scrofulous ailments.

The plant contains flavonoids, datis- cin and datiscanin. EtOH (50%) extract of seeds and flowers exhibited marked sedative, highly anti-inflammatory, mild analgesic, antipyretic and diuretic activity in rats.
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Cannabis Sativa


Synonym: C. indica Linn.

Family: Cannabinaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated all over the country. Commonly occurs in waste grounds, along road side, often becoming gregarious along the irrigation channels of gardens.

English: Hemp, Indian Hemp.

Ayurvedic: Vijayaa, Bhangaa, Maadani, Maatulaani, Indraasana, Trailokya-vijayaa, Tribhuvana- vijayaa, Shukranaashana, Ganjaa, Bhangaa. (Bhangaa is consumed orally; Ganjaa and charas are usually smoked.)

Unani: Bhang, Charas, Qinnab.

Siddha/Tamil: Ganja.

Folk: Bhaanga.

Action: Hallucinogenic, hypnotic, sedative, analgesic, anti- inflammatory, Hemp derivatives are suggested for treating glaucoma and as an antiemetic in cancer chemotherapy. All variants produce initial excitement followed by depression.

Cannabis yields 421 chemicals of various classes—cannabinoids, canna- bispirans and alkaloids. More than 60 cannabinoids have been isolated, the most important one is delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Toxic constituents are readily absorbed, excreted in urine and feces, stored in lipid tissues, especially CNS, crosses placenta. High doses in animals have damaged developing embryos and resulted in birth defects. (Francis Brinker.)

Dosage: Dried leaves, after removing turbity—125-250 mg powder. (API Vol. I.)... cannabis sativa

Humulus Lupulus


Family: Cannabinaceae.

Habitat: Native to Europe and Asia. Conditions for its successful cultivation are reported to exist in Kashmir and parts of Himachal Pradesh.

English: Hops.

Unani: Hashish-ut-Dinaar.

Action: Flowers—sedative, hypnotic, nervine tonic, diuretic, spasmolytic on smooth muscle, analgesic, astringent. Used for nervous diseases, intestinal cramps, menopause, insomnia, neuralgia and nervous diarrhoea. Also as a tonic in stomach and liver affections. As a blood cleanser, the root is used like sarsaparilla.

Key application: In mood disturbances, such as restlessness and anxiety, sleep disturbances. (German Commission E. ESCOP.)

The British Herbal Compendium and The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia reported herb's action as sedative, soporific, spasmolytic and aromatic bitter, and indicated its use for excitability, restlessness, disorders of sleep and lack of appetite.

Hop cones consist of the whole dried female inflorescences of Humu- lus lupulus.

Hop contains bitter principles— lupulin containing humulon, lupulon and valerianic acid; volatile oil (0.31.0%) including humulene; flavonoids including xanthohumole; polypheno- lic tannins, asparagin, oestrogenic substances.

Bitter principles stimulate the digestive system. Valerianic acid is sedative. The resin components, lupulon and humulon are antiseptic against Grampositive bacteria. Asparagin is diuretic. Research suggested that the anti- spasmodic effect is stronger than the sedative, and hops also possess antihis- taminic and anti-oxytocic properties. (Cases of amenorrhoea and dysmen- orrhoea are treated with hops.)

Hop extracts exert different effects on CNS in mice. They show hypother- mic, hypnotic, sedative, muscle relaxing and spontaneous locomotor activities, besides potentiating pentobarbital anaesthesia in mice.

Humulone inhibited induced inflammation in mice.

The dried strobila containing humu- lone and lupulone showed antidiabetic activity in experimental rats.

Hop mash or extract is used in the preparation of toothpaste for inhibiting Gram-positive bacteria and in hair preparations for preventing dandruff formation. It is also used in skin- lightening creams.... humulus lupulus

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