Fall Health Dictionary

Fall: From 1 Different Sources

(American) Born during the autumn season Falle
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Tetralogy Of Fallot

The most common form of cyanotic congenital heart disease. The tetralogy consists of stenosis of the pulmonary valve (see PULMONARY STENOSIS); a defect in the septum separating the two ventricles (see VENTRICLE); the AORTA over-riding both ventricles; marked HYPERTROPHY of the right ventricle. Surgery is required to remedy the defects.... tetralogy of fallot

Fallen Arches

Weakness in the muscles that support the bony arches of the foot. The result is ?at feet, a condition that can adversely affect a person’s ability to walk and run normally.... fallen arches

Fallopian Tubes

Tubes, one on each side, lying in the pelvic area of the abdomen, which are attached at one end to the UTERUS, and have the other unattached but lying close to the ovary (see OVARIES). Each is 10–12·5 cm (4–5 inches) long, large at the end next to the ovary, but communicating with the womb by an opening which admits only a bristle. These tubes conduct the ova (see OVUM) from the ovaries to the interior of the womb. Blockage of the Fallopian tubes by a chronic in?ammatory process resulting from infection is a not uncommon cause of infertility in women. (See ECTOPIC PREGNANCY; REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM.)... fallopian tubes

Fallopian Tube

One of the 2 tubes that extend from the uterus to the ovary. The fallopian tube transports eggs and sperm and is where fertilization takes place.

The tube opens into the uterus at one end, and the other end, which is divided into fimbriae (finger-like projections), lies close to the ovary. The tube has muscular walls lined by cells with cilia (hair-like projections). The fimbriae take up the egg after it is expelled from the ovary. The beating cilia and muscular contractions propel the egg towards the uterus. After intercourse, sperm swim up the fallopian tube from the uterus. The lining of the tube and its secretions sustain the egg and sperm, encouraging fertilization, and nourish the egg until it reaches the uterus.

Salpingitis is inflammation of the fallopian tube, usually the result of a sexually transmitted bacterial infection, that can lead to infertility.

An ectopic pregnancy (development of an embryo outside the uterus) most commonly occurs in the fallopian tube.... fallopian tube

Fallot’s Tetralogy

See tetralogy of Fallot.... fallot’s tetralogy

Falling Sickness

An old name for EPILEPSY.... falling sickness


(Irish) A commanding woman Fallyn, Faline, Falinne, Faleen, Faleene, Falynne, Falyn, Falina, Faleena, Falyna, Falon, Fallan, Falline... fallon

Fallot’s Tetralogy

See TETRALOGY OF FALLOT.... fallot’s tetralogy

Hair Falling

To arrest recent fall-out where baldness has not been established. See: HAIR LOSS for internal treatments.

Topical. Massage scalp with creams or lotions of Jojoba, Aloe Vera, or wash with strong teas made from Burdock, Sage, Elder leaves, Walnut leaves or Nettles. Apple Cider vinegar.

Aromatherapy. 2 drops each: Sage, Nettles, Thyme to two teaspoons Gin, Vodka or strong spirit. Massage into scalp daily.

Supplements. Biotin, a growth factor, seems to slow down hair loss and is a substitute for oestrogen in a penetrating cream applied to the scalp. Inositol 300mg; Zinc 15mg, daily. ... hair falling


See radiation hazards.... fallout

Falls In The Elderly

The tendency to fall increases steadily with age. Reflex actions become slower, and an elderly person who trips is frequently too slow to prevent a fall. Various medical conditions common in the elderly, including poor sight, walking disorders, cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension, and Parkinson’s disease, increase the risk of falls, as does taking sleeping drugs or tranquillizer drugs.

Broken bones (see fracture) are a common complication of falls, especially in women. Not only do women have more falls, they are also more likely to suffer fractures because their bone strength may be reduced due to osteoporosis. A fall, or the fear of falling, can also have adverse psychological effects on an elderly person, who may become reluctant to leave the home.

Falls may be prevented by taking common-sense measures such as ensuring that handrails are secure, good lighting is available, suitable footwear is worn, and floor coverings and wiring are safe.... falls in the elderly

Fallopian Tube Recanalization

(FTR) an *interventional radiology technique to open up blocked Fallopian tubes as a treatment for infertility. This usually follows a *hysterosalphingogram.... fallopian tube recanalization


n. a narrow flexible fibreoptic *endoscope used to view the inner lining of the Fallopian tubes (see falloposcopy).... falloposcope


n. observation of the interior of a Fallopian tube using a *falloposcope introduced via a hysteroscope (see hysteroscopy).... falloposcopy

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