Funnybone Health Dictionary

Funnybone: From 1 Different Sources

Colloquial name for the small area at the back of the elbow where the ULNAR NERVE goes over a prominence at the lower end of the HUMERUS bone. If the nerve is hit, acute pain results, accompanied by tingling in the forearm and hand.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Guillain-barre Syndrome (gbs)

Named after the French neurologist. A type of polyneuritis, causing sensory loss and muscle weakness. May follow minor viral infections. Recovery usually spontaneous, but death may result if paralysis affects the respiratory system. Antibodies produced during an infection may attack the myelin sheath of the nerves which weakens muscle control.

Symptoms: muscle weakness. A hand may drop objects. Legs too weak for walking. Asks himself: “Will I ever walk again?” Pain is similar to banging a ‘funnybone’ – but never lets up.

Treatment. Good nursing and family support. Agents that recoat the nerves. A warm bath helps relieve pains.

Alternatives:– Tea: mix equal parts: Skullcap, Oats, Catmint. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup, freely.

Tablets, tinctures or extracts: Cramp bark, Valerian, Mistletoe. Ginseng.

Vitamins. B1, B2, B6, B12, B-complex. Pantothenic acid.

Minerals. Magnesium. Dolomite. Zinc. ... guillain-barre syndrome (gbs)

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