Gonorrhoea Health Dictionary

Gonorrhoea: From 6 Different Sources

A venereal infection that may be acute or chronic. Affects the mucous membrane of the urethra in the male or the vagina in the female. Almost always the result of sexual contact. One million cases are reported in the United States annually and perhaps as many as two million go unreported. Causative organism: Neisseria Gonorrhoeae.

In the initial attack in the male bacteria produces inflammation, with pus, which spreads to the prostate gland and other organs. In women there may be a painful abscess at the opening of the vagina, with characteristic yellowish discharge. It is particularly destructive to the lining of the womb, Fallopian tubes and ovaries, producing sterility or miscarriage. A notifiable disease.

Symptoms occur from two to eight days with scalding pain on passing water; urgency, frequency, and irritation of the urethra. A profuse discharge sets in and the urine contains visible yellowish threads of pus as the bladder is affected. Inflammation is followed by fibrosis producing urethral stricture; narrowing of the canal makes the passing of water difficult in men and swelling of the prostate gland may result in acute retention of water. Glands in the groin may enlarge, suppurate. Abscess formation in various parts of the body. Infection of the eyes and pharynx possible through transferred infection.

If severe, valves of the heart may be affected (endocarditis). The chronic form is accompanied by rheumatic pains in the joints, especially knee, ankle and wrist. Untreated patients may remain anonymous carriers months before detection.

Alternatives. It was observed that on South Sea Islands where Kava Kava (piper methysticum) is a popular native remedy, gonorrhoea was rare. It was claimed that, used by the native doctors, it was capable of curing the disease in visiting sailors. Once given in combination with Black Cohosh and Marshmallow root.

Tincture Thuja. 5-10 drops thrice daily.

Sandalwood oil. 5-10 drops thrice daily.

Formula. Hydrangea 10; Black Cohosh 5; Gelsemium 1. If headache follows, reduce dose. Dose: 20 drops in water 2-hourly. If discharge does not lessen within 3 days give external douche: 10 drops Goldenseal in an ounce of Witch Hazel distilled extract, or rosewater to bladder and urethra. If a thin discharge prevails on the fifth day, add to each dose 5 drops Liquid Extract or 10 drops tincture Kava Kava. (Dr G.A. West, Ellingwood’s Physiomedicalist)

“I used Echinacea for gonorrhoea, both internally and by injection” writes Dr A.G. Smith, Washington, claiming success in recent and chronic cases.

Early Australian settlers used: Tea Tree oil internally (drop doses) and as a douche: 3-5 drops in half a pint boiled milk allowed to cool.

Powders. Formula. Kava Kava 2; Hydrangea 1; Cinnamon half. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Elderflower tea. If fever is present give abundant Elderflower tea. OR: 5-15 drops tincture Aconite BP. 2-3 times daily.

Diseases due to suppressed gonorrhoea (arthritis, etc): Liquid Extract Thuja, 5 drops thrice daily.

Eye infections from gonorrhoea, Great Celandine. (Priest)

For genital lesions, Tincture Myrrh and Goldenseal lotion: (20 drops each) to 1oz Evening Primrose oil. Thoroughly mix by shaking before external use.

Diet: Avoid alcohol, condiments and hot spicy foods, curries, etc which worsen the irritation.

Exercise: Avoid all violent exercise.

To be treated by STD specialist only. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
One of the most common sexually transmitted infections. Gonorrhoea, caused by the bacterium NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE, is most often transmitted during sexual activity, including oral and anal sex. An infected woman may also transmit the disease to her baby during childbirth.Gonorrhoea has an incubation period of 2–10 days. In men, symptoms include a discharge from the urethra and pain on passing urine. Many infected women have no symptoms; if symptoms are present, they usually consist of vaginal discharge or a burning sensation on passing urine. Infection acquired by anal sex can cause gonococcal proctitis. Oral sex with an infected person may lead to gonococcal pharyngitis. A baby exposed to infection during its birth may acquire the eye infection gonococcal ophthalmia.

Untreated gonorrhoea may spread to other parts of the body. In men, it may cause prostatitis or epididymo-orchitis, affecting fertility. In women, untreated gonorrhoea results in pelvic inflammatory disease, causing damage to the fallopian tubes. This increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy and may lead to infertility. Gonococcal bacteria in the bloodstream may result in septicaemia or septic arthritis.

Tests are performed on a sample of discharge or on swabs taken from the urethra, cervix, or rectum in order to confirm the diagnosis. Gonorrhoea is treated with antibiotic drugs.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
An inflammatory disease of the genitourinary passages characterized by pain and discharge
Health Source: Dictionary of Tropical Medicine
Author: Health Dictionary
Gonorrhoea is an in?ammatory disease caused by Neisseria gonococcous, affecting especially the mucous membrane of the URETHRA in the male and that of the VAGINA in the female, but spreading also to other parts. It is the most common of the SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STDS). According to the WHO, 200 million new cases are noti?ed annually in the world. In the UK the incidence has been declining since 1991; in 1999 the rate per million of population was 385 for males (599.4 in 1991) and 171.3 for females (216.5 in 1991).

Causes The disease is directly contagious from another person already suffering from it – usually by sexual intercourse, but occasionally conveyed by the discharge on sponges, towels or clothing as well as by actual contact. The gonococcus is found in the discharge expressed from the urethra, which may be spread as a ?lm on a glass slide, suitably stained, and examined under the microscope; or a culture from the discharge may be made on certain bacteriological media and ?lms from this, similarly examined under the microscope. Since discharges resembling that of gonorrhoea accompany other forms of in?ammation, the identi?cation of the organism is of great importance. A gram-stained smear of urethral discharge enables rapid identi?cation of the gonococcus in around 90 per cent of men.

Symptoms These di?er considerably, according to whether the disease is in an acute or a chronic stage.

MEN After an incubation period of 2–10 days, irritation in the urethra, scalding pain on passing water, and a viscid yellowish-white discharge appear; the glands in the groin often enlarge and may suppurate. The urine when passed is hazy and is often found to contain yellowish threads of pus visible to the eye. After some weeks, if the condition has become chronic, the discharge is clear and viscid, there may be irritation in passing urine, and various forms of in?ammation in neighbouring organs may appear – the TESTICLE, PROSTATE GLAND and URINARY BLADDER becoming affected. At a still later stage the in?ammation of the urethra is apt to lead to gradual formation of ?brous tissue around this channel. This contracts and produces narrowing, so that urination becomes di?cult or may be stopped for a time altogether (the condition known as stricture). In?ammation of some of the joints is a common complication in the early stage – the knee, ankle, wrist, and elbow being the joints most frequently affected – and this form of ‘rheumatism’ is very intractable and liable to lead to permanent sti?ness. The ?brous tissues elsewhere may also develop in?ammatory changes, causing pain in the back, foot, etc. In occasional cases, during the acute stage, SEPTICAEMIA may develop, with in?ammation of the heart-valves (ENDOCARDITIS) and abscesses in various parts of the body. The infective matter occasionally is inoculated accidentally into the eye, producing a very severe form of conjunctivitis: in the newly born child this is known as ophthalmia neonatorum and, although now rare in the UK. has in the past been a major cause of blindness (see EYE, DISORDERS OF). WOMEN The course and complications of the disease are somewhat di?erent in women. It begins with a yellow vaginal discharge, pain on urination, and very often in?ammation or abscess of the Bartholin’s glands, situated close to the vulva or opening of the vagina. The chief seriousness, however, of the disease is due to the spread of in?ammation to neighbouring organs, the UTERUS, FALLOPIAN TUBES, and OVARIES, causing permanent destructive changes in these, and leading occasionally to PERITONITIS through the Fallopian tube with a fatal result. Many cases of prolonged ill-health and sterility or recurring miscarriages are due to these changes.

Treatment The chances of cure are better the earlier treatment is instituted. PENICILLIN is the antibiotic of choice but unfortunately the gonococcus is liable to become resistant to this. In patients who are infected with penicillin-resistant organisms, one of the other antibiotics (e.g. cefotaxime, cipro?oxacin or spectinomycin) is used. In all cases it is essential that bacteriological investigation should be carried out at weekly intervals for three or four weeks, to make sure that the patient is cured. Patients attending with gonorrhoea are asked if they will agree to tests for other sexually transmitted infections, such as HIV (see AIDS/HIV) and for assistance in contact tracing.

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
A sexually transmitted disease caused by the Gram negative diplococcus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Health Source: Medicinal Plants Glossary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. a sexually transmitted disease, caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, that affects the genital mucous membranes of either sex. Symptoms develop about a week after infection and include pain on passing urine and discharge of pus (known as gleet) from the penis (in men) or vagina (in women); some infected women, however, experience no symptoms. If a pregnant woman has gonorrhoea, her baby’s eyes may become infected during passage through the birth canal (see ophthalmia neonatorum). In untreated cases, the infection may spread throughout the reproductive system, causing sterility; severe inflammation of the urethra in men can prevent passage of urine (a condition known as *stricture). Later complications include arthritis, inflammation of the heart valves (*endocarditis), and infection of the eyes, causing conjunctivitis. Treatment with ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, or cefotaxime is usually effective.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Ficus spp.


The genus Ficus constitutes an important group of trees with immense medicinal value. It is a sacred tree of Hindus and Buddhists. Among the varied number of species, the most important ones are the four trees that constitute the group “Nalpamaram”, namely, F. racemosa, F. microcarpa, F. benghalensis and F. religiosa (Athi, Ithi, Peral and Arayal respectively).

1. Ficus racemosa Linn. syn. F. glomerata Roxb.

Eng: Cluster fig, Country fig

San: Udumbarah, Sadaphalah

Hin: Gular, Umar

Ben: Jagya dumur

Mal, Tam,

Kan: Athi

Tel: Udambaramu, Paidi

Gular fig, Cluster fig or Country fig, which is considered sacred, has golden coloured exudate and black bark. It is distributed all over India. Its roots are useful in treating dysentery. The bark is useful as a wash for wounds, highly efficacious in threatened abortions and recommended in uropathy. Powdered leaves mixed with honey are given in vitiated condition of pitta. A decoction of the leaves is a good wash for wounds and ulcers. Tender fruits (figs) are used in vitiated conditions of pitta, diarrhoea, dyspepsia and haemorrhages. The latex is administered in haemorrhoids and diarrhoea (Warrier et al, 1995). The ripe fruits are sweet, cooling and are used in haemoptysis, thirst and vomiting (Nadkarni, 1954; Aiyer et al, 1957; Moos, 1976). Nalpamaradi coconut oil, Candanasava, Valiya Arimedastaila, Dinesavalyadi Kuzhambu, Abhrabhasma, Valiya candanaditaila, etc. are some important preparations using the drug (Sivarajan et al, 1994).

It is a moderate to large-sized spreading laticiferous, deciduous tree without many prominent aerial roots. Leaves are dark green and ovate or elliptic. Fruit receptacles are 2-5cm in diameter, sub- globose or pyriform arranged in large clusters on short leafless branches arising from main trunk or large branches. Figs are smooth or rarely covered with minute soft hairs. When ripe, they are orange, dull reddish or dark crimson. They have a pleasant smell resembling that of cedar apples. The bark is rusty brown with a fairly smooth and soft surface, the thickness varying from 0.5-2cm according to the age of the trunk or bark. Surface is with minute separating flakes of white tissue. Texture is homogeneously leathery (Warrier et al, 1995).

Stem-bark gives gluanol acetate, -sitosterol, leucocyanidin-3-O- -D-glucopyrancoside, leucopelargonidin-3-O- -D-glucopyranoside, leucopelargonidin -3-O- -L-rhamnopyranoside, lupeol, ceryl behenate, lupeol acetate and -amyrin acetate. Stem- bark is hypoglycaemic and anti-protozoal. Gall is CVS active. Bark is tonic and used in rinder pest diseases of cattle. Root is antidysenteric and antidiabetic. Leaf is antibilious. Latex is antidiarrhoeal and used in piles. Bark and syconium is astringent and used in menorrhagia (Husain et al, 1992).

2. Ficus microcarpa Linn. f. syn. F. retusa auct. Non. Linn.

San: Plaksah; Hin,

Ben: Kamarup;

Mal: Ithi, Ithiyal;

Tam: Kallicci, Icci;

Kan: Itti;

Tel: Plaksa

Plaksah is the Ficus species with few branches and many adventitious roots growing downward. It is widely distributed throughout India and in Sri Lanka, S. China, Ryuku Isles and Britain. Plakasah is one of the five ingredients of the group panchvalkala i.e, five barks, the decoction of which is extensively used to clear ulcers and a douche in leucorrhoea in children. This decoction is administered externally and internally with satisfactory results. Plaksah is acclaimed as cooling, astringent, and curative of raktapitta doshas, ulcers, skin diseases, burning sensation, inflammation and oedema. It is found to have good healing property and is used in preparation of oils and ointments for external application in the treatment of ulcers (Aiyer and Kolammal, 1957). The stem-bark is used to prepare Usirasava, Gandhataila, Nalpamaradi taila, Valiya marmagulika, etc. (Sivarajan et al, 1994). The bark and leaves are used in wounds, ulcers, bruises, flatulent colic, hepatopathy, diarrhoea, dysentery, diabetes, hyperdipsia, burning sensation, haemaorrhages, erysipelas, dropsy, ulcerative stomatitis, haemoptysis, psychopathy, leucorrhoea and coporrhagia (Warrier et al,1995) F. microcarpa is a large glabrous evergreen tree with few aerial roots. Leaves are short- petioled, 5-10cm long, 2-6cm wide and apex shortly and bluntly apiculate or slightly emarginate. Main lateral nerves are not very prominent and stipules are lanceolate. Fruit receptacles are sessile and globose occurring in axillary pairs. It is yellowish when ripe without any characteristic smell. Bark is dark grey or brown with a smooth surface except for the lenticels. Outer bark is corky and crustaceous thin and firmly adherent to inner tissue. Inner bark is light and flesh coloured with firbrous texture (Warrier et al, 1995). It is also equated with many other species of the genus. viz. F. Singh and Chunekar, 1972; Kapoor and Mitra, 1979; Sharma, 1983).

The bark contains tannin, wax and saponin. Bark is antibilious. Powdered leaves and bark is found very good in rheumatic headache. The bark and leaves are astringent, refrigerant, acrid and stomachic.

3. Ficus benghalensis Linn.

Eng: Banyan tree; San: Nyagrodhah, Vatah;

Hin: Bat, Bargad;

Ben: Bar, Bot; Mar: Vada; Mal: Peral, Vatavriksham;

Tam: Alamaram, Peral;

Kan: Ala;

Tel: Peddamarri;

Guj: Vad

Banyan tree is a laticiferous tree with reddish fruits, which is wound round by aerial adventitious roots that look like many legs. It is found in the Sub-Himalayan tract and Peninsular India. It is also grawn throughout India. It is widely used in treatment of skin diseases with pitta and rakta predominance. Stem-bark, root -bark, aerial roots, leaves, vegetative buds and milky exudate are used in medicine. It improves complexion, cures erysepelas, burning sensation and vaginal disorders, while an infusion of the bark cures dysentery, diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, nervous disorders and reduces blood sugar in diabetes. A decoction of the vegetative buds in milk is beneficial in haemorrhages. A paste of the leaves is applied externally to abcesses and wounds to promote suppuration, while that of young aerial roots cure pimples. Young twigs when used as a tooth brush strengthen gum and teeth (Nadkarni, 1954; Aiyer and Kolammal, 1957; Mooss,1976). The drug forms an important constituent of formulations like Nalpamaradi Coconut oil, Saribadyasava, Kumkumadi taila, Khadi ra gulika, Valiyacandanadi taila, Candanasava, etc. (Sivarajan et al, 1994). The aerial roots are useful in obstinate vomiting and leucorrhoea and are used in osteomalacia of the limbs. The buds are useful in diarrhoea and dysentery. The latex is useful in neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago, bruises, nasitis, ulorrhagia, ulitis, odontopathy, haemorrhoids, gonorrhoea, inflammations, cracks of the sole and skin diseases (Warrier et al, 1995).

It is a very large tree up to 30m in height with widely spreading branches bearing many aerial roots functioning as prop roots. Bark is greenish white. Leaves are simple, alternate, arranged often in clusters at the ends of branches. They are stipulate, 10-20cm long and 5-12.5cm broad, broadly elliptic to ovate, entire, coriaceous, strongly 3-7 ribbed from the base. The fruit receptacles are axillary, sessile, seen in pairs globose, brick red when ripe and enclosing male, female and gall flowers. Fruits are small, crustaceous, achenes, enclosed in the common fleshy receptacles. The young bark is somewhat smooth with longitudinal and transverse row of lenticels. In older bark, the lenticels are numerous and closely spaced; outer bark easily flakes off. The fresh cut surface is pink or flesh coloured and exudes plenty of latex. The inner most part of the bark adjoining the wood is nearly white and fibrous (Warrier et al, 1995).

The bark yields flavanoid compounds A, B and C; A and C are identified as different forms of a leucoanthocyanidin and compound B a leucoanthocyanin. All the 3 were effective as hypoglycaemic agents. Leaves give friedelin, -sitosterol, flavonoids- quercetin-3-galactoside and rutin. Heart wood give tiglic acid ester of taraxasterol. Bark is hypoglycemic, tonic, astringent, antidiarrhoeal and antidiabetic. Latex is antirheumatic. Seed is tonic. Leaf is diaphoretic. Root fibre is antigonorrhoeic. Aerial root is used in debility and anaemic dysentery (Husain et al, 1992).

.4. Ficus religiosa Linn.

Eng:Peepal tree, Sacred fig; San:Pippalah, Asvatthah; Hin:Pippal, Pipli, Pipar; Mal:Arayal

Ben: Asvatha;

Tam: Arasu, Asvattam;

Kan: Aswatha;

Tel: Ravi; Mar: Ashvata, Pimpala

Peepal tree or Sacred fig is a large deciduous tree with few or no aerial roots. It is common throughout India, often planted in the vicinity of the temples. An aqueous extract of the bark has an antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. It is used in the treatment of gonorrhoea, diarrhoea, dysentery, haemorrhoids and gastrohelcosis. A paste of the powdered bark is a good absorbent for inflammatory swellings. It is also good for burns. Leaves and tender shoots have purgative properties and are also recommended for wounds and skin diseases. Fruits are laxative and digestive. The dried fruit pulverized and taken in water cures asthma. Seeds are refrigerant and laxative. The latex is good for neuralgia, inflammations and haemorrhages (Warrier et al, 1995). Decoction of the bark if taken in honey subdues vatarakta (Nadkarni, 1954; Aiyer and Kolammal, 1957; Mooss, 1976; Kurup et al, 1979). The important preparations using the drug are Nalpamaradi taila, Saribadyasava, Candanasava, Karnasulantaka, Valiyamarma gulika etc (Sivarajan et al, 1994). branches bearing long petioled, ovate, cordate shiny leaves. Leaves are bright green, the apex produced into a linear-lanceolate tail about half as long as the main portion of the blade. The receptacles occurring in pairs and are axillary, depressed globose, smooth and purplish when ripe. The bark is grey or ash coloured with thin or membranous flakes and is often covered with crustose lichen patches. The outer bark is not of uniform thickness, the middle bark in sections appear as brownish or light reddish brown. The inner part consists of layers of light yellowish or orange brown granular tissue (Warrier et al, 1995).

Bark gives -sitosterol and its glucoside. Bark is hypoglycaemic. Stem bark is antiprotozoal, anthelmintic and antiviral. Bark is astringent, antigonorrheic, febrifuge, aphrodisiac and antidysenteric. Syconium, leaf and young shoot is purgative (Husain et al, 1992).

Agrotechnology: Ficus species can be cultivated in rocky areas, unused lands, or other wastelands of the farmyard. The plant is vegetatively propagated by stem cuttings. A few species are also seed propagated. Stem cuttings of pencil thickness taken from the branches are to be kept for rooting. Rooted cuttings are to be transplanted to prepared pits. No regular manuring is required. Irrigation is not a must as a plant is hardy. The plant is not attacked by any serious pests or diseases. Bark can be collected after 15 years. Ficus species generally has an economic life span of more than hundred years. Hence bark can be regularly collected from the tree. Root, bark, leaves, fruits and latex form the economic parts (Prasad et al,1995).... ficus


Gleet means a chronic form of GONORRHOEA.... gleet


Neisseria gonorrhoeae.... gonococcus


Tailed pepper. Piper cubeba L. Constituents: lignans, gum resins, volatile oil.

Action: powerfully stimulates genito-urinary mucous surfaces and for this purpose was used by the Old School extensively for gonorrhoea and other STDs. As an expectorant was once used for chronic cough and bronchitis (1ozenges).

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Liquid Extract BPC (1934) 1 in 1. Dose: 2-4ml. Tincture Cubebs BPC 1949; dose, 2-4ml. Powder: dose, 2-4g. ... cubebs

Ophthalmia Neonatorum

A type of eye inflammation and discharge (ophthalmitis) that occurs in newborn infants, usually as a result of infection with gonorrhoea or chlamydia at birth.

The infection is treated with antibiotic drugs.... ophthalmia neonatorum


Inflammation of the urethra, usually due to an infection but sometimes having other causes.

Urethritis may be caused by various infectious organisms, including the bacterium that causes gonorrhoea. Nongonococcal urethritis may be caused by any of a large number of different types of microorganisms. Urethritis may also be caused by damage from an accident

or from a catheter or cystoscope.

Other possible causes include irritant chemicals, such as antiseptics and some spermicidal preparations.

Treatment of infection is with antibiotic drugs.... urethritis

Worm Killer

Aristolochia bracteolata


San: Kitamari

Hin: Kiramar, Kitamar Mal: Attuthottappala, Atuthinnappala

Tam: Atutinnappalai

Importance: The bracteated birthwort or worm killer is a perennial prostrate herb. As the name suggests it is a killer of intestinal worms especially roundworms. It is also used in vitiated conditions of kapha and vata, constipation, inflammations, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, foul ulcers, boils, syphilis, gonorrhoea, dyspepsia, colic, skin diseases, eczema, artheralgia and intermittent fevers. The plant is an insect repellent due to the presence of aristolochic acid, which is poisonous to man and livestock. Plant is also used against scorpion sting. Seeds ground in water to form a lotion and used for softening hair. Powdered root is used in fertility control.

Distribution: The plant is found in Sri Lanka, Arabian countries and tropical Africa. In India, the plant is grown in Deccan and Carnatic Plateau.

Botany: Aristolochia bracteolata Lam. syn. A. bracteata Retz. belongs to the family Aristolochiaceae. It is a perennial prostrate herb with weak, glabrous stems. Leaves are simple, alternate, reniform or broadly ovate, cordate at the base with a wide sinus upto 7.5cm in diameter, reticulately veined. Flowers are solitary with a large sessile orbicular bract at the base. Perianth tube is cylindric with dark purple tip having revolute margins. Fruits are oblong-ellipsoid 12-ribbed glabrous capsules. Seeds are deltoid with slightly cordate base (Warrier et al, 1993) Another important species belonging to the genus Aristolochia is A. indica Linn. The plant grows wild throughout the low hills and plains of India from Nepal to West Bengal and South India. It is a valuable anti-dote to snake bite and to bites of poisonous insects as scorpion, etc. It is given in cases of cholera and diarrhoea after macerating with black pepper corns. The juice of the leaves has stimulant, tonic and antiperiodic properties.

Agrotechnology: Shady areas and well-drained soils are most suited to Aristolochia. The plant can be seed propagated. 3-month-old seedlings raised in polybags are required for transplanting. Pits of size 50cm cube are to be taken at a distance of 3m and filled with sand, topsoil and dried cowdung. To these pits, the seedlings are to be transplanted. Regular irrigation and organic manure application is beneficial. The plant is to be trailed on iron wires tied to poles. The plant is not attacked by any serious pests or diseases. Plant attains good spread within one year. Leaves can be collected for the next 10 years. Roots and leaves constitute the economi c parts (Prasad et al, 1997).

Properties and activity: Leaves and fruits yield ceryl alcohol, -sitosterol and aristolochic acid. Root contains aristolochic acid. Seeds give an alkaloid magnoflorine, aristolochic acid, fatty oil comprising palmitic, stearic, lignoseric and oleic acids and -sitosterol.

The plant is anthelmintic, cathartic, antiperiodic and emmenagogue. Leaf is antigonorrhoeic, larvicidal and used in eczema on children’s leg and ulcers. The plant is oxytocic (Husain et al,1992).... worm killer

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

An infection of the internal female reproductive organs. Pelvic inflammatory disease (or ) may not have any obvious cause, but may occur as a result of a sexually transmitted infection, such as gonorrhoea, or after a miscarriage, an abortion, or childbirth. An IUD increases the risk of infection. may cause infertility or increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Common symptoms include abdominal pain and tenderness, fever, and irregular menstrual periods. Pain often occurs after menstruation and may be worse during intercourse. There may also be malaise, vomiting, or backache. A diagnosis is usually made by an internal pelvic examination, examination of swabs to look for infection, and a laparoscopy. Antibiotic drugs and sometimes analgesic drugs are prescribed. An may need to be removed.... pelvic inflammatory disease


Abelmoschus moschatus


San: Latakasturika Hin, Guj,

Ben: Mushkdana Mal: Kasthurivenda Mar: Kasthuri- bhendi

Tel: Kasturi benda

Tam: Varttilaikasturi

Kan: Kasturi bende Ass: Gorukhiakorai

Importance: Ambrette, also popularly known as musk or Muskmallow, is an erect annual herb which yields musk-like scented seeds and woos everybody through its sensuous musky fragrance. Every part of this medicinal plant is used in one or the other way. Seeds are effective aphrodisiac and antispasmodic, and used in tonics. They check vomiting and cure diseases due to kapha and vata and are useful in treating intestinal disorders, urinary discharge, nervous disorders, hysteria, skin diseases, snake bites, pruritus, leucoderma and general debility. Flower infusion is contraceptive. The leaves and roots are used for gonorrhoea and to treat boils and swellings.

Ambrette oil of commerce is extracted from the seeds and is used in perfumery, flavouring, cosmetic and agarbathi industries. The essential oil is employed in non-alcoholic beverages, ice-creams, candies and baked foods. The aromatic concrete and absolute, extracted from seeds are used as base material for preparing high grade perfumes, scents and cosmetics. It is also known for exalting, amplifying and diffusing effects it imparts to perfumes. It blends well with rose, neroli, and sandal wood oil and aliphatic aldehydes.

The flowers are in great demand for making ‘zarda’ a flavoured tobacco in India. The seeds are mixed with tea and coffee for flavour. The seed is rich in essential amino acids and is used as cattle or poultry feed. The stem bark yields a good quality fibre. Seeds are used to protect woollen garments against moth and it imparts a musky odour to sachets, hair powder, panmasala and incense. Its tender shoots are used in soups, green pods as vegetable and seed husk in flower arrangements. From perfumes to panmasalas and tonics, it is the musky musk all the way. In addition to internal consumption, its seeds are exported to Canada, France and UK because of its diversified uses (Srinivasan et al, 1997).

Distribution: The musk plant is a native of India and it grows in the tropical subtropical and hilly regions of the country; particularly in the states of Maharashta, Gujarat, Madhyapresh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. More than 50 collections of the plant are maintained by the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), New Delhi and its regional station in Akola, Maharashtra.

Botany: Abelmoschus moschatus Medicus syn. Hibiscus abelmoshus Linn. belongs to Family Malvaceae. Muskmallow is an erect annual or biennial hirsute or hispid herb of 60-180 cm height. The leaves are simple polymorphous, usually palmately 3-7 lobed; lobes narrow, acute or oblong-ovate, crenate, serrate or irregularly toothed, hairy on both surfaces. Flowers are large and bright yellow with purple centre. Fruits are fulvous, hairy and capsular. Seeds are many, subreniform, black or greyish - brown and musk scented (Husain et al, 1992).

Agrotechnology: Ambrette is a hardy plant which can be grown in varied climate under tropical and subtropical conditions. It can be grown both as a rainfed crop and as an irrigated crop. It grows on well drained loamy and sandy loam soils. Loamy soils with neutral pH and plenty of organic matter are ideal for its cultivation.

Musk of propagated through seeds. The optimum time of sowing is June-July with pre- monsoon showers. The land is prepared well by ploughing, harrowing and levelling. Well decomposed FYM or compost is incorporated into the soil at 10 - 15 t/ha. Ridges and furrows are formed giving a spacing of 60 - 100 cm. Seed rate is 2-3 kg/ha. Seeds are soaked in water before sowing for 24 hours. Two to three seeds are sown per hole at 60 cm spacing on one side of the ridge at a depth of 1 cm and covered with a pinch of sand or loose soil. It takes 5-7 days for proper germination. After germination, extra seedlings are thinned out leaving one healthy growing plant per hole within 20 days. Fertilisers are applied at 120:40:40 kg N, P2O5, K2O/ha generally. However, a dose 160:80:80 kg/ha is recommended for best yields of seed and oil. Phosphorus is applied fully as basal. N and K are applied in 3 equal doses at planting, 2 and 4 months after planting. Fertilizers are applied 10 cm away from the plants. For irrigated crop, field is irrigated soon after sowing. Irrigation is given twice a week during the initial period and once a week thereafter. The field is kept weed free by regular weeding during the growing period (Farooqi and Khan, 1991).

Musk plants suffer from pests like spider mites, fruit bores and leaf eating caterpillars. Diseases like powdery mildew and wilt are also observed on the plant. Spider mites and powdery mildew are controlled by spraying 30g wettable sulphur in 10 litres of water. Pod borers can be controlled by spraying 20ml oxydemeton methyl in 10 litres of water.

The crop starts flowering about 75 days after sowing. The flowers set into fruits in 3-4 days and the pods take nearly a month to mature. Flowering and fruit setting extends from October to April. Harvesting is arduous. Fruits have to be plucked as soon as they attain black colour; otherwise, they split and seeds scatter. Therefore, weekly collection of pods is necessary and in all 20-25 pluckings may be required as it is a 170-180 days duration crop. The fruits are further dried and threshed to separate seeds. The seed yield is 1-1.5 /ha

Postharvest technology:. The oil is extracted from seed by steam distillation followed by solvent extraction.

The concrete of solvent extraction is further extracted with alcohol to get the absolute, that is, the alcohol soluble volatile concentrate.

Properties and activity: The fatty oil of seeds contain phospholipids as 2 - cephalin, phosphatidylserine and its plasmalogen and phosphatidyl choline plasmalogen. Absolute contains farnesol and ambrettolic acid lactone. - sitosterol and its - d - glucosides are isolated from leaves. Petals contain -sitosterol, flavonoid myricetin and its glucoside. Anthocyanins like cyanidin - 3 - sambubioside and cyanidin - 3 - glucoside are present in the flowers. (Chopra and Nayar, 1980) Seeds are aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, diuretic, demulcent, antiseptic, stomachic, tonic, carminative, antihysteric, antidiarrhoeal, ophthalmic, cardiac and antivenum.... ambrette



The family Cucurbitaceae includes a large group of plants which are medicinally valuable. The important genera belonging to the family are Trichosanthes, Lagenaria, Luffa, Benincasa, Momordica, Cucumis, Citrullus, Cucurbita, Bryonopsis and Corallocarpus. The medicinally valuable species of these genera are discussed below.

1. Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.

Eng: Wild Snake-gourd; San: Meki,Pargavi, Parvara, Patola;

Hin: Palval, Parvar

Ben: Potol;

Mal: Kattupatavalam, Patolam;

Tam: Kombuppudalai;

Tel: Kommupotta

Wild snake-gourd is a slender-stemmed, extensively climbing, more or less scabrous and woolly herb found throughout the plains of N. India, extending to Assam and W. Bengal. Tendrils are 2-4 fid. Leaves are 7.5x5cm in size, ovate-oblong, cordate, acute, sinuate- dentate, not lobed, rigid, rough on both surface and with a petiole of 2cm. Flowers are unisexual. Male flowers are not racemed but woolly outside. Calyx tube is 4.5cm long, narrow, teeth linear and erect. Anthers are free. Fruit is 5.9cm long, oblong or nearly spherical, acute, smooth and orange-red when ripe. Seeds are half-ellipsoid, compressed and corrugated on the margin (Kirtikar and Basu, 1988). The unripe fruit of this is generally used as a culinary vegetable and is considered very wholesome and specially suited for the convalescent. The tender shoots are given in decoction with sugar to assist digestion. The seeds are useful for disorders of the stomach. The leaf juice is rubbed over the chest in liver congestion and over the whole body in intermittent fevers (Nadkarni, 1998). The fruit is used as a remedy for spermatorrhoea. The fresh juice of the unripe fruit is often used as a cooling and laxative adjunct to some alterative medicines. In bilious fever, a decoction of patola leaves and coriander in equal parts is given. The fruit in combination with other drugs is prescribed in snakebite and scorpion sting (Kirtikar and Basu, 1988).

Fruits contain free amino acids and 5-hydroxy tryptamine. Fatty acids from seeds comprise elaeostearic, linoelic, oleic and saturated acids. The aerial part is hypoglycaemic. Leaf and root is febrifuge. Root is hydragogue, cathartic and tonic. Unripe leaf and fruit is laxative (Husain et al, 1992). The plant is alterative and tonic. Leaves are anthelmintic. Flower is tonic and aphrodisiac. The ripe fruit is sour to sweet, tonic, aphrodisiac, expectorant and removes blood impurities.

The other important species belonging to the genus Trichosanthes are as follows.

T. palmata Roxb. T. cordata Roxb. T. nervifolia Linn.

T. cucumerina Linn.

T. anguina Linn.

T. wallichiana Wight. syn. T. multiloba Clarke

2. Lagenaria vulgaris Ser. syn. Cucurbita Lagenaria Linn. ; Roxb.

Eng: Bottle gourd San: Alabu Hin: Lauki, Jangli-khaddu

Ben: Lau, Kodu

Mal: Katuchuram, Churakka

Tam: Soriai-kay

Tel: Surakkaya

Bottle gourd is a large softly pubescent climbing or trailing herb which is said to be indigenous in India, the Molucas and in Abyssinia. It has stout 5-angled stems with bifid tendrils. Leaves are ovate or orbiculate, cordate, dentate, 5-angular or 5-lobed, hairy on both surfaces. Flowers are large, white, solitary, unisexual or bisexual, the males long and females short peduncled. Ovary is oblong, softly pubescent with short style and many ovules. Fruits are large, usually bottle or dumb-bell-shaped, indehiscent and polymorphous. Seeds are many, white, horizontal, compressed, with a marginal groove and smooth. There are sweet fruited and bitter-fruited varieties (Kirtikar and Basu, 1988). The fruit contains a thick white pulp which, in the cultivated variety (kodu) is sweet and edible, while in the smaller wild variety (tamri) it is bitter and a powerful purgative. The seeds yield clear limpid oil which is cooling and is applied to relieve headache. The pulp of the cultivated forms is employed as and adjunct to purgatives and considered cool, diuretic and antibilious, useful in cough, and as an antidote to certain poisons. Externally it is applied as a poultice. The leaves are purgative and recommended to be taken in the form of decoction for jaundice (Nadkarni, 1998). In the case of sweet-fruited variety, the stem is laxative and sweet. The fruit is sweet oleagenous, cardiotonic, general tonic, aphrodisiac, laxative and cooling. In the case of bitter-fruited variety, the leaves are diuretic, antibilious; useful in leucorrhoea, vaginal and uterine complaints and earache. The fruit is bitter, hot, pungent, emetic, cooling, cardiotonic, antibilious; cures asthma, vata, bronchitis, inflammations ulcers and pains.

3. Luffa acutangula (Linn.) Roxb.

Eng: Ridged gourd; San: Dharmargavah, Svadukosataki;

Hin: Tori, Katitori;

Ben: Ghosha

Mal: Peechil, Peechinga;

Tam: Pikangai, Prikkangai;

Tel: Birakaya;

Kan: Kadupadagila

Ridged gourd or ribbed gourd is a large monoecious climber cultivated throughout India. It is with 5-angled glabrous stems and trifid tendrils. Leaves are orbicular-cordate, palmately 5-7 lobed, scabrous on both sides with prominent veins and veinlets. Flowers are yellow, males arranged in 12-20 flowered axillary racemes. Female flowers are solitary, arranged in the axils of the males. Ovary is strongly ribbed. Fruits are oblong-clavate with 10-sharp angles 15-30cm long, tapering towards the base. Seeds are black, ovoid-oblong, much compressed and not winged (Warrier et al, 1995). The leaves are used in haemorrhoids, leprosy, granular-conjunctivitis and ringworm. The seeds are useful in dermatopathy. The juice of the fresh leaves is dropped into the eyes of children in granular conjunctivitis, also to prevent the lids from adhering at night on account of excessive meihomian secretion (Nadkarni, 1998). Fruits are demulcent, diuretic, tonic, expectorant, laxative and nutritive. The seeds are bitter, emetic, cathartic, expectorant and purgative.

The other important species of the genus Luffa are:

L. aegyptiaca Mill.

L. acutangula var. amara Clarke

L. echinata Roxb.

4. Benincasa hispida (Thumb.) Cogn. syn. B. cerifera Savi.

Eng: Ash gourd, White gourd melon; San: Kusmandah;

Hin: Petha, Raksa;

Ben: Kumra

Mal: Kumpalam;

Tam: Pusanikkai;

Kan: Bile Kumbala;

Tel: Bodigummadi

Ash gourd or White gourd melon is a large trailing gourd climbing by means of tendrils which is widely cultivated in tropical Asia. Leaves are large and hispid beneath. Flowers are yellow, unisexual with male peduncle 7.5-10cm long and female peduncle shorter. Fruits are broadly cylindric, 30-45cm long, hairy throughout and ultimately covered with a waxy bloom. The fruits are useful in asthma, cough, diabetes, haemoptysis, hemorrhages from internal organs, epilepsy, fever and vitiated conditions of pitta. The seeds are useful in dry cough, fever, urethrorrhea, syphilis, hyperdipsia and vitiated conditions of pitta (Warrier et al,1993). It is a rejuvenative drug capable of improving intellect and physical strength. In Ayurveda, the fresh juice of the fruit is administered as a specific in haemoptysis and other haemorrhages from internal organs. The fruit is useful in insanity, epilepsy and other nervous diseases, burning sensation, diabetes, piles and dyspepsia. It is a good antidote for many kinds of vegetable, mercurial and alcoholic poisoning. It is also administered in cough, asthma or respiratory diseases, heart diseases and catarrah. Seeds are useful in expelling tapeworms and curing difficult urination and bladder stones. The important formulations using the drug are Kusmandarasayana, Himasagarataila, Dhatryadighrita, Vastyamantakaghrita, Mahaukusmandakaghrita, etc. (Sivarajan et al, 1994).

Fruits contain lupeol, -sitosterol, n-triacontanol, vitamin B, mannitol and amino acids. The fruit is alterative, laxative, diuretic, tonic, aphrodisiac and antiperiodic. Seed and oil from seed is anthelmintic (Husain et al, 1992).

5. Momordica charantia Linn.

Eng: Bitter gourd, Carilla fruit San: Karavellam

Hin: Karela, Kareli

Mal: Kaypa, Paval

Tam: Pavakkai, Paval, Pakar

Tel: Kakara

Bitter gourd or Carilla fruit is a branched climbing annual which is cultivated throughout India. It is a monoecious plant with angled and grooved stems and hairy or villous young parts. Tendrils are simple, slender and elongate. Leaves are simple, orbicular, cordate and deeply divided into 5-7 lobes. Flowers are unisexual, yellow and arranged on 5-10cm long peduncles. Fruits are 5-15cm long with 3-valved capsules, pendulous, fusiform, ribbed and beaked bearing numerous triangular tubercles. Seeds are many or few with shining sculptured surface. The roots are useful in coloptosis and ophthalmopathy. The leaves are useful in vitiated conditions of pita, helminthiasis, constipation, intermittent fever, burning sensation of the sole and nyctalopia. The fruits are useful in skin diseases, leprosy, ulcers, wounds, burning sensation, constipation, anorexia, flatulence, colic, helminthiasis, rheumatalgia, gout, diabetes, asthma, cough, dysmenorrhoea, impurity of breast milk, fever and debility. Seeds are useful in the treatment of ulcers, pharyngodynia, and obstructions of the liver and spleen. The leaves and fruits are used for external application in lumbago, ulceration and bone fractures and internally in leprosy, haemorrhoids and jaundice (Warrier et al, 1995). The drug improves digestion, calms down sexual urge, quells diseases due to pitta and kapha and cures anaemia, anorexia, leprosy, ulcers, jaundice, flatulence and piles. Fruit is useful in gout, rheumatism and complaints of liver and spleen (Nadkarni, 1954; Aiyer and Kolammal, 1966; Mooss, 1976; Kurup et al, 1979). Kaccoradi taila is an important preparation using the drug (Sivarajan et al, 1994).

The seeds give triterpene glycosides, named momordicosides A, B, C, D and E, which are glycosides of cucurbit-5-en-triol, tetraol or pentaol. Leaves and vines give tetracyclic triterpenes-momordicines I, II and III (bitter principles). Immature fruits give several non-bitter and 2 bitter cucurbitacin glycosides. Four of the non-bitter glycosides, momordicosides F1, F2, G and I and the bitter momordicosides; K and L have also been characterized. Fruits, seeds and tissue culture give a polypeptide which contained 17 types of amino acids and showed hypoglycaemic activity. Fruits also give 5-hydroxy tryptamine and a neutral compound charantin (a steroidal glucoside), diosgenin, cholesterol, lanosterol and -sitosterol. Leaf is emetic, purgative and antibilious. Fruit is stomachic, tonic, carminative, febrifuge, antirheumatic and hypoglycaemic. Root is astringent. Fruit and leaf is anti-leprotic. Fruit, leaf and root are abortifacient and anti-diabetic. Leaf and seed is anthelmintic. Seed oil possesses antifeeding and insecticidal properties. Unsaponifiable matter from seed oil exhibited pronounced inhibitory activity against gram negative bacteria. Seed and fruit are hypoglycaemic, cytotoxic and anti-feedant (Husain et al, 1992).

Other important species belonging to the genus Momordica are as follows.

M. dioica Roxb.

M. cochinchinensis Spreng.

M. tuberosa Cogn.

M. balsamina Linn.

6. Cucumis melo Linn. syn. C. melo Linn. var. cultis Kurz., C. pubescens

Willd., C. callosus (Rottl.) Cogn.

Eng: Sweet melon San,

Hin: Kharbuja

Ben: Kharmul

Mal: Mulam

Tam: Chukkari-kai, Thumatti-kai, Mulampazham

Tel: Kharbuja-doshavSweet melon is a creeping annual extensively cultivated throughout India, found wild in India, Baluchistan and tropical Africa. The stem is creeping, angular and scabrous. Leaves are orbicular-reniform in outline, 5-angled or lobed, scabrous on both surfaces and often with soft hairs. Lobes of leaves are not very deep nor acute and with 5cm long petiole. Female peduncle is 5cm. Fruit is spherical, ovoid, elongate or contorted, glabrous or somewhat hairy, not spinous nor tuberculate.

Cucumis melo includes two varieties, namely,

C. melo var. momordica syn. C. momordica Roxb.

C. melo var. utilissimus Duthie & Fuller. syn. C. utilissimus Roxb.

The fruit is eaten raw and cooked. Its pulp forms a nutritive, demulcent, diuretic and cooling drink. It is beneficial as a lotion in chronic and acute eczema as well as tan and freckles and internally in cases of dyspepsia. Pulp mixed with cumin seeds and sugar candy is a cool diet in hot season. Seeds yield sweet edible oil which is nutritive and diuretic, useful in painful discharge and suppression of urine. The whole fruit is useful in chronic eczema (Kirtikar & Basu, 1988).

Seeds contain fatty acids-myristic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic; asparagine, glutamine, citrulline, lysine, histidine, arginine, phenylalanine, valine, tyrosine, leucine, iso-leucine, methionine, proline, threonine, tryptophan and crystine. Seed is tonic, lachrymatory, diuretic and urease inhibitor. Fruit pulp is eczemic. Fruit is tonic, laxative, galactagogue, diuretic and diaphoretic. The rind is vulnerary (Husain et al, 1992).

7. Cucumic sativus Linn.

Eng: Cucumber, Common cucumber; San: Trapusah;


Ben: Khira;

Mal: Vellari

Tam: Vellarikkai, Pippinkai;

Kan: Mullusavte;

Tel: Dosekaya

Cucumber is a climbing annual which is cultivated throughout India, found wild in the Himalayas from Kumaon to Sikkim. It is a hispidly hairy trailing or climbing annual. Leaves are simple, alternate, deeply cordate, 3-5 lobed with both surfaces hairy and denticulate margins. Flowers are yellow, males clustered, bearing cohering anthers, connective crusted or elevated above the cells. Females are solitary and thickly covered with very bulbous based hairs. Fruits are cylindrical pepo of varying sizes and forms. Seeds are cream or white with hard and smooth testa. The fruits are useful in vitiated conditions of pitta, hyperdipsia, burning sensation, thermoplegia, fever, insomnia, cephalgia, bronchitis, jaundice, haemorrhages, strangury and general debility. The seeds are useful in burning sensation, pitta, constipation, intermittent fevers, strangury, renal calculus, urodynia and general debility (Warrier et al, 1994). The leaves boiled and mixed with cumin seeds, roasted, powdered and administered in throat affections. Powdered and mixed with sugar, they are powerful diuretic (Nadkarni, 1998). The fruits and seeds are sweet, refrigerant, haemostatic, diuretic and tonic. Other important species belonging to the genus are:

C. trigonus Roxb. syn. C. pseudo-colocynthis

C. prophetarum Linn.

8. Citrullus colocynthis (Linn.) Schrader. syn. Cucumis colocynthis Linn.

Eng: Colocynth, Bitter apple; San: Visala, Mahendravaruni;

Hin: Badi indrayan, Makkal

Ben: Makhal;

Mal: Kattuvellari (Valutu), Valiya pekkummatti;

Tel: Etti-puchcha

Tam: Paitummatti, Petummatti;

Colocynth or Bitter apple is found, cultivated and wild, throughout India in warmer areas. It is an extensively trailing annual herb with bifid tendrils angular branching stems and wooly tender shoots. Leaves are deeply divided, lobes narrow thick, glabrous or somewhat hairy. Flowers are unisexual, yellow, both males and females solitary and with pale-yellow corolla. Fruit is a globose or oblong fleshy indehiscent berry, 5-7.5cm in diameter and variegated with green and white. Seeds are pale brown. The fruits are useful in tumours, ascites, leucoderma, ulcers, asthma, bronchitis, urethrorrhea, jaundice, dyspepsia, constipations, elephantiasis, tubercular glands of the neck and splenomegaly (Warrier et al, 1994). It is useful in abnormal presentations of the foetus and in atrophy of the foetus. In addition to the above properties, the root has a beneficial action in inflammation of the breasts, pain in the joints; externally it is used in ophthalmia and in uterine pains. The fruit and root, with or without is rubbed into a paste with water and applied to boils and pimples. In rheumatism, equal parts of the root and long pepper are given in pill. A paste of the root is applied to the enlarged abdomen of children (Kirtikar and Basu, 1988). The fruit is useful in ascites, biliousness, jaundice, cerebral congestion, colic, constipation dropsy, fever, worms and sciatica. Root is given in cases of abdominal enlargement, cough, asthma, inflammation of the breast, ulcers, urinary diseases and rheumatism. Oil from seeds is used for poisonous bites, bowel complaints, epilepsy and also for blackening the hair (Nadkarni, 1954; Dey, 1980). The important formulations using the root and fruit are Abhayarista, Mahatiktakam kasaya, Manasamitravatakam, Cavikasava, Madhuyastyadi taila, etc. (Sivarajan et al, 1994). The powder is often used as an insecticide. The extract should never be given without some aromatic to correct its griping tendency (Nadkarni, 1998).

Fruit contains a glycoside- colocynthin, its aglycone- -elaterin, citrulluin, citrullene and citrullic acid. Unripe fruit contains p-hydroxy benzyl methyl ester. Roots contain - elaterin and hentriacontane (Husain et al, 1992). Colocynth is, in moderate doses, drastic, hydrogogue, cathartic and diuretic. In large doses, it is emetic and gastro-intestinal irritant and in small doses, it is expectorant and alterative. Colocynthin is a cathartic and intensely bitter principle. It has a purgative action. All parts of the plant are very bitter. The fruit has been described as cathartic (Nadkarni, 1982).

9. Citrullus vulgaris Schrad. syn. C. lanatus (Thunb.) Mats. & Nakai.

Eng: Water melon; San: Tarambuja;

Hin: Tarbuj;

Ben: Tarbuz

Mal: Thannimathan;

Tam: Pitcha, Dharbusini

Watermelon is an extensively climbing annual which is largely cultivated throughout India and in all warm countries. It has thick angular branching stems. Tendrils are bifid, stout and pubescent. Leaves are long, deeply divided or moderately lobed, glabrous or somewhat hairy and hardly scabrous. Petiole is a little shorter than the limb and villous. Calyx-lobes are narrowly lanceolate, equalling the tube. Corolla is yellow within, greenish outside and villous. Lobes are ovate-oblong, obtuse and prominently 5-nerved. Fruit is sub-globose or ellipsoid, smooth, greenish or clouded, often with a glaucous waxy coating. Flesh is juicy, red or yellowish white. Seeds are usually margined. C. vulgaris var. fistulosus Duthie & Fuller. syn. C. fistulosus has its fruit about the size of small turnip, the seeds of which are used medicinally. The fruit is tasteless when unripe and sweet when ripe. The unripe fruit is used to cure jaundice. Ripe fruit cures kapha and vata and causes biliousness. It is good for sore eyes, scabies and itching. The seeds are tonic to the brain and used as a cooling medicine. An emulsion of the seeds is made into a poultice with the pounded leaves and applied hot in cases of intestinal inflammations (Kirtikar and Basu, 1988). Fruit juice is good in quenching thirst and it is used as an antiseptic in typhus fever with cumin and sugar. It is used as a cooling drink in strangury and affections of urinary organs such as gonorrhoea; in hepatic congestion and intestinal catarrh. The bitter watermelon of Sind is known as “Kirbut” and is used as a purgative.

Seeds yield a fixed oil and proteids; citrullin. Seeds are cooling, demulcent, diuretic, vermifuge and nutritive. Pulp is cooling and diuretic. Fruit-juice is cooling and refreshing (Nadkarni, 1982).

10. Curcurbita pepo Linn. syn. Pepo vulgaris et P. verrucosus Moench


Eng: Pompion, Pumpkin, Vegetable Marrow; San: Karkaru, Kurkaru, Kushmandi


Ben: Kadimah, Konda, Kumra, Safedkkadu;

Mal: Mathan, Matha

Tel: Budadegummadi, Pottigummadi

Pompion or Pumpkin is a climbing herb which is considered to be a native of America and cultivated in many parts of India. The stem and leaves are with a harsh prickly armature. Foliage is stiff, more or less rigid and erect. Leaves are with a broad triangular pointed outline and often with deep lobes. Corolla is mostly with erect or spreading (not drooping) pointed lobes, the tube narrowing towards the base. Peduncle is strongly 5-angled and little or much expanding near the fruit. The fruit is cooling and astringent to the bowels, increases appetite, cures leprosy, ‘kapha and vata’, thirst, fatigue and purifies the blood. The leaves are used to remove biliousness. Fruit is good for teeth, throat and eyes and allays thirst. Seeds cure sore chests, haemoptysis, bronchitis and fever. It is good for the kidney and brain. The leaves are used as an external application for burns. The seeds are considered anthelmintic. The seeds are largely used for flavouring certain preparations of Indian hemp, and the root for a nefarious purpose, viz., to make the preparation more potent. The seeds are taeniacide, diuretic and demulcent. The fruit is cooling, laxative and astringent. The leaves are digestible, haematinic and analgesic.

The other important species belonging to the genus Cucurbita is C. maxima Duchena, the seeds of which are a popular remedy for tape-worm and oil as a nervine tonic (Kirtikar & Basu, 1988).

11. Corallocarpus epigaeus Benth. ex Hook. f. syn. Bryonia epigaea Wight.

San: Katunahi;

Hin: Akasgaddah;

Mal: Kadamba, Kollankova

Tam: Akashagarudan, Gollankovai;

Tel: Murudonda, Nagadonda

Corallocarpus is a prostrate or climbing herb distributed in Punjab, Sind, Gujarat, Deccan, Karnataka and Sri Lanka. It is monoecious with large root which is turnip-shaped and slender stem which is grooved, zigzag and glabrous. Tendrils are simple, slender and glabrous. Leaves are sub-orbicular in outline, light green above and pale beneath, deeply cordate at the base, angled or more or less deeply 3-5 lobed. Petiole is long and glabrous. Male flowers are small and arranged at the tip of a straight stiff glabrous peduncle. Calyx is slightly hairy, long and rounded at the base. Corolla is long and greenish yellow. Female flowers are usually solitary with short, stout and glabrous peduncles. Fruit is stalked, long, ellipsoid or ovoid. Seeds are pyriform, turgid, brown and with a whitish corded margin. It is prescribed in later stages of dysentery and old veneral complaints. For external use in chronic rheumatism, it is made into a liniment with cumin seed, onion and castor oil. It is used in case of snakebite where it is administered internally and applied to the bitten part. The root is given in syphilitic rheumatism and later stages of dysentery. The plant is bitter, sweet, alexipharmic and emetic. The root is said to possess alterative and laxative properties (Kirtikar and Basu, 1988). Root contains a bitter principle like Breyonin (Chopra et al, 1980).

Agrotechnology: Cucurbits can be successfully grown during January-March and September- December. For the rainfed crop, sowing can also be started after the receipt of the first few showers.

Pits of 60cm diameter and 30-45cm depth are to be taken at the desired spacing. Well rotten FYM or vegetable mixture is to be mixed with topsoil in the pit and seeds are to be sown at 4-5/pit. Unhealthy plants are to be removed after 2 weeks and retained 2-3 plants/pit. FYM is to be applied at 20-25t/ha as basal dose along with half dose of N (35kg/ha) and full dose of P (25kg) and K (25kg). The remaining dose of N (35kg) can be applied in 2 equal split doses at fortnightly intervals. During the initial stages of growth, irrigation is to be given at an interval of 3-4 days and at alternate days during flowering and fruiting periods. For trailing cucumber, pumpkin and melon, dried twigs are to be spread on the ground. Bitter gourd, bottle gourd, snake gourd and ash gourd are to be trailed on Pandals. Weeding and raking of the soil are to be conducted at the time of fertilizer application. Earthing up may be done during rainy season. The most dreaded pest of cucurbits is fruit flies which can be controlled by using fruit traps, covering the fruits with polythene, cloth or paper bags, removal and destruction of affected fruits and lastly spraying with Carbaryl or Malathion 0. 2% suspension containing sugar or jaggery at 10g/l at fortnightly intervals after fruit set initiation. During rainy season, downy mildew and mosaic diseases are severe in cucurbits. The former can be checked by spraying Mancozeb 0.2%. The spread of mosaic can be checked by controlling the vectors using Dimethoate or Phosphamidon 0.05% and destruction of affected plants and collateral hosts. Harvesting to be done at least 10 days after insecticide or fungicide application (KAU,1996).... cucurbits


Curcuma spp.


The genus Curcuma belonging to the family Zingiberaceae comprises of a number of species which are medicinally very important. Among them, the most important species are described below.

1. C. amada Roxb.

English: Mango ginger San: Amrardrakam, Karpuraharida Hin: Ama -haldi

Mal: Mangainchi

Tam: Mankayinci

Tel: Mamidi Allam

Mango ginger is cultivated in Gujarat and found wild in parts of West Bengal, U. P, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. It is a rhizomatous aromatic herb with a leafy tuft and 60-90cm in height. Leaves are long, petiolate, oblong-lanceolate, tapering at both ends, glabrous and green on both sides. Flowers are white or pale yellow, arranged in spikes in the centre of tuft of the leaves. Lip is semi -elliptic, yellow, 3-lobbed with the mid lobe emarginate. The rhizomes are useful in vitiated conditions of pitta, anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, bruises, wounds, chronic ulcers, skin diseases, pruritus, fever, constipations, strangury, hiccough, cough, bronchitis, sprains, gout, halitosis, otalgia and inflammations (Warrier et al, 1994). The fresh root possesses the smell of green mango and hence the name mango ginger. The rhizomes are used externally in the form of paste as an application for bruises and skin diseases generally combined with other medicines. Tubers rubbed with the leaf- juice of Caesalpinia bonduc is given for worms (Nadkarni, 1982).

The essential oil contains -pinene, -and -curcumene, camphor, cuminyl alcohol, myristic acid and turmerone. Car-3-ene and cis-ocimene contribute the characteristic mango odour of the rhizome. Rhizome is CNS active, hypothermic and it shows potentiation of amphetamine toxicity. Tuber is trypsin inhibitor and is effective against Vibrio cholerae (Husain et al, 1992). The rhizomes are bitter, sweet sour, aromatic, cooling, appetiser, carminative, digestive, stomachic, demulcent, vulnerary, febrifuge, alexertic, aphrodisiac, laxative, diurectic, expectorant, antiinflammatory and antipyretic (Warrier et al, 1994).

2. C. aromatica Salisb.

Eng: Wild turmeric; San: Aranyaharidra, Vanaharidra;

Hin: Ban-haridra, Jangli-haldi;

Ben: Ban Haland; Mal,

Tam: Kasturimanjal, Kattumanjal;

Tel: Adavi-pasupu;

Kan: Kadarasina

Wild turmeric or Cochin turmeric or Yellow zeodoary is found wild throughout India and cultivated in Bengal and Kerala. It is a perennial tuberous herb with annulate, aromatic yellow rhizome which is internally orange-red in colour. Leaves are elliptic or lanceolate- oblong, caudate-acuminate, 30-60cm long, petioles as long or even longer, bracts ovate, recurved, more or less tinged with red or pink. Flowers are pink, lip yellow, obovate, deflexed, sub-entire or obscurely three lobed. Fruits are dehiscent, globose, 3-valved capsules. Rhizomes are used in combination with astringents and aromatics for bruises, sprains, hiccough, bronchitis, cough, leucoderma and skin eruptions (Warrier et al, 1994). The rhizomes have an agreeable fragrant smell and yield a yellow colouring matter like turmeric, and the fresh root has a camphoraceous odour. The dried rhizome is used as a carminative and aromatic adjunctant to other medicines (Nadkarni, 1998).

Essential oil contains -and - -curcumene, d-camphene and p-methoxy cinnamic acid. The colouring matter is curcumin. Numerous sesquiterpenoids of germacrone and guaiane skeletons have been identified recently. Rhizome has effect on respiration. It is spasmolytic and shows antagonism of amphetamine hyperactivity. Rhizome is an anti-dote for snakebite and carminative (Husain et al, 1992).

3. C. longa Linn. syn. C. domestica Valeton.

Eng: Turmeric; San: Haridra, Varavarnini;

Hin: Haldi, halda;

Ben: Haldi;

Mal: Manjal, Pachamanjal, Varattumanjal;

Tam: Mancal;

Kan: Haldi, Arasina;

Tel: Pasapu

Turmeric is cultivated all over India, particularly in W. Bengal, T. N and Maharashtra. It is a perennial herb, 60-90cm in height, with a short stem and tufts of erect leaves. Rhizome is cylindric, ovoid, orange coloured and branched. Leaves are simple, very large, petiole as long as the blade, oblong-lanceolate, tapering to the base upto 45cm long. Flowers are pale yellow, arranged in spikes concealed by the sheathing petioles and flowering bracts are pale green (Warrier et al, 1994). Turmeric occupies an important position in the life of Indian people as it forms an integral part of the rituals, ceremonies and cuisine. Due to the strong antiseptic properties, turmeric has been used as a remedy for all kinds of poisonous affections, ulcers and wounds. It gives good complexion to the skin and so it is applied to face as a depilatory and facial tonic. The drug cures diseases due to morbid vata, pitta and kapha, diabetes, eye diseases, ulcers, oedema, anaemia, anorexia, leprosy and scrofula. It purifies blood by destroying the pathogenic organisms. A paste of turmeric alone, or combined with a paste of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves, is used to cure ringworm, obstinate itching, eczema and other parasitic skin diseases and in chicken pox and small pox. The drug is also useful in cold, cough, bronchitis, conjunctivitis and liver affections (Nadkarni, 1954; Kurup et al,1979; Kolammal, 1979). The rhizome is the officinal part and is an important ingredient of formulations like Nalpamaradi taila, Jatyadi taila, Narayana gula, etc. (Sivarajan et al, 1994).

Turmeric paste mixed with a little limejuice and saltpetre and applied hot is a popular application to sprains and bruises. In smallpox and chickenpox, a coating of turmeric is applied to facilitate the process of scabbing. The smoke produced by sprinkling powdered turmeric over burnt charcoal will relieve scorpion sting when the part affected is exposed to the smoke for a few minutes. Turmeric and alum powder in the proportion of 1:20 is blown into the ear in chronic otorrhoea (Nadkarni, 1998). “Haridra Khand”, a compound containing powdered turmeric, sugar and many other ingredients is a well-known preparation for cold, cough and flu, and for skin diseases. In Unani system, roasted turmeric is an ingredient of “Hab Narkachur”, used as antidysenteric for children (Thakur et al, 1989).

Essential oil contains ar-turmerone, and ar-curcumene as ma jor constituents. Some of the other compounds are -and -pinene, sabinene, myrcene, -terpinene, limonene, p- cymene, perillyl alcohol, turmerone, eugenol, iso-eugenol, eugenol methyl ether and iso- eugenol methyl ether. Curcumin and related compounds have also been reported as major constituents of the rhizomes. Recently a number of sesquiterpenes have been reported from C. longa, viz., the sesquiterpenoids of germacrane, bisabolane and guainane skeletons (Husain et al, 1992). The study of sesquiterpenes has revealed a new compound curlone (Kisoy et al, 1983). The crystalline colouring matter curcumin (0. 6%) is diferuloyl methane (Mathews et al, 1980). Stigmasterol, cholestrol, -sitosterol and fatty acids, mainly straight chain dienoic acids are reported (Moon et al, 1977). Curcumin, the colouring agent and major constituent of C. longa, is said to possess local as well as systemic antiinflammatory property which has been found to compare favourably with phenylbutazone (Srimal and Dhawan, 1973). An extract of the crude drug ‘akon’ containing the rhizomes exhibited intensive preventive activity against carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury invivo and invitro. The liver protecting effects of some analogs of ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid, probable metabolites of the curcuminoids have been also evaluated (Kiso et al, 1983). Curcumin is antiinflammatory. Rhizome is antiprotozoal, spasmolytic, CNS active, antiparasitic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antiarthritic, anthelmintic, carminative, antiperiodic, emo llient, anodyne, laxative, diruretic, expectorant, alterative, alexertive, febrifuge, opthalmic and tonic.

4. C. zedoaria (Berg.) Rosc. syn. C. zerumbet Roxb; Amomum zedoaria

Christm.vEng: Round zedoary; San: Kachura, Shati;

Hin: Kakhur;

Ben: Sati;

Kan: Kachora

Mal: Manjakoova, Adavi-kacholam;

Tam: Kichilikizhangu, Nirvisham;

Tel: Kacheramu

The round zedoary or Zerumbet is mostly found in India and S. E. Asia. The plant has 4-6 leaves with 20-60cm long lamina. The leaf lami na is oblong-lanceolate, finely acuminate and glabrous on both the surfaces. Flower stalk is 20-25cm long, emerging before the leaves. Flowers are yellow, while the flowering bract is green tinged with red. Calyx is 8mm long, corolla tube is twice as long as the calyx. Capsule is ovoid, trigonous, thin smooth and bursting irregularly. Tubers are palmately branched and camphoraceous (Thakur et al, 1989). The identity of the plant sources of the drug Karcura is a matter of debate. There is difference of opinion among men of Ayurveda, as to whether Sati and Karcura are the same drug or different. Many authors consider them different and equate Sati with Hedychium spicatum Smith. and Karcura with C. zedoaria, both belonging to Zingiberaceae (Kurup et al,1979; Chunekar 1982; Sharma, 1983). Some others treat them to be the same and equate it with C. zedoaria (Kirtikar and Basu, 1918; Vaidya, 1936; Nadkarni, 1954; Kapoor and Mitra, 1979). However, the source of Karcura in Kerala in the recent times has been Kaempferia galanga of the same family. The rhizome of C. zedoaria is used as appetiser and tonic, particularly prescribed to ladies after childbirth. In case of cold, a decoction of long pepper (Piper longum), cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum), zedoary and honey is given. In Ayurveda it is an ingredient of “Braticityadi kwatha”, used in high fever (Thakur et al, 1989). Root is useful in flatulence and dyspepsia, and as a corrector of purgatives. Fresh root checks leucorrhoeal and gonorrhoeal discharges. Root powder is a good substitute for many foreign foods for infants. For worms, the juice from the tubers is given to children. Juice of the leaves is given in dropsy (Nadkarni, 1982). It is an odoriferous ingredient of the cosmetics used for the cure of chronic skin diseases caused by impure or deranged blood (Nadkarni, 1998).

Essential oil from rhizomes contains -pinene, d-camphene, cineole, d-camphor, sesquiterpenes and sesquiterpene alcohols (Husain et al, 1992). The novel sesquiterpenoids which have been isolated and characterised are cuzerenone, epi-cuzerenone, iso- furanogermerene, curcumadiol, curcumol, curcumenol, iso-curcumenol, procurcumenol, dehydrocurdione (Hikino et al, 1968, 1971, 1972), germacrone-4, 5-epoxide, germacrone, germacrone furanodienone, curcumenol, iso-curcumenol, curcumanolides A and B and curcumenone (Shiobara et al, 1985). The starch left after the extraction is purified and sold as a commodity of cottage industry in West-Bengal under the name ‘Shoti’ (Rao et al, 1928). Ethyl-p methoxy-cinnamate has been isolated from the alcoholic extract of the plant (Gupta et al, 1976). Rhizome is stomachic, diuretic, and carminative and gastrointestinal stimulant.

Other important species of Curcuma genus are

C. angustifolia Roxb. (Vellakoova)

C. caesia Roxb. (Black ginger)

C. leucorhiza Roxb.

C. pseudomontana Grah.

C. rubescens Roxb.

Agrotechnology: Curcuma species are tropical herbs and can be grown on different types of soils both under irrigated and rainfed conditions. Rich loamy soils having good drainage are ideal for the crop. The plant is propagated by whole or split mother rhizomes. Well developed, healthy and disease free rhizomes are to be selected. Rhizomes are to be treated with copper oxychloride fungicides and stored in cool, dry place or earthen pits plastered with mud and cowdung. The best season of planting is during April with the receipt of pre-monsoon showers. The land is to be prepared to a fine tilth during February-March. On receipt of pre- monsoon showers in April, beds of size 3x1.2m with a spacing of 40cm between beds are to be prepared. Small pits are to be taken in the beds in rows with a spacing of 25-40cm.

Finger rhizomes are to be planted flat with buds facing upwards and covered with soil or dry powdered cattle ma nure. The crop is to be mulched immediately after planting and 50 days after first mulching. Cattle manure or compost is to be applied as basal dose at 20-40t/ha at the time of land preparation or by spreading over the beds after planting. Application of NPK fertilizers is beneficial and found to increase the yield considerably. Weeding is to be done twice at 60 and 120 days after planting, depending upon weed intensity. Earthing up is to be done after 60 days. No major incidence of pest or disease is noticed in this crop. Leaf blotch and leaf spot can be controlled by spraying Bordeaux mixture or 0.2% Mancozeb. Shoot borers can be controlled by spraying 0.05% Dimethoate or 0.025% Quinalphos. Time of harvest usually extends from January-March. Harvesting is generally done at about 7-10 months after planting depending upon the species and variety. Harvested rhizomes are to be cleaned of mud and other materials adhering to them. Good fingers separated are to be used for curing (KAU, 1996).... curcuma

Donor Insemination

Use of the SEMEN of an anonymous donor to produce fertilisation in cases of INFERTILITY where the male partner has OLIGOSPERMIA or IMPOTENCE. The donor is chosen for ethnic and physiognomic similarity to the male partner and is screened for transmissible diseases

(e.g. HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, gonorrhoea, and genetic disorders). Insemination is performed at the time of ovulation by introducing the semen into the upper vagina. Semen may be fresh or have been stored frozen in liquid nitrogen. (See ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION.)... donor insemination


Asparagus racemosus


San, Mar, Hin, Mal: Satavari;

Ben: Shatamuli,

Guj: Ekalkanto,

Tel: Pilligadalu, Philithaga

Tam: Ammaikodi, Kilwari,

Kan: Aheruballi, Ori: Manajolo

Importance: Asparagus is a climbing undershrub with widespread applications as diuretic, cooling agent and an excellent safe herbal medicine for ante-natal care. It is useful in nervous disorders, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, tumours, inflammations, vitiated conditions of vata and pitta, burning sensation, hyperdipsia, ophthalmopathy, nephropathy, hepatopathy, strangury, scalding of urine, throat infections, tuberculosis, cough, bronchitis, gleet, gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, leprosy, epilepsy, fatigue, hyperacidity, colic haemorrhoids, hypertension, abortion, agalactia, cardiac and general debility (Warrier et al, 1993).

Shatavari is described in Rigveda and Atharvaveda. In Ayurvedic classics it is prescribed as a cooling agent and uterine tonic. It is the main ingredient in ayurvedic medicines like shatavari gulam and shatavari ghrtam. Besides quenching thirst, its root juice helps in cooling down the body from summer heat, curing hyper-acidity and peptic ulcer. It contains good amount of mucilage which soothes the inner cavity of stomach. It relieves burning sensation while passing urine and is used in urinary tract infections. It contains an anticancer agent asparagin which is useful against leukaemia. It also contains active antioxytocic saponins which have got antispasmodic effect and specific action on uterine musculature. It is very good relaxant to uterine muscles, especially during pregnancy and is used to prevent abortion and pre-term labour on the place of progesterone preparations. Its powder boiled with milk is generally used to prevent abortion. It increases milk production in cows and buffaloes. Its preparations in milk helps in increasing breast milk in lactating women. Its proper use helps in avoiding excessive blood loss during periods. It clears out infections and abnormalities of uterine cavity and hence it is used to rectify infertility in women. The leaves are used to prepare toilet soaps. The plant has also ornamental value both for indoor and out door decorations (Syamala, 1997).

Distribution: The plant is found wild in tropical and subtropical India including Andaman and Nicobar Islands. It is distributed from mean sea level upto 1500m in the Himalayas from Kashmi r eastwards. The crop is cultivated in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Predesh and northern states in India. However, most of the requirement of the industry is met through wild collections from forests. It is also grown in gardens.

Botany: Satavari, Asparagus racemosus Willd. belongs to the lily family, Liliaceae. Asparagus adscendens Roxb., A. filicinus Lam., A. gonoclados Baker, A. officinalis Linn. and A. sarmentosus Willd. are the other important medicinal plant species of the genus. A. racemosus Willd. is an armed climbing undershrub with woody terete stems and recurved or rarely straight spines. The tuberous succulent roots are 30cm to 100cm or more in length, fascicled at the stem base, smooth tapering at both ends. Young stems are very delicate, brittle and smooth. Leaves are reduced to minute chaffy scales and spines; cladodes triquetrous, curved in tufts of 2-6. Flowers are white fragrant in simple or branched recemes on the naked nodes of the main shoots or in the axils of the thorns. Fruits are globular or obscurely 3-lobed, pulpy berries, purplish black when ripe; seeds with hard and brittle testa.

Agrotechnology: The plant comes up well under a wide range of tropical and subtropical climate. Fertile moist sandy loam soils are ideal for its cultivation though it grows in a wide range of soils. Better root development is observed in soils in increased proportion of sand. However, a decline in the yield of the crop is noticed in soils containing previous year’s residue of the roots. Asparagus plant is best grown from its tuberous roots even though it can be successfully propagated through seeds. Since root tubers are of commercial value seed propagation provides economic advantage to the farmers. Seeds usually start germinating after 40 days and average germination is 70% (Tewari and Misra, 1996).

For the cultivation of the crop, the land is ploughed well with pre-monsoon showers and seed nurseries are raised on seed beds of approximately 1m width, 15cm height and suitable length. Seed nursery should be irrigated regularly and kept weed free. With the onset of monsoon in June-July the main field is ploughed thoroughly and pits of size 30cm cube are dug at a spacing of 60-100cm. Tiwari and Misra (1996) have reported that irrespective of more number of roots and higher fresh weight per plant under wider spacings, the per hectare yields were highest in the closer spacing of 30cm x 30cm. The pit is filled with a mixture of top soil and well decomposed FYM or compost applied at 10 - 15 t/ha and the seedlings are transplanted. Application of N, P2O5 and K2O at 60:30:30 kg/ha increases the root yield. Regular irrigation and weeding are required to realize higher yields. Standards are to be provided for training the plant (Sharma et al, 1992). Few pests and diseases are observed on this crop. Harvesting the crop after two years provided higher root yield than annual harvests in pots as well as in field experiments. Irrigating the field prior to harvest enables easy harvesting of the root tubers. The average yield is 10 - 15 t/ha of fresh root tubers though yields over 60t/ha have been reported.

Properties and activity: Asparagus roots contain protein 22%, fat 6.2%, Carbohydrate 3.2%, Vitamin B 0.36%, Vitamin C 0.04% and traces of Vitamin A. It contains several alkaloids. Alcoholic extract yields asparagin- an anticancer agent. It also contains a number of antioxytocic saponins, viz. Shatavarisn - I to IV (Syamala, 1997). Leaves contain rutin, diosgenin and a flavonoid glycoside identified as quercetin - 3 - glucuronide. Flowers contain quercetin hyperoside and rutin. Fruits contain glycosides of quercetin, rutin and hyperoside while fully ripe fruits contain cyanidin - 3 - galactoside and cyanidin - 3 - glucorhamnoside.

Root is demulcent, diuretic, aphrodisiac, tonic, alterative, antiseptic, antidiarrhoeal, glalctogogue and antispasmodic. Aerial part is spasmolytic, antiarrhythmic and anticancer. Bark is antibacterial and antifungal.... asparagus

Eye, Disorders Of

Arcus senilis The white ring or crescent which tends to form at the edge of the cornea with age. It is uncommon in the young, when it may be associated with high levels of blood lipids (see LIPID).

Astigmatism (See ASTIGMATISM.)

Blepharitis A chronic in?ammation of the lid margins. SEBORRHOEA and staphylococcal infection are likely contributors. The eyes are typically intermittently red, sore and gritty over months or years. Treatment is di?cult and may fail. Measures to reduce debris on the lid margins, intermittent courses of topical antibiotics, steroids or systemic antibiotics may help the sufferer.

Blepharospasm Involuntary closure of the eye. This may accompany irritation but may also occur without an apparent cause. It may be severe enough to interfere with vision. Treatment involves removing the source of irritation, if present. Severe and persistent cases may respond to injection of Botulinum toxin into the orbicularis muscle.

Cataract A term used to describe any opacity in the lens of the eye, from the smallest spot to total opaqueness. The prevalence of cataracts is age-related: 65 per cent of individuals in their sixth decade have some degree of lens opacity, while all those over 80 are affected. Cataracts are the most important cause of blindness worldwide. Symptoms will depend on whether one or both eyes are affected, as well as the position and density of the cataract(s). If only one eye is developing a cataract, it may be some time before the person notices it, though reading may be affected. Some people with cataracts become shortsighted, which in older people may paradoxically ‘improve’ their ability to read. Bright light may worsen vision in those with cataracts.

The extent of visual impairment depends on the nature of the cataracts, and the ?rst symptoms noticed by patients include di?culty in recognising faces and in reading, while problems watching television or driving, especially at night, are pointers to the condition. Cataracts are common but are not the only cause of deteriorating vision. Patients with cataracts should be able to point to the position of a light and their pupillary reactions should be normal. If a bright light is shone on the eye, the lens may appear brown or, in advanced cataracts, white (see diagram).

While increasing age is the commonest cause of cataract in the UK, patients with DIABETES MELLITUS, UVEITIS and a history of injury to the eye can also develop the disorder. Prolonged STEROID treatment can result in cataracts. Children may develop cataracts, and in them the condition is much more serious as vision may be irreversibly impaired because development of the brain’s ability to interpret visual signals is hindered. This may happen even if the cataracts are removed, so early referral for treatment is essential. One of the physical signs which doctors look for when they suspect cataract in adults as well as in children is the ‘red re?ex’. This is observable when an ophthalmoscopic examination of the eye is made (see OPHTHALMOSCOPE). Identi?cation of this red re?ex (a re?ection of light from the red surface of the retina –see EYE) is a key diagnostic sign in children, especially young ones.

There is no e?ective medical treatment for established cataracts. Surgery is necessary and the decision when to operate depends mainly on how the cataract(s) affect(s) the patient’s vision. Nowadays, surgery can be done at any time with limited risk. Most patients with a vision of 6/18 – 6/10 is the minimum standard for driving – or worse in both eyes should


bene?t from surgery, though elderly people may tolerate visual acuity of 6/18 or worse, so surgery must be tailored to the individual’s needs. Younger people with a cataract will have more demanding visual requirements and so may opt for an ‘earlier’ operation. Most cataract surgery in Britain is now done under local anaesthetic and uses the ‘phaco-emulsi?cation’ method. A small hole is made in the anterior capsule of the lens after which the hard lens nucleus is liqui?ed ultrasonically. A replacement lens is inserted into the empty lens bag (see diagram). Patients usually return to their normal activities within a few days of the operation. A recent development under test in the USA for children requiring cataract operations is an intra-ocular ?exible implant whose magnifying power can be altered as a child develops, thus precluding the need for a series of corrective operations as happens now.

Chalazion A ?rm lump in the eyelid relating to a blocked meibomian gland, felt deep within the lid. Treatment is not always necessary; a proportion spontaneously resolve. There can be associated infection when the lid becomes red and painful requiring antibiotic treatment. If troublesome, the chalazion can be incised under local anaesthetic.

Conjunctivitis In?ammation of the conjunctiva (see EYE) which may affect one or both eyes. Typically the eye is red, itchy, sticky and gritty but is not usually painful. Redness is not always present. Conjunctivitis can occasionally be painful, particularly if there is an associated keratitis (see below) – for example, adenovirus infection, herpetic infection.

The cause can be infective (bacteria, viruses or CHLAMYDIA), chemical (e.g. acids, alkalis) or allergic (e.g. in hay fever). Conjunctivitis may also be caused by contact lenses, and preservatives or even the drugs in eye drops may cause conjunctival in?ammation. Conjunctivitis may addtionally occur in association with other illnesses – for example, upper-respiratory-tract infection, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (see ERYTHEMA – erythema multiforme) or REITER’S SYNDROME. The treatment depends on the cause. In many patients acute conjunctivitis is self-limiting.

Dacryocystitis In?ammation of the lacrimal sac. This may present acutely as a red, painful swelling between the nose and the lower lid. An abscess may form which points through the skin and which may need to be drained by incision. Systemic antibiotics may be necessary. Chronic dacryocystitis may occur with recurrent discharge from the openings of the tear ducts and recurrent swelling of the lacrimal sac. Obstruction of the tear duct is accompanied by watering of the eye. If the symptoms are troublesome, the patient’s tear passageways need to be surgically reconstructed.

Ectropion The lid margin is everted – usually the lower lid. Ectropion is most commonly associated with ageing, when the tissues of the lid become lax. It can also be caused by shortening of the skin of the lids such as happens with scarring or mechanical factors – for example, a tumour pulling the skin of the lower lid downwards. Ectropion tends to cause watering and an unsightly appearance. The treatment is surgical.

Entropion The lid margin is inverted – usually the lower lid. Entropion is most commonly associated with ageing, when the tissues of the lid become lax. It can also be caused by shortening of the inner surfaces of the lids due to scarring – for example, TRACHOMA or chemical burns. The inwardly directed lashes cause irritation and can abrade the cornea. The treatment is surgical.

Episcleritis In?ammation of the EPISCLERA. There is usually no apparent cause. The in?ammation may be di?use or localised and may affect one or both eyes. It sometimes recurs. The affected area is usually red and moderately painful. Episcleritis is generally not thought to be as painful as scleritis and does not lead to the same complications. Treatment is generally directed at improving the patient’s symptoms. The in?ammation may respond to NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS) or topical CORTICOSTEROIDS.

Errors of refraction (Ametropia.) These will occur when the focusing power of the lens and cornea does not match the length of the eye, so that rays of light parallel to the visual axis are not focused at the fovea centralis (see EYE). There are three types of refractive error: HYPERMETROPIA or long-sightedness. The refractive power of the eye is too weak, or the eye is too short so that rays of light are brought to a focus at a point behind the retina. Longsighted people can see well in the distance but generally require glasses with convex lenses for reading. Uncorrected long sight can lead to headaches and intermittent blurring of vision following prolonged close work (i.e. eye strain). As a result of ageing, the eye becomes gradually long-sighted, resulting in many people needing reading glasses in later life: this normal process is known as presbyopia. A particular form of long-sightedness occurs after cataract extraction (see above). MYOPIA(Short sight or near sight.) Rays of light are brought to a focus in front of the retina because the refractive power of the eye is too great or the eye is too short. Short-sighted people can see close to but need spectacles with concave lenses in order to see in the distance. ASTIGMATISMThe refractive power of the eye is not the same in each meridian. Some rays of light may be focused in front of the retina while others are focused on or behind the retina. Astigmatism can accompany hypermetropia or myopia. It may be corrected by cylindrical lenses: these consist of a slice from the side of a cylinder (i.e. curved in one meridian and ?at in the meridian at right-angles to it).

Keratitis In?ammation of the cornea in response to a variety of insults – viral, bacterial, chemical, radiation, or mechanical trauma. Keratitis may be super?cial or involve the deeper layers, the latter being generally more serious. The eye is usually red, painful and photophobic. Treatment is directed at the cause.

Nystagmus Involuntary rhythmic oscillation of one or both eyes. There are several causes including nervous disorders, vestibular disorders, eye disorders and certain drugs including alcohol.

Ophthalmia In?ammation of the eye, especially the conjunctiva (see conjunctivitis, above). Ophthalmia neonatorum is a type of conjunctivitis that occurs in newborn babies. They catch the disease when passing through an infected birth canal during their mother’s labour (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR). CHLAMYDIA and GONORRHOEA are the two most common infections. Treatment is e?ective with antibiotics: untreated, the infection may cause permanent eye damage.

Pinguecula A benign degenerative change in the connective tissue at the nasal or temporal limbus (see EYE). This is visible as a small, ?attened, yellow-white lump adjacent to the cornea.

Pterygium Overgrowth of the conjunctival tissues at the limbus on to the cornea (see EYE). This usually occurs on the nasal side and is associated with exposure to sunlight. The pterygium is surgically removed for cosmetic reasons or if it is thought to be advancing towards the visual axis.

Ptosis Drooping of the upper lid. May occur because of a defect in the muscles which raise the lid (levator complex), sometimes the result of ageing or trauma. Other causes include HORNER’S SYNDROME, third cranial nerve PALSY, MYASTHENIA GRAVIS, and DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA. The cause needs to be determined and treated if possible. The treatment for a severely drooping lid is surgical, but other measures can be used to prop up the lid with varying success.

Retina, disorders of The retina can be damaged by disease that affects the retina alone, or by diseases affecting the whole body.

Retinopathy is a term used to denote an abnormality of the retina without specifying a cause. Some retinal disorders are discussed below. DIABETIC RETINOPATHY Retinal disease occurring in patients with DIABETES MELLITUS. It is the commonest cause of blind registration in Great Britain of people between the ages of 20 and 65. Diabetic retinopathy can be divided into several types. The two main causes of blindness are those that follow: ?rst, development of new blood vessels from the retina, with resultant complications and, second, those following ‘water logging’ (oedema) of the macula. Treatment is by maintaining rigid control of blood-sugar levels combined with laser treatment for certain forms of the disease – in particular to get rid of new blood vessels. HYPERTENSIVE RETINOPATHY Retinal disease secondary to the development of high blood pressure. Treatment involves control of the blood pressure (see HYPERTENSION). SICKLE CELL RETINOPATHY People with sickle cell disease (see under ANAEYIA) can develop a number of retinal problems including new blood vessels from the retina. RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY (ROP) Previously called retrolental ?broplasia (RLF), this is a disorder affecting low-birth-weight premature babies exposed to oxygen. Essentially, new blood vessels develop which cause extensive traction on the retina with resultant retinal detachment and poor vision. RETINAL ARTERY OCCLUSION; RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION These result in damage to those areas of retina supplied by the affected blood vessel: the blood vessels become blocked. If the peripheral retina is damaged the patient may be completely symptom-free, although areas of blindness may be detected on examination of ?eld of vision. If the macula is involved, visual loss may be sudden, profound and permanent. There is no e?ective treatment once visual loss has occurred. SENILE MACULAR DEGENERATION (‘Senile’ indicates age of onset and has no bearing on mental state.) This is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly in the western world. The average age of onset is 65 years. Patients initially notice a disturbance of their vision which gradually progresses over months or years. They lose the ability to recognise ?ne detail; for example, they cannot read ?ne print, sew, or recognise people’s faces. They always retain the ability to recognise large objects such as doors and chairs, and are therefore able to get around and about reasonably well. There is no e?ective treatment in the majority of cases. RETINITIS PIGMENTOSAA group of rare, inherited diseases characterised by the development of night blindness and tunnel vision. Symptoms start in childhood and are progressive. Many patients retain good visual acuity, although their peripheral vision is limited. One of the characteristic ?ndings on examination is collections of pigment in the retina which have a characteristic shape and are therefore known as ‘bone spicules’. There is no e?ective treatment. RETINAL DETACHMENTusually occurs due to the development of a hole in the retina. Holes can occur as a result of degeneration of the retina, traction on the retina by the vitreous, or injury. Fluid from the vitreous passes through the hole causing a split within the retina; the inner part of the retina becomes detached from the outer part, the latter remaining in contact with the choroid. Detached retina loses its ability to detect light, with consequent impairment of vision. Retinal detachments are more common in the short-sighted, in the elderly or following cataract extraction. Symptoms include spots before the eyes (?oaters), ?ashing lights and a shadow over the eye with progressive loss of vision. Treatment by laser is very e?ective if caught early, at the stage when a hole has developed in the retina but before the retina has become detached. The edges of the hole can be ‘spot welded’ to the underlying choroid. Once a detachment has occurred, laser therapy cannot be used; the retina has to be repositioned. This is usually done by indenting the wall of the eye from the outside to meet the retina, then making the retina stick to the wall of the eye by inducing in?ammation in the wall (by freezing it). The outcome of surgery depends largely on the extent of the detachment and its duration. Complicated forms of detachment can occur due to diabetic eye disease, injury or tumour. Each requires a specialised form of treatment.

Scleritis In?ammation of the sclera (see EYE). This can be localised or di?use, can affect the anterior or the posterior sclera, and can affect one or both eyes. The affected eye is usually red and painful. Scleritis can lead to thinning and even perforation of the sclera, sometimes with little sign of in?ammation. Posterior scleritis in particular may cause impaired vision and require emergency treatment. There is often no apparent cause, but there are some associated conditions – for example, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, GOUT, and an autoimmune disease affecting the nasal passages and lungs called Wegener’s granulomatosis. Treatment depends on severity but may involve NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS), topical CORTICOSTEROIDS or systemic immunosuppressive drugs.

Stye Infection of a lash follicle. This presents as a painful small red lump at the lid margin. It often resolves spontaneously but may require antibiotic treatment if it persists or recurs.

Sub-conjunctival haemorrhage Haemorrhage between the conjunctiva and the underlying episclera. It is painless. There is usually no apparent cause and it resolves spontaneously.

Trichiasis Inward misdirection of the lashes. Trichiasis occurs due to in?ammation of or trauma to the lid margin. Treatment involves removal of the patient’s lashes. Regrowth may be prevented by electrolysis, by CRYOTHERAPY to the lid margin, or by surgery.

For the subject of arti?cial eyes, see under PROSTHESIS; also GLAUCOMA, SQUINT and UVEITIS.... eye, disorders of


A bacterium of the species responsible for the sexually transmitted disease GONORRHOEA.... gonococci


These are broad-spectrum antibiotics. Most are semi-synthetic derivatives of cephalosporin C, an antibiotic originally derived from a sewage outfall in Sardinia.

First-generation examples still in use include cephalexin and cefadroxil. They are orally active and, along with second-generation cefaclor, have a similar antimicrobial spectrum. They are used for ‘resistant’ urinary infections and urinary infections in pregnancy. Cephalosporins have a similar pharmacology to that of penicillin, and about 10 per cent of patients allergic to penicillin will also be hypersensitive to cephalosporins. They are e?ective in treating SEPTICAEMIA, PNEUMONIA, MENINGITIS, biliary-tract infections and PERITONITIS.

Second-generation cefuroxime and cefamandole are less vulnerable to penicillinases and are useful for treating ‘resistant’ bacteria and Haemophilus in?uenzae and Neisseria gonorrhoea. Third-generation cephalosporins include cefotaxime, ceftazidime and others; these are more e?ective than the second-generation in treating some gram-negative infections, especially those causing septicaemia.... cephalosporins


A genus of micro-organisms which include those responsible for NON-SPECIFIC URETHRITIS (NSU), ORNITHOSIS, PSITTACOSIS and TRACHOMA. Chlamydia trachomitis can be sexually transmitted by both men and women and in developed countries is the most signi?cant cause of NSU. Chlamydia and Neisseria gonorrhoea (see GONORRHOEA) are the major cause of PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE (PID) which affects around 100,000 women a year in the UK, most of whom are under 25 years of age. Chlamydia does not usually cause symptoms unless it spreads to the upper genital tract; such spread, however, may cause miscarriage (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR) or ECTOPIC PREGNANCY. The number of diagnoses of chlamydia has doubled in the past ?ve years and the incidence of ectopic pregnancies has also been rising. The infection may well be the main preventable cause of ectopic pregnancy, one estimate being that no fewer than half of such pregnancies are linked to chlamydia infection – a ?gure that is probably much higher in young women. A preventive campaign in Sweden found that over 15 years, the incidence of ectopic pregnancies fell at the same rate as that of chlamydia diagnoses. Chlamydia infection responds well to antibiotic treatment, but education of the public about this often ‘silent’ infection, coupled with screening programmes, would go a long way to reducing the incidence.... chlamydia

Cocculus Hirsutus

(Linn.) Diels.

Synonym: C. villosus (Lam.) DC.

Family: Menispermaceae.

Habitat: Throughout tropical and sub-tropical tracts of India.

English: Broom-Creeper, Ink-Berry.

Ayurvedic: Chhilihinta, Paataala- garuda, Mahaamuulaa, Dirghavalli, Jalajamani.

Siddha/Tamil: Kattukodi.

Action: Root—laxative, sudorific, alterative, antirheumatic. Leaf— used externally for eczema, prurigo and inpetigo. A decoction of leaves is taken in eczema, leucorrhoea and gonorrhoea.

Aqueous extract of stem and root— sedative, anticonvulsant, hypotensive, bradycardiac, cardiotonic and sapas- molytic. Roots are used as a substitute for Sarsaparilla in chronic rheumatism gout, and syphilitic cachexia.

The stem contains cyclopeptide alkaloids. The plant contains coclaurine, magnoflorine, beta-sitosterol, ginnol and a monomethyl ether of inositol.

C.pendulus (Forsk.) Diels, synonym C. leaeba (Del.) DC. (Punjab, Gujarat and South India) is known as Parwati (Gujarat, Sindh) and Ullar-billar (Punjab).

Ethanolic extract of the leaves and stem showed anticancer and hypoten- sive activities associated with the al- kaloidal fraction which contains bis- benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (including pendulin and cocsulin). Presence of quercitol is reported from non- alkaloidal fraction.

Dosage: Root—50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)... cocculus hirsutus

Cocos Nucifera


Family: Palmae; Arecaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated chiefly in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

English: Coconut Palm.

Ayurvedic: Naarikela, Naalikera, Laangali, Tunga, Skandhaphala, Sadaaphala, Trnaraaja, Kuurch- shirshaka.

Unani: Naarjeel, Naariyal.

Siddha/Tamil: Thenkai. Kopparai (kernel of ripe coconut).

Action: Water from tender fruit— cooling, used in thirst, fever, urinary disorders, gastroenteritis, and as a source of K for cholera patients. Fruit—stomachic, laxative, diuretic, styptic, sedative; useful in dyspepsia and burning sensation. Oil from endosperm—antiseptic; used in alopecia. Root—astringent; used in urinary and uterine and disorders.

Tender coconut water is rich in potassium and other minerals and vitamins. It contains reducing sugars 2.222.85%, total sugars 3.5-4.25%; brix 5.56.2%. It is used as a substitute for normal saline in cases of dehydration.

Alcoholic extract of coconut shell (2% in petroleum jelly, externally) was found very effective in dermatophyto- sis. Lighter fractions of the tar oil are used as antiseptics.

Flowers, mixed with oil, are applied to swellings, leaves to treat abscesses, shoots and ashes of dry meat to deep cuts, grated meat to burns, roots to wounds and gonorrhoea.

Shell and fibre—antimicrobial.

Dosage: Dried endosperm—10- 20 g powder. (API Vol. III.)... cocos nucifera


A family of bacteria of which three varieties cause disease. Neisseria meningitidis causes meningococcal MENINGITIS and SEPTICAEMIA. It is divided into three groups: A, B and C; group B accounts for most meningitis cases in the UK, mostly affecting children. Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes GONORRHOEA. The bacteria are gram-negative (see GRAM’S STAIN) cocci usually occurring in pairs. A third variety is Moraxella catarrhalis: this occurs in the nose and throat and sometimes causes ear infection and low-grade infection of the respiratory tract.... neisseriaceae

Ruellia Suffruticosa


Synonym: Dipteracanthus suffruti- cosus Viogt.

Family: Acanthaceae.

Habitat: Native to central America; introduced into Indian gardens as ornament.

Folk: Chaarapaatu, Chaaraparaad (Bihar).

Action: Plant—used in renal affections, gonorrhoea, syphilis and other venereal diseases.... ruellia suffruticosa


A thin rubber or plastic sheath placed over the erect PENIS before sexual intercourse. It is the most e?ective type of barrier contraception and is also valuable in preventing the transfer between sexual partners of pathogenic organisms such as gonococci, which cause GONORRHOEA, and human immuno-de?ciency virus, which may lead to AIDS (see AIDS/HIV). Sheaths are most e?ective when properly used and with spermicides.

The female condom might be suitable for contraception when a woman misses a day or two of her contraceptive pill; if there is DYSPAREUNIA; when the perineum needs protection, for example, after childbirth; or in cases of latex allergy to traditional condoms. Used properly with spermicide, it provides an e?ective barrier both to infections and to spermatozoa. Failure may result if the penis goes alongside the condom, if it gets pushed up into the vagina, or if it falls out. (See CONTRACEPTION.)... condom

Coomb Teak

Gmelina arborea


San: Gumbhari;

Hin:Gamari, Jugani-chukar;

Mal: Kumizhu, Kumpil;

Guj: Shewan; Pun:Gumbar; Mar: Shivanasal;

Kan: Kummuda;

Tam: Uni, Gumadi;

Tel: Gummadi;

Importance: Coomb teak, Candahar tree or Kashmeeri tree is a moderate sized, unarmed, deciduous tree which is a vital ingredient of the ”dasamula” (group of ten roots). The whole plant is medicinally very important. It promotes digestive power, improves memory, overcomes giddiness and is also used as an antidote for snake bite and scorpion sting. Roots are useful in hallucination, fever, dyspepsia, hyperdipsia, haemorrhoids, stomachalgia, heart diseases, nervous disorders, piles and burning sensation. Bark is used in fever and dyspepsia. Leaf paste is good for cephalagia and leaf juice is a good wash for foul ulcers and is also used in the treatment of gonorrhoea and cough. Flowers are recommended for leprosy, skin and blood diseases. The fruits are used for promoting the growth of hair and in anaemia, leprosy, ulcers, constipation, strangury, leucorrhoea, colpitis and lung disease.

Wood is one of the best and most reliable timber of India. It is used for making furniture, planks, carriages, printing boxes, musical instruments, shafts, axles, picture frames, jute bobbins, calipers, ship buildings, artificial limbs and stethoscopes.

In south India the bark of the tree is used by arrack manufacturers to regulate the fermentation of toddy. The plant is also grown in garden or avenues (Dey, 1988; Sivarajan and Indira, 1994).

Distribution: The plant is found wild throughout India from the foot of Himalayas to Kerala and Anadamans, in moist, semideciduous and open forests upto an altitude of 1500 m. It is also distributed in Sri Lanka and Philippines.

Botany: Gmelina arborea Roxb. Syn. Premna arborea Roth. belongs to Family Verbenaceae. It is an unarmed deciduous tree growing up to 20m height with whitish grey corky lenticellate bark, exfloliating in thin flakes. Branchlets and young parts are clothed with fine white mealy pubescence. Leaves are simple, opposite, broadly ovate, cordate, glandular, glabrous above when mature and fulvous-tomentose beneath. Flowers brownish yellow in terminal panicle. Calyx campanulate, pubescent outside and with 5 lobes. Corolla showy brownish yellow with short tube and oblique limbs. Stamens 4, didynamous and included. Ovary is 4 chambered with one ovule each; style slender ending in a bifid stigma. Fruits are fleshy ovoid drupes, orange yellow when ripe. Seeds 1 or 2, hard and oblong.

Agrotechnology: Coomb teak is a sun loving plant. It does not tolerate drought. But it grows in light frost. Rainfall higher than 2000mm and loose soil are ideal. The best method of propagation is by seeds but rarely propagated vegitatevely by stem cuttings also. Seed formation occurs in May-June. Seeds are dried well before use. They are soaked in water for 12 hours before sowing. Seed rate is 3kg/ha. Seeds are sown in nursery beds shortly before rains. Seeds germinate within one month. Seedlings are transplanted in the first rainy season when they are 7-10cm tall. Pits of size 50cm cube are made at a spacing of 3-4m and filled with sand, dried cowdung and surface soil, over which the seedlings are transplanted. 20kg organic manure is given once a year. Irrigation and weeding should be done on a regular basis. The common disease reported is sooty mould caused by Corticium salmonicolor which can be controlled by applying a suitable fungicide. The tree grows fast and may be ready for harvesting after 4 or 5 years. This plant is coppiced and traded. The roots are also used for medicinal purposes. The tree may stand up to 25 years.

Properties and activity: Roots and heart wood of Coomb teak are reported to contain gmelinol, hentriacontanol, n-octacosanol and -sitosterol. The roots contain sesquiterpenoid and apiosylskimmin, a coumarin characterised as umbelliferone-7-apiosyl glucoside and gmelofuran. The heart wood gives ceryl alcohol, cluytyl ferulate, lignans, arboreol, gmelonone, 6”-bromo isoarboreol, lignan hemiacetal and gummidiol. Leaves yield luteolin, apigenin, quercetin, hentriacontanol, -sitosterol, quercetogenin and other flavons. Fruits contain butyric acid, tartaric acid, and saccharine substances (Asolkar et al, 1992; Dey, 1988).

The roots are acrid, bitter, tonic, stomachic, laxative, galactogogue, demulcent, antibilious, febrifuge and anthelmintic. Bark is bitter, hypoglycaemic, antiviral, anticephalalgic and tonic. The leaves are demulcent, antigonorrhoeic and bechic. Flowers are sweet, refrigerant, astringent and acrid. Fruits are acrid, refrigerant, diuretic, astringent, aphrodisiac, trichogenous, alterant and tonic (Warrier et al; 1995).... coomb teak

Salacia Oblonga

Wall. ex Wight & Arn.

Family: Hippocrateaceae; Celas- traceae.

Habitat: Rain forests of Western Ghats from Konkan to Kerala.

Folk: Chundan (Tamil Nadu), Ponkoranti (Kerala).

Action: Root bark—used for the treatment rheumatism; also for gonorrhoea, swellings and skin diseases. Plant—mildly antiseptic.... salacia oblonga

Salacia Reticulata


Family: Hippocrateacea; Celas- traceae.

Habitat: Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala.

Folk: Ekanyakam, Koranti (Kerala, South India), Anukudu-chettu (Andhra Pradesh)

Action: Plant—mild antiseptic. Root bark—used against gonorrhoea, skin diseases and inflammations. The root bark exhibits hypoglycaemic activity.... salacia reticulata

Corchorus Fascicularis


Family: Tiliaceae.

Habitat: Throughout warmer parts of India.

Ayurvedic: Chanchuka, Chanchu.

Folk: Chanchu shaaka, Baaphali.

Action: Astringent, spasmolytic, restorative, mucilaginous.

The plant contains betulinic acid and beta-sitosterol. Seeds yield cardeno- lides including trilocularin. The glyco- sides of the plant were found to be devoid of any effect of its own on smooth muscle of guinea pig ileum, but produced spasmolytic effect against acetyl- choline, histamine and bradykinin. Direct action of the drug was observed on rabbit intestines. Slight cardiac depressant effect was found on isolated amphibian heart preparation.

Corchorus depressus (L.) Christensen, found in drier parts of North India, is known as Bhauphali (Delhi).

The Plant is used as a cooling medicine in fevers; its mucilage is prescribed in gonorrhoea, also for increasing the viscosity of seminal fluid. An extract of the plant is applied as a paste to wounds.

The plant contains alpha-amyrin derivatives, together with apigenin, luteolin, sitosterol and its glucoside. Presence of quercetin and kaempferol has been reported in leaves and flowers.

The plant exhibits antimicrobial and antipyretic activities.... corchorus fascicularis

Dipterocarpus Alatus


Synonym: D. incanus Roxb.

Family: Dipterocarpaceae.

Habitat: The Andamans.

English: Gurjun.

Ayurvedic: Ashwakarna, Garjan, Shveta-Garjan, Jarandruma.

Action: Decoction of the bark is prescribed in rheumatism. Oil— applied to ulcerated wounds. Balsam—applied externally in gonorrhoea.

Dipterocarpus resin gave sesquiter- penoids. The essential oil contains 2 sesquiterpenoids of eudesmane series.... dipterocarpus alatus

Hardwickia Binata


Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat: Dry forests of Deccan Peninsula, Central India and parts of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

Ayurvedic: Anjana.

Siddha/Tamil: Katudugu, Kodapalai.

Action: Balsam—used for sexually transmitted diseases. The balsam is similar to Copaiba balsam (Copaifera langsdorffii Desf., Leguminosae) of Brasil and is used in leucorrhoea, chronic cystitis, gonorrhoea, combined with cubebs and sandal. The resin (not the oleo-resin) is used as diuretic.

The essential oil of H. binata is not a substitute for Copaiba oil.

The methanolic extract of the heart- wood yields beta-sitosterol, (+)-taxifo- lin, eriodictyol, (+)-catechin, (+)-epi- catechin and (+)-mopanol. The phenolic compounds are said to impart antibacterial and antifungal property to the herb.

The bark has a good absorption capacity for mercury from water.... hardwickia binata

Hemidesmus Indicus

(L.) R. Br.

Synonym: Periploca indica Linn.

Family: Asclepiadaceae, Periplo- caceae.

Habitat: Throughout India; common in Bengal, Maharashtra and extending to Travancore.

English: Indian Sarsaparilla (white var.). Sarsaparilla root is equated with Smilax sp. in Western herbal.

Ayurvedic: Shveta Saarivaa, Anant- muula, Gopi, Gopaa, Gopakanyaa, Gopavalli, Gopasutaa, Krishodari, Sphotaa, Utpalsaarivaa, Kapuuri, Dugdhgarbhaa.

Unani: Ushbaa Hindi.

Siddha/Tamil: Nannaari, Sugan- thipala.

Action: Blood purifier, antisyphilitic, antileucorrhoeic, galactogenic, antidiarrhoeal, antirheumatic, febrifuge, alterative. Roots used against gonorrhoea, leucoderma, bleeding piles, jaundice and dysentery.

Key application: Smilax sp.—in skin diseases and urinary infections. (German Commission E included Smilax sp. among unapproved herbs.)

Hemidesmus indicus does not contain the same saponins or other principal constituents which are found in sarsaparilla. (Tyler's Honest Herbal.)

The root contains coumarino-lig- noids, hemidesmine, hemidesmin-1, 2. The stem contains pregnane glyco- sides, hemidine, hemidescine, emidine and indicine, a triterpene lactone, a lu- panone, besides lupeol acetate, sitos- terol and hexadecanoic acid and several hydroxy- methoxybenzaldehydes.

Aqueous extract of the root is bacteriostatic against Mycobacterium leprae.

Dosage: Root—20-30 g for decoction. (API Vol. I.) palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and arachidic. Pyrocatechol, tannins, fla- vonoids and amino acids were also present.... hemidesmus indicus

Lymphogranuloma Venereum (lgv)

Treatment: same as for Gonorrhoea. ... lymphogranuloma venereum (lgv)


An infection of Bartholin’s glands, at the entrance to the vagina, that may be due to a sexually transmitted infection such as gonorrhoea. It causes an intensely painful red swelling at the opening of the ducts. Treatment is with antibiotic drugs, analgesic drugs, and warm baths. Bartholinitis sometimes leads to an abscess or a painless cyst (called a Bartholin’s cyst), which may become infected. Abscesses are drained under general anaesthesia. Recurrent abscesses or infected cysts may need surgery to convert the duct into an open pouch (see marsupialization) or to remove the gland completely... bartholinitis

Cephalosporin Drugs

A large group of antibiotic drugs derived from the fungus

CEPHALOSPORIUM ACREMONIUM, which are effective against a wide range of infections.

Cephalosporins are used to treat ear, throat, and respiratory tract infections, and conditions, such as urinary tract infections and gonorrhoea, in which the causative bacteria are resistant to other types of antibiotics.

Occasionally, the drugs cause allergic reactions, such as rash, itching, and fever.

Rarely, anaphylactic shock occurs.

Other side effects include diarrhoea and blood disorders.... cephalosporin drugs

Indian Beech

Pongamia pinnata


San: Karanj;

Hin: Karanja, Dittouri;

Ben: Dehar karanja;

Mal: Ungu, Pongu; Guj, Mar, Pun: Karanj;

Kan: Hongae;

Tel: Kangu;

Tam: Puggam; Ass: Karchaw; Ori: Koranjo

Importance: Indian beech, Pongam oil tree or Hongay oil tree is a handsome flowering tree with drooping branches, having shining green leaves laden with lilac or pinkish white flowers. The whole plant and the seed oil are used in ayurvedic formulations as effective remedy for all skin diseases like scabies, eczema, leprosy and ulcers. The roots are good for cleaning teeth, strengthening gums and in gonorrhoea and scrofulous enlargement. The bark is useful in haemorhoids, beriberi, ophthalmopathy and vaginopathy. Leaves are good for flatulence, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, leprosy, gonorrhoea, cough, rheumatalgia, piles and oedema. Flowers are given in diabetes. Fruits overcomes urinary disease and piles. The seeds are used in inflammations, otalgia, lumbago, pectoral diseases, chronic fevers, hydrocele, haemorrhoids and anaemia. The seed oil is recommended for ophthalmia, haemorrhoids, herpes and lumbagoThe seed oil is also valued for its industrial uses. The seed cake is suggested as a cheap cattle feed. The plant enters into the composition of ayurvedic preparations like nagaradi tailam, varanadi kasayam, varanadi ghrtam and karanjadi churna.

It is a host plant for the lac insect. It is grown as a shade tree. The wood is moderately hard and used as fuel and also for making agricultural implements and cart- wheels.

Distribution: The plant is distributed throughout India from the central or eastern Himalaya to Kanyakumari, especially along the banks of streams and rivers or beach forests and is often grown as an avenue tree. It is distributed in Sri Lanka, Burma, Malaya, Australia and Polynesia.

Botany: Pongamia pinnata (Linn.) Pierre syn. P. glabra Vent., Derris indica (Lam.) Bennet, Cystisus pinnatus Lam. comes under family Papilionaceae. P. pinnata is a moderate sized, semi -evergreen tree growing upto 18m or more high, with a short bole, spreading crown and greyish green or brown bark. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate, leaflets 5-7, ovate and opposite. Flowers lilac or pinkish white and fragrant in axillary recemes. Calyx cup-shaped, shortly 4-5 toothed, corolla papilionaceous. Stamens 10 and monadelphous, ovary subsessile, 2-ovuled with incurved, glabrous style ending in a capitate stigma. Pod compressed, woody, indehiscent, yellowish grey when ripe varying in size and shape, elliptic to obliquely oblong, 4.0-7.5cm long and 1.7-3.2cm broad with a short curved beak. Seeds usually 1, elliptic or reniform, wrinkled with reddish brown, leathery testa.

Agrotechnology: The plant comes up well in tropical areas with warm humid climate and well distributed rainfall. Though it grows in almost all types of soils, silty soils on river banks are most ideal. It is tolerant to drought and salinity. The tree is used for afforestation, especially in watersheds in the drier parts of the country. It is propagated by seeds and vegetatively by rootsuckers. Seed setting is usually in November. Seeds are soaked in water for few hours before sowing. Raised seed beds of convenient size are prepared, well rotten cattle manure is applied at 1kg/m2 and seeds are uniformly broadcasted. The seeds are covered with a thin layer of sand and irrigated. One month old seedlings can be transplanted into polybags, which after one month can be planted in the field. Pits of size 50cm cube are dug at a spacing of 4-5m, filled with top soil and manure and planted. Organic manure are applied annually. Regular weeding and irrigation are required for initial establishment. The trees flower and set fruits in 5 years. The harvest season extends from November- June. Pods are collected and seeds are removed by hand. Seed, leaves, bark and root are used for medicinal purposes. Bark can be collected after 10 years. No serious pests and diseases are reported in this crop.

Properties and activity: The plant is rich in flavonoids and related compounds. Seeds and seed oil, flowers and stem bark yield karanjin, pongapin, pongaglabrone, kanugin, desmethoxykanugin and pinnatin. Seed and its oil also contain kanjone, isolonchocarpin, karanjachromene, isopongachromene, glabrin, glabrachalcone, glabrachromene, isopongaflavone, pongol, 2’- methoxy-furano 2”,3”:7,8 -flavone and phospholipids. Stem-bark gives pongachromene, pongaflavone, tetra-O-methylfisetin, glabra I and II, lanceolatin B, gamatin, 5-methoxy- furano 2”,3”:7,8 -flavone, 5-methoxy-3’,4’-methelenedioxyfurano 2”,3”:7,8 -flavone and - sitosterol. Heartwood yields chromenochalcones and flavones. Flowers are reported to contain kanjone, gamatin, glabra saponin, kaempferol, -sitosterol, quercetin glycocides, pongaglabol, isopongaglabol, 6-methoxy isopongaglabol, lanceolatin B, 5-methoxy-3’,4’- methelenedioxyfurano 8,7:4”,5” -flavone, fisetin tetramethyl ether, isolonchocarpin, ovalichromene B, pongamol, ovalitenon, two triterpenes- cycloart-23-ene,3 ,25 diol and friedelin and a dipeptide aurantinamide acetate.

Roots and leaves give kanugin, desmethoxykanugin and pinnatin. Roots also yield a flavonol methyl ether-tetra-O-methyl fisetin. The leaves contain triterpenoids, glabrachromenes I and II, 3’-methoxypongapin and 4’-methoxyfurano 2”,3”:7,8 -flavone also. The gum reported to yield polysaccharides (Thakur et al, 1989; Husain et al, 1992).

Seeds, seed oil and leaves are carminative, antiseptic, anthelmintic and antirheumatic. Leaves are digestive, laxative, antidiarrhoeal, bechic, antigonorrheic and antileprotic. Seeds are haematinic, bitter and acrid. Seed oil is styptic and depurative. Karanjin is the principle responsible for the curative properties of the oil. Bark is sweet, anthelmintic and elexteric.... indian beech


A slang term for gonorrhoea.... clap

Ovary, Disorders Of

Diseases and abnormalities of the ovaries can occur for various reasons. Absence of ovaries, or their failure to develop normally, is rare and is usually due to a chromosomal abnormality (see Turner’s syndrome). Oophoritis (inflammation of an ovary) may result from infections such as gonorrhoea or pelvic inflammatory disease. Ovarian cysts are common and usually noncancerous. Polycystic ovary syndrome is due to an imbalance of sex hormones. Ovarian cancer (see ovary, cancer of) occurs mainly in women over 50. Ovarian failure causes premature menopause in about 5 per cent of women.... ovary, disorders of


Inflammation of the rectum, causing soreness and bleeding, sometimes with a mucus and pus discharge. Proctitis commonly occurs as a feature of ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, or dysentery. In cases where inflammation is confined to the rectum, the cause is often unknown. In male homosexuals, proctitis is sometimes due to gonorrhoea or another sexually transmitted infection. Rare causes include tuberculosis, amoebiasis, and schistosomiasis.

Diagnosis is made by proctoscopy. A biopsy is sometimes needed. Treatment of the underlying cause usually clears the problem. Corticosteroid drugs may relieve symptoms.... proctitis

Indian Gooseberry

Phyllanthus emblica


San: Amalaka, Adiphala

Tel: Amalakam

Hin, Mar: Amla

Kan: Amalaka

Ben: Amlaki

Guj: Ambala


Tam: Nelli

Kas: Aonla

Importance: Indian gooseberry or emblic myrobalan is a medium sized tree the fruit of which is used in many Ayurvedic preparations from time immemorial. It is useful in haemorrhage, leucorrhaea, menorrhagia, diarrhoea and dysentery. In combination with iron, it is useful for anaemia, jaundice and dyspepsia. It goes in combination in the preparation of triphala, arishta, rasayan, churna and chyavanaprash. Sanjivani pills made with other ingredients is used in typhoid, snake-bite and cholera. The green fruits are made into pickles and preserves to stimulate appetite. Seed is used in asthma, bronchitis and biliousness. Tender shoots taken with butter milk cures indigestion and diarrhoea. Leaves are also useful in conjunctivitis, inflammation, dyspepsia and dysentery. The bark is useful in gonorrhoea, jaundice, diarrhoea and myalgia. The root bark is astringent and is useful in ulcerative stomatitis and gastrohelcosis. Liquor fermented from fruit is good for indigestion, anaemia, jaundice, heart complaints, cold to the nose and for promoting urination. The dried fruits have good effect on hair hygiene and used as ingredient in shampoo and hair oil. The fruit is a very rich source of Vitamin C (600mg/100g) and is used in preserves as a nutritive tonic in general weakness (Dey, 1980).

Distribution: Indian gooseberry is found through out tropical and subtropical India, Sri Lanka and Malaca. It is abundant in deciduous forests of Madhya Pradesh and Darjeeling, Sikkim and Kashmir. It is also widely cultivated.

Botany: Phyllanthus emblica Linn. syn. Emblica officinalis Gaertn. belongs to Euphorbiaceae family. It is a small to medium sized deciduous tree growing up to 18m in height with thin light grey, bark exfoliating in small thin irregular flakes. Leaves are simple, many subsessile, closely set along the branchlets, distichous light green having the appearance of pinnate leaves. Flowers are greenish yellow in axillary fascicles, unisexual; males numerous on short slender pedicels; females few, subsessile; ovary 3-celled. Fruits are globose, 1-5cm in diameter, fleshy, pale yellow with 6 obscure vertical furrows enclosing 6 trigonous seeds in 2-seeded 3 crustaceous cocci. Two forms Amla are generally distinguished, the wild ones with smaller fruits and the cultivated ones with larger fruits and the latter are called ‘Banarasi’(Warrier et al, 1995).

Agrotechnology: Gooseberry is quite hardy and it prefers a warm dry climate. It needs good sunlight and rainfall. It can be grown in almost all types of soils, except very sandy type. A large fruited variety “Chambakad Large“ was located from the rain shadow region of the Western Ghats for cultivation in Kerala. Amla is usually propagated by seeds and rarely by root suckers and grafts. The seeds are enclosed in a hard seed coat which renders the germination difficult. The seeds can be extracted by keeping fully ripe fruits in the sun for 2-3 days till they split open releasing the seeds. Seeds are soaked in water for 3-4 hours and sown on previously prepared seed beds and irrigated. Excess irrigation and waterlogging are harmful. One month old seedlings can be transplanted to polythene bags and one year old seedlings can be planted in the main field with the onset of monsoon. Pits of size 50 cm3 are dug at 6-8m spacing and filled with a mixture of top soil and well rotten FYM and planting is done. Amla can also be planted as a windbreak around an orchard. Irrigation and weeding are required during the first year. Application of organic manure and mulching every year are highly beneficial. Chemical fertilisers are not usually applied. No serious pests or diseases are generally noted in this crop. Planted seedlings will commence bearing from the 10th year, while grafts after 3-4 years. The vegetative growth of the tree continues from April to July. Along with the new growth in the spring, flowering also commences. Fruits will mature by December-February. Fruit yield ranges from 30-50kg/tree/year when full grown (KAU,1993).

Properties and activity: Amla fruit is a rich natural source of vitamin C. It also contains cytokinin like substances identified as zeatin, zeatin riboside and zeatin nucleotide. The seeds yield 16% fixed oil, brownish yellow in colour. The plant contains tannins like glucogallia, corilagin, chebulagic acid and 3,6-digalloyl glucose. Root yields ellagic acid, lupeol, quercetin and - sitosterol (Thakur et al, 1989).

The fruit is diuretic, laxative, carminative, stomachic, astringent, antidiarrhoeal, antihaemorrhagic and antianaemic.... indian gooseberry

Sexually Transmitted Infections

(STIs) Infections transmitted primarily, but not exclusively, by sexual intercourse. Common STIs include chlamydial infections, genital herpes, pubic lice, genital warts, trichomoniasis, syphilis, gonorrhoea, and HIV infection. Antibiotics can be used to treat most bacterial STIs. Confidential tracing and treatment of an affected person’s partners is an essential part of the management of STIs (see contact tracing).

Practising safer sex can help prevent STIs.... sexually transmitted infections

Tetracycline Drugs

A group of antibiotic drugs commonly used to treat bronchitis, acne, syphilis, gonorrhoea, nongonococcal urethritis, and certain types of pneumonia.

If taken with milk, tetracyclines are not absorbed effectively into the intestines.

Possible side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, worsening of kidney disorders, rash, and itching.

Tetracyclines may discolour developing teeth and are therefore not usually prescribed for children under age 12 or pregnant women.... tetracycline drugs


(aspermia) n. the complete absence of sperm from the seminal fluid. This is due either to profound impairment of sperm formation (*spermatogenesis) due to damage to the testes (e.g. caused by *cryptorchidism, mumps *orchitis, or radio- or chemotherapy) or – more commonly – to obstruction of the genital tract (e.g. resulting from vasectomy, gonorrhoea, or Chlamydia infection). A biopsy of the testis is necessary in order to differentiate these two causes of azoospermia; if a blockage is present it may be possible to relieve it surgically (see epididymovasostomy).... azoospermia


The study of all aspects of micro-organisms (microbes) – that is, organisms which individually are generally too small to be visible other than by microscopy. The term is applicable to viruses (see VIRUS), BACTERIA, and microscopic forms of fungi, algae, and PROTOZOA.

Among the smallest and simplest microorganisms are the viruses. First described as ?lterable agents, and ranging in size from 20–30 nm to 300 nm, they may be directly visualised only by electron microscopy. They consist of a core of deoxyribonucleic or ribonucleic acid (DNA or RNA) within a protective protein coat, or capsid, whose subunits confer a geometric symmetry. Thus viruses are usually cubical (icosahedral) or helical; the larger viruses (pox-, herpes-, myxo-viruses) may also have an outer envelope. Their minimal structure dictates that viruses are all obligate parasites, relying on living cells to provide essential components for their replication. Apart from animal and plant cells, viruses may infect and replicate in bacteria (bacteriophages) or fungi (mycophages), which are damaged in the process.

Bacteria are larger (0·01–5,000 µm) and more complex. They have a subcellular organisation which generally includes DNA and RNA, a cell membrane, organelles such as ribosomes, and a complex and chemically variable cell envelope – but, unlike EUKARYOTES, no nucleus. Rickettsiae, chlamydia, and mycoplasmas, once thought of as viruses because of their small size and absence of a cell wall (mycoplasma) or major wall component (chlamydia), are now acknowledged as bacteria; rickettsiae and chlamydia are intracellular parasites of medical importance. Bacteria may also possess additional surface structures, such as capsules and organs of locomotion (?agella) and attachment (?mbriae and stalks). Individual bacterial cells may be spheres (cocci); straight (bacilli), curved (vibrio), or ?exuous (spirilla) rods; or oval cells (coccobacilli). On examination by light microscopy, bacteria may be visible in characteristic con?gurations (as pairs of cocci [diplococci], or chains [streptococci], or clusters); actinomycete bacteria grow as ?laments with externally produced spores. Bacteria grow essentially by increasing in cell size and dividing by ?ssion, a process which in ideal laboratory conditions some bacteria may achieve about once every 20 minutes. Under natural conditions, growth is usually much slower.

Eukaryotic micro-organisms comprise fungi, algae, and protozoa. These organisms are larger, and they have in common a well-developed internal compartmentation into subcellular organelles; they also have a nucleus. Algae additionally have chloroplasts, which contain photosynthetic pigments; fungi lack chloroplasts; and protozoa lack both a cell wall and chloroplasts but may have a contractile vacuole to regulate water uptake and, in some, structures for capturing and ingesting food. Fungi grow either as discrete cells (yeasts), multiplying by budding, ?ssion, or conjugation, or as thin ?laments (hyphae) which bear spores, although some may show both morphological forms during their life-cycle. Algae and protozoa generally grow as individual cells or colonies of individuals and multiply by ?ssion.

Micro-organisms of medical importance include representatives of the ?ve major microbial groups that obtain their essential nutrients at the expense of their hosts. Many bacteria and most fungi, however, are saprophytes (see SAPROPHYTE), being major contributors to the natural cycling of carbon in the environment and to biodeterioration; others are of ecological and economic importance because of the diseases they cause in agricultural or horticultural crops or because of their bene?cial relationships with higher organisms. Additionally, they may be of industrial or biotechnological importance. Fungal diseases of humans tend to be most important in tropical environments and in immuno-compromised subjects.

Pathogenic (that is, disease-causing) microorganisms have special characteristics, or virulence factors, that enable them to colonise their hosts and overcome or evade physical, biochemical, and immunological host defences. For example, the presence of capsules, as in the bacteria that cause anthrax (Bacillus anthracis), one form of pneumonia (Streptococcus pneumoniae), scarlet fever (S. pyogenes), bacterial meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus in?uenzae) is directly related to the ability to cause disease because of their antiphagocytic properties. Fimbriae are related to virulence, enabling tissue attachment – for example, in gonorrhoea (N. gonorrhoeae) and cholera (Vibrio cholerae). Many bacteria excrete extracellular virulence factors; these include enzymes and other agents that impair the host’s physiological and immunological functions. Some bacteria produce powerful toxins (excreted exotoxins or endogenous endotoxins), which may cause local tissue destruction and allow colonisation by the pathogen or whose speci?c action may explain the disease mechanism. In Staphylococcus aureus, exfoliative toxin produces the staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome, TSS toxin-1 toxic-shock syndrome, and enterotoxin food poisoning. The pertussis exotoxin of Bordetella pertussis, the cause of whooping cough, blocks immunological defences and mediates attachment to tracheal cells, and the exotoxin produced by Corynebacterium diphtheriae causes local damage resulting in a pronounced exudate in the trachea.

Viruses cause disease by cellular destruction arising from their intracellular parasitic existence. Attachment to particular cells is often mediated by speci?c viral surface proteins; mechanisms for evading immunological defences include latency, change in viral antigenic structure, or incapacitation of the immune system – for example, destruction of CD 4 lymphocytes by the human immunode?ciency virus.... microbiology


n. a second-generation *cephalosporin antibiotic that is less susceptible to beta-lactamase enzymes than the older members of the group. It is used in the treatment of infections of the urinary and lower respiratory tracts and the skin, Lyme disease, gonorrhoea, epiglottitis, meningitis, and otitis media. Side-effects include nausea, diarrhoea, and rash.... cefuroxime


n. a genus of spherical Gram-negative aerobic nonmotile bacteria characteristically grouped in pairs. They are parasites of animals, and some species are normal inhabitants of the human respiratory tract. The species N. gonorrhoeae (the gonococcus) causes *gonorrhoea. Gonococci are found within pus cells of urethral and vaginal discharge; they can be cultured only on serum or blood agar. N. meningitidis (the meningococcus) causes meningococcal *meningitis. Meningococci are found within pus cells of infected cerebrospinal fluid and blood or in the nasal passages of carriers. They too can only be cultured on serum or blood agar.... neisseria

Pyoderma Gangrenosum

an acute destructive ulcerating process of the skin, especially the legs. It may be associated with ulcerative *colitis or *Crohn’s disease or with *rheumatoid arthritis or other forms of arthritis affecting many joints. Treatment is with ciclosporin, high doses of corticosteroids, or other immunosuppressants.

pyogenic adj. causing the formation of pus. Pyogenic bacteria include Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus hemolyticus, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.... pyoderma gangrenosum

Non-specific Urethritis (nsu)

An in?ammatory condition of the URETHRA due to a cause or causes other than GONORRHOEA. The most common is CHLAMYDIA trachomatis – there has been a rise of over 75 per cent in the incidence in the UK over the past ?ve years to around 70,000 a year. It produces pelvic in?ammatory disease in women, which often results in sterility, the risk of ECTOPIC PREGNANCY, and recurrent pelvic pain. Most cases respond well to TETRACYCLINES. Abstinence from sexual intercourse should be observed during treatment and until cure is complete. Children born to infected mothers may have their eyes infected during birth, producing the condition known as ophthalmia neonatorum. This is treated by the application to the eye of chlortetracycline eye ointment. The lungs of such a child may also be infected, resulting in pneumonia.... non-specific urethritis (nsu)

Ocimum Gratissimum


Family: Labiatae; Lamiaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India.

English: Shrubby Basil.

Ayurvedic: Vriddha Tulasi, Raam- Tulasi, Raan-Tulasi.

Siddha: Elumicha-Tulasi, Peria- Tulasi.

Action: Plant—used in neurological and rheumatic affections, in seminal weakness and in aphthae of children. Seed—used in cephalalgia and neuralgia. Essential oil— antibacterial, antifungal.

In homoeopathy, fresh mature leaves are used in constipation, cough, fever, nasal catarrh; also in gonorrhoea with difficult urination.

A heterotic hybrid 'Clocimum' (po- lycross of gratissimum) has been developed in India which yields 4.55.7% essential oil having a eugenol content up to 95%. Direct production of methyl eugenol and eugenol acetate from 'Clocimum' oil is reported.

Major constituents reported from 'Clocimum' oil are myrcene 8.87, eugenol 68.14, isoeugenol 13.88, methyl- eugenol 1.74%; other constituents are alpha- pinene, limonene, phellandrene, terpene 4-ol, alpha-terpineol, carveol, carvene, geranyl acetate, caryophyl- lone and caryophyllone oxide.

(At Regional Research Laboratory, CSIR, Jammu, a study was conducted Ocimum kilimandscharicum Guerke.

Synonym: O. camphora Guerke.

Family: Labiatae; Lamiaceae.

Habitat: Native of Kenya. Cultivated on a small scale in West Bengal, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Dehr Dun.

English: Camphor Basil.

Ayurvedic: Karpura Tulasi.

Action: Plant—spasmolytic, antibacterial. Decamphorized oil— insecticidal, mosquito repellent.

Essential oil contains camphor, pi- nene, limonene, terpinolene, myrcene, beta-phellandrene, linalool, camphene, p-cymene, borneol and alpha-selinene. The Camphor content varies in different samples from 61 to 80.5%.... ocimum gratissimum

Ovaries, Diseases Of

Oöphoritis (infection of the ovaries) rarely occurs alone, except in viral infections such as mumps. Usually it is associated with infection of the FALLOPIAN TUBES (SALPINGITIS). It may occur as a complication of a miscarriage, a therapeutic abortion, or the birth of a baby. Cases not associated with pregnancy typically result from sexual activity: the most common organisms involved are Chlamydia, E. coli, and Neisseria gonorrhoea. Cervical swabs should be sent for culture and analgesics given, together with the appropriate antibiotics.

Failure of OVULATION is the cause of INFERTILITY in around a third of couples seeking help with conception. It may also lead to menstrual problems (see MENSTRUATION), such as an irregular menstrual cycle or MENORRHAGIA. An uncommon cause of failure of ovulation is POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME, often associated with acne, hirsutism, and obesity. Treatment depends on the symptoms. Early ovarian failure is the cause of premature MENOPAUSE. Treatment consists of hormone replacement therapy using a combination of oestrogen and progestogen.

Ovarian cysts (for example, follicular cysts) result from ovulation. They may be symptomless but sometimes cause abdominal pain, pain during intercourse or disturbances in menstruation. Twisting or rupture can cause severe pain, pyrexia (fever) and nausea, and explorative surgery – endoscopic laparotomy – may be needed to establish a diagnosis (symptoms of ECTOPIC PREGNANCY are similar). The ovary may have to be removed. Simple cysts often disappear of their own accord but a large cyst can cause pressure on surrounding structures and therefore should be surgically removed.

In young women the most common benign tumour is a dermoid cyst, while in older women, ?broma (see under UTERUS, DISEASES OF) is more common. All benign tumours should be removed surgically in order to be sure they are not malignant.

Malignant tumours may be primary (arising in the ovary) or secondary (metastases from a cancer developing in another organ). Treatment depends upon the site and type of the primary tumour.

Around 5,000 women a year are diagnosed as having ovarian cancer in England and Wales. Unfortunately it is not readily detected in its early stages; around 85 per cent of women do not see a doctor until after the tumour has spread. Early tumours present with symptoms similar to benign tumours, while late ones present with abdominal distension, pain and vague gastrointestinal symptoms. The disease is most common in menopausal women. Earlier diagnosis and treatment can be achieved by ULTRASOUND screening. Treatment is surgical, aimed at totally removing the tumour mass. Nowadays RADIOTHERAPY is only used for palliation. CHEMOTHERAPY is often given to patients with ovarian metastases, or who have residual disease after surgery. The most active cytotoxic agent is the taxane, PACLITAXEL – especially when it is combined with cisplatin.... ovaries, diseases of

Sexually Transmitted Disease

(STD) any disease transmitted by sexual intercourse, formerly known as venereal disease. STDs include *AIDS, *syphilis, *gonorrhoea, some *Chlamydia infections, genital *herpes, and *soft sore. The medical specialty concerned with STDs is genitourinary medicine.... sexually transmitted disease


n. inflammation of a tendon. It occurs most commonly after excessive overuse but is sometimes due to bacterial infection (e.g. *gonorrhoea), or a generalized rheumatic disease (e.g. *rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis). Treatment is by rest, achieved sometimes by splinting the adjacent joint, and corticosteroid injection into the tender area around the tendon. Tendinitis at the insertion of the supraspinatus muscle is a frequent cause of pain and restricted movement in the shoulder. See also jumper’s knee; tennis elbow. Compare tenosynovitis.... tendinitis

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease(pid)

An infection of the endometrium (membraneous lining) of the UTERUS, FALLOPIAN TUBES and adjacent structures caused by the ascent of micro-organisms from the vulva and vagina. Around 100,000 women develop PID each year in the UK; most of those affected are under 25 years of age. Infection is commonly associated with sexual intercourse; Chlamydia trachomatis (see CHLAMYDIA) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (see NEISSERIACEAE) are the most common pathogens. Although these bacteria initiate PID, opportunistic bacteria such as STREPTOCOCCUS and bacteroides often replace them.

The infection may be silent – with no obvious symptoms – or symptoms may be troublesome, for example, vaginal discharge and sometimes a palpable mass in the lower abdomen. If a LAPAROSCOPY is done – usually by endoscopic examination – overt evidence of PID is found in around 65 per cent of suspected cases.

PID may be confused with APPENDICITIS, ECTOPIC PREGNANCY – and PID is a common cause of such pregnancies – ovarian cyst (see OVARIES, DISEASES OF) and in?ammatory disorders of the intestines. Treatment is with a combination of ANTIBIOTICS that are active against the likely pathogens, accompanied by ANALGESICS. Patients may become seriously ill and require hospital care, where surgery is sometimes required if conservative management is unsuccessful. All women who have PID should be screened for sexually transmitted disease and, if this is present, should be referred with their partner(s) to a genito-urinary medicine clinic. Up to 20 per cent of women who have PID become infertile, and there is a seven-to ten-fold greater risk of an ectopic pregnancy occurring.... pelvic inflammatory disease(pid)

Phyllanthus Simplex


Synonym: P. virgatus J. R. et G. Forst.

Family: Euphorbiaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India.

Ayurvedic: Bhumyaamalaki (var.).

Folk: Mothi-bhuiaamvali (Maharashtra).

Plant—antiseptic. Fresh leaves, bruised in butter milk, are used as a wash for itch. Fresh leaves, flowers and fruits with cumin seeds and sugar, are used in gonorrhoea. Root—applied to mammary abscesses. Fruits contain oxalic acid.... phyllanthus simplex

Plumbago Zeylanica


Family: Plumbaginaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated in gardens throughout India; also found wild in Peninsular India.

English: Ceylon Leadwort, Leadwort.

Ayurvedic: Chitraka, Agni, Vahni, Jvalanaakhya, Krshaanu, Hutaasha, Dahana, Sikhi.

Unani: Sheetraj Hindi. Siddha/Tamil: Chittramoolam.

Action: Root—intestinal flora normalizer, stimulates digestive processes; used for dyspepsia. Root paste is applied in order to open abscesses; a paste prepared with milk, vinegar or salt and water, is used externally in leprosy and other obstinate skin diseases. A cold infusion is used for influenza and black-water fever.

Key application: In sprue, malabsorption syndrome, piles and inflammatory diseases of ano-rectum. (The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India.)

The root yielded naphthoquinone derivatives, plumbagin being the most important active principle.

The root extract, after processing for plumbagin enhancement, has been used in a number of drug formulations for liver ailments. Experimentally, plumbagin prevented the accumulation of triglycerides in liver and aorta and regressed atheromatous plaques and abdominal aorta. The chloroform extract of the root showed significant activity against pencillin-resistant (also non-pencillin resistant) strains of Neisseria gonorrhoea. (The root is used for treating sexually transmitted diseases in traditional Indian medicine.)

In Siddha medicine, in Tamil Nadu, the plant is an ingredient in a number of drug formulations for treating cancers of the uterus, breast, lungs and oral cavity, in addition to haemorrhoids.

Plumbagin is abortifacient, antiovu- latory; causes selective testicular lesions in dogs; in lower doses it behaves like a spindle poison, in higher concentration exhibits radiomimetic nu- cleotoxic and cytotoxic effects.

Dosage: Detoxified root—1-2 g powder. (API, Vol. I.)... plumbago zeylanica


abnormally free secretion and discharge of mucus, sometimes from the genitals (as in gonorrhoea).... blenorrhoea

Polianthes Tuberosa


Family: Amaryllidaceae.

Habitat: Native to Mexico; cultivated for ornamental use.

English: Tuberose.

Ayurvedic: Rajanigandhaa.

Siddha/Tamil: Nilasampangi.

Folk: Gulcheri, Gulshabbu.

Action: Flowers and bulbs— diuretic. Externally used for skin eruptions. The bulbs are rubbed with turmeric and butter and applied over red pimples of infants. The bulbs are reported to contain an alkaloid, lycorin, which causes vomiting.

Dried and powdered bulbs are used for gonorrhoea.... polianthes tuberosa

Pongamia Pinnata


Synonym: P. glabra Vent. Derris indica (Lam.) Benett.

Family: Papilionaceae; Fabaceae.

Habitat: Western Ghats, tidal forests up to 1,200 m.

English: Pongam Oil tree, Indian Beech.

Ayurvedic: Karanja.

Siddha/Tamil: Pungam.

Action: Oil—applied in scabies, herpes, leucoderma and other cutaneous diseases; over chest in pneumonia and cold; also used internally as cholagogue in sluggish liver. Leaves—juice is prescribed in flatulence, dyspepsia, diarrhoea and cough. An infusion is given for leprosy and gonorrhoea. Root— a paste is used in scrofulous enlargements; juice is used for cleaning foul ulcers and closing fistulous sores. Stem bark—given internally in bleeding piles. Rind of pod and seed—prescribed in bronchitis and whooping cough. Leaf and seed—antileprotic. Leaf and seed oil—antirheumatic.

The tree is rich in flavonoids and related compounds. These include simple flavones, furanoflavonoids, chro- menoflavones, chromenochalcones, coumarones, flavone glucosides, sterols, triterpenes and a modified phenyl- alanine dipeptide. Seeds and seed oil gave karanjin, pongamol, pongapin and kanjone.

The aqueous extract of stem bark shows significant sedative and antipyretic effects in rats, and antispas- modic effect in vitro on smooth muscles.

In Indonesia, a decoction ofthe bark is drunk after child birth.

The aqueous extract of seeds showed significant antiviral activity against herpes simplex viruses HSV-1 and 2 cell lines experimentally. Albino rats, treated with the aqueous extract of seeds, recovered faster from induced infection and skin-burn than the untreated ones.

Dosage: Seed—250 mg powder; 510 g for decoction. (API, Vol. I.)... pongamia pinnata

Quercus Incana


Synonym: Q. leucotrichophora A. Camus ex Bhadur.

Family: Fagaceae.

Habitat: Kashmir and Western Himalayas up to Nepal at altitudes of1,000-2,400 m.

English: Grey Oak.

Unani: Baloot.

Folk: Shilaa Supaari (Kashmir), Phanat (Garhwal), Shiddar (Kashmir).

Action: Acrons—diuretic, astringent. Used in indigestion and diarrhoea (after removing tannin and associated substances by the process of germination under earth). Also used in gonorrhoea.

The bark contains 6-23% of tannin. The stem bark contains friedelin, a tri- terpenoid, beta-sitosterol and a mixture of leucoanthocyanidins (including leucopelargonidin). Leaves contain flavonoids— quercetin, quercetin- 3-galacto-arabinoside.

The kernels gave fatty acids, including palmitic, lignoceric and oleic.... quercus incana

Strychnos Potatorum


Family: Loganiaceae; Strychnaceae.

Habitat: Forests of West Bengal, Central and South India, up to 1,200 m.

English: Clearing Nut tree.

Ayurvedic: Kataka, Katakaphala, Payah-prasaadi, Chakshushya, Nirmali.

Unani: Nirmali.

Siddha/Tamil: Thettran, Thetrankot- tai.

Action: Seed—antidiabetic, antidysenteric, emetic.

Mannogalactan from seeds reduces cholesterol and triglycerides (one-tenth and one-fifth when compared to clofi- brate). Seeds are also applied to abscesses, and venereal sores (internally in gonorrhoea). Fruits—antidiabet- ic; antidysenteric, expectorant. (Pulp is used as a substitute for ipecacuanha.)

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends the seed in dysuria, polyuria, urolithiasis, also in epilepsy.

The seeds, leaves and trunk bark gave diabolin (major alkaloid) and acetyldiabolin. Seeds also gavebrucine, strychnine, novacine, icajine, oleanolic acid and its glycoside. Leaves and bark gave isomotiol, stigmasterol, campes- terol and sitosterol. Diabolin exhibits hypotensive activity.

A decoction of seeds is given to treat stammering.

The seeds resemble those of Nux- vomica but are non-poisonous. The ripe seeds are used for clearing muddy water.

Dosage: Seed—3-6 g. (API, Vol. IV.)... strychnos potatorum

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (stds)

Sexually transmitted diseases – traditionally called venereal diseases – are infections transmitted by sexual intercourse (heterosexual and homosexual). In the United Kingdom they are treated in genito-urinary medicine (GUM) clinics. The incidences of these diseases are more common among people who have several sexual partners, as STDs are very infectious; some of the major STDs, particularly AIDS/HIV, are also transmitted by blood and so can result from needle-sharing by drug addicts, or by TRANSFUSION. The ‘traditional’ STDs – SYPHILIS, GONORRHOEA and CHANCROID – now comprise only 10 per cent of all such diseases treated in STD clinics: these clinics also treat patients with CHLAMYDIA, TRICHOMONIASIS, HERPES GENITALIS, MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM and genital WARTS. SCABIES and pubic lice (see PEDICULOSIS – Pediculus pubis) can also be transmitted by sexual intercourse, and HEPATITIS B is also recognised as an STD.

The incidence of STDs rose sharply during World War II but the advent of PENICILLIN and subsequent antibiotics meant that syphilis and gonorrhoea could be treated e?ectively. The arrival of oral contraception and more tolerant public attitudes to sexual activities resulted in an increase in the incidence of sexually transmitted infections. The diagnosis of NONSPECIFIC URETHRITIS (NSU), once given to many patients whose symptoms were not due to the traditional recognised infections, was in the 1970s realised to be wrong, as the condition was proved to be the result of infection by chlamydia.

Most STDs are treatable, but herpes is an infection that could become chronic, while hepatitis B and, of course, AIDS/HIV are potentially fatal – although treatment of HIV is now proving more e?ective. As well as the treatment and subsequent monitoring of patients with STDs, one of the important functions of clinics has been the tracing, treatment and follow-up of sexual contacts of infected individuals, a procedure that is conducted con?dentially.

Apart from AIDS/HIV, the incidence of STDs fell during the 1980s; however in some countries the agents causing syphilis and gonorrhoea began to develop resistance to antibiotics, which showed the continued importance of practising safe sex – in particular by restricting the number of sexual partners and ensuring the regular use of condoms. In the United Kingdom the rates per million of the male population infected by syphilis rose from 8.8 in 1991 to 9.7 in 1999; in females the ?gures were 4.0 to 4.5, respectively. For gonorrhoea, the ?gures for men were 399.4 in 1991 and 385 in 1999, with women also showing a reduction, from

216.5 to 171.3. In 1991, 552.6 per million of men had chlamydia, a ?gure which rose to

829.5 in 1999; for women in the same period the incidence also rose, from 622.5 to 1,077.1 per million. For genital herpes simplex virus, the infection rate for men fell from 236.6 per million to 227.7, whereas the ?gures for women showed a rise, 258.5 to 357. The incidence of AIDS/HIV is given under the relevant entry. (These ?gures are based on information in United Kingdom Health Statistics, 2001 edition, UKHSI, published by the O?ce of National Statistics.)... sexually transmitted diseases (stds)

Testicle, Diseases Of

The SCROTUM may be affected by various skin diseases, particularly eczema (see DERMATITIS) or fungal infection. A HERNIA may pass into the scrotum. Defective development of the testicles may lead to their retention within the abdomen, a condition called undescended testicle.

Hydrocoele is a collection of ?uid distending one or both sides of the scrotum with ?uid. Treatment is by withdrawal of the ?uid using a sterile syringe and aspiration needle.

Hypogonadism Reduced activity of the testes or ovaries (male and female gonads). The result is impaired development of the secondary sexual characteristics (growth of the genitals, breast and adult hair distribution). The cause may be hereditary or the result of a disorder of the PITUITARY GLAND which produces GONADOTROPHINS that stimulate development of the testes and ovaries.

Varicocoele is distension of the veins of the spermatic cord, especially on the left side, the causes being similar to varicose veins elsewhere (see VEINS, DISEASES OF). The chief symptom is a painful dragging sensation in the testicle, especially after exertion. Wearing a support provides relief; rarely, an operation may be advisable. Low sperm-count may accompany a varicocele, in which case surgical removal may be advisable.

Orchitis or acute in?ammation may arise from CYSTITIS, stone in the bladder, and in?ammation in the urinary organs, especially GONORRHOEA. It may also follow MUMPS. Intense pain, swelling and redness occur; treatment consists of rest, support of the scrotum, analgesics as appropriate, and the administration of antibiotics if a de?nitive microorganism can be identi?ed. In some patients the condition may develop and form an ABSCESS.

Torsion or twisting of the spermatic cord is relatively common in adolescents. About half the cases occur in the early hours of the morning during sleep. Typically felt as pain of varying severity in the lower abdomen or scrotum, the testis becomes hard and swollen. Treatment consists of immediate undoing of the torsion by manipulation. If done within a few hours, no harm should ensue; however, this should be followed within six hours by surgical operation to ensure that the torsion has been relieved and to ?x the testes. Late surgical attention may result in ATROPHY of the testis.

Tuberculosis may occur in the testicle, especially when the bladder is already affected. Causing little pain, the infection is often far advanced before attracting attention. The condition generally responds well to treatment with a combination of antituberculous drugs (see also main entry for TUBERCULOSIS).

Tumours of the testes occur in around 600 males annually in the United Kingdom, and are the second most common form of malignant growth in young males. There are two types: SEMINOMA and TERATOMA. When adequately treated the survival rate for the former is 95 per cent, while that for the latter is 50 per cent.

Injuries A severe blow may lead to SHOCK and symptoms of collapse, usually relieved by rest in bed; however, a HAEMATOMA may develop.... testicle, diseases of

Thespesia Lampas

(Cav.) Dalz. & Gibs.

Synonym: Azanza lampas (Cav.) Alef.

Family: Malvaceae.

Habitat: Grown as an ornamental.

Ayurvedic: Tundikera.

Folk: Bana-Kapaasi. Raan-bhendi (Maharashtra).

Action: Flowers—used for cutaneous diseases. Roots and fruits— used for treating gonorrhoea and syphilis.

Gossypol is reported to be present in the plant—roots 2.75, flower buds 1.95, seeds 1.74, leaves 0.98 and stems 0.16%. The flowers contain quercetin and protocatechuic acid.... thespesia lampas


Tinospora cordifolia


San: Amrita, Guduchi;


Ben: Giloe;

Mal: Amritu, Chittamritu;

Tam: Amridavalli

Kan: Amritaballi;

Tel: Tivantika, Tippatige; Pun: Batindu Ori: Gulochi

Importance: Tinospora is a common climbing shrub which is used in medicine, usually in the fresh state, though it is commercially available in the dried state. It is probably the most useful preparation acting as a tonic and aphrodisiac. As a tonic it is best given in infusion with or without milk. It is a popular remedy for snake-bite and leprosy. It is generally prescribed in general debility, diabetes, fever, jaundice, skin diseases, rheumatism, urinary diseases, dyspepsia, gout, gonorrhoea and leucorrhoea. It is a constituent of several preparations like guduchayado churna, gududyadi kwath, guduchilouha, amritarista, sanjivanivati, guduchi taila, amiritastak kwath, etc. The juice mixed with the pulp of long pepper and honey is a house hold remedy for gonorrhoea. Several oils for external applications are prepared with amrita and applied to skin diseases, rheumatic affections and other nervous complaints. A small quantity of bruised stem soaked for three hours in half a litre of water and strained combined with ammonium acetate is administered in intermittent and milder forms of fevers. It is rendered more agreeable with cinnamon, cloves and other aromatics. (Viswanathan, 1997).

Distribution: The plant is widely seen in tropical countries like India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and in Andaman Islands. It is mostly found trailing on forest trees, fences and hedges along the boundaries.

Botany: Tinospora cordifolia (Willd) Miers ex Hk. f & Thoms. syn. Menispermum cordifolium Willd, Cocculus cordifolius (Willd) DC. belongs to the family Menispermaceae. It is a climbing shrub with rough corky bark. Leaves are glabrous, cordate 5-10cm broad, acute or accuminate. The plant is dioecious. Male flowers are in fascicles; sepals oval; petals half the length of sepals. Female flowers are usually solitary, having ovary on the fleshy receptacle. Fruits are red when ripe.

Agrotechnology: Giloe requires a warm humid tropical climate. It thrives well in deep fertile soils which are rich in organic matter. It is propagated vegetatively by stem cuttings. About 10-15cm long stem cuttings having at least 2 nodes are planted in the field or polybags. Treatment of cut ends with hormones gives better results. The usual planting time is with the onset of monsoon in May-June. Usually it is planted along boundaries or nearby tall trees and allowed to trail on the trees or hedges and hence regular spacing is not followed. While planting, adequate amounts of organic manure are applied. Once the plant is established no much management is needed. The stem is the most economic part. Harvesting can be commenced after one year and usually partial harvesting is followed depending on the necessity. The stem and root should be collected in hot season when the concentration of the bitter principle is the highest. A full grown well ramified plant may give 2-3kg vines, which are cut into smaller pieces and traded either fresh or after drying.

Properties and activity: The plant contains cordifol, tinosporidine, tinosporide, perberilin, heptacosanol, - sitosterol, cordifolone, tinosporon, tinosporic acid, tinosporol, cordifolide, tinosporine, magnoflorine and tembetarine (Husain et al,1992).

The plant is antigonorrhoric, stomachic, antispasmodic, antiinflammatory, stimulant, diuretic, emetic, antidiabetic, aphrodisiac, antiperiodic, antileprotic antirheumantic and tonic. The root is an emetic in large doses. The tincture and extract are alterative and tonic and in a less degree antiperiodic and diuretic. (Dey,1980).... tinospora

Torenia Travancorica


Synonym: T. asiatica Hook. f. in part, non Linn.

Family: Scrophulariaceae.

Habitat: Western Ghats in the Nilgiris, Madurai, Coimbatore and Tirunelveli. (Torenias are ornamental herbs.)

Folk: Kakapu (Kerala).

Action: Used in prescriptions for gonorrhoea.

Torenia polygonoides Benth. (North East India) is used in urinary tract infections, topically for aching joints, sores and ulcers. T. thouarsii Kuntze (coastal areas of Mysore) is used for ulcers.... torenia travancorica

Urethra, Diseases Of And Injury To

Trauma Injury to the urethra is often the result of severe trauma to the pelvis – for example, in a car accident or as the result of a fall. Trauma can also result from catheter insertion (see CATHETERS) or the insertion of foreign bodies into the urethra. The signs are the inability to pass urine, and blood at the exit of the urethra. The major complication of trauma is the development of a urethral stricture (see below).

Urethritis is in?ammation of the urethra from infection.

Causes The sexually transmitted disease GONORRHOEA affects the urethra, mainly in men, and causes severe in?ammation and urethritis. Non-speci?c urethritis (NSU) is an in?ammation of the urethra caused by one of many di?erent micro-organisms including BACTERIA, YEAST and CHLAMYDIA.

Symptoms The classic signs and symptoms are a urethral discharge associated with urethral pain, particularly on micturition (passing urine), and DYSURIA.

Treatment This involves taking urethral swabs, culturing the causative organism and treating it with the appropriate antibiotic. The complications of urethritis include stricture formation.

Stricture This is an abrupt narrowing of the urethra at one or more places. Strictures can be a result of trauma or infection or a congenital abnormality from birth. Rarely, tumours can cause strictures.

Symptoms The usual presenting complaint is one of a slow urinary stream. Other symptoms include hesitancy of micturition, variable stream and terminal dribbling. Measurement of the urine ?ow rate may help in the diagnosis, but often strictures are detected during cystoscopy (see CYSTOSCOPE).

Treatment The traditional treatment was the periodic dilation of the strictures with ‘sounds’

– solid metal rods passed into the urethra. However, a more permanent solution is achieved by cutting the stricture with an endoscopic knife (optical urethrotomy). For more complicated long or multiple strictures, an open operation (urethroplasty) is required.... urethra, diseases of and injury to

Vandellia Pedunculata


Synonym: Lindernia cordifolia (Colsmann) Merrill.

Family: Scrophulariaceae.

Habitat: The Himalayas up to 1,2001,700 m and throughout India.

Folk: Gadaga-vel (Maharashtra).

Action: Used for sexually transmitted diseases and urethral discharges.

Vandellia pyxidaria Maxim, synonym Vandellia erecta Benth. (The Himalayas from Kashmir to Assam, common in Bengal; also in central and South India) is known as Vakapush- pi. The plant is used for gonorrhoea. Plant juice is given to children who pass green stool.... vandellia pedunculata

Vateria Indica


Synonym: V. malabarica Bl.

Family: Dipterocarpaceae.

Habitat: Peninsular India, from Kanara to Trivandrum and in Coorg.

English: White Damar, Indian Copal-Tree, Malabar Tallow tree, Piney Varnish-Tree.

Ayurvedic: Sarja, Sarjaka, Karsya, Sasyasumbara, Devdhuupa, Marich-patraka. Chhaagakar- na. Ajakarna and Shaala (related species) are also equated with V indica.

Unani: Raal.

Siddha/Tamil: Kungiliyam, Vellai Kundarakam.

Action: Resin—astringent, antibacterial, antidiarrhoeal, emmena- gogue. Used for chronic bronchitis, piles, skin eruptions, ringworm, scrofula, tubercular glands, ulcers, wounds, boils; urinary discharges; amenorrhoea; gonorrhoea and syphilis. Bark—antidysenteric. Oil and resin—antirheumatic. Resin enters into a number of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ointments. Leaves—juice is applied to cure burns. Orally administered to prevent vomiting.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends the resinous exudate internally (1-2 g) in lipid disorders, anaemia, genitourinary diseases, diarrhoea and diseases due to vitiated blood; externally in gout, abscesses, skin diseases, burns, eruptions.

The bark contains polyphenols—dl- epi-catechin, levorotatory isomers of fisetinidol, fzelechin; and bergenin.

Resin is a complex mixture of several triterpene hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols and acids, along with small amounts of sesquiterpenes. On distillation, the oleoresin gave an essential oil (76%), consisting of phenolic constituents and azulenes. The essential oil shows marked antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gramnegative micro-organism.

The leaves and roots contain berge- nin and hope phenol. The seed also contain bergenin. Hope phenol showed fungicidal activity. The plant exhibited anti-ulcerogenic activity in rats.

The fruit shell contains 25% tannins.

Dosage: Resinous exudate—1-2 g (API, Vol. IV.)... vateria indica

Arthritis, Gonococcal

A form of arthritis arising from infection by gonorrhoea may simulate rheumatoid arthritis, affecting the joint fluid. A history of genito-urinary discharge may confirm. Alternative formulae. Powders. Echinacea 2; Kava Kava 2; Prickly Ash 1; Cayenne quarter. Mix. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Tinctures. Balm of Gilead 1; Kava Kava 1; Black Cohosh half; Juniper quarter. Mix. Dose: 30-60 drops, thrice daily.

Topical. Tea Tree oil (if too strong may be diluted many times. Analgesic cream.

Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner or infectious disease specialist. ... arthritis, gonococcal

Arthritis, Infective

 Pyogenic. Bacterial infection may invade the body via mouth, nose or other mucous membranes. By the bloodstream it can be borne to almost any body tissues; joints of the shoulders, knees and hips. Immediate attention is necessary to avoid tissue destruction. Two virulent types are tuberculosis and gonorrhoea.

Infective arthritis may be associated with German Measles against which conventional antibiotics may be of little value. Infective organisms include: streptococcus, E. coli, staphylococcus, or others. May follow surgical operation, steroid therapy, rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes.

Symptoms. Joint hot, feverish, enlarged and painful.

Differential diagnosis: distinguish from gout and synovitis. Herbal treatment must needs be persevered with for 3 to 6 months, even longer. Good nursing is necessary. Natural life-style. Bedrest.

Treatment. For all microbial infections include Echinacea. (Hyde)

Teas. Nettles. Red Clover. Yarrow. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup 3-4 times daily.

Tablets/capsules. Devil’s Claw, Alfalfa, Echinacea, Horsetail.

Alternative formulae:– Powders. Echinacea 2; Burdock 1; Devil’s Claw 1; Guaiacum quarter. Mix. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon). Thrice daily.

Liquid Extracts. Echinacea 2; Juniper half; Black Cohosh half; Guaiacum quarter. Mix. Dose: 30-60 drops. Thrice daily.

Tinctures. Dandelion 2; Echinacea 2; Poke root half; Peppermint quarter. mix. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons. Thrice daily.

Above powders, liquid extracts and tinctures – effects are enhanced when each dose is taken in half-1 cup Fennel tea; otherwise, to be taken in water.

Topical. Analgesic cream. Comfrey poultice, Comfrey ointment. Tea Tree oil, Castor oil packs.

Diet. High Vitamin C foods. Dandelion coffee. ... arthritis, infective

Celandine, Greater

 Garden celandine. Chelidonium majus L. German: Scholkraut. French: Herbe aux hirondelles. Italian: Cheldonia maggiore. Spanish: Celidonia. Herb.

Constituents: alkaloids, saponins, carotene.

Action: cholagogue, bitter, antispasmodic, antifungal.

Analgesic (Pharmaceutical Journal 8/3/1986, p.304)

Diuretic, laxative, vesicant (fresh juice), antibacterial, antimycotic.

Constituents. Alkaloids Chelidonine, Chelerythrine and Sanguinarine. Yellow juice resembles bile. Uses. Gall stones, inflammation of the gall bladder, jaundice with yellowness of skin, mild hepatitis, bilious headaches, aching pain in right shoulder of liver origin, skin diseases. Gonorrhoeal ophthalmia, as an eyewash 3-5 times daily. (T.J. Lyle)

Eye infections: traditional use – infusion as an eyewash. Warts, papillomas, condylomas and colonic polyposis.

Juice of fresh plant injected locally into cancer lesions gained a reputation in the old school. (U.S. Dispensatory 25, 1923)

Combination: with Barberry and Dandelion for gall bladder disease BHP (1983).

Preparations: Maximum dosage, dried herb: 2g (30 grains) thrice daily, by infusion. Daily dose not to exceed 6g.

Tea. Quarter of a teaspoon to each cup boiling water. Infuse 10 minutes; half-1 cup. Liquid extract: 15-30 drops, thrice daily.

Tincture BHP (1983). 1 part to 10 parts 45 per cent alcohol: 2-4ml, thrice daily. Ointment, for leg ulcer and skin diseases.

Fresh juice: warts, corns.

Side-effects, none; but large doses avoided. Note. Herb loses its efficacy after a few months. ... celandine, greater

Code Of Practice

National Institute of Medical Herbalists.

1. It is illegal for anyone not a registered medical practitioner to attempt to procure an abortion: a member must not knowingly administer an abortifacient or known uterine muscle stimulant remedies to a pregnant patient, nor instruments for the purpose of procuring an abortion, nor assist in any illegal operation.

2. It is required that any intimate examinations on a patient of the opposite sex be conducted in the presence of a relative of the patient or a suitable assistant.

3. A member must not treat or prescribe any remedy for gonorrhoea, syphilis, or urinary affections of a venereal nature.

4. It is the duty of the practitioner to notify the District Medical Officer regarding any disease on the current list of notifiable diseases. In cases of industrial poisoning or accident the local district branch of the Health and Safety Executive should be notified.

5. A member must consider very carefully the implications of recommending a course of treatment contrary to the advice of the patient’s registered medical practitioner or of not recommending referral to a registered medical practitioner in the case of serious disease or uncertain diagnosis. Members must be aware of their vulnerability in law on this issue and must ensure in such a case that all available information is given to the patient and that the patient makes the final decision without coercion.

6. A parent or supervising adult must be present at any treatment or examination of a child under the age of 16, or of a mentally-retarded patient.

7. The Data Protection Act means that any practitioner keeping patient’s data on computer file must register under the terms of the Act.

8. A member must become familiar with the terms of the Medicine’s Act 1968 and subsequent statutory instruments, notably the Medicines (Retail Sale or Supply of Herbal Remedies) Order 1977. Particular care should be taken to become familiar with the statutory maximum doses of those remedies listed in Schedule III of the latter order. Detailed records of prescriptions and dispensing must also be kept.

9. The Medicines Act further states that to claim exemptions from the restrictions on the supply of certain herbal remedies, the practitioner should supply said remedies from premises occupied by the practitioner and able to be closed so as to exclude the public.

10. The Medicines Act adds that to claim the said exemptions, the person supplying the remedy “sells or supplies it for administration to a particular person after being requested by or on behalf of that person and in that person’s presence to use his own judgement as to the treatment required”. The member should avoid treatment through telephone or postal contact, although repeat prescriptions may be supplied on this basis for a limited period.

11. Dispensing and labelling of medicines should at least comply with the terms of the Medicines Act. All medicines should be labelled to clearly indicate the correct dosage or other directions for use (especially for those remedies subject to a statutory maximum dose), and with the name and address of the practitioner and the date of dispensing.

12. A member should never claim verbally or in print to be able to cure any life-threatening or serious disease.

13. The distribution or display of letter headings, business cards or practice information should be compatible with the highest professional medical standards. ... code of practice

Corn Silk

Stigmata maidis. Zea mays, L. German: Turkisches Korn. French: Mai?s. Arabian: Durah shami. Iranian: Kho?shahemakki. Chinese: Yu-kao-liang. Malayan: Jagung. Dried silky flower threads of maize. Constituents include: rutin, flavonoids.

Constituents: allantoin, saponins, Vitamin C and K.

Keynote: kidneys and bladder.

Action: antilithic, mild stimulant, soothing urinary demulcent, diuretic.

Uses: Kidney and bladder disorders. Cystitis, uncontrollable bladder, retention, pus in the urine, bed- wetting, prostate gland enlargement, irritation of the urinary tract by phosphatic and uric acids, urethritis, expulsion of gravel. Gonorrhoea, in combination with powerful alteratives: Yellow Dock, Burdock, Queen’s Delight.

Heart failure with oedema and scanty urine; used with success. (William Boericke MD) Chronic malaria – in strong infusion the shucks have been used with success. (Dr E.C. Lowe) Nephritis (with equal parts Marshmallow) for temporary relief. Its value is increased by adding to it (equal parts) Dandelion root and Shepherd’s Purse herb. (J.H. Greer MD) Of special value for bed-wetting: with Agrimony herb (equal parts). Diabetes. (Chinese medicine)

Preparations: It is a consensus of professional opinion that the infusion (tea) is the best form. 3-4 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; drink freely.

Liquid Extract: 1-2 teaspoons, in water.

Tincture: 1-3 teaspoons, in water. ... corn silk


Inflammation of the endometrium (lining of the womb).

Causes: curettage, abortion, sepsis, bacterial or viral infection (tuberculosis, etc), STD diseases (gonorrhoea, etc). Commonly follows miscarriage or abortion.

Symptoms: low backache, unpleasant purulent vaginal discharge, fever, painful periods.

Treatment. Bedrest. Herbal antibiotics, anti-infectives. To reduce pus formation and strengthen body resistance – Echinacea. To check bleeding between periods – Raspberry, Beth root. To repair mucous membrane – Goldenseal. Constitutional remedy: Thuja, see entry. With hormonal disturbance – Agnus Castus.

Tea. Formula: equal parts, Raspberry leaves, Yarrow, Agnus Castus.

Beth root. See entry.

Helonias. Long history of use by north American Indians. See entry.

A. Barker, FNIMH. Prescription. Tincture Goldenseal 30 drops, Liquid Extract Clivers 60 drops, Liquid Extract Cornsilk 1 fl oz, Liquid Extract Damiana 60 drops. Liquid Extract Marshmallow 1 fl oz. Water to 8oz. Dose: 2 teaspoons every 4 hours.

Topical. Douches: Thuja, Echinacea, Goldenseal, or Myrrh. Raspberry leaf tea. ... endometritis


Sycosis. Barber’s itch. Inflammation of the hair follicles commencing as scattered pimples progressing to pustules on the scalp or beard.

Cause: mostly staphylococcal or streptococcal.

Key agent: Thuja.

Alternatives. Blue Flag root, Burdock root, Clivers, Garlic, Poke root, Red Clover flower, Yellow Dock root, Echinacea root. Devil’s Claw, Guaiacum resin, Sarsaparilla.

Decoction. Burdock and Sarsaparilla; equal parts. Mix. 1oz to 1 pint water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily.

Powders. Combine equal parts, Echinacea and Garlic. 500mg or one-third teaspoon in water or honey, thrice daily.

Practitioner. Tinctures: Guaiacum BPC (1949) 0.5ml; Rheum Palmatum BPC (1934) 5ml; Thuja 0.5ml; Trifolium pratense BHP (1983) 5ml; Arctium lappa BHP (1983) 5ml; Rumex Crispus BHP (1983) 5ml. Aqua et 100ml. Sig: 5ml (3i) tds Aq. cal. pc.

Topical. 10 drops Tea Tree oil in eggcup Almond, Safflower or Sunflower oil. Evening Primrose oil. Aloe Vera gel.


Vitamins. A. B-complex, B2, B6, D, F, Biotin, Niacin, Zinc.

Note: There is a form which is part of the constitutional disease resulting from gonorrhoea which presents with dry soft spongy cauliflower warts. See: GONORRHOEA. ... folliculitis

Kava Kava

Ava Pepper. Piper methysticum, Forster. German: Kawa pfeffer. French: Kawa. Spanish: Kava kava. Italian: Pepe kava. Parts used: rhizome and root.

Constituents: Pipermethysticine (alkaloid), Pyrone derivative.

Action: antimicrobial with special reference to STDs with mucopurulent discharge, including gonorrhoea. Also effective against Bacillus Coli. Antiseptic stimulant, mild analgesic for painful spasm, antispasmodic, nerve relaxant, diuretic, stimulant, tonic.

Uses: Genito-urinary infections, orchitis, vaginitis, urethritis, Candida, violent itching, ichthyosis, metritis, inflammation of the Fallopian tubes, incontinence in the aged with bladder weakness, infection of kidney, bladder and prostate gland, conditions arising from excess of uric acid, joint pains of rheumatism following STD infection, bed-wetting. A powerful soporific for chronic insomnia, ensuring dreamless sleep with no known ill-effects on rising.

Combinations: with Sarsaparilla for STDs. With Black Cohosh for rheumatism following STDs. Preparations. Average dose: 2-4g. Thrice daily.

Decoction. 1oz to 1 pint (30g to 500ml) water, simmer in gentle heat down to three-quarters volume. Dose: half-1 cup.

Liquid Extract. Half-1 teaspoon in water.

Powder: 2-4g.

Lotion. 1oz powdered root to 8oz glycerine, macerate 8 days, shake daily. External: for pruritus and most forms of intolerable itching. Add 10 drops Oil Eucalyptus for chronic cases. ... kava kava

New Jersey Tea

Red root. Wild snowball. Ceanothus americana L. German: Sa?ckelblume. French: Ce?anothe. Italian: Ceanoto. Leaves. Leaves were used as a substitute for tea during the American War of Independence. Keynote: spleen.

Action: alterative, febrifuge, astringent, stimulating tonic, expectorant.

Uses: Enlargement of the spleen from infection or toxic self-poisoning. Deep-seated pain in the left hypochondrium. Cannot lie down for pain on left side.

“It is a curious fact that many dropsical patients can be cured by spleen remedies.” (Dr Rademacher, 1879)

Combines well with Fringe Tree bark.

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Tea. 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water. Dose: quarter to half a cup.

Liquid extract. 5-30 drops.

Injection for gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea or chronic vaginal discharge: 2oz herb to 2 pints water; bring to boil, simmer for 1 minute; strain when warm. Inject. Use confined to practitioner. ... new jersey tea


Two female reproductive organs situated below the Fallopian tubes, one on each side of the womb, comparable to testes in the male. An egg cell or ova develops inside the ovary and when mature bursts through the surface into the abdominal cavity where it is attracted into a Fallopian tube and conveyed to the womb. If fertilised, the egg attaches to the lining of the womb and develops into a foetus. Otherwise it is expelled from the womb during menstruation. In addition to producing eggs, ovaries secrete hormones essential to body function. Ovarian disorders include:– 1. Inflammation (oophoritis – usually with salpingitis).

Causes: mumps, tuberculosis, gonorrhoea or, if following childbirth or abortion, sepsis. Inflammatory adhesions may cause ovary and tube to mat together and ulcerate.

Symptoms: feverishness, pelvic pain, abdominal swelling.

Treatment. Decoction, powders, liquid extracts or tinctures.

Formula. Echinacea 2; Helonias 1; Cramp bark 1; Liquorice quarter. Dosage. Decoction: half-1 cup. Powders: one-third teaspoon. Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Thrice daily in water/honey.

External. Castor oil pack to abdomen.

2. Cysts. Single or multiple hollow growths containing fluids may grow large, obstruct abdominal circulation, interfere with digestion and cause shortness of breath. They are caused by excessive stimulus from the pituitary gland. A fluid-filled sac on the ovary grows in preparation for egg release but fails to rupture. The follicle continues to grow, accumulating fluid and a cyst results.

Liquid Extract Thuja: 5-10 drops, thrice daily. Of value.

Notes. Bulimia Nervosa (eating disorder) has been linked with polycystic ovary disease. (St George’s Hospital Medical School, London)

The presence of acne is a valuable clue to ovarian disorder: a treatment for acne reacts favourably on ovaries.

3. Tumour (non-malignant). May avoid detection. Usually revealed by laparoscopy or X-ray. When a tumour or cyst twists on an ovary’s ligament severe abdominal pain is followed by vomiting and shock.

Treatment. Secondary to surgery. Decoction, powders, liquid extracts, or tinctures. Combination. Cramp bark 2; Poke root 1; Thuja half. Dosage. Decoction: half-1 cup. Powders: 500mg (one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons in water/honey thrice daily.

Following surgical removal of ovaries: Pulsatilla. Pre- and post-operative pain: Cramp bark BHP (1983). Black Willow. (Dr J. Christopher)

Supplements: calcium, magnesium.

Note: Increased bone loss is associated with ovarian disturbances in premenopausal women. (Canadian Study in “New England Journal of Medicine”) See: OSTEOPOROSIS.

Polycystic ovaries have an important association with heart attacks in elderly women. (Professor Howard Jacobs, Middlesex School of Medicine) ... ovaries


Inflammation of the cervix, usually due to an infection, such as gonorrhoea, chlamydial infections, or genital herpes (see herpes, genital). Cervical infection may follow injury to the cervix during childbirth or surgery. The acute form of cervicitis often does not produce symptoms, although there may be a discharge from the inflamed cervix. The chronic form may produce a vaginal discharge, irregular bleeding from the vagina, and pain low in the abdomen. Untreated cervicitis can spread to cause endometritis, salpingitis, or pelvic inflammatory disease. If cervicitis is present in the mother, her baby may be infected during delivery resulting in neonatal ophthalmia or, less commonly, pneumonia due to chlamydial infection.

Treatment is with antibiotics or with antiviral drugs. If symptoms persist, the inflamed area of cervix may be cauterized by electrocoagulation, cryotherapy, or laser treatment.... cervicitis

Cervix, Disorders Of

The cervix is susceptible to injuries, infections, tumours, and other conditions. Minor injury to the cervix may occur during childbirth, particularly if labour is prolonged. Persistent damage to muscle fibres as a result of injury may lead to cervical incompetence. Cervical erosion is a condition in which mucus-secreting cells form on the outside of the cervix.

The most common cervical infections are sexually transmitted, such as gonorrhoea, chlamydial infections, and trichomoniasis.

Viral infections of the cervix include those due to the human papilloma virus and the herpes simplex virus (see warts, genital; herpes, genital).

Polyps are noncancerous growths on the cervix.

Cancerous growths (see cervix, cancer of) are preceded by changes in the surface cells (cervical dysplasias), which can be detected by a cervical smear test.... cervix, disorders of

Infection, Congenital

Infection acquired in the uterus or during birth. Many microorganisms can pass from the mother, by way of the placenta, into the circulation of the growing fetus. Particularly serious infections acquired in the uterus are rubella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, and cytomegalovirus; all these infections may cause intrauterine growth retardation. Rubella that occurs in early pregnancy may cause deafness, congenital heart disease, and eye disorders. Some infections in later pregnancy, particularly with a herpes virus, may also damage the fetus severely. A woman infected with HIV risks passing on the virus to her baby during pregnancy, but the risk can be reduced by use of antiretroviral drugs during the pregnancy.

Infections acquired during birth are almost always the result of microorganisms in the mother’s vaginal secretions or uterine fluid. Premature rupture of the membranes is associated with increased risk of infection, particularly streptococcal. Conditions that can be acquired during delivery include herpes, chlamydial infections, and gonorrhoea.

Treatment of the baby depends on the type of infection. Some birth defects caused by infection (such as certain types of heart defect) can be treated; others (such as congenital deafness) are usually not treatable.... infection, congenital

Nongonococcal Urethritis

Formerly known as nonspecific urethritis, inflammation of the urethra due to a cause other than gonorrhoea. Worldwide, nongonococcal urethritis is a very common type of sexually transmitted infection.Almost 50 per cent of cases are known to be caused by chlamydia trachomatis (see chlamydial infections); others are caused by the virus that causes herpes simplex, trichomonas vaginalis infections

(see trichomoniasis), or other microorganisms. In the remainder of cases, the cause remains unknown.

In men, the infection usually causes a clear or a purulent urethral discharge, often accompanied by pain or discomfort on passing urine. The equivalent condition in women, called nonspecific genital infection, may not cause symptoms unless there are complications.

Treatment may be difficult if the cause of symptoms cannot be determined. Antibiotic drugs, such as doxycycline and erythromycin, are given. Follow-up visits may be advised after treatment.

In men, epididymitis, prostatitis and urethral stricture (narrowing of the urethra) can occur as complications of nongonococcal urethritis. Reiter’s syndrome (in which there is arthritis and conjunctivitis as well as urethritis) occurs as a complication in some men who develop nongonococcal urethritis.

In women, pelvic inflammatory disease and cysts of the Bartholin’s glands may occur. Ophthalmia neonatorum, a type of conjunctivitis, sometimes develops in babies born to women with chlamydial cervicitis.... nongonococcal urethritis


Inflammation of a fallopian tube, commonly caused by infection spreading up from the vagina, cervix, or uterus. The infection is usually a sexually transmitted one, such as gonorrhoea or chlamydial infection. Salpingitis is also a feature of pelvic inflammatory disease.

Symptoms include severe abdominal pain and fever. Pus may collect in the tube, and a pelvic abscess may develop. Diagnosis is by examination of vaginal discharge, or laparoscopy. Treatment is with antibiotics. Surgery may be needed if an abscess has formed.

If the infection damages the inside of the fallopian tubes, infertility or an increased risk of an ectopic pregnancy may result. In some cases, damage to a tube can be corrected surgically.... salpingitis

Urinary Tract Infection

An infection anywhere in the urinary tract. It has differing symptoms, depending on the area affected. Urethritis causes a burning sensation when urine is being passed. Cystitis causes a frequent urge to pass urine, lower abdominal pain, haematuria, and, often, general malaise with a mild fever. Pyelonephritis causes fever and pain in the back under the ribs. Cystitis and pyelonephritis are almost always the result of a bacterial infection. Urethritis is often due to a sexually transmitted infection, such as gonorrhoea, but may have other causes. Urethral infections are more common in men. Infections further up the urinary tract are more common in women. In men, there is often a predisposing factor, such as an enlarged prostate gland (see prostate, enlarged). In women, pregnancy is a risk factor.

In both sexes, causes of urinary tract infections include stones (see calculus, urinary tract), bladder tumours, congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract, or defective bladder emptying as a result of spina bifida or a spinal injury. The risks of developing a urinary tract infection can be reduced by strict personal hygiene, drinking lots of fluids, and regularly emptying the bladder.

Urethritis can lead to the formation of a urethral stricture. Cystitis usually only causes complications if the infection spreads to the kidneys. Pyelonephritis, if it is left untreated, can lead to permanent kidney damage, septicaemia, and septic shock.

The infection is diagnosed by the examination of a urine culture. Further investigations using urography or ultrasound scanning may be necessary. Most infections of the urinary tract are treated with antibiotic drugs.... urinary tract infection

Boldo Leaf

Peumus boldus

FAMILY: Monimiaceae

SYNONYMS: Boldu boldus, Boldoa fragrans, boldus, boldu.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An evergreen shrub or small tree up to 6 metres high, with slender branches, sessile coarse leaves and bearing yellowish-green fruit; when dried the leaves turn a deep reddish-brown colour. The whole plant is aromatic.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to Chile; naturalized in the Mediterranean region. Some essential oil is produced in Nepal and Vietnam.

OTHER SPECIES: The Australian tree Monimia rotundifolia contains a similar oil, which has been used as a substitute. The oil of chenopodium or wormseed is also chemically related.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: The bark is used for tanning, the wood utilized in charcoal making and the fruit eaten by locals. In South America it has long been recognized as a valuable cure for gonorrhoea. In Western herbalism, the dried leaves are used for genito-urinary inflammation, gallstones, liver or gall bladder pain, cystitis and rheumatism. The dried leaves are current in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia as a specific for cholelithiasis with pain.

ACTIONS: Antiseptic, cholagogue, diaphoretic, diuretic, hepatic, sedative, tonic, urinary demulcent.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation of the leaves.

CHARACTERISTICS: A yellow liquid with a powerful spicy-camphoraceous, disagreeable odour.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Cymene, ascaridole, cineol, linalol.

SAFETY DATA: Extremely toxic. ‘The oil has powerful therapeutic effects, and it can be considered harmful to the human organism even when used in very small doses … should not be used in therapy, either internally or externally.’.


OTHER USES: Used in pharmaceuticals in minute amounts for its therapeutic properties.... boldo leaf

Cedarwood, Virginian

Juniperus virginiana

FAMILY: Cupressaceae

SYNONYMS: Red cedar, eastern red cedar, southern red cedar, Bedford cedarwood (oil).

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A coniferous, slow-growing, evergreen tree up to 33 metres high with a narrow, dense and pyramidal crown, a reddish heartwood and brown cones. The tree can attain a majestic stature with a trunk diameter of over 1.5 metres.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to North America, especially mountainous regions east of the Rocky Mountains.

OTHER SPECIES: There are many cultivars of the red cedar; its European relative is the shrubby red cedar (J. sabina) also known as savin – see entry. It is also closely related to the East African cedarwood (J. procera).

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: The North American Indians used it for respiratory infections, especially those involving an excess of catarrh. Decoctions of leaves, bark, twigs and fruit were used to treat a variety of ailments: menstrual delay, rheumatism, arthritis, skin rashes, venereal warts, gonorrhoea, pyelitis and kidney infections.

It is an excellent insect and vermin repellent (mosquitoes, moths, woodworm, rats, etc.) and was once used with citronella as a commercial insecticide.

ACTIONS: Abortifacient, antiseborrhoeic, antiseptic (pulmonary, genito-urinary), antispasmodic, astringent, balsamic, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, insecticide, sedative (nervous), stimulant (circulatory).

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the timber waste, sawdust, shavings, etc. (At one time a superior oil was distilled from the red heartwood, from trees over twenty five years old.)

CHARACTERISTICS: A pale yellow or orange oily liquid with a mild, sweet-balsamic, ‘pencil wood’ scent. It blends well with sandalwood, rose, juniper, cypress, vetiver, patchouli and benzoin.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Mainly cedrene (up to 80 per cent), cedrol (3–14 per cent), and cedrenol, among others.

SAFETY DATA: Externally the oil is relatively non-toxic; can cause acute local irritation and possible sensitization in some individuals. Use in dilution only with care, in moderation. ‘The oil is a powerful abortifacient … use of the oil has been fatal.’. Avoid during pregnancy. Generally safer to use Atlas cedarwood.


Skin Care: Acne, dandruff, eczema, greasy hair, insect repellent, oily skin, psoriasis.

Circulation, Muscles And Joints: Arthritis, rheumatism.

Respiratory System: Bronchitis, catarrh, congestion, coughs, sinusitis.

Genito-Urinary System: Cystitis, leucorrhoea.

Nervous System: Nervous tension and stress-related disorders.

OTHER USES: Extensively used in room sprays and household insect repellents. Employed as a fragrance component in soaps, cosmetics and perfumes. Used as the starting material for the isolation of cedrene.... cedarwood, virginian


Carphephorus odoratissimus

FAMILY: Asteraceae (Compositae)

SYNONYMS: Trilisa odoratissima, Liatris odoratissima, Frasera speciosa, hound’s tongue, deer’s tongue, Carolina vanilla, vanilla leaf, wild vanilla, vanilla trilisa, whart’s tongue, liatrix (oleoresin or absolute).

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A herbaceous perennial plant distinguished by a naked receptacle and feathery pappus, with large, fleshy, dark green leaves, clasped at the base. When fresh, the leaves have little odour but when dried they acquire a vanilla-like odour, largely due to the coumarin that can be seen in crystals on the upper sides of the leaves.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to eastern USA; gathered on the savannah land between North Carolina and Florida.

OTHER SPECIES: There are several species of deertongue native to America, for example blazing star or prairie pine (Liatris squarrosa), and gayfeather (L. spicata). Not to be confused with the common vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) or with the European hound’s tongue (Cynoglossum officinale), all of which have been used in herbal medicine.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: The roots have been used for their diuretic effects, and applied locally for sore throats and gonorrhoea. It has also been used as a tonic in treating malaria. In folklore the plant is associated with contraception and sterility in women.

ACTIONS: Antiseptic, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, stimulant, tonic.

EXTRACTION: Oleoresin by solvent extraction from the dried leaves.

CHARACTERISTICS: A dark green, heavy, viscous liquid with a rich, herbaceous, new-mown hay scent. It blends well with oakmoss, labdanum, lavandin, frankincense, clove, patchouli and oriental-type fragrances.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Mainly coumarin (1.6 per cent), with dihydrotoumarin and terpenes, aldehydes and ketones.

SAFETY DATA: ‘Coumarin has toxic properties including liver injury and haemorrhages.’. (There is also the possibility of dermal irritation and phototoxicity due to the lactones present.)


OTHER USES: The oleoresin is used as a fixative and fragrance component in soaps, detergents and perfumery work. Used for flavouring tobacco and; also employed for the isolation of coumarin.... deertongue

Styrax, Levant

Liquidambar orientalis

FAMILY: Hamamelidaceae

SYNONYMS: Balsam styracis, oriental sweetgum, Turkish sweetgum, asiatic styrax, styrax, storax, liquid storax.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A deciduous tree up to 15 metres high with a purplish-grey bark, leaves arranged into five three-lobed sections, and white flowers. The styrax is a pathological secretion produced by pounding the bark, which induces the sapwood to produce a liquid from beneath the bark. It hardens to form a semi-solid greenish-brown mass with a sweet balsamic odour.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to Asia Minor. It forms forests around Bodrum, Milas, Mugla and Marmaris in Turkey.

OTHER SPECIES: Very similar to the American styrax (L. styraciflua) or red gum, which produces a natural exudation slightly darker and harder than the Levant type. There are also many other types of styrax; Styrax officinale produced the styrax of ancient civilizations. NB: Styrax benzoin is the botanical name for benzoin, with which it shares similar qualities.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: In China it is used for coughs, colds, epilepsy and skin problems, including cuts, wounds and scabies. In the West it has been recommended as a remedy for catarrh, diphtheria, gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, ringworm, etc. A syrup made from the bark of the American styrax is used for diarrhoea and dysentery in the western USA.

ACTIONS: Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antitussive, bactericidal, balsamic, expectorant, nervine, stimulant.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the crude. (A resinoid and absolute are also produced by solvent extraction).

CHARACTERISTICS: A water-white or pale yellow liquid with a sweet-balsamic, rich, tenacious odour. It blends well with ylang ylang, jasmine, mimosa, rose, lavender, carnation, violet, cassie and spice oils.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Mainly styrene with vanillin, phenylpropyl alcohol, cinnamic alcohol, benzyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol, among others.

SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, possible sensitization in some individuals. Frequently adulterated.


Skin care: Cuts, ringworm, scabies, wounds.

Respiratory system: Bronchitis, catarrh, coughs.

Nervous system: Anxiety, stress-related conditions.

OTHER USES: Used in compound benzoin tincture, mainly for respiratory conditions. The oil and resinoid are used as fixatives and fragrance components mainly in soaps, floral and oriental perfumes. The resinoid and absolute are used in most major food categories, including alcoholic and soft drinks.

ACTIONS: Anthelmintic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, fungicidal, stomachic.... styrax, levant


Santalum album

FAMILY: Santalaceae

SYNONYMS: White sandalwood, yellow sandalwood, East Indian sandalwood, sandalwood Mysore, sanders-wood, santal (oil), white saunders (oil), yellow saunders (oil).

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A small, evergreen, parasitic tree up to 9 metres high with brown-grey trunk and many smooth, slender branches. It has leathery leaves and small pinky-purple flowers. The tree must be over thirty years old before it is ready for the production of sandalwood oil.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to tropical Asia, especially India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan. India is the main essential oil producer; the region of Mysore exports the highest quality oil, although some oil is distilled in Europe and the USA.

OTHER SPECIES: The Australian sandalwood (S. spicatum or Eucarya spicata) produces a very similar oil, but with a dry-bitter top note. The so-called West Indian sandalwood or amyris (Amyris balsamifera) is a poor substitute and bears no botanical relation to the East Indian sandalwood.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: One of the oldest known perfume materials, with at least 4000 years of uninterrupted use. It is used as a traditional incense, as a cosmetic, perfume and embalming material all over the East. It is also a popular building material, especially for temples.

In Chinese medicine it is used to treat stomach ache, vomiting, gonorrhoea, choleraic difficulties and skin complaints. In the Ayurvedic tradition it is used mainly for urinary and respiratory infections, for acute and chronic diarrhoea. In India it is often combined with rose in the famous scent aytar.

ACTIONS: Antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic (urinary and pulmonary), antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, carminative; cicatrisant, diuretic, expectorant, fungicidal, insecticidal, sedative, tonic.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by water or steam distillation from the roots and heartwood, powdered and dried.

CHARACTERISTICS: A pale yellow, greenish or brownish viscous liquid with a deep, soft, sweet-woody balsamic scent of excellent tenacity. It blends well with rose, violet, tuberose, clove, lavender, black pepper, bergamot, rosewood, geranium, labdanum, oakmoss, benzoin, vetiver, patchouli, mimosa, cassie, costus, myrrh and jasmine.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: About 90 per cent santalols, 6 per cent sesquiterpene hydrocarbons: santene, teresantol, borneol, santalone, tri-cyclo-ekasantalal, among others.

SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, nonsensitizing.


Skin care: Acne, dry, cracked and chapped skin, aftershave (barber’s rash), greasy skin, moisturizer.

Respiratory system: Bronchitis, catarrh, coughs (dry, persistent), laryngitis, sore throat.

Digestive system: Diarrhoea, nausea.

Genito-urinary system: Cystitis.

Nervous system: Depression, insomnia, nervous tension and stress-related complaints.

OTHER USES: Used to be used as a pharmaceutical disinfectant, now largely abandoned. Extensively employed as a fragrance component and fixative in soaps, detergents, cosmetics and perfumes – especially oriental, woody, aftershaves, chypres, etc. Extensively used in the production of incense. Employed as a flavour ingredient in most major food categories, including soft and alcoholic drinks.... sandalwood

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