Hel Health Dictionary

Hel: From 1 Different Sources

(Norse) In mythology, the goddess of the dead Hela, Helah
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


Sunbathing; the exposure of the body to sunlight to promote healing.... heliotherapy

Helicobacter Pylori

A bacterium which colonises the stomach. While it may cause no disease, it has a tendency to produce in?ammation – gastritis. This may progress in some people to peptic ulceration (see PEPTIC ULCER), and even to gastric cancer. The bacterium can be identi?ed on blood testing or, more accurately, by obtaining a biopsy of the stomach wall by ENDOSCOPY. It can be eradicated by treatment with PROTON-PUMP INHIBITORS and antibiotics.... helicobacter pylori

Hellp Syndrome

A type of severe PRE-ECLAMPSIA (a disorder affecting some pregnant women) that affects various systems in the body. HAEMOLYSIS, raised concentration of the enzymes in the LIVER, and a low blood platelet count are among the characteristics (and explain the name HELLP); patients are acutely ill and immediate termination of pregnancy is necessary. (See also PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.)... hellp syndrome


Morbid state due to infestation with worms... helminthiasis


Round worms, tapeworms and flukes.... helminths

Hedera Helix


Synonym: H. rhombea Sieb. & Zucc.

Family: Araliaceae.

Habitat: Hills of Tamil Nadu. Grown in gardens as an ornamental.

English: Common Ivy, Bentwood.

Siddha/Tamil: Maravalai.

Action: Leaf—expectorant, anti- spasmodic, antineuralgic, vasocon- strictive.

Fruit—used in jaundice, haempt- ysis. Flower—antidysenteric. Leaf and resin—emmenagogue. Tender twigs—boiled in butter, used for sunburn. Extracts are used in some cosmetic preparations.

Key application: In catarrh of the upper respiratory passages, symptomatic treatment of chronic inflammatory bronchial conditions. (German Commission E.)

The stem and bark gave triterpene glycosides, named kizuta saponins. Oleanolic acid glycoside was also obtained from the plant but the presence of emetine could not be confirmed in subsequent work. The fruits gave hederagenin glycosides.

Emetin has been isolated from European and British plant. The fruit and hederagenin glycosides exhibit mollus- cacidal activity. Emetine-containing plant is amoebicidal.... hedera helix


(Hebrew) From the wealthy village Helama, Helamah, Helamma, Helame... helam


(Hebrew) A healthy woman; one who is fertile Helbon, Helba, Helbia, Helbona, Helbea ... helbah


(Welsh) Surrounded by light... held


(Welsh) One who is highborn; a princess Heled, Helede... heledd


(Greek) The shining light; in mythology, Helen was the most beautiful woman in the world

Helene, Halina, Helaine, Helana, Heleena, Helena, Helenna, Hellen, Helaina, Helenka, Heleana, Heley, Helina, Heleanor, Helenore, Helenann, HelEne, Hellena, Hellene, Hellenor, Hellia, Heli, Helli, Helie, Hella, Helle... helen


(German) A holy woman; one who is successful... helga


(Greek) Daughter of the sun Heliah, Helea, Heleah, Heliya, Heliyah, Heller, Hellar... helia

Helianthus Annuus


Family: Compositae; Asteraceae.

Habitat: Native to America. Cultivated in India.

English: Sunflower.

Ayurvedic: Suurajmukhi, Su- uryaavarta.

Siddha/Tamil: Suryakanti.

Action: Seeds—build up physical endurance and resistance against diseases; a decoction is used in coughs and colds, bronchial, laryngeal and pulmonary affections, whooping cough, also as a febrifuge and diuretic.

The seeds contain a fatty oil (3748%), rich in polyunsaturated acids (linoleic 70%, oleic 20%). The oil also contains tocopherols (alpha-type 92% of the total) and phytosterol (beta- sitosterol 154 mcg/100 g). In Europe and USA, several hybrids produce oils rich in oleic acid. Sunflower oil is reported to decrease the risk of coronary and arterial diseases.

Extracted oil from dehulled seeds (chlorogenic acid, present in hulls, interferes with lipid metabolism) reduced serum and hepatic cholesterol in healthy women.

The tubers of Helianthus tuberosus Linn., a related species, consists mainly of inulin. The dried tubers can be utilized in diabetic products. The tuber concentrate as food diminishes the risk of developing arteriosclerosis. It is advantageous in the diet of patients with gout, chronic renal diseases, and for obesity control.... helianthus annuus


(Greek) Form of Helen, meaning “the shining light” Helyce, Heleece, Heliece, Heleace... helice


(Greek) In mythology, a willow nymph who nurtured Zeus Helica, Helyke, Helika, Helyka, Helyca... helike


Exorcism, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Wealth, Invisibility... heliotrope


This is the lightest gas known, with the exception of hydrogen. This property renders it of value in ANAESTHESIA, as its addition to the anaesthetic means that it can be inhaled with less e?ort by the patient. Thus it can be used in the presence of any obstruction to the entry of air to the lungs.... helium


(Native American) A sensuous woman

Helkie, Helky, Helkey, Helkee, Helkea... helki


(Greek) In mythology, the daughter of Athamas who escaped sacrifice on the back of a golden ram... helle

Hellebore, Black

Protection ****TOXIC*** ... hellebore, black

Helichrysum Tea

Helichrysum tea is known for its diuretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. Considered one of the oldest healing substances in Europe Helichrysum is native to Africa, Madagascar and Eurasia. The plants can be annuals, herbaceous perennials or shrubs that can grow up to 60-90 cm. Helichrysum flower can be distinguished by its fringed margin and its resemblance with daisies. The constituents of the Helichrysum flowers include flavonoids, kaempferol flucosides, apigenin, luetolin, quercetin and essential oils. How To Make Helichrysum Tea In order to obtain Helichrysum`s light fruity flavor, start by infusing a handful of dried Helichrysum flowers in a kettle of boiled water. Let the mix steep for about 7 minutes and enjoy! Also, Helichrysum can be used as a flavoring agent for other herbal teas. Basically, soak the Helichrysum flowers as the other herbal tea steeps. Helichrysum Tea Benefits
  • Improves digestion.
  • Alleviates gastrointestinal spasms.
  • Prevents atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Helps in the treatment of rheumatism.
  • Helps fight cystitis.
  • Energy booster.
  • Calms menstrual cramps.
Helichrysum Tea Side Effects
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid drinking Helichrysum tea.
  • Helichrysum tea may interact with the effects of certain medications or supplements, so make sure you always consult your doctor before drinking Helichrysum tea or any herbal teas.
As you can see, Helichrysum tea has more benefits than side effects. Just avoid over-consumption and enjoy its wonderful health benefits!... helichrysum tea

Helicteres Isora


Family: Sterculiaceae.

Habitat: Dry forests throughout the country.

English: East Indian Screw tree.

Ayurvedic: Aavartani, Aavartphalaa, Aavartaki.

Unani: Marorphali.

Siddha/Tamil: Valampiri.

Action: Pods and bark—antidiar- rhoeal, astringent, antibilious. Bark and root—antigalactic, demulcent, expectorant (used in cough and asthma). Leaf—paste used against skin diseases. Pods—anthelmintic. Used in fever due to cold. Seeds— aqueous extract administered in colic and dysentery.

The plant contains a 4-quinolone alkaloid, malatyamine, an antidiarrhoeal principle.

The seeds gave diosgenin. Root gave cytotoxic principles—cucurbitacin B and iso-cucurbitacin B. Leaves yielded as ester tetratriacontanyl—tetratri- acontanoate along with tetratriacon- tanoic acid, tetratriacontanol and sitos- terol.

Dosage: Fruit, bark—3-6 g powder; 50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)... helicteres isora

Heliotropium Indicum


Family: Boraginaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India.

English: Scorpion Tail.

Ayurvedic: Hastishundi Shrihastini, Vrischikaali.

Siddha/Tamil: Thaelkodukku.

Action: Plant—diuretic, astringent, emollient, vulnerary. Used as a local application for ulcers, wounds, sores, gum boils and skin affections. Decoction of leaves is used in urticaria and fevers; that of root in coughs. Flowers—emmenagogue in small doses, abortifacient in large doses. Masticated seeds— stomachic.

Aerial parts of the plant contain alkaloids—indicine (principal base), echinatine, supinine, heleurine, he- liotrine, lasiocarpine and lasiocarpine- N-oxide. Aerial parts and root gave an anticancer principle—indicine-N- oxide.

The aqueous and alcohol extracts of the plant possess oxytocic activity. The roots contain significant amounts of estradiol, a sex hormone.

The inflorescences are used by trib- als for scorpion bite.... heliotropium indicum

Helleborus Niger


Family: Ranunculaceae.

Habitat: Native to sub-alpine woods in Southern and Eastern Europe. Grown in Indian gardens.

English: Black Hellebore, Christmas Rose.

Ayurvedic: Khuraasaani Kutaki.

Unani: Kharbaq Siyah, Kutaki.

Action: Digitalis-like action in cardiac disorders, drastic purgative, abortifacient, diuretic, local anaesthetic, narcotic.

The rhizome contains cardiac glycosides; helleborin, helleborein, hellebrin and others based on helleborigenin.

Helleborin has a burning, acrid taste and is narcotic. Helleborein has a sweetish taste and is a highly active cardiac poison. Helleborin and veratrin (steroidal saponins), helle- brin or helleborein (steroid glycoside) are main constituents of the root and leaves. The plant irritates mucous membranes.

A related species, Helleborus virdis Linn. (Bear's Foot, Green Hellebore) is known as Kaali Kutaki and Krishna- bhedi. The plant contains magno- florine and corytuberine. The roots and rhizomes gave hellebrin, desgluco- hellebrin, hellebrigenin, bufatetraeno- lide, beta-ecdysterone and 5beta-hy- droxyecdysterone.... helleborus niger


(German) Form of Wilhelmina, meaning “determined protector” Helmah, Helmia, Helmea, Helmina, Helmyna, Helmeena, Helmine, Helmyne, Helmeen, Helmeene... helma


(French) One who is famous in battle

Helois, Heloisa, Helewidis... heloise


(Danish) Form of Elizabeth, meaning “my God is bountiful” Helsah, Helisa, Helise, Helissa, Helisse... helsa

T-helper Cells

A type of lymphocyte which assists the B-Lymphocytes in producing antibodies.... t-helper cells


False Unicorn root. Blazing Star root. Chamaelirium luteum LA Gray. Parts used: roots, rhizome. Keynote: female reproductive system.

Constituents: helonin, saponins, chamaelirin.

Action. Powerful uterine tonic. Emmenagogue. Adaptogen. (Simon Mills) Precursor of oestrogen. Anthelmintic, diuretic, emetic.

Uses: Weakness of female reproductive organs. Absent or painful periods. Endometriosis, leucorrhoea, morning sickness, female sterility, inflammation of the Fallopian tubes, vaginitis, pruritus. Symptoms of the menopause: hot flushes, heavy bloated feeling, headache, depression, and to maintain normal fluid balance. Ovarian neuralgia. Spermatorrhoea in the male. Threatened abortion: miscarriage.

Preparations: Thrice daily. Average dose: 1-2g.

Combines well with Beth root. (F. Fletcher Hyde)

Tea. Does not yield its properties to simple infusion.

Decoction. Half-1 teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup.

Liquid extract BHC Vol 1. 1:1 in 45 per cent ethanol. Dose: 1-2ml.

Tincture BHC Vol 1. 1:5 in 45 per cent alcohol. Dose: 2-5ml.

Powder. Equal parts Helonias and Beth root: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon).

Popular combination. Tablets/capsules. Powdered Helonias BHP (1983) 120mg; powdered Parsley BHP (1983) 60mg; powdered Black Cohosh BHP (1983) 30mg; powdered extract Raspberry leaves 3:1 – 16.70mg. (Gerard House)

Note: Large doses may cause vomiting. ... helonias

Helminth Infestation

Infection by any parasitic worm. (See worm infestation.)... helminth infestation

Chondrodermatitis Nodularis Helicis

a fairly common painful nodule on the upper part of the ear. It occurs mainly in middle-aged or elderly men and characteristically prevents the sufferer from sleeping on the affected side; it is readily treated by being cut out.... chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis


(helco-) combining form denoting an ulcer.... helc


n. a genus of spiral flagellated Gram-negative bacteria. The species H. pylori (formerly classified as Campylobacter pylori) is found in the stomach within the mucous layer. It occurs in the majority of middle-aged people and may cause gastritis. It is almost invariably present in duodenal ulceration and usually in gastric ulceration. Testing to confirm infection includes the urea breath test. Eradication of the organism (using various combinations of antibiotics and *antisecretory drugs) promotes ulcer healing. H. pylori has been implicated in some forms of stomach cancer and in coronary heart disease. The role of other Helicobacter species in the causation of disease in humans is unclear.... helicobacter

Helicopter-based Emergency Medical Services

see HEMS.... helicopter-based emergency medical services


n. the narrow opening between the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani at the tip of the *cochlea in the ear.... helicotrema


combining form denoting the sun.... helio

Heliotrope Rash

an eruption of violet-coloured macules with variable scale and oedema that predominantly affects the eyelids but may be more widespread. It is usually asymptomatic and is a cutaneous sign of *dermatomyositis.... heliotrope rash


n. the outer curved fleshy ridge of the *pinna of the outer ear.... helix

Heller’s Operation

see achalasia. [E. Heller (1877–1964), Austrian pathologist]... heller’s operation

Heller’s Test

a test for the presence of protein (albumin) in the urine. A quantity of urine is carefully poured onto the same quantity of pure nitric acid in a test tube. A white ring forms at the junction of the liquids if albumin is present. However, a similar result may be obtained if the urine contains certain drugs or is very concentrated. A dark brown ring indicates the presence of an abnormally high level of potassium indoxyl sulphate in the urine (see indicanuria). [J. F. Heller (1813–71), Austrian pathologist]... heller’s test

Helly’s Fluid

a mixture of potassium dichromate, sodium sulphate, mercuric chloride, formaldehyde, and distilled water, used in the preservation of bone marrow. [K. Helly (20th century), Swiss pathologist]... helly’s fluid


n. any of the various parasitic worms, including the *flukes, *tapeworms, and *nematodes.... helminth


n. the study of parasitic worms.... helminthology

Helper T Cell

a type of T *lymphocyte that plays a key role in cell-mediated immunity by recognizing foreign antigen on the surface of *antigen-presenting cells when this is associated with the individual’s *MHC antigens, having been processed by antigen-presenting cells. Helper T cells stimulate the production of *cytotoxic T cells, which destroy the target cells.... helper t cell

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