Hydra Health Dictionary

Hydra: From 1 Different Sources

(Greek) A constellation; in mythology, a monster killed by Hercules
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


A condition characterised by excess of ?uid in the amniotic cavity (see AMNION).... hydramnios

Chloral Hydrate

This drug is now rarely used but chloral betaine (Welldorm) is occasionally used in the elderly and in newborns with ?ts or cerebral irritation after a di?cult delivery.... chloral hydrate


Hex Breaking... hydrangea


An antihypertensive drug used principally as an emergency treatment for hypertension.

Hydralazine may cause nausea, headache, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, loss of appetite, rash, and joint pain.

Taken long term in high doses it may cause lupus erythematosus.... hydralazine

Hydradenitis Suppurativa

A chronic in?ammatory disease of the apocrine sweat glands (see PERSPIRATION). It is more common in women – in whom it usually occurs in the armpit – than in men, in whom it is most common in the perineum of the drivers of lorries and taxis. It occurs in the form of painful, tender lumps underneath the skin, which burst often in a week or so. Treatment consists of removal by operation.... hydradenitis suppurativa


Promoting expulsion of water or serum... hydragogue


A vasodilator hypotensive drug, useful as an adjunct to other treatment for HYPERTENSION.... hydrallazine

Tea For Hydration

Hydration represents the ability of the body to manage water. The optimal hydration is not provided by water only. It should be accompanied by fruit and vegetable consumption. There are some symptoms which come with dehydration: little or no urine or urine that is darker than usual, dry mouth, sleepiness or fatigue, extreme thirst, headache, confusion, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, no tears when crying. How Tea for Hydration works A tea for hydration usually helps the body to keep water within. Efficient Teas for Hydration It has been proved that herbal tea as mint and verbena are efficient for hydration. Mint is a well known plant, due to its ability to soothe the digestive tract. It is appreciated for its flavor and taste, being an important ingredient in the pharmaceutical industry. To prepare Mint tea, infuse 2 tablespoons of dried leaves in a cup of boiling water. After steeping it about 15 minutes, you may enjoy the beverage. As a tea for hydration, Mint tea has been used for centuries all over the planet. It enhances the ability of cells to keep water within for a longer period of time. Verbena is a plant originating from South America (Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Paraguay). It has a lemony scent, being preferred in the perfume industry. In cuisine, verbena could replace oregano, especially in fish and poultry dishes. To prepare Verbena tea , immerse about 2 teaspoons of dried verbena herbs or ¼ teaspoon of fresh leaves and tops into one cup of boiling water. Let the mixture soak and steep for about 5 minutes. Drink it slowly. Honey can be added to enhance flavor. As a tea for hydration, Verbena tea is an adjuvant in keeping water in the human tissues. Tea for Hydration: Side Effects Rarely, teas for hydration may induce diarrhea. In these cases, cease consumption and ask for your doctor’s advice. Teas for hydration are a good choice when the body needs extra hydration and also when the person is on a diet, goes outside on a hot weather or practices sports.... tea for hydration

Artificial Nutrition And Hydration

the use of enteral feeding tubes or cannulas to administer nutrients and fluids directly into the gastrointestinal tract or bloodstream when the oral route cannot be used owing to disability or disease. When other intensive treatments are judged *futile, artificial nutrition and hydration are considered *extraordinary means of prolonging life in patients who have no prospect of recovery. It is permissible to withdraw such treatment when it is no longer in the patient’s interests and when the primary intention is not to kill the patient, although death is foreseen (see doctrine of double effect). In cases of patients in a *persistent vegetative state in England and Wales, the matter must be referred to the courts following the case of Tony Bland. Where food and water are withdrawn it is still considered important to moisten the patient’s lips and to keep him or her comfortable until death.... artificial nutrition and hydration


n. the presence in the blood of more than the normal proportion of water.... hydraemia


n. see mercurialism.... hydrargyria


n. swelling at a joint caused by excessive synovial fluid. The condition usually involves the knees and may be recurrent. Often no cause is apparent; in some cases rheumatoid arthritis develops later. Excess synovial fluid may also occur with other forms of inflammatory arthritis, such as psoriatic and reactive arthritis, as well as with osteoarthritis.... hydrarthrosis

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