Jasmine Health Dictionary

Jasmine: From 4 Different Sources

Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams
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Author: Health Dictionary
Jasminum officinale. Jasminum grandiflorum L. German: Echter jasmin. French: Jasmin cummum. Italian: Gelsomino. Indian: Chambelli. Chinese: So-hsing. Malayan: Pekan. Constituents: jasminine (alkaloid), salicylic acid, resin.

Action: nerve relaxant, aphrodisiac, astringent, bitter, mild anaesthetic.

Uses: Sexual debility, hepatitis, pains of cirrhosis of the liver.

Preparation. Tea: half-1 teaspoon flowers to each cup boiling water; infuse 10 minutes; dose, half a cup, thrice daily. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
(Persian) Resembling the climbing plant with fragrant flowers Jaslyn, Jaslynn, Jasmeen, Jasmin, Jasmina, Jasminda, Jasmyn, Jasmyne, Jassamayn, Jazan, Jazmin, Jazmine, Jazmon, Jazmyn, Jazmyne, Jazzmin, Jazzmine, Jazzmon, Jazzmyn, Jazzmynn, Jasmyna, Jessamine, Jessamy, Jessamyn, Jasmeena, Jessimine, Jessimine
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
Jasminum officinale

FAMILY: Oleaceae

SYNONYMS: Jasmin, jessamine, common jasmine, poet’s jessamine.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An evergreen shrub or vine up to 10 metres high with delicate, bright green leaves and star-shaped very fragrant white flowers.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to China, northern India and west Asia; cultivated in the Mediterranean region, China and India (depending on the exact species). The concrete is produced in Italy, France, Morocco, Egypt, China, Japan, Algeria and Turkey; the absolute is mainly produced in France.

OTHER SPECIES: There are many species of jasmine used for medicine and perfumery work. Apart from the common jasmine, the most widespead varieties are the royal or Italian jasmine (J. grandiflorum) which is grown in the Mediterranean region, and its Eastern counterpart J. officinale var. grandiflorum or J. auriculatum. See the Botanical Classification section for a more comprehensive list.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: In China the flowers of J. officinale var. grandiflorum are used to treat hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and dysentery; the flowers of J. sambac are used for conjunctivitis, dysentery, skin ulcers and tumours. The root is used to treat headaches, insomnia, pain due to dislocated joints and rheumatism.

In the West, the common jasmine was said to ‘warm the womb ... and facilitate the birth; it is useful for cough, difficulty of breathing, etc. It disperses crude humours, and is good for cold and catarrhous constitutions, but not for the hot.’ It was also used for hard, contracted limbs and problems with the nervous and reproductive systems.

ACTIONS: Analgesic (mild), antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, carminative, cicatrisant, expectorant, galactagogue, parturient, sedative, tonic (uterine).

EXTRACTION: A concrete is produced by solvent extraction; the absolute is obtained from the concrete by separation with alcohol. An essential oil is produced by steam distillation of the absolute.

CHARACTERISTICS: The absolute is a dark orange-brown, viscous liquid with an intensely rich, warm, floral scent and a tealike undertone. It blends well with rose, sandalwood, clary sage, and all citrus oils. It has the ability to round off any rough notes and blend with virtually everything.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: There are over 100 constituents in the oil including benzyl acetate, linalol, phenylacetic acid, benzyl alcohol, farnesol, methyl anthranilate, cis jasmone, methyl jasmonate, among others.

SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, generally non-sensitizing. (An allergic reaction has been known to occur in some individuals.)


Skin care: Dry, greasy, irritated, sensitive skin.

Circulation muscles and joints: Muscular spasm, sprains.

Respiratory system: Catarrh, coughs, hoarseness, laryngitis.

Genito-urinary system: Dysmenorrhoea, frigidity, labour pains, uterine disorders.

Nervous system: Depression, nervous exhaustion and stress-related conditions. ‘It ... produces a feeling of optimism, confidence and euphoria. It is most useful in cases where there is apathy, indifference or listlessness.’.

OTHER USES: Extensively used in soaps, toiletries, cosmetics and perfumes, especially high-class floral and oriental fragrances. The oil and absolute are employed in a wide range of food products, alcoholic and soft drinks. The dried flowers of J. sambac are used in jasmine tea.

Health Source: The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils
Author: Julia Lawless

Jasmine Tea - A Famous Chinese Scented Tea

Jasmine tea is a Chinese tea made from jasmine flowers. This tea is one of the most popular teas in China, being a specialty for over 800 years. It is basically used as a green, white or oolong tea having a subtle sweet flavor. How To Make Jasmine Tea Brewing jasmine tea is not such a difficult process. First of all you will need to boil the water. Add 1 tablespoon of jasmine leaves into your teapot or infuser and pour the hot water over it. Cover it and let it steep for about 3 minutes, but no longer than 5 minutes because you may obtain a bitter taste. If you didn’t use an infuser, make sure you use a strainer when you pour the tea into your cup to catch the jasmine blooms. Since it already has a sweet, floral taste it is advised not to put any sweetener, but if you want you can add some sugar or honey. Jasmine Tea Benefits Jasmine tea is full of antioxidants that protect your body against the damage that free radicals can cause to your body cells. Jasmine tea helps you lose weight thanks to the combination between caffeine and antioxidants. Also, this tea reduces fat and encourages cholesterol absorption. Some studies revealed that jasmine tea may help prevent cancer. Jasmine is also used for its calming effects in aromatherapy as an essential oil. Judging by this fact, drinking a cup of jasmine tea also provides you relaxation. Jasmine Tea Side Effects Over consumption may lead to certain side effects. For example, jasmine tea has caffeine content that heightens alertness and reduces sleepiness. Also, caffeine increases secretion of stress hormones, insomnia and dehydration so try not to drink too much jasmine tea. One or two cups of jasmine tea a day! Needless to say, pregnant and breastfeeding woman are advised not to drink jasmine tea, also because of its caffeine content. Enjoy this wonderful scented tea and all its benefits! Do not drink more than 2 cups of jasmine tea per day, this way making sure you won’t experience any of its side effects.... jasmine tea - a famous chinese scented tea

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