Naregamia alata Health Dictionary

Naregamia Alata: From 1 Different Sources

Wight & Arn.

Family: Meliaceae.

Habitat: Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, up to 1,000 m.

English: Goanese Ipecacuanha.

Folk: Nilanaaringa, Bhumi- Naagaranga. Pitta-vela, Tinpaani (Maharashtra).

Action: Root—emetic, cholagogue, expectorant, antidysenteric; plant— antirheumatic; leaf and stem— antibilious.

Creeping roots possess properties similar to ipecacuanha (Cephaelis ipecacuanha).

The plant is used in prescriptions for malarial and chronic fevers, anaemia and enlarged spleen.

The root and stem gave heneicosane, beta-sitosterol, stearic and palmitic acids.
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Cassia Alata


Cassia absus Linn.

Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India.

Ayurvedic: Chakshushyaa, Aranya- kulathhikaa, Kataka.

Unani: Chaaksu.

Siddha/Tamil: Muulaipalyirai, Kaattukollu.

Folk: BanKulathi.

Action: Seed—bitter, blood-purifier, astringent, stimulant, diuretic. Used topically for leucoderma, ringworm, venereal ulcers and other skin diseases. Roots—purgative.

Seeds gave sitosterol-beta-D-gluco- side and alkaloids—chaksine and iso- chaksine. Chaksine is found to be antibacterial against Micrococcus pyo- genes var. aureus and Streptococcus haemolyticus. It stimulates contraction of different tissues of plain muscles, like uterus, intestine, bladder, and muscles in blood vessels. It depresses the parasympathetic nerve- endings of certain organs like intestine

Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat: Native to the West Indies. Found wild almost throughout India.

English: Ringworm Cassia.

Ayurvedic: Dadrughna, Dadrumar- dana.

Siddha: Malanthakerai, Seemai agathi (Tamil).

Folk: Daadmaari.

Action: Leaf—used in skin diseases like herpes, blotch, eczema, mycosis (washerman's itch). Dried leaves— in leprosy. A strong decoction is used for ringworm, eczema and herpes. Leaves are also used as a purgative.

Young pods contain rhein, emodin and aloe-emodin. The antibacterial activity of the leaves is reported to be due to rhein. The roots contain an- thraquinone. Emodin, aloe-emodin and anthraquinone contribute to the purgative activity of the leaves and roots. Crushed leaves or roots are rubbed on to the skin to cure ringworm and to control Tinea imbricata, a skin fungus.... cassia alata

Dioscorea Alata


Synonym: D. atropurpurea Roxb. D. globosa Roxb. D. purpurea Roxb.

Family: Dioscoreaceae.

Habitat: Native to East Asia; cultivated in Assam, Vadodara, Tamil Nadu, Bengal and Madhya Pradesh.

English: Wild Yam, Greater Yam, Asiatic Yam.

Ayurvedic: Kaashthaaluka. Aaluka (var.). Aalukas (yams) of Ayurvedic texts, belong to Dioscorea spp.

Siddha/Tamil: Perumvalli kizhangu.

Folk: Kathaalu.

Action: Even the best among the cultivated yams causes irritation in the throat or a feeling of discomfort when eaten raw. Wild yams—cholagogue, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, diuretic. Also used for painful periods, cramps and muscle tension.

Key application: Dioscorea villosa L., Wild Yam—as spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)

The edible tubers of Dioscorea alata are purple-coloured and contain an- thocyanins, cyanidin and peonidin- 3-gentiobioside acylated with sinapic acid. The tubers contain surcose, while leaves contain large quantities of D- fructose, D-glucose and the polyols, 2-deoxyribitol, 6-deoxysorbitol and glycerol.

Mouldy yams are reported to contain a compound ipomeanol which is being tested against human lung cancer. (J. Am Med Assoc, 1994,15, 23.)

Diosgenin obtained from Dioscorea species was used in the first commercial production of oral contraceptives, topical hormones, systemic corticos- teroids, androgens, estrogens, pro- gestogens and other sex hormones.

The chemical transformation of di- osgenin to estrogen, progesterone or any other steroidal compound does not occur in human body. Topically applied Wild Yam does not appear to cause changes in serum FSH, estradi- ol or progesterone. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

Diosgenin, combined with the drug clofibrate, caused a greater decrease in LDL than either substance alone in rats. (Sharon M. Herr.)... dioscorea alata

Laggera Alata

Sch.- Bip. ex Oliver.

Family: Asteraceae, Compositae.

Habitat: Throughout India, ascending up to 2,100 m in the hills. (Native to tropical Africa and Madagascar.)

Folk: Amadok (Garhwal).

Action: Disinfectant.

The plant is one of the major ingredients of an ointment used in the treatment of skin tumours in Chinese medicine. In Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Gabon and Tanganyika, different parts of the plant are used for the treatment of intercostal pain, rheumatic pain and fever. The leaf and root decoctions are used to treat pneumonia.

The plant from Nigeria was found rich in phenolic ethers (45%), followed by monoterpenes (22%) and sesquiterpenes (12%). The major component of the oil was dimethyl thy- moquinone (44%). It showed activity against Gram-positive microorganisms. Dried powder of the plant contained artemisetin (artemetin).... laggera alata

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