Oz Health Dictionary

Oz: From 1 Different Sources

(Hebrew) Having great strength Oza, Ozia, Ozz, Ozzi, Ozzie, Ozzy, Ozzey, Ozzee, Ozzea
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


A specially active and poisonous form of OXYGEN in which three volumes of the gas are condensed into the space ordinarily occupied by two. It has a characteristic smell and is a strong oxidising agent. Formed when an electrical charge is passed through oxygen or air, it is found at high altitudes in the atmosphere where it screens out much of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. The ozone layer, as it is called, is being damaged by pollutant gases from earth. Unless this damage is reversed, lethal quantities of ultraviolet radiation could penetrate to the earth’s surface, further warming the world’s climates, with long-term damage to the environment.... ozone


A chronic disease of the NOSE of an in?ammatory nature, combined with atrophy of the mucous membrane and the formation of extremely foul-smelling crusts in the interior of the nose. (See also NOSE, DISORDERS OF.)... ozaena


Nasal disorder with offensive discharge. Powders, liquid extracts, tinctures. Combine, Sarsaparilla 2; Burdock 1; Goldenseal quarter. Powders: quarter of a teaspoon. Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. In water, honey, etc thrice daily. ... ozena


(Hebrew) Woman of merit Ozerah, Ozerra, Ozerrah, Ozeria, Ozeriah, Ozerea, Ozereah... ozera


(American) Having strength of character

Oziomah, Ozeoma, Ozeomah, Ozyoma, Ozyomah... ozioma


(Hebrew) One who is wealthy Ozorah, Ozorra, Ozorrah

P... ozora

Ozone Radiation

Harmful ultraviolet radiation from depletion of the ozone layer may affect general health and cause skin cancers, cataracts and immune deficiency. The protection offered by antioxidant nutrients can play a part in reducing the incidence of lens cataract. Until scientific medicine discovers effective treatment it would appear that Vitamins A, E, and Evening Primrose oil have a role to play in protection of the eyes and skin. Horsetail, rich in silica, is believed to delay progression of cataract when taken internally.

Topical. Creams to prevent burning: Vitamin E, Evening Primrose, Houseleek, Aloe Vera. Honey. Most creams contain Vitamin E which acts as a filter and moisturiser.

Diet. Foods rich in beta-carotene, Vitamins C and E.

Supplements. Vitamins A and E.

Note: Use of sunglasses and sun screens on sunny days to avoid burning. Wearing of a hat. ... ozone radiation

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