Phan Health Dictionary

Phan: From 1 Different Sources

(Asian) One who shares with others
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Phantom Limb

Following the AMPUTATION of a limb, it is usual for the patient to experience sensations as if the limb were still present. This condition is referred to as a phantom limb. In most patients the sensation passes o? in time.... phantom limb


The term applied to an imaginary appearance or daydream.... phantasy


combining form denoting visible; apparent.... phanero

Phantom Pregnancy

see pseudocyesis.... phantom pregnancy

Phantom Tumour

1. an accumulation of fluid (pleural effusion) in the lung in patients with heart failure, which resembles a lung tumour on radiological examination. 2. a swelling in the abdomen or elsewhere, caused by local muscular contraction or the accumulation of gases, that mimics a swelling caused by a tumour.... phantom tumour

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