Putrefaction Health Dictionary

Putrefaction: From 2 Different Sources

The change that takes place in the bodies of plants and animals after death, whereby they are ultimately reduced to carbonic acid gas, ammonia, and other simple substances. The change is almost entirely due to the action of bacteria, and, in the course of the process, various o?ensive and poisonous intermediate substances are formed. In the case of the human body, putrescine, cadaverine, and other alkaloids are among these intermediate products.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. the process whereby proteins are decomposed by bacteria. This is accompanied by the formation of amines (such as putrescine and cadaverine) having a strong and very unpleasant smell.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Necrosis and putrefaction of tissue due to lack of blood supply... gangrene


The genus, or variety, of micro-organisms that produce spores which enable them to survive under adverse conditions. They normally grow in soil, water and decomposing plant and animal matter, where they play an important part in the process of PUTREFACTION. Among the important members of the group, or genus, are Clostridium welchii, Cl. septicum and Cl. oedematiens, the causes of gas gangrene (see GANGRENE); Cl. tetani, the cause of TETANUS; and Cl. botulinum, the cause of BOTULISM.... clostridium

Death, Signs Of

There are some minor signs, such as: relaxation of the facial muscles (which produces the staring eye and gaping mouth of the ‘Hippocratic countenance’), as well as a loss of the curves of the back, which becomes ?at by contact with the bed or table; discoloration of the skin, which takes on a wax-yellow hue and loses its pink transparency at the ?nger-webs; absence of blistering and redness if the skin is burned (Christison’s sign); and failure of a ligature tied round the ?nger to produce, after its removal, the usual change of a white ring, which, after a few seconds, becomes redder than the surrounding skin in a living person.

The only certain sign of death, however, is that the heart has stopped beating. To ensure that this is permanent, it is necessary to listen over the heart with a stethoscope, or directly with the ear, for at least ?ve minutes. Permanent stoppage of breathing should also be con?rmed by observing that a mirror held before the mouth shows no haze, or that a feather placed on the upper lip does not ?utter.

In the vast majority of cases there is no dif?culty in ensuring that death has occurred. The introduction of organ transplantation, however, and of more e?ective mechanical means of resuscitation, such as ventilators, whereby an individual’s heart can be kept beating almost inde?nitely, has raised diffculties in a minority of cases. To solve the problem in these cases the concept of ‘brain death’ has been introduced. In this context it has to be borne in mind that there is no legal de?nition of death. Death has traditionally been diagnosed by the irreversible cessation of respiration and heartbeat. In the Code of Practice drawn up in 1983 by a Working Party of the Health Departments of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, however, it is stated that ‘death can also be diagnosed by the irreversible cessation of brain-stem function’. This is described as ‘brain death’. The brain stem consists of the mid-brain, pons and medulla oblongata which contain the centres controlling the vital processes of the body such as consciousness, breathing and the beating of the heart (see BRAIN). This new concept of death, which has been widely accepted in medical and legal circles throughout the world, means that it is now legitimate to equate brain death with death; that the essential component of brain death is death of the brain stem; and that a dead brain stem can be reliably diagnosed at the bedside. (See GLASGOW COMA SCALE.)

Four points are important in determining the time that has elapsed since death. HYPOSTASIS, or congestion, begins to appear as livid spots on the back, often mistaken for bruises, three hours or more after death. This is due to the blood running into the vessels in the lowest parts. Loss of heat begins at once after death, and the body has become as cold as the surrounding air after 12 hours – although this is delayed by hot weather, death from ASPHYXIA, and some other causes. Rigidity, or rigor mortis, begins in six hours, takes another six to become fully established, remains for 12 hours and passes o? during the succeeding 12 hours. It comes on quickly when extreme exertion has been indulged in immediately before death; conversely it is slow in onset and slight in death from wasting diseases, and slight or absent in children. It begins in the small muscles of the eyelid and jaw and then spreads over the body. PUTREFACTION is variable in time of onset, but usually begins in 2–3 days, as a greenish tint over the abdomen.... death, signs of


Anti-infectives. Anti-microbials. Powerful plant germicides destructive to harmful bacteria, tending to prevent decay and putrefaction. This group includes the astringents and contains tannins which of themselves tend towards an antiseptic effect. Three of the most widely used are: Myrrh, Echinacea and Goldenseal which combined are a popular combination. Cinnamon is regarded as a powerful antiseptic, internally and externally, in China and the Far East; a sprinkle of the powder applied even to open wounds.

Aromatherapy oils: Borneol, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Juniper, Cloves, Lavender, Niaouli, Pine, Rosemary, Thyme, Ylang Ylang.

In present practice: (General) Abscess root, Black Catechu, Boldo, Barberry, Bearberry, Balm of Gilead, Buchu, Blood root, Composition powder or essence, Cudweed, Eucalyptus, Echinacea, Garlic, Goldenrod, Juniper, German Chamomile, Marigold, Myrrh, Oak bark, Peppermint, Onion, Peruvian bark, Poke root, Poplar (white), Rosemary, Sage, Sarsaparilla, Saw Palmetto, Southernwood, Thyme, Wild Indigo, Wild Thyme, White Willow bark, Wintergreen.

Eyes: Marigold, German Chamomile.

Intestines: Goldenseal, German Chamomile.

Lymph glands: Poke root, Echinacea, Garlic, Sarsaparilla, Wild Indigo.

Mucous membranes: Goldenseal, Myrrh, Echinacea, Sarsaparilla.

Genital system: Saw Palmetto, Goldenseal.

Nose: Eucalyptus (oil) injection.

Respiratory system: Balm of Gilead, Cudweed, Pine (oil of).

Skin: Myrrh, Cinnamon, Goldenseal, Sphagnum

Moss, Marigold; Oils of Garlic, Thyme, Sage,

Juniper, Blood root, Marigold.

Throat and mouth: Poke root, Goldenseal, Cinnamon, Sage.

Urinary system: Barberry, Bearberry, Boldo, Couch Grass, Echinacea, Juniper, Meadowsweet (mild), Onion, Wild Indigo, Yarrow. ... antiseptics


The process of heating foods to destroy disease-causing microorganisms, and to reduce the numbers of microorganisms responsible for fermentation and putrefaction.... pasteurization


n. the preservation of a dead body by the introduction of chemical compounds that delay putrefaction. Embalming is employed mainly so that a body can be transported long distances and funeral rites can be conducted without undue haste. In the USA it is a routine hygienic measure.... embalming


n. an amine formed during *putrefaction.... putrescine


Toxic means poisonous. Auto-toxaemia is self-poisoning of the blood and tissues from absorption of bacterial toxins formed during infection from acute or chronic inflammatory disease; or due to defective excretory organs (kidneys, bowel, etc). Raw foods produce little waste, but putrefaction of meats and other acid foods in the intestine and colon create an environment in which hostile bacteria flourish. Retrograde tissue change may be brought about by an unhealthy lifestyle and diet where an accumulation of cell wastes dispose to congestion and decomposition.

Treatment. An eliminative group of herbs include: expectorants, diuretics, lymphatics and alteratives to promote chemical breakdown and expulsion of the body’s waste cell products.

Cleansing teas: Gotu Kola, Bogbean, Ginseng, Nettles, Alfalfa. Or, decoctions: Dandelion root (or Dandelion coffee), Burdock root, Yellow Dock root.

Tablets/capsules. Echinacea, Blue Flag root, Goldenseal, Ginseng, Poke root, Seaweed and Sarsaparilla, Garlic, “Natural Herb Tablet”.

Powders, Liquid Extracts, Tinctures. Combine: Echinacea 2; Goldenseal 1; Myrrh quarter. Doses. Powders: Quarter of a teaspoon. Liquid extracts: 30-60 drops. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. In water or honey thrice daily.

Enema: Chamomile.

Saunas and sweat-promoting exercises; epsom salts bath.

Diet. Regular raw food days. Garlic, Onions, Watercress. Low fat, low salt, high fibre. Drink distilled water. Three-day fast once monthly.

Supplements. Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C 1g thrice daily, niacin, sulphur, zinc.

Auto-toxaemia does not refer to the toxaemia of pregnancy, known as eclampsia, for which a different group of herbs is relevant.

Removal of dental amalgam fillings is believed to assist recovery.

Note: Toxaemia may be caused by the action of toxic molecular fragments known as “free-radicals” which corrode cell membranes and kill cells. See: FREE-RADICALS. ... auto-toxaemia

Bile Secretion Deficiency

Bile is a greenish-yellow alkaline substance secreted by the liver which emulsifies fat and prevents putrefaction in the intestines. An aid to pancreatic juices.

Alternatives. To stimulate flow, Boldo, Horsetail, Dandelion, Blue Flag root, Milk Thistle, Bogbean, Burdock. Teas, capsules, tablets, Liquid extracts, or Tinctures.

A. Vogel recommends: Barberry, Centuary, St John’s Wort, Sarsaparilla.

Combination tea. Equal parts: Peppermint leaves, Milk Thistle, Dandelion root. 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes, 1 cup thrice daily for limited period (1 month).

Bile in the urine. (Bilviria)

Arthur Barker: Liquid Extract Black root 1oz (30ml). Liquid Extract Cornsilk 1oz (30ml). Essential Peppermint 30 drops (2ml). Water to 8oz (240ml). 2 teaspoons in water 3 times daily before meals.

Diet. Dandelion coffee. Artichokes.

See: CHOLAGOGUES. CHOLERETICS. ... bile secretion deficiency

Gluten-sensitive Disease

Adult coeliac disease, coeliac sprue, non-tropical sprue, idiopathic steatorrhoea. Allergy to gluten which disturbs the small intestine by preventing the body from absorbing food nutrients. A child’s condition may worsen when put on solid cereals containing wheat, barley, rye or oats. “Allergic to pasta” disease. A change in the mucous membrane of the intestines with enzyme deficiency.

Symptoms: diarrhoea, abdominal swelling and pain, irritability, inability to gain weight, neuritis, ulcers on tongue and mouth, low blood pressure, debility, lactase-deficiency. Breast-feeding stops coeliac disease.

Alternatives. Tea. Mix, equal parts: Raspberry leaves, Agrimony, Lemon Balm. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup freely.

Tablets/capsules. Goldenseal, Slippery Elm. Calamus. Fenugreek seeds, Papaya. Wild Yam.

Powders, Liquid Extracts, Tinctures. Formula. Equal parts: Sarsaparilla, Wild Yam, Stone root. Dose. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid Extracts: 30-60 drops. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. In water, banana mash or honey, thrice daily.

Papaya (papain) digests wheat gluten and assists recovery. Half-1g with meals.

Aloe Vera juice. Promotes improved bowel motility, increases stool specific gravity, and reduces indication of protein putrefaction, flatulence and bloating after meals. (J. Bland PhD. JAM June 1985, p.11)

Topical. Warm hip baths of Lemon Balm, Chamomile, etc. (Alfred Vogel)

Diet. Gluten-free. Rice. Unpasteurised yoghurt. Buttermilk. Sweet acidophilus milk. Raw carrot juice. Bananas mashed with a little Slippery Elm or dried milk powder, carob bean powder and Soya milk. Supplementation. Vitamins A, B-complex, B6, B12, Folic acid, C, D, E, K (Alfalfa tea). Calcium, Iron and Magnesium orotates. ... gluten-sensitive disease


(sapro-) combining form denoting 1. putrefaction. 2. decaying matter.... sapr


an agent which prevents and combats decay or putrefaction.... antiputrescent


Cone flower, Black Sampson. Echinacea pallida, Nutt. Echinacea angustifolia (DC) Heller. Brauneria pallida, Nutt. Echinacea purpurea. Part used: rhizome and whole of the plant. Constituents: Echinacosides (in Echinacea angustifolia), alkaloids, polysaccharides, flavonoids, essential oil.

Action. Antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, detoxicant, parasiticide, antibiotic (non- toxic), vasodilator, lymphatic. Does not act directly upon a virus but exerts an antiviral effect by stimulating an immune response. Raises white blood cell count and increases the body’s inherent powers of resistance. Has power to stimulate ‘killer’ cells that resist foreign bacteria. T-cell activator. Vulnerary. Uses. Boils, acne, abscesses, sore throat: streptococcal and staphylococcal infections generally. Ulcers of tongue, mouth, gums, tonsils, throat (mouth wash and gargle). Duodenal and gastric ulcer. Systemic candida. Putrefaction and fermentation in the alimentary tract. Skin disorders: eczema. Infection of the fallopian tubes. Ill-effects of vaccination. A cleansing wash and lotion for STDs and varicose ulcers. Vaginal candidiasis.

Tonsillitis and infective sore throat: “In all cases do not forget the value of Echinacea. I rely on it to restore a poisoned system.” (I.F. Barnes MD, Beverley, Mass, USA)

Appendicitis. “Seven cases of fully diagnosed appendicitis were completely cured by 5 drops liquid extract Echinacea, in water, every 1-3 hours.” (Henry Reny MD, Biddeford, Maine, USA)

Gangrene. “Echinacea retards and prevents gangrene.” (Finlay Ellingwood MD)

Shingles. Genital herpes. Echinacea purpurea. Self-medication by “T.S., London” for neuralgic pains caused by the virus ‘moving down the nerves’ preceding appearance of a herpetic lesion. “Each time an attack has been aborted – pains subsiding within six or so hours.”

Phytokold capsules. Arkopharma.

Listeria. Complete protection against. (Dr H. Wagner, Munich University)

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Decoction. 1g dried root or rhizome to each cup water simmered 15 minutes. Dose: 1 cup.

Powder. 250mg (one 00 capsule or one-sixth teaspoon).

Liquid extract: 3-15 drops in water.

Alcoholic and aqueous extract from 360mg root. 1 tablet.

Tincture, BHC Vol 1. (1:5, 45 per cent ethanol). Dose: 2-5ml.

Formula. Tincture Echinacea 2; Tincture Goldenseal 1. Dose – 15-30 drops in water every 2 hours (acute) thrice daily (chronic).

Echinacea and Garlic tablets/capsules. Echinacea 60mg; Garlic 20mg; powders to BHP (1983) standard. Versatile combination for minor infections: colds and influenza. (Gerard House)

Historical. “Many years ago American Indians observed that by tantalising the rattlesnake it would in its wrath bite itself. The creature was seen to become immediately restless and sought to retreat. On following the snake it was observed that it went straight to a certain shrub and there became a veritable ‘sucker’. When it finished sucking the plant it would seek a hole in which to hide, but not to die. It would recover. This led to the discovery of the plant, Echinacea. It was from the medicine-men of the Mohawk and Cherokee Indians we obtained our first knowledge of this remarkable herbal remedy.” (J.H. Henley MD, Enid, Oklahoma, USA)

Often positive results may not follow because too small a dose is given. For desperate conditions, Dr L.W. Hendershott, Mill Shoals, Illinois, USA, advised frequent 1 dram (4ml) doses. (Ellingwood, Vol 10, No 4)

Echinacea has an ‘interferon’ effect by enhancing body resistance to infection. (Wagner and Proksch) GSL, schedule 1 ... echinacea

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