Snoring Health Dictionary

Snoring: From 3 Different Sources

Noisy breathing through the open mouth during sleep, produced by vibrations of the soft palate.

Snoring is often caused by a condition that hinders breathing through the nose, such as a cold, allergic rhinitis, or enlarged adenoids.

Snoring is more common when sleeping on the back.

If the underlying cause can be treated, snoring may stop.

Snoring is also a feature of sleep apnoea.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
This is usually attributed to vibrations of the soft PALATE, but there is evidence that the main fault lies in the edge of the posterior pillars of the FAUCES which vibrate noisily. Mouth-breathing is necessary for snoring, but not all mouth-breathers snore. The principal cause is blockage of the nose, such as occurs during the course of the common cold or chronic nasal CATARRH; such blockage also occurs in some cases of deviation of the nasal SEPTUM or nasal polypi (see NOSE, DISORDERS OF). In children, mouth-breathing, with resulting snoring, is often due to enlarged TONSILS and adenoids. A further cause of snoring is loss of tone in the soft palate and surrounding tissues due to smoking, overwork, fatigue, obesity, and general poor health. One in eight people are said to snore regularly. The intensity, or loudness, of snoring is in the range of 40–69 decibels. (Pneumatic drills register between 70 and 90 decibels.) Bouts of snoring sometimes alternate with SLEEP APNOEAS.

Treatment therefore consists of the removal of any of these causes of mouth-breathing that may be present. Should this not succeed in preventing snoring, then measures should be taken to prevent the sufferer from sleeping lying on his or her back, as this is a habit strongly conducive to snoring. Simple measures include sleeping with several pillows, so that the head is raised quite considerably when asleep; alternatively, a small pillow may be put under the nape of the neck. If all these measures fail it may be worth trying the traditional method of sewing a hairbrush, or some other hard object such as a stone, into the back of the snorer’s pyjamas. Thus, if they turn on their back, they are quickly awakened. (See also STERTOR.)

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. noisy breathing while asleep due to vibration of the soft palate, uvula, pharyngeal walls, or epiglottis. In children it is often associated with enlargement of the tonsils and adenoids. Treatments of snoring include weight loss, tobacco and alcohol avoidance, adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, nasal airway surgery, *uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, or other forms of *palatoplasty.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Stertor is a form of noisy breathing, similar to SNORING, and usually due to ?apping of the soft PALATE. Whereas ordinary snoring results from sleeping with the mouth open, stertor is the result of paralysis of the soft palate: this may be the result of a stroke, su?ocation, concussion, drunkenness, or poisoning by OPIUM or chloroform. In severe cases of paralysis, the tongue may loll back against the back of the throat, resulting in a very loud sound. In such cases breathing may be rapidly relieved by pulling the lower jaw forwards, pulling the tongue out of the mouth, or turning the person on to one side.... stertor


Surgery to excise the UVULA, part of the soft PALATE and the TONSILS. It is done to help people with severe SNORING problems but it does not always achieve a cure.... uvulopalatopharyngoplasty


The process in which air passes into and out of the lungs so that the blood can absorb oxygen and give o? carbon dioxide and water. This occurs 18 times a minute in a healthy adult at rest and is called the respiratory rate. An individual breathes more than 25,000 times a day and during this time inhales around 16 kg of air.

Mechanism of respiration For the structure of the respiratory apparatus, see AIR PASSAGES; CHEST; LUNGS. The air passes rhythmically into and out of the air passages, and mixes with the air already in the lungs, these two movements being known as inspiration and expiration. INSPIRATION is due to a muscular e?ort which enlarges the chest, so that the lungs have to expand in order to ?ll up the vacuum that would otherwise be left, the air entering these organs by the air passages. The increase of the chest in size from above downwards is mainly due to the diaphragm, the muscular ?bres of which contract and reduce its domed shape and cause it to descend, pushing down the abdominal organs beneath it. EXPIRATION is an elastic recoil, the diaphragm rising and the ribs sinking into the position that they naturally occupy, when muscular contraction is ?nished. Occasionally, forced expiration may occur, involving powerful muscles of the abdomen and thorax; this is typically seen in forcible coughing.

Nervous control Respiration is usually either an automatic or a REFLEX ACTION, each expiration sending up sensory impulses to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, from which impulses are sent down various other nerves to the muscles that produce inspiration. Several centres govern the rate and force of the breathing, although all are presided over by a chief respiratory centre in the medulla oblongata (see under BRAIN – Divisions). This in turn is controlled by the higher centres in the cerebral hemispheres, so that breathing can be voluntarily stopped or quickened.

Quantity of air The lungs do not completely empty themselves at each expiration and re?ll at each inspiration. With each breath, less than one-tenth of the total air in the lungs passes out and is replaced by the same quantity of fresh air, which mixes with the stale air in the lungs. This renewal, which in quiet breathing amounts to about 500 millilitres, is known as the tidal air. By a special inspiratory e?ort, an individual can draw in about 3,000 millilitres, this amount being known as complemental air. By a special expiratory e?ort, too, after an ordinary breath one can expel much more than the tidal air from the lungs – this extra amount being known as the supplemental or reserve air, and amounting to about 1,300 millilitres. If an individual takes as deep an inspiration as possible and then makes a forced expiration, the amount expired is known as the vital capacity, and amounts to around 4,000 millilitres in a healthy adult male of average size. Figures for women are about 25 per cent lower. The vital capacity varies with size, sex, age and ethnic origin.

Over and above the vital capacity, the lungs contain air which cannot be expelled; this is known as residual air, and amounts to another 1,500 millilitres.

Tests of respiratory e?ciency are used to assess lung function in health and disease. Pulmonary-function tests, as they are known, include spirometry (see SPIROMETER), PEAK FLOW METER (which measures the rate at which a person can expel air from the lungs, thus testing vital capacity and the extent of BRONCHOSPASM), and measurements of the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. (See also LUNG VOLUMES.)

Abnormal forms of respiration Apart from mere changes in rate and force, respiration is modi?ed in several ways, either involuntarily or voluntarily. SNORING, or stertorous breathing, is due to a ?accid state of the soft palate causing it to vibrate as the air passes into the throat, or simply to sleeping with the mouth open, which has a similar e?ect. COUGH is a series of violent expirations, at each of which the larynx is suddenly opened after the pressure of air in the lungs has risen considerably; its object is to expel some irritating substance from the air passages. SNEEZING is a single sudden expiration, which di?ers from coughing in that the sudden rush of air is directed by the soft palate up into the nose in order to expel some source of irritation from this narrow passage. CHEYNE-STOKES BREATHING is a type of breathing found in persons suffering from stroke, heart disease, and some other conditions, in which death is impending; it consists in an alternate dying away and gradual strengthening of the inspirations. Other disorders of breathing are found in CROUP and in ASTHMA.... respiration

Sleep Apnoeas

A sleep apnoea is conventionally de?ned as the cessation of breathing for ten seconds or more. Apnoeas, which affect around 5 per cent of adults and are markedly more common in men, may occur as frequently as 400 times per night. They can be due to a failure of the physiological drive to breathe (central sleep apnoeas) but much more often are due to a transient obstruction of the airway between the level of the soft PALATE and the LARYNX (obstructive sleep apnoeas) when the airway dilator muscles over-relax. Any factor such as alcohol or sedative drugs that accentuates this, or that makes the airway narrower (such as obesity or large TONSILS), will tend to cause sleep apnoeas.

Vigorous respiratory movements are made to overcome the obstruction during each apnoea. These are associated with snoring and snorting noises. The apnoea ends with a mini-arousal from sleep. As a result, sleep becomes fragmented and sleep deprivation, manifested as sleepiness during the day, is common. This may result in accidents – for instance, at work or while driving – and sleep apnoea is also linked with an increased risk of STROKE, heart attacks and HYPERTENSION.

The diagnosis of sleep apnoea has recently been facilitated by linking specially designed software with ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY performed during sleep, with minimal disturbance of the subject.

Initial treatment is directed at correcting the cause (e.g. obesity), but if the apnoeas persist or are severe a nasal mask and pump which introduces air under slight pressure into the upper airway (continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP) is almost invariably e?ective.... sleep apnoeas


An overgrowth of lymphoid tissue at the junction of the throat and nose. After exposure to inflammation from colds, dust, allergy or faulty diet adenoids may become enlarged and diseased. Chiefly in children, ages 3 to 10.

Symptoms. Mouth always half open through inability to breathe freely through nose. Nose thin and shrunken. Teeth may protrude. Snoring. Possible deafness from ear infection. Where the child does not ‘grow out of it’ flat chestedness and spinal curvature may ensue because of inadequate oxygenation. Children gritting their teeth at night may be suspected. Children may also have enlarged tonsils. Both tonsils and adenoids are lymph glands which filter harmful bacteria and their poisons from the blood stream. Herbs can be used to facilitate their elimination from the site of infection for excretion from the body.

Alternatives. Clivers, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Marigold, Poke root, Queen’s Delight, Sarsaparilla, Thuja, Wild Indigo.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Red Clover, Red Sage, Wild Thyme. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily.

Tablets/capsules. Echinacea, Poke root, Goldenseal. Dosage as on bottle.

Powders. Formula. Equal parts: Echinacea, Poke root, Goldenseal. 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Children 250mg or one capsule. Thrice daily.

Tinctures. Formula: Echinacea 20ml; Elderflowers 20ml; Poke root 10ml; Thuja 1ml, Tincture Capsicum 5 drops. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons. Children: 15-30 drops, in water, thrice daily.

Topical. Lotion: Liquid Extract Thuja 1; Aloe Vera gel 2. Apply to affected area on a probe with cotton wool.

Gargle: Equal parts tinctures Myrrh and Goldenseal: 10-15 drops in glass of water, freely.

Snuff: Bayberry bark powder.

Diet. 3-day fast, followed with low fat, low salt, high fibre diet.

On retiring: 2 Garlic capsules/tablets to prevent infection. ... adenoids


Deficiency of thyroid hormones in the circulation. Hypothyroidism, under-active thyroid, with possible secondary increase in TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). Many causes, chief of which is the gradual destruction of the gland by inflammation (chronic thyroiditis). As hormones produced by the gland determine the body’s metabolic rate, the condition is responsible for a slowing-up of the individual in body and in mind. When occurring in infancy is known as cretinism.

Symptoms. The patient does not feel particularly unwell, but on examination is found to present a dry, scaly, thickened, puffy skin. Only a few signs may be detected: brittle lack-lustre hair, gross facial features, fatigue, slow pulse, slowness of expression and movement, aches and pains in joints, malar flush, deafness, anaemia, constipation, slurred speech, profuse menses. Later the voice assumes a deep masculine quality. The patient may be subject to carpel tunnel syndrome, and almost always complains of being icy cold. 90 per cent of cases are auto-immune.

Treatment. Official medication is the administration of Thyroxin, an iodine-containing hormone. Sometimes a herbal combination is given to supplement its action. On progress of the condition no permanent cure is possible but it is believed that certain herbs may arrest deterioration.

Alternatives: Carragheen Moss, Iceland Moss, Parsley herb, Kelp, Sarsaparilla, Ginseng, Ginkgo. Simple tea. For energy and vitality. Combine equal parts: breakfast Oats, Alfalfa herb, Gotu Kola herb. 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. One cup morning and evening.

Formula. Equal parts: Ginseng, Kelp, Ginkgo. Add a few grains Cayenne Pepper or drops of Tincture Capsicum. Dose: Liquid Extracts, 1 teaspoon; Tinctures, 2 teaspoons; Powders, 500mg (one-third teaspoon). Morning and evening.

Note: Snoring may be a feature of myxoedema.

Diet. The following have an adverse effect upon the thyroid gland and should be eaten in small amounts: Cabbage, Kale, Cauliflower, Spinach, Brussels Sprouts, Soya beans, Turnips and Beans.

Supplements. Vitamins A, C, D, E, PABA, Calcium, Iodine, Selenium, Zinc. Selenium is an essential component of an enzyme required by the gland. A deficiency of this mineral can be responsible for an under-active thyroid. ... myxoedema

Sleep Apnoea

A disorder in which there are episodes of temporary cessation of breathing (lasting 10 seconds or longer) during sleep.

People with sleep apnoea may not be aware of any problem during the night, but they may be sleepy during the day, with poor memory and concentration. Severe sleep apnoea is potentially serious and may lead to hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction, or stroke.

Obstructive sleep apnoea is the most common type and may affect anyone, but more often middle-aged men, especially those who are overweight. The most common cause is over-relaxation of the muscles of the soft palate in the pharynx, which obstructs the passage of air. Obstruction may also be caused by enlarged tonsils or adenoids. The obstruction causes snoring. If complete blockage occurs, breathing stops. This triggers the brain to restart breathing, and the person may gasp and wake briefly.

In central sleep apnoea, breathing stops because the chest and diaphragm muscles temporarily cease to work, probably due to a disturbance in the brain’s control of breathing. Causes include paralysis of the diaphragm and disorders of the brainstem. Snoring is not a main feature.People who are overweight may find losing weight helps.

Alcohol and sleeping drugs aggravate sleep apnoea.

In one treatment, air from a compressor is forced into the airway via a mask worn over the nose.

Night-time artificial ventilation may be needed.

Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, or surgery to shorten or stiffen the soft palate may be performed.... sleep apnoea


n. a questionnaire used to predict patients who have *obstructive sleep apnoea. The name is an acronym of snoring, tiredness, observed apnoeas, high blood pressure, BMI, age, neck size, and gender.... stop-bang

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

(OSA, obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, OSAS) a serious condition in which airflow from the nose and mouth to the lungs is restricted during sleep, also called sleep apnoea syndrome (SAS). It is defined by the presence of more than five episodes of *apnoea per hour of sleep associated with significant daytime sleepiness. Snoring is a feature of the condition but it is not universal. There are significant medical complications of prolonged OSA, including heart failure and high blood pressure. Patients perform poorly on driving simulators, and driving licence authorities may impose limitations on possession of a driving licence. There are associated conditions in adults, the *hypopnoea syndrome and the upper airways resistance syndrome, with less apnoea but with daytime somnolence and prominent snoring. In children the cause is usually enlargement of the tonsils and adenoids and treatment is by removing these structures. In adults the tonsils may be implicated but there are often other abnormalities of the pharynx, and patients are often obese. Treatment may include weight reduction or nasal *continuous positive airways pressure (nCPAP) devices, *mandibular advancement splints, or noninvasive ventilation. Alternatively *tonsillectomy, *uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, *laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty, or *tracheostomy may be required.... obstructive sleep apnoea


n. surgery to alter the shape or physical characteristics of the palate. This can be plastic surgery of the roof of the mouth, usually to correct cleft palate or other defects present at birth. Other palatoplasty operations are carried out under local or general anaesthesia to shorten and/or stiffen the palate in the treatment of snoring or obstructive sleep apnoea. They may use conventional surgical techniques (*uvulopalatopharyngoplasty), laser (*laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty), insertion of stiffening materials, or injection of sclerosants. It is also possible to use radiofrequency energy in a process called radiofrequency palatal myoplasty (RPM), also known as somnoplasty.... palatoplasty

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