Veratrum viride Health Dictionary

Veratrum Viride: From 1 Different Sources


Habitat: The temperate regions of northern hemisphere; introduced in Jammu and Kashmir for cultivation.

English: American Hellbore, Green Hellebore.

Action: Rhizomes and roots— cardiac depressant, hypotensive. (Contraindicated in cardiac disease. Large doses cause bradycardia.) Used in the treatment of convulsions, headache, neuralgia, inflammatory affections of respiratory tract; and as sedative. Formerly used for high blood pressure, especially associated with toxemia of pregnancy.

Ceveratrum-type alkaloids, found as esters, are hypotensive and cause vasodilatation (probably by inhibition of vasomotor centre and stimulation of the vagus). Overdoses cause vomiting. Alkaloids are teratogenic.
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Ocimum Viride


Family: Labiatae; Lamiaceae.

Habitat: Native to Africa; introduced into India.

English: Fever plant of Sierra Leone.

Folk: Taap-maari Tulasi (Maharashtra).

Action: Leaves—febrifugal. Used as a remedy for coughs and fevers. Oil—antiseptic.

Ocimum viride species, cultivated in Jammu-Tawi, gives maximum oil yield

(0.4%) at full bloom stage and highest percentage of thymol (55.12%) in the oil, which can be used as a substitute for thyme-ajowan oil.... ocimum viride

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