The meaning of the symbols of cholesterol seen in a dream.


A fatty substance produced predominantly by the liver, and necessary for building cell membranes, insulating the CNS, covering fats for blood transport, forming bile acids, oiling the skin and making steroid hormones. Blood cholesterols are not derived from food (digestion breaks them down) but are intentionally synthesized by the liver, in response to seeming need. Elevated cholesterols are the result of certain types of stress or metabolic imbalances, and the liver makes more than the tissues need. Although not a direct cause, high consumption of fats and proteins will convince the liver to kick into a fat/protein or anabolic stance...THEN it may oversecrete cholesterols, perhaps thinking you are putting food away for the winter.... cholesterol

Diet - Cholesterol

To lower cholesterol. Avoid all animal fats and dairy products, bacon, ham, lobster, shell fish, milk (use skimmed), rich sauces, gravies, the use of cream, eggs, offal, ice cream, cheese (cottage cheese accepted), cream puffs, fried foods, crab, salami, pork, beef steak, veal, baked custard, mayonnaise made with eggs, milk chocolate, fried fish and chips. Alcohol, refined sugars. Accept: white fish, lean meat, chicken, skimmed milk, Tofu products, nuts except cashew and coconut, bread, breakfast cereals, cottage cheese, plenty of fruits and fruit juices, raw green vegetables and salad materials. For cooking – polyunsaturated oils such as sunflower, corn or Soya. No more than 3 eggs per week. 2-3 fatty fish meals each week to prevent clumping of platelets. Artichokes. Dandelion coffee. ... diet - cholesterol

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