The meaning of the symbols of dispositio seen in a dream.


(French) One who has a cheerful disposition

Alaire, Allaire, Allair, Aulaire, Alayr, Alayre, Alaer, Alaere... alair


(Armenian) Having a sweet disposition

Anousha, Anoushia... anoush


(Latin) Form of Serena, meaning “having a peaceful disposition” Cerinah, Ceryna, Cerynah, Cerena, Cerenah, Ceriena, Cerienah, Cereina, Cereinah, Cereena, Cereenah, Cereana, Cereanah... cerina


(Greek) One with a sweet disposition Idahliah, Idahlea, Idahleah, Idahliya, Idahliyah, Idahlya, Idahlyah... idahlia

Red Clover

Trifolium pratense. N.O. Leguminosae.

Synonym: Purple Clover, Trefoil.

Habitat: Fields and roadsides.

Features ? This is the common clover of the field, long cultivated by the farmer, and is found growing to a height of one foot or more. The leaves, composed of three leaflets, grow on alternate sides of the stem. The leaflets themselves are broad, oval, pointed, and frequently show a white spot. The stem is hairy and erect, and the red (or, perhaps, purplish-pink) flower-heads (the part of the plant employed in herbal practice) are formed by a large number of separate blossoms at the end of a flower stalk. Both taste and odour are agreeable.

Action: Alterative and sedative.

The infusion (1 ounce to 1 pint of boiling water, which may be drunk freely) makes a reliable medicine for bronchial and spasmodic coughs. The alterative character is best brought out in combination with such agents as Burdock and Blue Flag.

Fernic writes of Red Clover ? "The likelihood is that whatever virtue the Red

Clover can boast for counteracting a scrofulous disposition, and as antidotal to cancer, resides in its highly-elaborated lime, silica, and other earthy salts."... red clover


(American) Having a sunny disposition

Sadzee, Sadzey, Sadzia, Sadziah, Sadzie, Sadzya, Sadzyah, Sadzy, Sadzea... sadzi


(Latin) Having a peaceful disposition

Serenah, Serene, Sereena, Seryna, Serenity, Serenitie, Serenitee, Serepta, Serina, Sereana... serena

Turkey Rhubarb Tea Benefits

Turkey Rhubarb Tea is used to prevent constipation and stop diarrhea, giving you a feeling of relief and ease. Chinese people thought of it as a very important medicine and today it can be the answer for fighting off cancer. Description of Turkey Rhubarb Tea Turkey Rhubarb, on its botanical name Rheum palmatum, is a plant similar to common garden rhubarb. The root of the plant is thick, prolonged and oval shaped having an almost dark-yellow or brown color. It is a 2,000 years old medicine native from China, but bearing its name because of the trade route that went through Turkey. The uses of this ancient medicine are recorded in a medical book called “Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica”. Benefits of Turkey Rhubarb Tea Turkey Rhubarb Tea is a concoction of vitamins and minerals: A, B complex, C, calcium, chlorine, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, silicon, sodium, sulfur and zinc, making it an anti-diarrhea and anti-inflammatory agent, being also a cellular regeneration agent. Drinking this tea will improve the functions of liver, spleen and colon and even prevent hair loss and increase appetite. It is more and more believed that Turkey Rhubarb Tea can fight cancer and scientific research is heavily taken on this matter. It can also be used externally like an infusion to treat acne, blisters, boils, furuncles and many more types of skin infection. It has astringent properties, antibacterial benefits and accelerates the whole healing process. Moreover Turkey Rhubarb Tea is perfect in winter to relieve the symptoms of cold or respiratory problems, strengthening your stomach. Side effects of Turkey Rhubarb Tea Turkey Rhubarb Tea can have some gastrointestinal side effects related to the dose taken. These can include: nausea, vomiting, burning in the mouth and throat, problems with gastric motility and colic. Some persons with kidney or liver problems should avoid drinking Turkey Rhubarb Tea without consulting their personal doctor.   Turkish Rhubarb Tea helps detoxify the bowel, cleanse the liver, and decrease blood glucose levels. It is a thorough treatment in cleansing your whole body, in reinforcing your disposition and stimulating your life.... turkey rhubarb tea benefits

Milk Fever

The flow of milk does not naturally commence until the third day after delivery when a slight feverishness with chill may be experienced. With filling of the breast and suckling by the child relief is felt. The condition is not usually in need of medication but where difficult, as it can be to anorexics and those in feeble health, a cup of Chamomile tea suffices. Combine with Skullcap for those of nervous disposition. ... milk fever


adj. describing a collection of longstanding personality traits in ICD-10 (see International Classification of Diseases), including stubbornness, meanness, an over-meticulous concern to be accurate in small details, a disposition to check things unnecessarily, severe feelings of insecurity about personal worth, and an excessive tendency to doubt evident facts. These traits, sometimes described as obsessional traits, can amount to a *personality disorder if they are severe.... anankastic

Body Image

(body schema) the individual’s concept of the disposition of his limbs and the identity of the different parts of his body. It is a function of the *association areas of the brain. See also Gerstmann’s syndrome.... body image


n. (in psychology) an enduring disposition to act and feel in particular ways that differentiate one individual from another. These patterns of behaviour are sometimes conceptualized as different categories (see personality disorder) and sometimes as different dimensions (see extroversion; neuroticism).... personality

Breasts, Diseases Of

The female breasts may be expected to undergo hormone-controlled enlargement at puberty, and later in pregnancy, and the glandular part of the breast undergoes evolution (shrinkage) after the menopause. The breast can also be affected by many di?erent diseases, with common symptoms being pain, nipple discharge or retraction, and the formation of a lump within the breast.

Benign disease is much more common than cancer, particularly in young women, and includes acute in?ammation of the breast (mastitis); abscess formation; and benign breast lumps, which may be ?broadenosis – di?use lumpiness also called chronic mastitis or ?brocystic disease – in which one or more ?uid-?lled sacs (cysts) develop.

Women who are breast feeding are particularly prone to mastitis, as infection may enter the breast via the nipple. The process may be arrested before a breast abscess forms by prompt treatment with antibiotics. Non-bacterial in?ammation may result from mammary duct ectasia (dilatation), in which abnormal or

blocked ducts may over?ow. Initial treatments should be with antibiotics, but if an abscess does form it should be surgically drained.

Duct ectasia, with or without local mastitis, is the usual benign cause of various nipple complaints, with common symptoms being nipple retraction, discharge and skin change.

Breast lumps form the chief potential danger and may be either solid or cystic. Simple examination may fail to distinguish the two types, but aspiration of a benign cyst usually results in its disappearance. If the ?uid is bloodstained, or if a lump still remains, malignancy is possible, and all solid lumps need histological (tissue examination) or cytological (cell examination) assessment. As well as having their medical and family history taken, any women with a breast lump should undergo triple assessment: a combination of clinical examination, imaging

– mammography for the over-35s and ultrasonagraphy for the under-35s – and ?ne-needle aspiration. The medical history should include details of any previous lumps, family history (up to 10 per cent of breast cancer in western countries is due to genetic disposition), pain, nipple discharge, change in size related to menstrual cycle and parous state, and any drugs being taken by the patient. Breasts should be inspected with the arms up and down, noting position, size, consistency, mobility, ?xity, and local lymphadenopathy (glandular swelling). Nipples should be examined for the presence of inversion or discharge. Skin involvement (peau d’orange) should be noted, and, in particular, how long changes have been present. Fine-needle aspiration and cytological examination of the ?uid are essential with ULTRASOUND, MAMMOGRAPHY and possible BIOPSY being considered, depending on the patient’s age and the extent of clinical suspicion that cancer may be present.

The commonest solid benign lump is a ?broadenoma, particularly in women of childbearing age, and is a painless, mobile lump. If small, it is usually safe to leave it alone, provided that the patient is warned to seek medical advice if its size or character changes or if the lump becomes painful. Fibroadenosis (di?use lumpiness often in the upper, outer quadrant) is a common (benign) lump. Others include periductal mastitis, fat NECROSIS, GALACTOCELE, ABSCESS, and non-breast-tissue lumps – for example, a LIPOMA (fatty tissue) or SEBACEOUS CYST. A woman with breast discharge should have a mammograph, ductograph, or total duct excision until the cause of any underlying duct ectasia is known. Appropriate treatment should then be given.

Malignant disease most commonly – but not exclusively – occurs in post-menopausal women, classically presenting as a slowly growing, painless, ?rm lump. A bloodstained nipple discharge or eczematous skin change may also be suggestive of cancer.

The most commonly used classi?cation of invasive cancers has split them into two types, ductal and lobular, but this is no longer suitable. There are also weaknesses in the tumour node metastases (TNM) system and the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) classi?cation.

The TNM system – which classi?es the lump by size, ?xity and presence of affected axillary glands and wider metastatic spread – is best combined with a pathological classi?cation, when assessing the seriousness of a possibly cancerous lump. Risk factors for cancer include nulliparity (see NULLIPARA), ?rst pregnancy over the age of 30 years, early MENARCHE, late MENOPAUSE and positive family history. The danger should be considered in women who are not breast feeding or with previous breast cancer, and must be carefully excluded if the woman is taking any contraceptive steroids or is on hormone-replacement therapy (see under MENOPAUSE).

Screening programmes involving mammography are well established, the aim being to detect more tumours at an early and curable stage. Pick-up rate is ?ve per 1,000 healthy women over 50 years. Yearly two-view mammograms could reduce mortality by 40 per cent but may cause alarm because there are ten false positive mammograms for each true positive result. In premenopausal women, breasts are denser, making mammograms harder to interpret, and screening appears not to save lives. About a quarter of women with a palpable breast lump turn out to have cancer.

Treatment This remains controversial, and all options should be carefully discussed with the patient and, where appropriate, with her partner. Locally contained disease may be treated by local excision of the lump, but sampling of the glands of the armpit of the same side should be performed to check for additional spread of the disease, and hence the need for CHEMOTHERAPY or RADIOTHERAPY. Depending on the extent of spread, simple mastectomy or modi?ed radical mastectomy (which removes the lymph nodes draining the breast) may be required. Follow-up chemotherapy, for example, with TAMOXIFEN (an oestrogen antagonist), much improves survival (it saves 12 lives over 100 women treated), though it may occasionally cause endometrial carcinoma. Analysis in the mid-1990s of large-scale international studies of breast-cancer treatments showed wide variations in their e?ectiveness. As a result the NHS has encouraged hospitals to set up breast-treatment teams containing all the relevant health professional experts and to use those treatments shown to be most e?ective.

As well as the physical treatments provided, women with suspected or proven breast cancer should be o?ered psychological support because up to 30 per cent of affected women develop an anxiety state or depressive illness within a year of diagnosis. Problems over body image and sexual diffculties occur in and around one-quarter of patients. Breast conservation and reconstructive surgery can improve the physical effects of mastectomy, and women should be advised on the prostheses and specially designed brassieres that are available. Specialist nurses and self-help groups are invaluable in supporting affected women and their partners with the problems caused by breast cancer and its treatment. Breast Cancer Care, British Association of Cancer United Patients (BACUP), Cancerlink, and Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund are among voluntary organisations providing support.... breasts, diseases of

Down’s Syndrome

Mongolism. Trisomy 21. Not a disease but a defect in mental and physical development. In the normal human being there are 46 chromosomes; in Down’s there are 47 – one extra No 21 chromosome. The syndrome increases with the age of the mother after the age of 35. Over the age of 40 the chances of a mother having such a child are 1-2 per cent. Children with the defect have low levels of zinc.

Cases of Down’s have followed use of nonoxynol-9 (vaginal contraceptive device) such as the polyurethane sponge. The sponge. when left in situ for a long time, may cause Down’s to follow.

Certain physical characteristics are present. The most important feature is impaired mental development. Almost all are coeliacs.

Symptoms. Low IQ, short fingers, small flat head, flattened nose, low-set ears. May be subject to umbilical hernia, and heart disease. No treatment can cure, but certain herb teas rich in minerals (Alfalfa, Red Clover) together with Kelp (either in tablet or powder form) may help children, with possible improvements in IQ. Vitamin supplements – A, D, Thiamine, Riboflavin, B6, B12, C and E improve a child’s physical and mental health – as do also the minerals: Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Iron and Iodine.

Children with Down’s syndrome run an increased risk of coeliac disease, due to disturbed immunity. A substantial evidence is held in America that links a low level of Selenium in the mother. Unnecessary X- rays should be avoided. Ensure fitness before conception by gentle exercise and nutrients: Folic Acid, Selenium and Zinc.

Children with the condition are noted for their happy disposition and warmth of feeling towards others. ... down’s syndrome


Hyperkinesis. Physically over-active. “Like a human jet engine at top velocity.” Excessive motor-nerve activity.

Causes: considerable evidence implicates side-effects of sugar, caffeine, mercurials and other mineral salts that find their way into the body in food additives, dental fillings, etc. Other related factors: exposure to television radiation, fluorescent lighting, environmental toxins, stress, genetic. Studies show a lack of zinc to be a factor.

Symptoms. Always thirsty yet urine is highly concentrated, revealing a deficiency of essential fatty acids (for which Evening Primrose is indicated). Impulsive disposition, nasal congestion, pallor, dark circles under eyes. Insomnia. Difficulty concentrating, clumsiness, low tolerance to failure.

Alternatives. Since an individual’s chemistry is unique, it may be necessary to experiment with one or two agents before concentrating on ones more effective.

To normalise motor activity: Passion flower, St John’s Wort, Xia ku cao (Chinese).

Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Passion flower, Skullcap, Valerian. Mix. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup water brought to boil and simmered one minute. Infuse 15 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup thrice daily.

Powders, liquid extracts, tinctures. Formula: Valerian 1; Hops (Lupulin) 1; Wild Lettuce 2. Dose: Powders, 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid Extracts, 30-60 drops. Tinctures, 1-2 teaspoons, thrice daily.

Evening Primrose oil capsules. One 500mg capsule morning and evening.

Diet. Wholefoods, raw-food days, reformed dietary pattern.

Aromatherapy. Oil of Lavender.

Supplementation. Daily: Vitamin B-complex; Vitamin C 500mg; Vitamin B6 50mg; Vitamin E 500iu; Niacin; Magnesium, Zinc. ... hyperactivity


High blood pressure. The World Health Organisation defines high blood pressure (arterial hypertension) as that with a persistent sphygomanometer reading of 160/90, and over. Average blood pressure is 120/80 for men but lower in women. The diastolic pressure (lower figure) represents pressure to which the arterial walls are subject and is the more important figure.

Main causes of a raised pressure include increase in blood thickness, kidney disorder or loss of elasticity in the arteries by hardening or calcification.

Well defined physical problems account for 10 per cent of high blood pressure cases. By the age of 60, a third of the peoples of the West are hypertensive. Other causes: genetic pre-disposition, endocrine disorders such as hyperactive thyroid and adrenal glands, lead and other chemical poisoning, brain tumour, heart disorder, anxiety, stress and emotional instability.

Other causes may be food allergies. By taking one’s pulse after eating a certain food one can see if the food raises the pulse. If so, that food should be avoided. Most cases of high blood pressure are related to lifestyle – how people think, act and care for themselves. When a person is under constant stress blood pressure goes up. It temporarily increases on drinking the stimulants: alcohol, strong tea, coffee, cola and caffeine drinks generally.

Symptoms. Morning headache (back of the head), possible palpitation, visual disturbances, dizziness, angina-like pains, inability to concentrate, nose-bleeds, ringing in the ears, fatigue, breathlessness (left ventricular failure).

Dr Wm Castelli, Director of the Framlingham Heart Study in Massachusetts, U.S.A., records: “The greatest risk is for coronary heart disease (CHD). Hypertensives have more than double the risk of people with normal blood pressure and seven times the risk of strokes.”

In countries where salt intake is restricted, a rise in blood pressure with age is not seen.

Simple hypotensive herbs may achieve effective control without the side-effects of sleep disturbance, adverse metabolic effects, lethargy and impaired peripheral circulation.

Essential hypertension is where high blood pressure is not associated with any disease elsewhere; it accounts for 90 per cent cases. Most of the remainder have kidney disease except for a few other abnormalities.

Alternatives. Balm, Black Haw, Black Cohosh (blood pressure of the menopause), Cactus, Cramp bark, Chamomile (German). Garlic, Buckwheat, Lily of the Valley, Balm, Mistletoe, Motherwort. Passion flower, Nettles, Lime flowers, Wood Betony, Yarrow, Rosemary, Hawthorn flowers, Olive leaves, Dandelion. Where there is nerve excitability: Valerian.

Tea No 1. Equal parts: Hawthorn leaves and flowers, Mistletoe, Lime flowers. Mix. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. 1 cup 2-3 times daily. Alternative:–

Tea No 2. Equal parts: Nettles, Lime flowers, Yarrow, Passion flower. Mix. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. 1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Nettles. Nettle tea is capable of removing cholesterol deposits (“fur”) from artery walls, increasing their elasticity. Like so many herbs they are rich in chlorophyll. The tea may be made as strong as desired. Mistletoe. 2-3 teaspoons cut herb (fresh or dried) to cup cold water. Allow to infuse overnight (at least 8 hours). 1 cup morning and evening.

Garlic. Juice from one Garlic corm expressed through a juicer taken morning and evening. Garlic dilates blood vessels. Alternative: 2-3 Garlic capsules at night.

Blood pressure of pregnancy: See – PREGNANCY.

Tablets/capsules: Cramp bark, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Rutin, Garlic.

Powders. Formula. Buckwheat (rutin) 1; Motherwort 1; Mistletoe half; Valerian quarter. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Liquid extracts, tinctures. Formula. Equal parts: Cactus, Mistletoe, Valerian. Dose: liquid extracts, one 5ml teaspoon; tinctures, two 5ml teaspoons; thrice daily.

Practitioner Formula. Tinctures: equal parts: Lily of the Valley, Mistletoe, Valerian. Dose: 30-60 drops thrice daily.

Where high blood pressure is due to faulty kidney function diuretics such as Dandelion or Bearberry will be added according to individual requirements. Dandelion root is one of the most widely-used potassium-conserving agents for increasing flow of urine, as well as being a mild beta-blocker to reduce myocardial infarction. Broom (Sarothamnus scoparius) (diuretic) is not used in cases of high blood pressure. It is good practice to assess kidney function in all new cases of hypertension for renal artery stenosis.

Evidence from two major studies confirms that diuretics rather than beta-blockers should be the treatment of choice for most elderly hypertensives. The addition of a diuretic (Yarrow, etc) to prescriptions for the elderly is commended.

Prevention. Chances of developing high blood pressure are said to be reduced by a daily dose of Cod

Liver oil. Results from studies at the University of Munich, Germany, show that when an ounce of Cod Liver oil was added to the typical Western diet, better pressure readings and lower cholesterol levels followed. When the flavour renders it objectionable to the palate, taste may be masked by stirring briskly into fruit juice.

General. Stop smoking. Watch weight. Moderate exercise. Avoidance of stress by relaxation, yoga, music, etc. These relieve constriction of peripheral blood vessels. Curb temper

Diet. Avoid processed and fast foods high in fat and salt, and empty calories. Cheese and meat sparingly. Eat plenty of natural foods. Positively reject coffee, strong tea and alcohol. “There is a significant drop in plasma Cortisol with a fall in blood pressure after stopping alcohol.” (Dr J.F. Potter, University of Birmingham, England) It is well-documented that a vegetarian diet is associated with a lower blood pressure.

Salt. The association of salt with blood pressure is larger than generally appreciated and increases with age and initial blood pressure. Even a small reduction in salt (3g) may reduce a systolic and diastolic pressure by 5mmHg and 2.5mmHg respectively. All processed foods containing salt should be avoided. Supplementation. Inositol, zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6. (Dr C. Pfeiffer) Vitamin E to improve circulation. Check with practitioner pressure level before starting 200iu increasing to 400iu daily. Magnesium: 300mg daily. Choline.

See: BLOOD PRESSURE. ... hypertension


n. a technique used in the X-ray diagnosis of disease within the skull. Air is introduced into the cavities (ventricles) of the brain to displace the cerebrospinal fluid, thus acting as a *contrast medium. X-ray photographs show the size and disposition of the ventricles and the subarachnoid spaces. The technique has largely been superseded by CT and MRI scanning.... pneumoencephalography


n. (pl. stigmata) 1. a mark that characterizes a particular disease, such as the *café au lait spots characteristic of neurofibromatosis. 2. any spot or lesion on the skin. 3. any condition or disposition that makes a person the subject of moral reproach by society and thus creates a potential barrier to access to health care.... stigma

Basil, French

Ocimum basilicum

FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)

SYNOYNMS Common basil, joy-of-the-mountain, ‘true’ sweet basil, European basil.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A tender annual herb, with very dark green, ovate leaves, greyish-green beneath, an erect square stem up to 60 cms high, bearing whorls of two-lipped greenish or pinky-white flowers. The whole plant has a powerful aromatic scent.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to tropical Asia and Africa, it is now widely cultivated throughout Europe, the Mediterranean region, the Pacific Islands, North and South America. The European, French or ‘true’ sweet basil oil is produced in France, Italy, Egypt, Bulgaria, Hungary and the USA.

OTHER SPECIES: There are many varieties of basil occurring all over the world, used both for their culinary and medicinal applications, such as bush basil (O. minimum), holy basil (O. sanctum), both from India, camphor basil (O. kilimanjaricum) from East Africa (also grown in India), and the fever plant (O. viride) from West Africa. However, there are two principal chemotypes most commonly used for the extraction of essential oil: the so-called ‘French basil’ and the ‘exotic basil’ – see separate entry.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Widely used in Far Eastern medicine especially in the Ayurvedic tradition, where it is called tulsi. It is used for respiratory problems such as bronchitis, coughs, colds, asthma, ’flu and emphysema but is also used as an antidote to poisonous insect or snake bites. It has also been used against epidemics and fever, such as malaria. It improves blood circulation and the digestive system and in China it is used for stomach and kidney ailments.

In the West it is considered a ‘cooling’ herb, and is used for rheumatic pain, irritable skin conditions and for those of a nervous disposition. It is a popular culinary herb, especially in Italy and France.

ACTIONS: Antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cephalic, digestive, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, galactagogue, nervine, prophylactic, restorative, stimulant of adrenal cortex, stomachic, tonic.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the flowering herb.

CHARACTERISTICS: ‘True’ sweet basil oil is a colourless or pale yellow liquid with a light, fresh sweet-spicy scent and balsamic undertone. It blends well with bergamot, clary sage, lime, opopanax, oakmoss, citronella, geranium, hyssop and other ‘green’ notes.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Linalol (40–45 per cent), methyl chavicol (23.8 per cent) and small amounts of eugenol, limonene and citronellol, among others.

SAFETY DATA: Relatively non-toxic, non-irritant, possible sensitization in some individuals. Avoid during pregnancy.


Skin Care: Insect bites (mosquito, wasp), insect repellent.

Circulation, Muscles and Joints: Gout, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism.

Respiratory Syste: Bronchitis, coughs, earache, sinusitis.

Digestive System: Dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea.

Genito-Urinary System: Cramps, scanty periods.

Immune System: Colds, fever, ’flu, infectious disease.

Nervous System: Anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, migraine, nervous tension: ‘Oil of Basil is an excellent, indeed perhaps the best, aromatic nerve tonic. It clears the head, relieves intellectual fatigue, and gives the mind strength and clarity.’8

OTHER USES: The oil is used in soaps, cosmetics and perfumery; it is also used extensively in major food categories, especially savouries.... basil, french

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