The meaning of the symbols of heracleum, lanatum, michx seen in a dream.

Bacopa Monnieri

(Linn.) Penn.

Synonym: Herpestis monnieria (Linn.) H. B. & K. Moniera cuneifolia Michx.

Family: Scrophulariaceae.

Habitat: Throughout the plains of India in damp marshy areas.

English: Thyme-leaved Gratiola.

Ayurvedic: Braahmi, Aindri, Nir- braahmi, Kapotavankaa, Bhaarati, Darduradalaa, Matsyaakshaka, Shaaluraparni, Mandukaparni (also equated with Centella asiatica Linn., synonym Hydrocotyle asiatica Linn. Umbelliferae, Apiaceae).

Unani: Brahmi.

Siddha/Tamil: Piramivazhukkai, Neerbrami.

Folk: Jalaneem, Safed-Chammi.

Action: Adaptogenic, astringent, diuretic, sedative, potent nervine tonic, anti-anxiety agent (improves mental functions, used in insanity, epilepsy), antispasmodic (used in bronchitis, asthma and diarrhoea).

Key application: In psychic disorders and as a brain tonic. (The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India; Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)

B. monnieri has been shown to cause prolonged elevated level of cerebral glutamic acid and a transient increase in GABA level. It is assumed that endogenous increase in brain glutamine maybe helpful in the process oflearn- ing.

The herb contains the alkaloids brahmine, herpestine, and a mixture of three bases. Brahmine is highly toxic; in therapeutic doses it resembles strychnine. The herb also contains the saponins, monnierin, hersaponin, bacosides A and B. Bacosides A and B possess haemolytic activity. Her- saponin is reported to possess car- diotonic and sedative properties. It was found, as in case of reserpene, to deplete nor-adrenaline and 5-HT content of the rat brain.

An alcoholic extract of the plant in a dose of 50 mg/kg produced tranquil- izing effect on albino rats and dogs, but the action was weaker than that produced by chlorpromazine.

Dosage: Whole plant—1-3 g powder. (API Vol. II.)... bacopa monnieri

Hemidictyum Ceterach


Synonym: Ceterach officinarum Willd. Asplenium ceterach L.

Family: Athyriaceae, Polypodiaceae.

Habitat: Western Himalaya, from Kashmir to Garhwal, up to 3,000 m.

Action: Fern—diuretic, astringent; used for diseases of the urinary tract, infirmities of spleen, also for treating jaundice.

The plant contains caffeic acid, neo- hesperidin, kaempferol-3, 7-digluco- side, chlorogenic acid and quercetol- 3-glucoside. The leaves gave methyl esters of the acids—myristic, palmitic,

Synonym: H. nepalense D. Don. H. lanatum Michx.

Family: Umbelliferae; Apiaceae.

Habitat: Chamba, Kulu, Jammu & Kashmir, Bushahr, Garhwal and Kumaon Hills.

English: Cowparsnip.

Folk: Kaindal (Kashmir), Gandhraayana (Garhwal).

Action: Fruit—stimulant, nervine tonic, spasmolytic. Heraclenin (active principle)—hypoprothrom- binaemic.

Essential oil from the fruits is moderately antimicrobial.

Furanocoumarins present in the whole fruit and leaves are psoralen, xanthotoxin and bergapten. Roots also contain furanocoumarins.

The fruits of H. concanense Dalz. contain a coumarin which is effective against dermatophytosis. The fruits of H. regins Wall. ex DC. are used for cough and bronchitis, also for urinary concretions in Siddha medicine. H. thomsoni C. B. Clarke (Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh) also contains a coumarin; the fruit showed nonspecific spasmolytic activity equipotent to papaverine.... hemidictyum ceterach

Hemionites Arifolia

(Burm. f) Moore.

Family: Adiantaceae.

Habitat: Plains and mountains of South India up to 1,200., and in West Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.

English: Mule Fern.

Folk: Raamabaanam (Andhra Pradesh), Chakuliya (Bengal).

Action: Fonds—antibacterial, used in burns and as febrifuge.

Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC.... hemionites arifolia

Cow Parsley, Himalayan

Heracleum brunonis benth, (umbellifera). Contains coumarins. Related to Angelica.

Action. Photosensitiser, antifungal, tuberculostatic. (Journal of Natural Products 1987, 50(5), pp997-8) Uses. Leucoderma. Vitiligo. Reputed fading of coloured areas of skin. ... cow parsley, himalayan


n. an eruption of linear blisters occurring after exposure to light in people who have been in contact with certain plants, such as wild parsnip or cow parsley, to which they are sensitive. A particularly dramatic reaction occurs with giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum). The skin often appears brown as the blisters resolve.... phytophotodermatitis


Bacopa monnieri


San: Brahmi, Sarasvati;

Hin: Barami, Jalnim;

Ben: Boihim-sak;

Mal: Brahmi , Nirbrahmi;

Tam: Nirpirami, Piramiyapundu; Kan, Mar: Nirbrahmi

Importance: Brahmi or Thyme leaved gratiola is an important drug in Ayurveda for the improvement of intelligence and memory and revitalisation of sense organs. It clears voice and improves digestion. It is suggested against dermatosis, anaemia, diabetes, cough, dropsy, fever, arthritis, anorexia, dyspepsia, emaciation, and insanity. It dispels poisonous affections, splenic disorders and impurity of blood. It is useful in vitiated conditions of kapha and vata, biliousness, neuralgia, ascites, flatulence, leprosy, leucoderma, syphilis, sterility and general debility. The whole plant is used in a variety of preparations like Brahmighrtam, Sarasvataristam., Brahmitailam, Misrakasneham, etc. In unani Majun Brahmi is considered as a brain tonic.

Distribution: The plant grows wild on damp places and marshy lands in the major part of the plains of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and other tropical countries.

Botany: Bacopa monnieri (Linn.) Pennell. syn. Monniera cuneifolia Michx., Herpestis monniera (Linn.) H.B. & K. belongs to the family Scrophulariaceae. It is a prostrate, juicy, succulent, glabrous annual herb rooting at the nodes with numerous ascending branches. Leaves are simple, opposite, decussate, sessile, obovate-oblong or spatulate, entire, fleshy, obscurely veined and punctate. Flowers are pale blue or whitish, axillary, solitary, arranged on long slender pedicels. Fruits are ovoid, acute, 2-celled, 2-valved capsules and tipped with style base. Seeds are minute and numerous (Warrier et al, 1993).

Agrotechnology: The plant grows throughout the warm humid tropics upto 1200m elevation. Brahmi gets established well in water logged fields. The plant is propagated vegetatively by stem cuttings. Land is prepared by ploughing 2 or 3 times. Two to three tonnes/ha of cowdung or compost is applied and the field is again ploughed and levelled. Stem cuttings, 10cm long are spread at a spacing of 20cm. Waterlogging to height of 30cm is always required. Rooting may start within 15-20 days. It will spread over the field within 6 months. Regular application of organic manure will take care of the manurial requirement. Weeding once in a month is required. Care should be taken to maintain water level at a height of 30cm during the growth period. No serious pests or diseases are noted in this crop. Harvesting commences from sixth months onwards. Brahmi leaves can be collected once a month. After 3 years, the whole crop is harvested and removed. Fresh cultivation can be carried out in the same field.

Properties and activity: Earlier workers have reported the isolation of the alkaloids brahmine and hespestine and a mixture of 3 alkaloids from the leaves. Mannitol and saponins were reported later. Subsequent work described isolation of some C27, C29, and C31 hydrocarbons and betulic acid from this plant material. A systematic examination has resulted in the isolation and identification of two saponins designated as bacosides A and B. Bacoside A has chemical structure represented as 3-(-L-arabinopyranosyl)-O- - D-glucopyranoside-10, 20-dihydroxy-16-ketodammar-24-ene. The mixture of bacosides A and B on hydrolysis give four sapogenins, glucose and arabinose. The constitution of bacogenin A, has been established as 3 -30-dihydroxy-20(5)-25-epoxy-22-methyl-24-nor-dammar-22-en-16-one. Bacogenin A2 has been shown to be an isomer of bacogenin A, differing in configuration at C-20. Bacogenin A4 has been identified as ebelin lactone.

The plant is reported to have shown barbiturate hypnosis potentiation effect. The plant is anticancerous and improves learning ability. It is used as a tranquilliser. The plant is astringent, bitter, sweet, cooling, laxative, intellect promoting, anodyne, carminative, digestive, antiinflammatory, anticonvulsant, depurative, cardiotonic, bronchodialator, diuretic, emmenagogue, sudorfic, febrifuge and tonic (Basu et al, 1947; Rastogi et al 1960).... brahmi

Larix Griffithiana


Synonym: L. griffithii Hook. f. & Thoms.

Family: Pinaceae.

Habitat: The Himalayas from eastern Nepal to Bhutan at altitudes of 2,400-3,600 m.

English: Himalayan Larch, Sikkim Larch.

Folk: Boargasella, Binyi (Nepal).

Action: Balsam—antiseptic, hypermic.

Key application: Larix decidua Miller—in rheumatic and neuralgic discomforts, catarrhal diseases of the respiratory tract, furuncle (in the form of ointments, gels, emulsions and oils). (German Commission E.)

American Larch is equated with Larix laricina Koch., synonym L. americana Michx. It is known as Tamarac.

European Larch is equated with Lar- ix decidua Miller., synonym L. europea DC., Pinus larix L., Abies larix. It is known as Pine Larch.

The bark of American Larch contains 2-15% tannins. The bark of Larix dedidua is also astringent, balsamic and diuretic. It contains lig- nans; lariciresinol, liovil and secoiso- lariciresinol; 60-80% resins; essential oil, containing alpha- and beta-pinene, limonene, phellandrene, borneol as major constituents.... larix griffithiana

Ulmus Wallichiana


Family: Ulmaceae.

Habitat: The North Western Himalayas.

English: Himalayan Elm. Slippery Elm is equated with Ulmus fulva.

Folk: Hemar, Kitamaara.

Action: Bark—astringent, demulcent, emollient, expectorant, diuretic.

The bark contains 0.76% tannins. Ulmus fulva Michx, though known as Indian or Sweet Elm, is an American plant and does not occur in India.

Powdered bark of Ulmus fulva gives a mucilage, composed of galactose, 3- methyl galactose, rhamnose and galac- turonic acid residues. As a gruel it is prescribed for patients with gastric or duodenal ulcers. Coarse powdered bark is applied as poultice to burns and skin eruptions.

The mucilages cause reflex stimulation of nerve endings in the GI tract and lead to mucous secretion which protects the GI tract against ulceration and excess acidity. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)... ulmus wallichiana

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