The meaning of the symbols of patchoulis seen in a dream.

Pogostemon Patchoulis

Hook. f. non-Pelletier.

Synonym: P. heyneanus Benth.

Family: Labiatae; Lamiaceae.

Habitat: Western Ghats of Karnataka, Kerala and the Nilgiri hills up to 1,800 m.

English: Patchouli.

Ayurvedic: Paachi, Pancholi.

Siddha/Tamil: Kadir Pachai.

Folk: Paanch (Maharashtra), Sugandhi Paanadi (Gujarat).

Action: Leaf—bechic, antiasthmatic. A poultice of leaves is applied to boils and to relieve headache.

The plant gave alpha-pyrone derivatives, pogopyrones A and B; n-octaco- sanol, beta-sitosterol and its glucoside and several flavones. Pogopyrone B exhibited cytotoxic activity.... pogostemon patchoulis

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