The meaning of the symbols of trigone seen in a dream.


This is the triangular basement muscle of the urinary bladder. It differs in structure and nerves from the top of the bladder, the detrusor muscle, which expands as the bladder fills, and contracts during urination under parasympathetic nerve stimulus. The trigone does not expand, is under sympathetic nerve stimulus, and supplies the rigidity and sphincter support for the urethra in front and the ureters in back.... trigone

Trigonella Corniculata


Family: Papilionaceae; Fabaceae.

Habitat: Kashmir to Sikkim, and in Bihar and West Bengal. Cultivated in North India.

Unani: Pirang.

Folk: Kasuri Methi, Maarwaari Methi, Champaa Methi.

Action: Leaves—rich in phosphorus. Fruits—bitter, astringent and styptic. Applied to swellings and bruises.

The seeds afforded ethyl-alpha-D- galactopyranoside, glycoflavones—vi- texin (apigenin-C-glucoside), apige- nin-6-8-di-C-monoglucoside and its monoacetate; also contain triacontane, 22,23-dihydrostigmasterol, choline and betaine; saponins on hydrolysis gave yuccagenin and diosgenin.... trigonella corniculata

Trigonella Foenum-graecum


Family: Papilionaceae; Fabaceae.

Habitat: Widely cultivated in many parts of India.

English: Fenugreek.

Ayurvedic: Methikaa, Methi, Vastikaa, Selu, Methini, Dipani, Bahupatrikaa, Bodhaini, Gand- haphala.

Unani: Hulbaa, Methi.

Siddha/Tamil: Vendhayam.

Action: Seeds—used in loss of appetite, flatulence, dyspepsia, colic; diarrhoea, dysentery; enlargement of liver and spleen; and as a lactagogue and puerperal tonic.

Key application: German Commission E reported secretolytic, hypermic and mild antiseptic activity of the seed. The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia reported its actions as demulcent and hy- poglycaemic. ESCOP and WHO monographs indicate the use of seeds in adjuvant therapy for diabetes mellitus, anorexia, also in hypercholesterolemia.

The seeds gave alkaloids, including trigonelline, gentianine and carpaine; saponins, based mainly on the sa- pogenins, diosgenin and its isomer yamogenin, gitogenin and tigogenin; flavonoids, including vitexin and its glycosides and esters and luteolin; a volatile oil in small quantities. The mucilage (25-30%) is mostly a galac- tomannan.

A C-steroidal sapogenin peptide ester, fenugreekine, exhibited hypogly- caemic activity.

About 80% of the total content of free amino acids in the seeds is present as 4-hydroxyisoleucine, which appears to directly stimulate insulin. (Eur J Pharmacol, 390, 2000; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

Saponin rich extracts reduce blood levels of the cholesterol. The fibrous fraction of seeds also causes a reduction in blood lipids.

The aqueous extract is demulcent, promoted healing of gastric ulcers produced experimentally in rats and exhibited a smooth muscle relaxing effect in rabbits without affecting either the heart or blood pressure.

Fenugreek has been reported to stimulate the liver microsomal cy- tochrome P450 dependent aryl hy- droxylase and cytochrome b5 in rats; increased bile secretion has also been observed.

Fenugreek extract containing trigo- nelline and trigonellic acid maybe used as a hair growth stimulant.

Dosage: Seed—3-5 g powder. (CCRAS.)... trigonella foenum-graecum

Trigonella Incisa


Synonym: T. polycerata auct. non L.

Family: Papillionaceae; Fabaceae.

Habitat: Punjab plains and Western Himalaya, up to 1,800 m.

Folk: Sainji, Chini, Shirgona (Punjab), Chainhari (Delhi), Methi (related species).

Action: Seeds—antidiarrhoeic.

Aerial parts and pods contain steroidal sapogenins—diosgenin 0.04, 0.25; and tigogenin 0.008, 0.18% respectively.

Various plant parts and tissues in culture contain flavonoids, the major being luteolin, besides kaempferol, quercetin and apigenin.... trigonella incisa

Trigonella Uncata


Family: Papilionaceae, Fabaceae.

Habitat: Afghanistan, Persia.

English: Tonkin Bean, Melilot, King's Crown.

Unani: Iklil-ul-Malik (also equated with Melilotus alba Desv., and Astragalus homosus Linn.).

Folk: Sainji (white-flowered var.).

Action: Beans—anti-inflammatory, anodyne, diuretic, emmenagogue. (Indian species, bearing smaller beans, has been equated with Trigonella corniculata and is known as Pirang.)... trigonella uncata

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